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FTorrez81 OP t1_it1z2si wrote

I had the phone for about a week when I was involved in a T-bone crash that left me momentarily unconscious and disoriented. The phone detected the crash and automatically called 911 on my behalf.

What I also didn’t realize is that it sent out automated texts to my emergency contacts (one of whom is my mom) with my location info included.

This is how she was able to find out which hospital I was taken to. I was unable to call her and tell her.

This is honestly an amazing feature. I love it.


starsandbribes t1_it20qvg wrote

When it calls 911 and you’re out of it so can’t speak, what happens? Do they just treat it as a typical dial or does the response centre know its automated and get a location from Apple? I don’t know why but I always forget emergency services are like more technologically advanced now, i’m always imagining just people answering phones in a big room with no commuters as if its the 80’s.


_l_e_x_ t1_it21725 wrote

As far as I know the device that automatically calls, no matter if iPhone caused by Crash Detection or Apple Watch because of either Crash or Fall Detection, will read an automated message saying that a crash/fall was detected and that the owner of the device is not responding, it will also iirc tell the time of the incident and read the coordinates.


Yo_2T t1_it21n9o wrote

There was a real world incident a few weeks ago:

And this is from Apple's documentation:

> When your device makes this automatic call, it plays a looped audio message to emergency responders and out loud over your device speakers. This message informs emergency services that your Apple device detected a severe car crash and that you're unresponsive. It also shares your estimated latitude and longitude coordinates with a search radius.


zerbey t1_it21qo3 wrote

Well that sucks, but I'm glad you're OK.


Morning_Mitsuki t1_it24c6o wrote

I guess whatever the phone cost you was probably worth it. Have a safe future


tandem_biscuit t1_it24mxj wrote

i stacked my push bike about 18 months ago and my apple watch tried calling emergency services. I broke my wrist but was otherwise okay, and managed to cancel the call before it happened, but i can also confirm that fall detection works.


xektor17 t1_it25epu wrote

That is a scary text to get but glad to know the feature is working as intended and that you’re okay!


[deleted] t1_it2dfmq wrote

Glad you are OK OP! This is really an incredible feature.


camaro19ss t1_it2dox1 wrote

Depends on the area. Some are still using older CAD systems. But most are fairly up to date. When a 911 call is made from a cell phone the emergency dispatcher can see at minimum the caller ID and associated address, and tower triangulated approximate location. It’s been some time since I have seen or been involved with a 911 center so I cannot speak to the latest and greatest, but even without the long and lat provided by the iPhone in these automated call situations the 911 center would still know the appropriate location of the call.


99blkgst t1_it2h8iu wrote

Our local emergency services use RapidSOS which will give a live GPS location of a device that calls 911 (if it is a newer phone with GPS capabilities). It’s pretty cool to watch it work and will show movement live on a map. Really helps narrow down an area from a large radius given by triangulated cell towers to “it’s showing near the northwest corner of the building”.


camaro19ss t1_it2iefr wrote

Yeah I figured there was better systems out there by now. Last time I was in a 911 center was 2001 in a rural county south of DC area. They had just upgraded their system and to a joint communications center for the sheriffs, county fire-rescue, town PD, and town fire-rescue.


Shloomth t1_it2ivd2 wrote

As soon as they announced crash detection I knew the apple subreddits would get swamped with “heh, guess what guys, crash detection works” and pictures of wrecked vehicles or whatnot.

I’m glad you’re ok


Skylantech t1_it2jk6d wrote

I never knew that it would send periodic updates about your location. That's actually pretty sweet and definitely will most certainly provide me with some peace of mind in the event of an emergency which I hope never happens. -Knocks on wood-


Glad you're doing well and could share OP!


phaze08 t1_it2lyrh wrote

I heard this was going off on roller coasters, etc


Johnson_boomoo t1_it2lzfl wrote

post by iPhone11?

Did you iPhone broken in the crash?


Muffstic t1_it2uv2d wrote

Does it ask if you're ok like this, or does it just automatically call? If it calls without asking then that's pretty bad for false alarms.


