I'm just wondering how some of you have been enjoying the last couple years of winter in this state. Personally, I love the bitter cold and I love winter, but it seems like in this area we're going from fall to spring over the last couple of years and skipping winter. So far, we basically had 3 cold days in december and then temperatures went back up into the 40s. Its been really disappointing so far from weather stand point.
[deleted] t1_j6fjseo wrote
vc1914 t1_j6fjver wrote
I hate it. Grew up playing hockey and going to Vermont to snowboard so I loved the cold. My kids love the snow and the lack of snow this year is upsetting. Someone here on Reddit said nj has 4 seasons 6 times a year.
EternalEight t1_j6fkkte wrote
Strongly dislike this winter. The up and down weather has been migraine triggering.
ordinaryflask t1_j6fknjd wrote
Love it. Just wish it didn’t swing so drastically from “warm” to freezing cold.
Rusty_Ferberger t1_j6fkpxv wrote
I feel like winters in my childhood were colder and snowier, which I loved, but as I get older I am preferring these warmer days.
xrt679 OP t1_j6fl7qc wrote
the worst part of this is I have to keep my air conditioning running when its the 40s because I dont control the heat in my apartment building. The heat is cranked up all the way as if its in the 20s. My unit is one of 4 and the other 3 units are women who constantly complain that its too cold. I basically lose that battle and end with my AC on
well_damm t1_j6fm7go wrote
I remember for years dummies yelling global warming wasn’t real. Yet here we are.
OhBeautiful t1_j6fn9ek wrote
I feel like I’ve been holding my breath waiting for the actual cold/snow to come.
jjb89 t1_j6fncdr wrote
look up la Nina weather pattern. we have been in this pattern for 3 years and these are the typical results for it. don't worry we will swing back the other way in the future and get dumped on
deluxepepperoncini t1_j6fo4gf wrote
I love the warmer days but fuck these grayish clouds. It just always feels depressing because it’s so dreary.
nicklor t1_j6fv0im wrote
You can't open the window? That's what I used to do in a hot apartment
Marqy21 t1_j6fv1dx wrote
nicklor t1_j6fv2ov wrote
It's supposed to be super cold this weekend again
drivingtilldawn t1_j6fvaca wrote
I hate the constant raining.
BoomTownRat71 t1_j6fvjet wrote
It’s very bad for the environment. I have an orchard and make maple syrup on my Hunterdon County farm and both have been adversely effected by the warm winter. I actually saw a honey bee yesterday.
rsvp_nj t1_j6fvuto wrote
If any of you know Unami Park on the Cranford/ Garwood border, the county used to fill the parking lot with water each winter so it would freeze for ice skating. It wouldn’t always be frozen but mostly was Dec Jan Feb. Obviously that couldn’t even be considered now.
NoCalligrapher8396 t1_j6fvxhd wrote
Winter sucks in New Jersey. Should be called fall instead
P1nkfl4m1ng0123 t1_j6fwhs1 wrote
Try Angela Stanton's Migraine Protocol. It's life changing
Surfiswhereufindit t1_j6fxnfa wrote
We haven’t had an actual consistent winter in about 5 seasons at least. 20-21 had its moments but overall we are seeing the climate chaos/catastrophe taking over. Looks like we’re in for some legit winter weather, air temp wise late this week coming. But still not enough to make this a “winter”.
Highly concerned next for the ‘23 tropical season. Jersey is due for something bad. And the infrastructure and overdevelopment of the Jersey Shore is going to pay dearly.
Surfiswhereufindit t1_j6fxsx0 wrote
I’m with you. The warmth absolutely pushes me to darkness and depression.
talk_birdy_2_me t1_j6fy59h wrote
I want SEASONABLE weather...winters where the temp is generally in the upper 20s-30s most days, with cold snaps every few weeks and a couple of warmer days in the 40s sprinkled in. Semi regular snowfall with a larger accumulation event once or twice a month.
aj_shutterbug t1_j6fym5d wrote
Not a winter person, but these snowless, warm winters tend to drag on into late April. I would rather have a proper winter and be done with it by mid March.
lisa111998 t1_j6g443a wrote
Yeah on Saturday that’s it
koalafishmutantbird t1_j6g5i3k wrote
Already pulling ticks off my dog.. shit sucks
sakhussain2020 t1_j6g5vls wrote
I enjoy it, walked through the nature center today.
