Submitted by dinkin-flickah t3_zr4v0y in newjersey
GoldenAlexanders t1_j11qa7g wrote
You subconsciously admit the superiority of the glory that is New Jersey.
b_like_mike4 t1_j11r49v wrote
This is the only correct answer 😇
Lochnessfartbubble t1_j11r4kq wrote
embrace your inner pork roll
Soviet_SubWoofer t1_j11r65y wrote
As long as you don’t drive like somebody from PA we will welcome you to NJ
spicymemesdotcom t1_j11rgps wrote
It’s beautiful
neverknowswhattosay t1_j11rldm wrote
As far as state shapes go, it’s hard to beat.
3_DOG_OUTT t1_j11rndu wrote
All I see is a lot of tan Italians
historicbookworm t1_j11siu8 wrote
Especially if you're on a railroad track.
Old_Cockroach_2993 t1_j11t7cv wrote
Taylor ham fart bubble, Taylor ham!
faceyourdom t1_j11tghx wrote
Congratulations, you’re now an honorary member.
Pepalopolis t1_j11ty1r wrote
Looks dope
Ract0r4561 t1_j11u81b wrote
One of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us
spiritfiend t1_j11vw5e wrote
OP is from PA, not 1906
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j11vwg9 wrote
Ok I take offense here, too far!!! 😂
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j11vx3v wrote
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j11vyw3 wrote
Perhaps 😂
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j11w0mk wrote
Thank you! 🙏🏼
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j11w2n2 wrote
Thanks for the kind words!
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j11w4uw wrote
I’ll take it!
whatsinaname1970 t1_j11wu94 wrote
Right? Our state does have a beautiful shape!
NotRightNow1989 t1_j11x1rf wrote
Going 65 in the left will give you a lot of time :)
i_do_it_all t1_j11x5ks wrote
there's a jersey inside everyone's heart. this one is an image of jersey in your heart.
Pleasant_Living1130 t1_j11y1ct wrote
Simple, because NJ > PA.
aStretcherFetcher t1_j11yoj1 wrote
That’s fantastic!
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j11z2td wrote
RealOzSultan t1_j123bjh wrote
It does make NJ smell better...
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j123mlv wrote
😂😂 don’t blow my cover!! DM me for your snake oil needs
tylerb011 t1_j123yno wrote
Tippy top of the shore gots a little limpy dicky doo called Sandy Hook. And tbf, if we’re being petty LBI is missing too. It’s a long beach island off the shore, but also tbf, a lot of south jersey beaches are like little islands.
Regardless, the art is great. And the missing whatever whatever is fine, cuz most jersey state art misses it anyway, and nobody cares.
Except maybe that guy
Brudesandwich t1_j1248v5 wrote
Dick Ridaaahh!
Manymuchm00s3n t1_j124m1p wrote
DefiantSoup3469 t1_j126782 wrote
Because you know the truth
Igglezandporkrollplz t1_j126jal wrote
Do you eat scrapple and pork roll hoagies and subs
invaderjif t1_j126ojw wrote
There is something missing from your life...and it comes in a particular shape..
TheVVitch65 t1_j127kqs wrote
Gezabrut t1_j129ko6 wrote
I second the motion.
MapleChimes t1_j129o9a wrote
Responsible_Bus_5863 t1_j129w0m wrote
Well we applaud you for it! 👏👏👏👏
MapleChimes t1_j12a79n wrote
Came from the heart. Nice artwork, neighbor.
Chose_a_usersname t1_j12b4lr wrote
Atleast it's not a tattoo
Nostromo48 t1_j12b5gg wrote
Why ask why? Looks great!
GoldenPenman t1_j12cqgl wrote
When I was a kid I always thought the outline of our state looks like a policeman wearing a hat.
Anonymous1985388 t1_j12dni3 wrote
Wow it’s beautiful!
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j12f27h wrote
Thank you!
Steelbeam91 t1_j12f2as wrote
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j12f3e9 wrote
Mmmm we can call it a tie 😂
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j12f57t wrote
Thank you! 🙏🏼
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j12f6op wrote
Much love 🙏🏼 thank you
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j12f81n wrote
Appreciate it!
dinkin-flickah OP t1_j12fk5l wrote
Working on getting some prints made in the next few months. I did a California outline too! Trying to knock out all the recognizable states. I’m saving this comment and I’ll try my best to get back to you.
LilBodyMo t1_j12gs15 wrote
I was planning on moving to PA right after graduation for a job offer I got. How is it over there? Is there much young life? Philly is about a 30 minute drive from the company so I was thinking maybe I’ll live somewhere around there because that seems the most fun. Is this a good idea?
aStretcherFetcher t1_j12h2ud wrote
You could definitely sell these at craft shows or on Etsy
jerseyStoner t1_j12hm4u wrote
Cuz Jersey is the best state and your subconscious knows this already
12kdaysinthefire t1_j12i506 wrote
It’s all right, expensive as hell lately more than anywhere else, like Philly burbs. I live outside of Philly and want to actually move to Jersey lol.
unkledark t1_j12jhg5 wrote
Wow, thank you!
cweedishef t1_j12jjl9 wrote
I always imagined it as an old toll booth operator. At least that's what I thought the parkway logo was when I was a kid. An old tollbooth operator with a hat on.
