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Burger-King-Covid OP t1_jc5vfcr wrote

I’ll start it off by saying that in Claremont Snow is coming down wet and heavy now and is starting to accumulate on surfaces including trees. The only surfaces that are not having snow stick to it yet are paved surfaces. Also power seems to be in good shape over here as we have less then an inch of snow so far.


No1_Nozits_Me t1_jc5yvuc wrote

Snowing pretty steadily in the Plymouth area. I haven't been outside yet, so I don't know if it's wet and heavy or light and fluffy.

Edit: Just looked outside, and it looks like we only have a couple inches right now (4 am).


RobynZombie t1_jc5z6w6 wrote

Just started to snow about 30min ago in Hudson


eyehunt2 t1_jc60w2g wrote

Raining hard in Newfields/ Newmarket has been since 8 pm last night


JackSteele33 t1_jc61pgg wrote

Over 8 inches on the ground right now in New Ipswich (Monadnock region)


Discussion_Murky t1_jc62846 wrote

Snow started in Brookline around 9 last night. Couple inches on the ground now, looks very heavy on branches. Power has been out for an hour. No wind yet.


CBKritter t1_jc629e1 wrote

At a truck stop in Bow, it's just looks like it's all rain at the moment


smartest_kobold t1_jc62fze wrote

There's this guy with scales riding around on a black horse. He's charging outrageous prices for groceries.


Dark_Azazel t1_jc63mtc wrote

Plaistow. So far just very windy and a lot of rain. I heard it'll start snowing at lunch time, we'll have to see how that goes.

Update. Started snowing before I left for work (definitely not lunch time) and ended up turning around.


saxximus t1_jc63ytn wrote

Rain and very very light flakes in Wolfeboro. No accumulation on the ground.....walked out 5:22am


draggar t1_jc64ora wrote

Wolfeboro area - heavy snow, some wind. Snow intensity is off and on, about 1 inch so far. It also rained a bit last night.


[deleted] t1_jc66gde wrote

Southern Vermont; super heavy, lost power at 2 am, got it back, lost it again.

Edit: and it’s back!


IAcadianI t1_jc67aii wrote

Getting some decent wind, only about 1/2 an inch of snow in the tilton area so far.


Sweet-Palpitation473 t1_jc67i9k wrote

Just rain in Concord right now :( which I don't get, every radar I see I should be seeing snow, weather app says it's snowing...


jwd673 t1_jc67pq8 wrote

Snowing hard in Strafford


tombradyisgod_12 t1_jc68z20 wrote

2 miles from Gunstock in Gilford and it looks like about 4” of wet snow.


Appropriate_Beat_335 t1_jc69ph7 wrote

Power out in Peterborough. Heavy wet snow. Trees look like the stuff of nightmares. Staying in bed.


tylermm03 t1_jc6a3d2 wrote

It’s snowing here in Derry, it looks like light fluffy stuff but it’s falling steadily. I’m a little sad my school in Mass hasn’t cancelled, I was really hoping for a cancellation based on yesterday’s SHIT report from the Hillbilly Weatherman.


smallvillechef t1_jc6a40p wrote

Franconia/Littleton, north of the notch. No rain, Just started snowing at 5:30. coming in fluffy flurries and waves of heavy wetter stuff. 29* falling barometer. Shit driving, I'm due to stand around at a ski race today, bundling up for a windy, wet day.


overdoing_it t1_jc6a9za wrote

Pittsfield heavy and wet snow, about an inch so far. Shoveling left a slippery layer of slush behind.


shortieXV t1_jc6apae wrote

Manchester it seems very wet so far. Foggy. Some covering but slush.


FuckM3Tendr t1_jc6apa6 wrote

Rochester/Gonic area, wet snow starting to stick to the ground. So far not a lot of buildup on surfaces


Serenla87 t1_jc6aunp wrote

In Concord it's a mess of ice and snow on the roads.


ihaveatrophywife t1_jc6b62r wrote

Snowing hard and wind is picking up. Snow is heavy and wet. Have about 5 inches.


Gozii55 t1_jc6bw8u wrote

Too early, will get most of the heavy stuff through the day.


Electrical_Shop_9879 t1_jc6c8by wrote

Peterborough area. Heavy wet snow. About 10 inches. Power out all around. Lots of branches down in yard 😩


bxtchtitz t1_jc6cnjv wrote

Maybe an inch out here in Raymond so far


Dekkars t1_jc6cyvv wrote

Alton. Mostly rainy snow with barely any accumulation so far.