EternalEight t1_j6g6yym wrote
Thanks. I signed up for the group.
Own-Chemical-9112 t1_j6g71co wrote
I love and miss snow! BUT happy as who the hell can afford to heat the house with oil price? Would love a big snow storm and then back to affordable, unseasonably warm weather
BlackWidow1414 t1_j6g9yqa wrote
It matches more with how I remember winters during my childhood, so it's good for me.
[deleted] t1_j6gb5vn wrote
I grew up in Jersey and some winters there were little to now snow. This is rare though and we still have February and March.
fpfx t1_j6gbmcx wrote
Chronic pain sufferer agrees. The bones in my spine are screaming with the wet shitty systems we've had.
6Emptybottles t1_j6gcuqb wrote
I saw some kids during the December cold snap playing pond hockey by the skeet range at Nomahegan. It was nice seeing someone enjoying the cold.
RackhamJack t1_j6gfewj wrote
I hate the cold but I hate our planet dying more
jsvcycling t1_j6gfnoc wrote
I really don't enjoy cold temperatures, snow, or winter in general really (unless I'm doing winter activities). But at the same time, I know that the lack of "proper" winter has many adverse effects on the environment so, with that in mind, the last couple years of "cool but not cold" winters are no bueno. And I expect it'll just get worse in the years to come.
SassySerenade t1_j6giro3 wrote
February and even March can bring snow. You're right tho, seems like after the "polar vortex year" when it was like -10F at night we seem to just not get serious winters.
SassySerenade t1_j6gj1hy wrote
I used to think that, but then I reframed it as "the most important thing to all of life (water) literally falls out of the sky. Our oceans are so so abundant they block out the sun some days."
ManorAveMan t1_j6gj7zb wrote
The change in weather is a big migraine trigger for me as well.
SassySerenade t1_j6gjhff wrote
It wasn't just dummies. It was and is greedy cunts resisting a change to their bottom line in energy company's boardrooms.
glaciermonkey666 t1_j6gmhg0 wrote
Where do you live? Last year was brutal.
hopopo t1_j6gmpwv wrote
Move North
Pcakes844 t1_j6gorex wrote
That's not how it works
9Xrayman9 t1_j6gq6wj wrote
Weather changes
EWR-RampRat11-29 t1_j6gw0qm wrote
I love the cold, but only when I don’t have to work. The same with rain.
Cold sometimes tolerable, rain sometimes tolerable. But cold rain is the worst!
Jason_Was_Here t1_j6gy4vg wrote
Wear another sweater if you’re cold. What your dad should’ve told you growing up
newwriter365 t1_j6ha3fu wrote
I’m with you on the seasonal affective disorder- I struggle with the gray days. I moved to Florida to avoid it and came back last year.
I have discovered that avoiding looking at the gray skies helps me. I set up a project space in my basement and stay busy. I’m on the prowl for some gently used workout equipment (elliptical, and I have a rowing machine) for the days it’s too raw and damp to walk outside.
You aren’t alone. Just know that Florida weather is great. And that’s about all it has going for it.
deluxepepperoncini t1_j6hhgj1 wrote
Yeah the weather there is great. I’m not sure if it’s enough to move there lol
[deleted] t1_j6hkf7c wrote
New_Stats t1_j6hlsxh wrote
Oh is that why I'm waking up with massive headaches so often lately?
notmymainaccountbruh t1_j6hqa1l wrote
I literally came to this subreddit just to see if there were any threads on this, lol. No snow days. Maybe two weeks of single digit weather then back to the 30s and 40s. I meeean, I'm not complaining at all but it has been like this for years now. Gonna do more research on the 'La Nina Weather Pattern' that someone else mentioned.
njd26 t1_j6hr3u9 wrote
Lovin it
Knomp2112 t1_j6hsbwm wrote
Our planet is not dying, we are just slowly killing the people, plants and animals that live on this planet.
EternalEight t1_j6hsfu9 wrote
Certainly possible! The climate transition between today / tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday look fun.
New_Stats t1_j6hsqhd wrote
Oh no, what's gonna happen this weekend?
EternalEight t1_j6htcyx wrote
High in the teens and then high close to 40 the next day. Those are the types of swings that get me
mnowax t1_j6htkla wrote
Loving it as well. Sincerely, a Western NY transplant that used to see 6 feet of snow average a winter.