MobiusTech t1_it2wyxm wrote

When it calls 911 on your behalf does Siri talk to the dispatcher? Or is the dispatcher waiting for you to wake up from being unconscious to answer her?


congowarrior t1_it2x5dd wrote

Sounds great. I never want to use it


HumanChess111 t1_it2x5fw wrote

You can now be part of the "Dear Tim" apple keynote .

Dear Tim, though I'm writing you from heaven, I can assure you Crash Detection available on ios16 and later was able to notify my loved ones of my exact time of death. It is a feature that everyone can appreciate it.



JK, glad you're ok!


GRMI45 t1_it2xww5 wrote

I'd be pissed if my phone started broadcasting all my business like This is not what emergency contacts are for.


Amazing_Trace t1_it2y4tm wrote

is this the emergency contact in your apple health app or...?

My dad is a very very distracted driver but he won't listen to us or take care of his health so I bought him an iphone 14 pro and the new watch so we could monitor stuff like this. What do I need to do on his phone that we would be informed in case of a fall or crash not just emergency services?


Creepy_Chipmunk2353 t1_it2zc08 wrote

go to phone app, then select «contacts” tab, then find someone you would like to add as an emergency contact, click his name, scroll down and at the bottom you will see an option “add as an emergency contact”


Davideer t1_it2zh5w wrote

Yes, go to health app, click the profile icon in top right of screen on main page. Click Medical ID, then EDIT, then add emergency contacts. You can also add his health information for first responders to see (medications, blood type, allergies, etc.)


Logical-Sun-435 t1_it317lr wrote

Would crash detection still work if the phone wasn’t mounted?


NathanEmory t1_it319h2 wrote

Okay but hear me out. You get in a small fender bender and don't want to deal with insurance and raise your premium so you make a deal with whoever was involved, but TOO LATE the police show up to write a report and now your insurance is notified without warning


FTorrez81 OP t1_it32kz0 wrote

Yeah I forgot to mention that part! It sent out updates and ultimately the last update was when I was at the hospital and that’s how she was able to find me.

Thank you! I was pretty banged up, but I’m doing better and will make a full recovery


VelaLaunda t1_it342km wrote

Recover fast and drive safer (if you were) in future buddy!


OmeletteAuFromage13 t1_it3b8od wrote

A lot of moms gonna shit themselves with those texts lol, but glad you’re safe and it’s working well


MarxzNW t1_it3ch2q wrote

Takes me wonder why this only works in us?


flylysergic t1_it3daom wrote

This is gonna suck for the people that do hit and runs lol


Shloomth t1_it3ecxk wrote

This is what the internet does to people. It makes you want to put them in boxes so you don’t have to actually consider the substance of what they’ve said and you can just pile on the hate as if there isn’t another real person behind the other keyboard.

Go to hell.


nimajneb t1_it3el3u wrote

I was wondering how it works. I was guessing more like how I think OnStar works where the vehicles calls OnStar and they call 911 manually. I think that's how that works at least.


Ok_Substance_1560 t1_it3fi32 wrote

You boxed yourself in when you made a predictable and asinine comment when you could have just skipped along. It’s clear that you’re desperate for attention but you won’t be receiving any more of MINE. I know you’ll reply anyway but I have silenced this conversation and thought you should know. Good day!


Gnisha t1_it3jw7n wrote

First Responders will not be checking your phone to see your medications, blood type, etc. It just wont happen. They don't have time.


Davideer t1_it3k9kk wrote

You can enable “share during emergency call” and your phone will automatically send the information to emergency services.

They could potentially have the information before they even arrive


Alvpin t1_it3omqd wrote

Are you aware that the internals of the iPhone 14 Pro have been updated to allow this kind of technology? Like the accelerometer, gyroscope and even more precise GPS to better calculate the changes produced by the impact in an accident event.

Chances are older iPhones wouldn't be precise enough.