Thendofreason t1_j12jzm2 wrote
At the very least NJ had a much more interesting shape than PA. The Only interesting part of PA is where it touches NJ
jess-i-am t1_j12k2o3 wrote
I always imagined it as a big dollar sign or one of those S's us 90s kids loved to draw
jess-i-am t1_j12k5xn wrote
Just don't be a turtle in the fast lane
bankerwithpills t1_j12l3kw wrote
I've got the state of NJ tattooed on my ribs. Didn't know it was NJ until someone asked me a few years later lol.
Story - got frisbee in college, traveled the world with it in backpack and it brought me amazing conversations so I wanted to commemorate when it broke. Turns out it was a misprint disc for the Rutgers ultimate team.
JPwnr t1_j12l6fz wrote
Jersey Shore, Pa is also pretty cool just by the name alone.
BHS94 t1_j12lvdo wrote
Also would like a print of this just moved back to NJ a few days ago.
RonnieTheEffinBear t1_j12nk7j wrote
hey, right back at ya, neighbor
ultravioletu t1_j12oa67 wrote
Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
[deleted] t1_j12p1lo wrote
EngineSpecialist259 t1_j12pzl2 wrote
The heart wants what it wants.
PurpleSailor t1_j12t7bu wrote
Embrace the Scrapple!
GoHomeWithBonnieJean t1_j12xczx wrote
WHOA! That's so cool! Wow!
jeansqueen t1_j12z9uj wrote
Also interested in a print when you have them available
International-Air683 t1_j12ziqt wrote
When the news put that pic up i thiught they were talking about septa
Ghostmuffin t1_j12zyfl wrote
PA is more boring to draw
BLUE_COLLAR_KILLER t1_j13dv7f wrote
Ah Jersey, the armpit of the northeast
dsarma t1_j13fg15 wrote
If you want to make BANK, do Texas next. Those folk are mad obsessed with things in the shape of their state.
fearofbears t1_j13id3z wrote
I'm Jersey born and raised- but my BF is from PA near Harrisburg, just outside of it on the Susquehanna. PA is beautiful and it doesn't get enough credit! Plus love all the breweries out there.
fearofbears t1_j13it69 wrote
Check out Croydon or something outside of Philly- not sure where exactly your job is but you'd get more bang for your buck. I'm Jersey born and raised but PA is nice, my BF is originally from mid PA so we go back a lot.
tomatosoup3 t1_j13jhz9 wrote
I would totally buy a print. I probably have way too much NJ themed art in my house...
Whats_A_Rage_Quit t1_j13jk3r wrote
i can tell ya from experience, the name is the only cool thing about it, lol
ClandestineCornfield t1_j13k3eh wrote
Did you vote for Dr Oz?
StrategicBlenderBall t1_j13kv0d wrote
Thats pretty cool
SHIT-PISSER t1_j13mzou wrote
I'm impressed that you were able to fleece it out.
Seanyceguy t1_j13oixz wrote
Dr. Oz?
DerSturmbannfuror t1_j13qod1 wrote
Airturtle14 t1_j13r11q wrote
As someone going to school near there but not a major city. I love the aspect you mentioned, but I also love all the convenience offered in NJ (excluding South Jersey that’s basically PA). Even the McDonald’s be closing… like what
Airturtle14 t1_j13r2hy wrote
& most importantly THE BEACH
HelpImSoberandAwake t1_j13swgy wrote
This is true. Bought a house in NJ from two Texans (they were moving back) and they had Texas plastered everywhere.
ImaginaryFusilli t1_j13t3jz wrote
Dang this real zippity zoppity.
fearofbears t1_j13u6gz wrote
Oh definitely agreed! We're still here because I love the beach- but it's so population dense these days it hard to enjoy. But they are compromises we've made. I feel less stressed out in PA because the pace is slower, but that's the nature of the beast here.
erection_specialist t1_j13whlz wrote
Sometimes I think PA never advanced past 1906
tucker_frump t1_j13wp72 wrote
You have entered the 'no frack zone' ..
MackenzieBackwoods t1_j13wtx3 wrote
Everyone is a little envious, it’s okay.
Sendtitpics215 t1_j13z7bf wrote
I’m from PA but live in Sussex county. NJ is beautiful : ]
Queeninsect t1_j13ziok wrote
I always think of Frankenstein
acoreilly87 t1_j1403fj wrote
It’s a sing that you should follow Washington across the Delaware, and join us! 😀 Excellent drawing, btw!
darla1116 t1_j140bf8 wrote
As a kid I thought it was the profile of a school nurse wearing an old fashioned nursing cap.