PezXCore t1_j6htvd2 wrote
It’s pretty crazy that people are forgetting that literally exactly a year ago yesterday we had a massive snowstorm.
validcatgirl t1_j6hul3y wrote
This isn't normal.
jjb89 t1_j6hun29 wrote
shhhhh that will ruin their brain fog of the world is ending
Chuck1705 t1_j6hw8af wrote
Ya see, there's this thing called Climate Change...Read up!
ansky201 t1_j6hwoec wrote
I am loving this weather. I can't stand cold and snow. I hope every winter is like this.
logan44man t1_j6hy007 wrote
This winter feels like its flying by. My depression isnt so bad this year
RaptahJezus t1_j6i0b1j wrote
My wife spotted a tick had bitten me last week after doing some yard work. Didn't even cross my mind to be doing tick checks in January. Removed it and the doctor gave me the all clear and a dose of doxycycline, but gotta monitor things for a while now
lm-hmk t1_j6i0c91 wrote
Agree so hard
OkBid1535 t1_j6i12oi wrote
My daffodils have already sprouted. My strawberries are too. The sassafras buds are swelling. So many spring time birds around…it’s insane honestly
214ObstructedReverie t1_j6i1xok wrote
I street park in Jersey City.
Fuck snow. This is fantastic.
blumpkin_donuts t1_j6i2xh1 wrote
We're going to switch from a sub tropical to tropical climate/ag zone in the next 50 years.
danibee29 t1_j6i2yqy wrote
yeah i love the cold so much, i wanna move farther up north. i want some snowwwww
coreynj2461 t1_j6i33hi wrote
For those that keep celebrating these warm winters and little to no snowfall: Ski resorts will be in trouble, more people will go up north and places like Mountain creek will suffer. Mom and pop hardware shops will close, independent contractors for snow plow wont have any extra income. More ticks and pests for the summer. Kids wont know what a snow day is
SnooPears4919 t1_j6i3ubd wrote
i agree!!
SteakAndCab t1_j6i8wqg wrote
Snow days are over regardless. It’s remote learning now
Pleasant-Incident-93 t1_j6ianr7 wrote
And no snow 😫. I just want 1 snow storm and thats it!
diggstownjoe t1_j6id1wi wrote
Incorrect. Every school district I'm familiar with has eliminated remote learning as an option, which I don't think is a good thing.
PezXCore t1_j6idqwd wrote
I can’t forget because I moved that day. It was absolutely insane and the next day I woke up in my new house to the most beautiful snow I’d ever seen.
BucketsGotMarried t1_j6ieokk wrote
Yeah last Jan/Feb the temps were consistently in the teens and below? And the year before that we had several huge snowstorms. This winter is extremely mild, but it hasn’t been like this for years.
Vegoia2 t1_j6ijrnt wrote
going to be in the 50's again today.
ihatemathplshelp t1_j6ik7sa wrote
And around the spring everyone says that we skip spring and went straight into summer
Flashinglights0101 t1_j6ilyk1 wrote
I have noticed we usually just have 30 to 40 degree weather in the winter with one exceptionally cold week. Then back to spring. My relatives in the Carolinas get more snow than us!
sugarintheboots t1_j6imi5f wrote
Same. Had a bad one yesterday.
annieiam t1_j6in45f wrote
I’m OK with that, I hate driving in the snow
CUTIEJUDY t1_j6ipjku wrote
Happy Cake 🍰 Day :)
6Emptybottles t1_j6irgcz wrote
Thank you
Punky921 t1_j6isjft wrote
I hate the winter so this has been fine for me personallu. That being said, I know that this is very concrete evidence of how absolutely fucked the climate is. Do I love that it's 50 degrees in Hudson County today? Yes. Is it evidence that we are so completely fucked? Also yes.
EternalEight t1_j6it1dx wrote
Same. On a walk right now outside. Gorgeous. Expect one tomorrow as well.
gzellf t1_j6iyr7f wrote
Yea, but that’s looking at it in a meteorological standpoint as opposed to a climatology standpoint: one cold snap or one snowstorm doesn’t change trends. Meteorology focuses on short term scale versus the latter focusing on a more long term scale and progress. There’s has been a of Trend of warming and we’ll see once La Niña cycles finish up (hopefully) whether we will revert back. If it remains in a more La Niña cycle indefinitely, then there climatological factors at play in other regions that end up affecting us here.
