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Hangry_Heart t1_j2c9j6o wrote

Nice shot! Looks like a Cooper's hawk to me based on the size.


njkid30 t1_j2ce5oi wrote

Definitely some variety of hawk, have seen redtails all over the state. If you are into raptors, I often seen peregrine falcons chasing pigeons by the power house.


yethica t1_j2cecm6 wrote

That is likely a red tailed hawk. Those spots on the breast tend to be more reddish with adult Coopers. Also, red tailed hawks are pretty common this time of year. Great shot!


oldadaminnj t1_j2ckuqx wrote

Rough-legged Hawk.

It's that time of year.


bubonis t1_j2coc1h wrote

I’m going with peregrine falcon which are very common in the area. Definitely not a red tailed hawk (wrong color, wrong markings) and 90% sure it’s not a Cooper’s hawk (head markings don’t look right).


djn24 t1_j2djqpn wrote

Brown cheeks, white throat, brown/red tail. It's clearly a red-tailed hawk.

Peregrines have white cheeks with malar stripes, stripes from neck to tail on their underside, and a dark tail.

OP, was this bird bigger than a crow? If so, then it was definitely a red-tailed hawk.


ManchurianPandaDate t1_j2dk0es wrote

That birds name is actually Hudson Hawk and it’s famous, ok. Look it up. Played by Bruce Willy


picklesnpeaches t1_j2dk1pg wrote

This is 100% a Red-tailed Hawk. Notice the band on their belly, that's a dead giveaway. Also, not all do, but this one has a red tail. Look at the tail feathers, you can see that they are a reddish color in contrast to the dark brown on the rest of its body.

Next time, I suggest posting in r/whatsthisbird, you might have more consistent answers :) Very neat find!


vincentvondoom t1_j2dk27t wrote

It’s a juvenile red-tailed hawk. Download Merlin, it’s a great way to ID birds.


djn24 t1_j2dkv52 wrote

That eliminates falcon then. Fully grown adult peregrines are close in size to adult crows.

If the coloration on this bird was brown (can be hard to tell in a picture), then I'm pretty confident it's a red-tailed hawk.


picklesnpeaches t1_j2dlqp9 wrote

I know! I'm always relieved to see the red tail because that gives me less work, haha. But the belly band is also present in juveniles, which don't have their namesake red tails yet, which is why I like to point out that detail.


NachoFries2020 t1_j2dr6eh wrote

Definitely a hawk. They like to eat pigeons and rats.

Very cool!


jayjayblue101 t1_j2drmv8 wrote

One of these flew buy me very fast on a glide and the sound it made going through the air has been ingraved in my brain, crazy sound


lucidrevolution t1_j2e5ejd wrote

Agreed here, long term JC resident and can confirm we have a few really nice raptors hanging around... I see a Red Tailed Hawk once in while near JSQ area, sometimes near the courthouse, really amazing to see in flight.


CJ_Be_Careful t1_j2ebnyl wrote

That bastard has been ripping heads off pigeons and leaving them on my patio all year!