HelpingHan724 t1_j142cau wrote
Can’t say I blame you, NJ is just a better shape for doodling
Life_Tea888 t1_j142dr4 wrote
I'm gonna need to bar hop in PA any recommendations?
TheJesusSixSixSix t1_j142wfv wrote
Because you didn’t want to draw a rectangle lmao
Anyadlia t1_j145vcq wrote
The armpit of the whole country imo And yes, I live here, Middletown.
Anyadlia t1_j146bsg wrote
Oh no, don't do that! Everyone in my family has left. I'm the last holdout and I'm now saving up to gtfo too lol
JacksonHarrison48 t1_j146nwf wrote
New Jersey...
Ouch. Must suck for anyone living in that state...
i8mygoldfish t1_j147stj wrote
We're more welcoming here than they are in the Pennsylvania sub.
lady_lowercase t1_j1484ci wrote
> the fast lane
it's the passing lane.
BLUE_COLLAR_KILLER t1_j149pq9 wrote
🤣🤣🤣 I was halfway joking, although anytime I get calls out there I’m NOT happy about it…. That g.w/exit1a,1b,1c,1d/certain drivers/etc give it a bad name…
I love the sopranos tho
fearofbears t1_j14btu4 wrote
Depends on the area you're going!
[deleted] t1_j14crgs wrote
Minute_Eggplant2171 t1_j14ctu1 wrote
Jersey always gets crapped on and it's a shame
Curious-Gain-7148 t1_j14d0g5 wrote
This is awesome
isnt_this_funny t1_j14exey wrote
That looks so nice!
Life_Temporary_1567 t1_j14j0p4 wrote
Alexa play Obsessed by Mariah Carey
BYNX0 t1_j14m8sp wrote
I didn’t even know that town existed. Great name!
GeneralDisarray65 t1_j14od0h wrote
Anyadlia t1_j14oqqp wrote
Agree, some of the roads are just awful to navigate and we do seem to have a LOT of rude entitled drivers. I saw something recently (couldn't find to repost unfortunately) about how if you leave a safe following distance on our highways, someone WILL inevitably assume that you left the space there for them. My (least) favorite are the ones that are in such a hurry that they blow a stop sign to cut you off when theres nobody behind you, which makes you slow down, just so they can go 1 block and make another turn, wth?!?. 😋
jaysucio84 t1_j14q8ho wrote
I'm from jersey, send it over!
YawnTractor_1756 t1_j14tt5g wrote
But if you need organic non-GMO snake oils harvested from the free-range snakes, then contact me.
[deleted] t1_j14u0pu wrote
sparky1976 t1_j14uco7 wrote
The grass is always greener on the other side my friend.
suomynona777 t1_j14v6a0 wrote
How much you selling it for ?
RecipesAndDiving t1_j1530os wrote
Enthusiastic fist pump of approval over here, with a side of Taylor ham.
Wfreeland19 t1_j15a2yy wrote
As a kid I thought it looked like Andy Capp for some reason lol
ProfessorBotany420 t1_j15huni wrote
I sell homes in New Jersey…. Love the work ❤️
Kooky_Media_8584 t1_j15q4ny wrote
Is that NJ on a DMT trip?
0xdeadbeef6 t1_j15uz8s wrote
We're the superior state. Please ignore the fact a lot of us travel to yours for work though.
RemTheFirst t1_j15wylg wrote
its a jumping mailman from the cartoons
Street_Day3698 t1_j1604ij wrote
RIP Sandy Hook
Creepy-Ad-5440 t1_j16749m wrote
Nice job but where is Sandy Hook? ☺️
aceh40 t1_j16dunb wrote
Because you are secretly in love with Jersey. Can't blame you...
asiledeneg t1_j16fx5p wrote
Good job. Thanks!
harekele t1_j17b8lv wrote
I went to college for a few years out near Harrisburg. It was a lifestyle I didn’t quite appreciate living in rural Pennsylvania, but I did find myself missing it as I got older and always enjoying a visit to see friends living in and near Hershey
Edit: that being said, I love Jersey way more 🤩
fearofbears t1_j180nz5 wrote
My heart lies in NJ for sure despite my complicated relationship with it- but it's home and always will be.
Every_Stress3573 t1_j18d0qw wrote
I can’t unsee this shit
CockatielQueen t1_j1902lt wrote
I love it!
erection_specialist t1_j1akhbc wrote
True, but an alarmingly large number of them thought, "You know who would be the best person to represent us in Congress? A shady TV doctor from New Jersey."
the_homie_Zynar t1_j24zorj wrote
Nice, my dude
[deleted] t1_j11pmzc wrote