In general, even 10 years ago I remember far snowier winters guided by day drinking in college, building massive snowmen, dinning hall tray sledding, and all that, while now, I mostly see grass or if it snows, it’s gone real quick.
Cantholditdown t1_j6j4ymy wrote
I won't mind my PSEG bill this month. Snow days are something that seem amazing in my mind, but it just ends up messing up schedules and being a huge mess. The only part I enjoy now is the first peaceful hours after a good dump of snow has settled and I can just look at it out the window.
dont_know_how- t1_j6ja7pk wrote
Honestly i hate hearing stories of when my parents went ice skating at colonial park in central jersey. I have never experienced that in my 30 years. As a kid i loved the snow we would get. But we dont get anywhere near that now
BYNX0 t1_j6jasty wrote
What are you talking about? It's been in the thirties for weeks now.
BYNX0 t1_j6jb2oy wrote
I'm deeply sorry you have to do that
Dangerous-Ad-9898 t1_j6jjgb1 wrote
This is what people don’t understand. They’re amped because they don’t have to shovel snow but don’t realize that the snowmelt was essential for the environment. Good knows what the Delaware river’s environment will look like in a decade as the salt water line continues to advance.
spring13 t1_j6jovq2 wrote
It's driving me nuts. I miss real winter so much. It's slushy and gross here a lot of the time (what I really miss is Great Lake effect snow) but this warmth feels WRONG and it will have an effect on crops. There are things that grow in this region (like apples!) that NEED hard freezes to develop properly.
SavageMcFilth t1_j6jpuv6 wrote
Before yeah. But I just had back surgery so I'm ok with this now. I'm hoping we make it thru without me shoveling out lol
robert2474 t1_j6jqjbq wrote
Lived here most of my life all is cycles. The geological records speak clearly
RafeDangerous t1_j6jtn1b wrote
> exactly a year ago yesterday we had a massive snowstorm.
Massive? I don't know where you are, but I had that come up in my Facebook memories thing yesterday. It was a picture of my new snowblower, which I only used because I'd never tried it before. It was barely enough to bother and if I didn't want to test the machine out I probably would have done it almost as easily with a shovel. Scrolling through my pictures, there was barely any left at all a couple of days later. It was hardly more than a dusting.
Simplicityobsessed t1_j6jzrvm wrote
I HATE the cold (it makes everything hurt and walking a nightmare). However I am also very painfully aware of what it means for our planet.
I grew up chasing Monarch butterflies by day & fireflies at night. Now I barely see either, and it’s just an awkwardly warm winter.
Cool_Cartographer631 t1_j6k91f3 wrote
Could’ve used a few snow storms this year
Cool_Cartographer631 t1_j6k94zx wrote
Saw a bee today. My garden and flowers will certainly not be their best this Spring and Summer
Soggy-Constant5932 t1_j6k964x wrote
I love the warmer weather because I don’t care for super cold winters but we are definitely missing the OT my husband gets when it snows.
Cool_Cartographer631 t1_j6k9aby wrote
Good to know. I’ve been walking in the woods never thought about ticks yet
Remarkable-Cow4402 t1_j6kkayb wrote
The seasons have all shifted. I remember in 1999 when I was in elementary school, may and June were hot we wore shorts to school. Now the shorts come out in July and we wear them to October. Fuckin weird man
ReganMacNeil1973 t1_j6kreqx wrote
....as my brand new, hardly used $900 snow thrower sits in the garage for yet another year.
user365735 t1_j6kw3kp wrote
You want it this way. When the next ice age comes and it's the opposite.....
bakingeyedoc t1_j6l0177 wrote
Fluctuation in temperatures from year to year is completely normal. Heck the highest January temperatures on record were in 1931 and 1950.
Posts like these occur seriously like ever week.
bakingeyedoc t1_j6l03bv wrote
There’s been posts on this like weekly.
bakingeyedoc t1_j6l0ept wrote
Exactly. Weather fluctuates each year. There’s like a discussion on this like every week.
The winter of 1990 was warm. As was 98.
RackhamJack t1_j6l40jd wrote
We’ll until I figure out how to become rocks, this is a problem.
WorldAintRight t1_j6lzhvd wrote
I'm with ya. Born and raised in NJ and in my 38 years living here, shit is depressing.
EatYourCheckers t1_j6fjdin wrote
I don't mind the lack of biting cold but I woudl like at least 1 good snow day to play in with the kids