Manderrin t1_it3r2oa wrote

This might be a really dumb question, but does the phone automatically give the 911 operator a recorded accident message or is it just silence on the end of the line from the person that crashed? I’m genuinely interested


DogeBuysCyberTrucks t1_it3rcog wrote


(Hope you’re alright, bud. 👌🏼)


Messiah_Knight t1_it3xr12 wrote

Yeah. People have been answering this a lot unfortunately


Unharmful_Truths t1_it41f2q wrote

To be clear, I'm not trying to be a dick. I mean, if you're involved in a crash and the phone takes some of the impact would this feature still work?

I have suggested that ALL my friends that ride their bicycles off road get a tiny little device that clips onto their helmet that will alert people in case they crash. Similar in that it gives a location and what not.


Shloomth t1_it4gco3 wrote

I seriously don’t understand this antagonistic attitude I’ve been getting in here. Literally all I said was that I correctly predicted the influx of car crash content on an apple subreddit and people are acting like I said “fuck you people and your car crashes I don’t give a fuck,” which was not the original sentiment. Then I got a snarky comment saying I could’ve just scrolled past and not left a snarky comment, and then when I point out the hypocrisy in that interaction, I’m somehow in the wrong.

Please, somebody explain how I’m retarded and this whole exchange was me being disrespectful to car crash victims, and actually explain how that works, instead of just saying it


Lil_Bo_ t1_it4h6yb wrote

It does work outside of US as well. Tested this by myself some weeks ago. What you mean is the satelite emergency call, which is not connected with crash detection.


HydroponicGirrafe t1_it4jvlw wrote

It plays an automated message with your location in Lat. and Long. It loops this a few times for emergency services to get the location and respond. I wonder if more rural responders got this they would treat it as seriously as a person calling.


iLied69 t1_it4ldee wrote

honestly might upgrade


cringes-orange t1_it4n8mj wrote

It’s amazing, but I heard there’s a bug where it’s doing this when people ride roller coasters with their iPhone 14s. So it’s amazing but still has a few quirks unfortunately. But I’m sure they can fix these bugs in time.

Mac Rumors


Lil_Bo_ t1_it4p7vw wrote

That was not intentionally at all, quite a stupid driving mistake of mine. It was quite painful and will stay quite uncomfortable for a couple of weeks 🤷🏻‍♂️ But now I know what happens in a case of an emergency and would recommend everyone to get a Watch.


Alvpin t1_it4rpol wrote

If you are conscious enough to think about not wanting the insurance involved, then you are also conscious enough to hit the button and stop the countdown before the call is made.

If in the other hand you are NOT conscious, you'll be thankful that emergency services and police are called; and the insurance stuff will be the least of your problems.


XogoDaFox t1_it4z35t wrote

I can vouch for this working super well. 😃👍


DonTechnico t1_it4zrr0 wrote

Ok yeah removing my mom from my emergency contacts, text like this might kill her


Keep-Left t1_it5j5dn wrote

the next iPhone feature you could try is Apple Maps Public Transport feature for helping you find the best routes in the future 😉

PS. has your mom considered getting an iPhone?


chestertonfence t1_it5lusf wrote

5:15am, not a great time to be driving if you can help it

Glad you’re OK!


conradhiiii t1_it5q41o wrote

It can be a cool feature, but is it actually that accurate(?) I’ve seen many videos of the feature being tested out, but it didn’t seem to work as planned. Don’t get me wrong, it still seems like a cool feature to have, and I like what Apple is trying to do for safety.


JoltyJob t1_it5s364 wrote

How does it work? How does it distinguish from bad drops, shaking, etc?


moondust574 t1_it5yz6w wrote

>We do have time. We will be checking. We do check. Please fill in the emergency information on your cell phones

Honestly for some people they will be checking. Older people, super young people, people with suspected conditions, there are all sorts of cases where this information can be utilized.


fakeitilyamakeit t1_it61363 wrote

So it sent an update to your mom 8 days after the accident too?