Annuate t1_jc6d6vj wrote

Snowing decent and it's starting to get windy here. A large limb of a tree snapped off and the top hit the metal roof of my deck, waking me up. Luckily I think the damage is just superficial to my deck but will need to check it out closer when the weather clears up. Guess I should do some more tree trimming this spring/summer.


Spacemn5piff t1_jc6du1t wrote

Light coating in downtown Concord area so far. Rained most of the night.


Pizzaloverfor t1_jc6dvcu wrote

Dumping in the north end of Manchester. Seems to have turned over around 5 or 6.


SRTie4k t1_jc6e61m wrote

Just up the road in Dublin, we lost power at 5 but it's back on now. 12 inches here already. This shit is insanely heavy, though. Heavier than the last few dumps, which were also heavy wet snow. I've already had to cut one tree down.

Gonna be a fun cleanup tomorrow.

Edit Lost power again at 8:30AM, on the gen again. Snow looks to be around 16" as of 9AM.


Coffee-and-Unicorns t1_jc6f1pw wrote

New Boston here. Power is out and we have like 10” of heavy snow so far. Supposed to get like 24” today. Been heavy snowing since 10pm


ripper522 t1_jc6frdd wrote

Seacoast inland (Roch/Somersworth) we had rain until about quarter of 5 AM today and then it swapped over to wet fluffy shit. It's sticking pretty well to trees, no wind yet but it's still early.


wjethree t1_jc6ga05 wrote

Power just went out here in Nashua. 2-3 inches of wet snow. Blustery wind occasionally.


FADEBEEF t1_jc6gj34 wrote

Raymond area, just woke up. Looks like there's already a good 5-6 inches, wet and heavy. Still got power though. Hoping it stays that way.


goodwilhuntingseason t1_jc6glgq wrote

Exeter area, has been mostly rain to this point but just now turning to thick snow.


Truthislife13 t1_jc6h8mw wrote

The power just went out in this part of Merrimack.


scajjr29 t1_jc6hmze wrote

Kingston here. Rained all night, started turning to a snow/rain mix when I got up at 7, now just after 8 it's a light steady snow. Not much wind yet.


redditthrower888999 t1_jc6holm wrote

In Hampstead I think it switched over sometime between 4-5AM I think. Came down pretty steady and hard. Looks like it'll be some decent accumulation. Don't know about the forecasted amounts but looks like heavy stuff.


MommaGuy t1_jc6i3jm wrote

Heavy wet snow southern Litchfield


GraniteGeekNH t1_jc6i4l7 wrote

Very wet snow (4.5-1 water ratio) as of 8 a.m. in the Souhegan Valley - temp right around 32F


Snoo-22663 t1_jc6iyxw wrote

Roads greasy and nearly caused an accident in lisbon 4 inches maybe


ShireSkiBum t1_jc6jjl0 wrote

I haven't seen much up here. Maybe 2-3 inches over night.


DinoHimself t1_jc6kqwk wrote

Just drove from Keene to Brattleboro. Chesterfield hill is as nasty as always, and “UNFI Hill” is also pretty greasy. Heavy wet shit-snow that’s going to slush up the roads no matter how often they plow or salt it. Stay safe out there!


ClitYeastWood1337 t1_jc6l7mf wrote

Winter-ey mix in Portsmouth. It’s almost coming down horizontal due to the wind


quiguy87 t1_jc6lao7 wrote

Merrimack -- heavy wet snow and coming down hard. 4-5" so far. Plants and trees groaning under the weight, but no wind and power is still on.


NotARobotDefACyborg t1_jc6m1m7 wrote

Concord, snow coming down pretty fast. Didn't start until after 3am, and was mixed with rain for most of the first hour - might still be, going on what I'm hearing outside. Pasty slush on the roads, heavy wet stuff on trees. Plows are running. Probably have a few inches across the end of my driveway by now. That $60 hand plow has more than paid for itself already.


blogthisisyours t1_jc6mzy7 wrote

8 - 10 inches on the ground and trees cracking everywhere in the woods of New Boston


basementfrog42 t1_jc6n4t8 wrote

heavy snow in the dover area. wasn’t expecting snow, honestly thought it would be rain


superman154m t1_jc6ntpx wrote

Nb born and raised. My dad still lives there. Anyone in nb knows storms like this always hit nb harder than g town or Milford due to the valley. We guessed 20-25 last night. The tractor will be getting a workout moving snow today!


movdqa t1_jc6numv wrote

5 inches of heavy wet snow in Merrimack. I cleared the driveway and one car about 30 minutes ago and am back in for a cup of coffee. I will go out and do the roof and the driveway again when I finish my coffee. I like to do a little at a time multiple times. No wind which is a surprise as I heard that we were expecting a lot of it. Heading for the gym after shoveling.


superman154m t1_jc6nxdl wrote

Dumping in dover. Started snowing around 6 am. My guess is 2-3 inches now. Wet heavy bs snow. The kind no one likes to play in.


