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kittyglitther t1_itipzcp wrote

Finally stepping up their Halloween decor.


friendfromjersey t1_itiqhrz wrote

What exactly would you do with that if you bought it?


Jsmith0730 t1_itiqlox wrote

Getting Final Destination vibes here.


FineDrapery OP t1_itirdr9 wrote

I foolishly didn’t ask the employee if it was on sale. I’m not a fishmonger but I’m pretty sure the biggest use for fish heads is using them to make stews/soups. Given that this is probably a bit too big to fit in any reasonably sized pot, can’t imagine what it’s use would be. If I were more talented, I would take it home and forge a bone sword that I’d use to mow down Pennsylvanians that like to make fun of us.


Sivallye t1_itiw6kj wrote

They’re just Vibin


JudyLyonz t1_itixnob wrote

Yeah, see this is why I stay they hell away from the seafood area. That is the stuff of my nightmares. Which ShopRite was this in?


FineDrapery OP t1_itiyohm wrote

Haha. Maybe your Philadelphians would show courage, but I doubt the rest of you would on account that you all have to come to the Jersey shore just to see what an ocean is, so I doubt half of you even know what a fish looks like let alone one with a damn sword built into it. I see your Pennsylvania Walmarts with assault rifles and crossbows, and raise our New Jersey ShopRite Swordfish in response.


pepperman7 t1_itj11qi wrote

Attention Shoprite customers, now on sale in our fresh seafood department....


scubastefon t1_itj2n9e wrote

Seems like a bit of a liability…


phoenix823 t1_itjac78 wrote

Oh that's just Frank, he smokes a ton of weed on Sundays and just enjoys people watching from his ice bucket.


emmgdac t1_itje56y wrote

Yikes wtf? Lmao where is this?


NiceGuyMike t1_itjng69 wrote

Attention Shoppers, great savings in the fish department. Please, no seriously DO NOT RUN!


Brachinus t1_itjqgf3 wrote

I saw it too, thought it was fake decor at first until I noticed that it was on ice, and the ice was a little pinkish colored.

And that's the tail sticking out of the ice next to it (to the right in the pic).


mods_are____ t1_itjvkfd wrote

me personally, I'd butcher the spine off and steam the meat of the head until tender, probably 13-15 minutes. i would then painstakingly strip the bones of the flesh, and turn the steamed flesh into a spread (swordfish riette) for my bagels.


roytay t1_itjvwko wrote

He’s fine. He’s just curled up in there.


MissMilkerss t1_itk831j wrote

ShopRite is a year round haunted house


johnnyrockes t1_itklvrl wrote

Fulton fish market NY, had tons of these big game fish flying around on fork lifts, crazy sight to see that place operate


befan01 t1_itkr2e8 wrote

I think it’s not for sale but to show that the swordfish us very fresh


johnnyredleg t1_itkr3oa wrote

Perfect for hanging a fedora on there.


lionsden08 t1_itkrwwn wrote

This is where food comes from. probably makes a killer fish stew if it’s still fresh!


Kaptcha420 t1_itktatu wrote

What shoprite is this? 😂


5uck3rpunch t1_itkx62p wrote

Watch where you sit in that department!


Zabazooo t1_itl2uzr wrote

You can use that as a sword!


Sunsailor76 t1_itlp2rx wrote

That’s going to be a big bill.


FriendlyBeta t1_itmqyd1 wrote

Snap the sword off and become the Fish Knight.


Seefutjay t1_itndkkw wrote

Give me that filet-o-fish