Why does the date say 10/20/22


Leaked99 t1_it64ppp wrote

Is this for the newest iPhone or how’s it work? Looks to be a great feature


dmist24 t1_it6a46p wrote

Hmm. Something came up to my mind while reading the comments. I know the crash detection was a car crash feature, but do you think this would happen too on an airplane crash? At least if the plane did not blow up and the iphone is still able to work properly and even under water (as it is somehow water resistant) could send emergency satellite SOS? A crash feature plus SOS text satellite feature both together? I believe for now they are two separate features. Imagine if we have this technology back when Malaysia Airlines MH370 happened, it would probably help solved the mystery back then if some passengers have this kind of feature on their phone?


Spirited_Tip7258 t1_it6icfi wrote

Hope you’re okay, OP. I recommend getting a PI lawyer. I was in a t-bone accident last year: concussion, migraines, numbness to fingers and loss of motion to my arm. I’m finally getting shoulder surgery after 6 months of PT. Best of luck!


Frognificent t1_it6ifc9 wrote

Boutta say, if I’m ever fucked up and unable to talk and no one’s immediately there to tell doctors shit, they gotta check my emergency information - best case they think I’m just a junkie hopped up on amphetamines, worst case they accidentally fuckin’ kill me. ADHD and penicillin allergy. You can bet your ass I got that in my emergency info.


velaba t1_it6m1l4 wrote

Wouldn’t it be funny if it wasn’t compatible with sms texts


Zayafyre t1_it6qtit wrote

I bet that scared the crap out of mom.


Administratr t1_it6vk73 wrote

“Hold on I gotta get a screenshot for that sweet Reddit karma”.


catsloveart t1_it71atb wrote

a number of manufacturer of safety equipment do that. sometimes they just give you a free replacement.

for example ACR Resqlink makers of PLB for boaters has such a program. they use your testimonial for advertising.

a number of helmet manufacturers for skaters and bikers just give you a replacement helmet if yours was damaged in a crash. no testimonial needed.

for a time an automatic helmet airbag maker Hovdig had just supplied you a recharge kit if you were in an accident.

its not unheard of practice. but it seems like you didn’t know of it.

now i admit i don’t know if apple does this. but the nice thing to do is to suggest the possibility, to inquire with apple. especially since they do use people’s testimonials where they were saved because of the crash detection feature of the apple watch.


GRMI45 t1_it75dyy wrote

For emergency responders to have a number to call in case of emergency...not for your smartphone to text a bunch of people saying where and when it thinks there was a crash, which in itself is NOT an emergency...the apple bootlicking is strong in here lmao. I dont need my iphone telling people shit about me or where i'm at without permission...i guess i either turn it off or get rid of my EC's


DougK76 t1_it7qb0z wrote

I knew someone at a 911 dispatch center in Georgia. They had someone calling about an intruder in their house, they’re hiding in a closet, etc, and gave the address. But! They had recently upgraded to e911 services, and they were able to see that the person was 5 miles from the address, in a different house, and asked them about that. They hung up after that. It was a college town, and they frequently got fake calls. It’s accurate enough that the dispatcher could see the person pacing in their actual location.


glauberlima t1_ita3wf4 wrote

I’m glad you are okay.

Too bad this is the kind of feature that probably will never work here in Brazil.


tta82 t1_itbbl8a wrote

Ok 1. Why do you think the phone is even damaged? 2. Do you think Apple didn’t test this for years before it went to market? 3. They do not want to “brag” about harm coming to people. That’s even clear from their advertisement where they constantly say we hope you never use this feature. 4. Apple is NOT a safety gear manufacturer and therefore you will NOT get a new phone when you crash with your car. Lol. Just think about it for a moment how ridiculous that is. Just get Apple Care+ and be done with it.


catsloveart t1_itbru39 wrote

meh. seems like you just want to argue over nothing.

do you need a little validation? or a hug? its probably a hug.

so here goes.

you have value cause you are a human being.

and here is my offer of a hug



this is you before

( ಠ_ಠ)

this is you, your after the validation and hug

( ಠᴗಠ)

now that you feel better. may there rest of your day be full of fun, cheer, and candy.



tta82 t1_itbrz9s wrote

Lol. I don’t know what’s wrong with my simple POV that it’s not a smart advice you offered in the first place and provided sound reasoning.

Here is a hug for you 🤗