LagerVsAle t1_jc6qx8f wrote

Here on top of Pat's Peak in Henniker, I've got about 10" on the ground and can barely see my shed it's coming down so heavy.


Vertex138 t1_jc6r70m wrote

A lot of the area around Peterborough and Hillsborough don't have power. The area around Milford and Wilton seems to. It's really damn heavy, and it's super slushy to walk on. There's pools of water forming in dips and potholes in the roads, hiding underneath the snow.


Ganonsfoot t1_jc6t2tc wrote

Looks pretty bad outside here in Derry. Looks like heavy wet snow. Bad enough that my son's daycare that rarely ever closes closed today so I'm home with my kid playing with a train set. Pretty good day so far!


Fumanachoo t1_jc6tao5 wrote

Heavy snow in Barrington, non-stop since around 3 or 4 AM.


ChadwicktheCrab t1_jc6uebq wrote

Wet snow all over the trees in Derry. Power has fluttered a little bit hasn't gone out yet. I always lose power on my street but I invested in a standby propane gen years ago. We lost power every storm so far so who knows.


trolllord45 t1_jc6un0r wrote

Rain overnight turned into snow early this morning in Dover. Maybe 4-6 accumulated so far. Haven’t been outside but it looks heavy and wet


Sufficient_Box2538 t1_jc6voys wrote

Heavy, wet snow in Derry and the lights have flickered several times but so far stayed on.


_borT t1_jc6vzmz wrote

Heavy wet snow in northern Nashua here. Probably 6 inches and still coming hard. (That’s what she said)


MasterPhart t1_jc6ys50 wrote

Manchester here, it's coming down hard and powers been out for a couple hours


fighting_gopher t1_jc6yw6t wrote

I’d say five inches in the Salem/Derry/Windham area (according to the snow piled on my deck)

Haven’t been outside but it looks wet/heavy


Maleficent-Pear8248 t1_jc6z7ni wrote

SE NH here...heavy, wet snow. Power went out a little more than an hour ago. Currently sitting at a starbucks.


winnipesauke t1_jc701ol wrote

Power just went out on the Wolfeboro-Alton town line. We’ve got maybe three inches on the ground and the trees are bowing.


Craptastick68 t1_jc70s68 wrote

Heavy wet mess. This is going to be a bitch to shovel. Coming down like crazy.


bruinsfan64 t1_jc72zql wrote

Snow in Laconia, but roads still just wet.


liss_up t1_jc73cbq wrote

In Walpole, heavy wet snow and we have no power.


gmcgath t1_jc7b39w wrote

Heavy and wet in Plaistow earlier this morning. It's looking more like normal snow now.


[deleted] t1_jc7mqtk wrote

Pretty wet and heavy snow in Auburn.

Power went put around 10:30ish.

Thankfully we have a wood stove since our generator isn't currently on (trying to figure out a minor issue with it).

Power bank is fully charged and thankfully we have a gas stove for cooking and turning snow into boiled water for things like cleaning and stuff.

Stay safe y'all!


SheenPSU t1_jc7qki9 wrote

Got about a foot. First half was very heavy, now it’s nice and fluffy


pointwelltaken t1_jc7qtem wrote

What looks like white fluffy snow here in Keene turns to heavy slush once it hits the ground. No power loss and looks to be maybe 2-3 inches accumulated so far.


gr8bacon t1_jc7r1tp wrote

NHMS Racetrack area checking in - been coming down slow, steady, & wet since about 830 am. Approx 4-6" by now?

A few gusts of wind here & there, but power's still on (finggies crossed).

Edit: no idea of how the roads are since I haven't left the house today =\ haha


greenglasstree t1_jc86whw wrote

Big snowflakes. Like really big. Big enough to maybe eat the smaller snowflakes.


BranzillaThrilla t1_jc8lml7 wrote

East Wakefield. Wicked windy. Almost 2 feet of fluffy white fake looking snow. Not looking forward to shoveling