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CouchRadish t1_je7r9cj wrote

This man will have spent nearly 60% of his time in the Senate hospitalized for depression and is still recovering from a stroke. It’s honestly a bit depressing to see Dems not letting/encouraging this man to resign.

PA’s governor is a Democrat, it’s not like they’d lose a Senate seat. To me it seems like they don’t want to admit that his health is actually an issue after an entire midterm election pretending that it wasn’t.


peperoniebabie t1_je80m2w wrote

I don't think you know anything about PA politics. Pat Toomey (R) had occupied this seat for 12 years and PA's voting base is split down the middle. He only won by a 5 percent margin over Doctor Fucking Oz.


SofieTerleska t1_je8g8ox wrote

I'm very glad he beat Oz but it's getting increasingly uncomfortable to see this getting the relentlessly positive spin. He's broadening the Senate by using speech to text! He's bringing awareness to mental health issues! None of those are bad things but it's one thing to have a handle on your disability and choose to start a campaign vs. getting knocked down by a goddamn stroke mid-campaign and be figuring out your recovery and the Senate environment at the same time. That's too much to cope with. Being hospitalized for depression for weeks is very, very far out of the norm and makes me think he either has very, very serious mental shit going on or they were trying to hide physical fallout from his stroke. I would be really surprised if he isn't hospitalized again within a few months. I hope I'm wrong, I wish him only the best, but what he's contending with right now is insane.


Crumblymumblybumbly t1_jea562r wrote

This pearl-clutching faux concern is what's insane.

The dude got treatment and has been cleared by medical professionals. You are not one of them.

Time to stop blowing this situation out of proportion. Fetterman can write legislation and pass bills. That's all he needs to do .


CouchRadish t1_je8gr9i wrote

I sense a very distinct sharing between that forced positivity towards a Senator spending months institutionalized with depression and modern self-care ✨ mentalities of being okay with things like throwing away the majority of your personal responsibilities for the sake of mental stability.


km89 t1_je8koaz wrote

>modern self-care ✨ mentalities of being okay with things like throwing away the majority of your personal responsibilities for the sake of mental stability.

Do you need a mop to clean up the condescension you just dripped all over the floor?

Dude's been hospitalized for weeks. This is either a suicide attempt or fallout from his stroke, or both. Question his current fitness to hold office all you want, but throwing away your mental health for the sake of impressing people who would approve of that is just fucking stupid.


CouchRadish t1_je8mo3e wrote

You might picking up all your straw? I never dismissed him for having to be hospitalized for depression (to be frank the only ones dismissing that are the people clamoring for him to be back to working in the Senate). I was dismissing the people forcing positivity on this situation by trying to rephrase everything they had to change to let a stroke victim in recovery do his job as a senator as a positive.


chaqalaqalaqa t1_je9r28n wrote

Two months out of a 6-year term isn’t that much. And the Senate hasn’t had any actual work to do because nothing from the House is worth passing.

I’m glad he took a few weeks to get himself good and now he can go back to work.


clintontg t1_je7yhyb wrote

Does he want to resign?


yaki_torii t1_je837gd wrote

Dianne Feinstein doesn't want to resign, yet she should have a decade ago when the dementia began kicking her ass.


clintontg t1_je8418q wrote

I guess my concern is "encouraging" someone to resign versus trying to oust a progressive politician. I'd prefer him leaving if he actually wanted to.


yaki_torii t1_je85pjb wrote

That doesn't address what I'm saying. Dianne Feinstein doesn't want to leave either. She's basically being forced to. How is having her resign due to her obviously declining mental health any different from encouraging Fetterman, who's basically spent his whole term so far in a hospital, from doing the same?


Stolliosis t1_je86dgt wrote

Diane Feinstein is 900 years old. She is on a one-way trajectory. She will never be stronger and more adept in the future. That cannot be said about Fetterman. That's the difference.


yaki_torii t1_je89x8l wrote

High stress environments, such as lawmaking and campaigning, are not conducive to stroke recovery. Fetterman might have more wiggle room than Feinstein but thats not saying much, and if he's dogged about staying in the senate, then it's a smart bet that he won't recover well enough.


clintontg t1_je880il wrote

I'd say it should be based on his prognosis and his personal wishes. If he really can't execute his duties in the office then maybe he should leave. If he's on the mend, wants to be there, and is cognitively capable of doing the job then why not?


yaki_torii t1_je8a06t wrote

Sure, I agree. But he's not been either "on the mend" or "capable of doing the job" since Day 1. That's my entire point.


clintontg t1_je8b0ze wrote

3 months out of a 6 year term isn't that long to me


Sweet-Sale-7303 t1_je82a4o wrote

I dont think you mean whole term. Didnt he take office in january of this year?


CouchRadish t1_je89ya2 wrote

He did. I counted from his inauguration at January 3rd to the day he said he would leave the hospital (April 17th).


Sweet-Sale-7303 t1_je8biu9 wrote

A senators term is 6 years. No way he served 40 percent of that.


CouchRadish t1_je8ceog wrote

I rephrased my statement. From January 3rd to April 17th he will have spent nearly 60% of his time in the Senate hospitalized.

It’s still worrying.


DeliciousBeanWater t1_je8e0n3 wrote

Well seeing as the senate is adjourned until 4/17/2023, he couldnt come back sooner. Your math is still wrong.


MartinRaccoon t1_je81pg5 wrote

Agreed. His health is a legitimate issue that shouldn't be ignored. It's great he is able to seek help for all his problems. Praise him for seeking help, but also praise him for realizing he's not fit to serve right now. It's how I feel in California with Feinstein.


Trafficsigntruther t1_je7us6f wrote

There would be an odd year special election. Democrats don’t turn out for that.


[deleted] t1_je7zd1h wrote



Trafficsigntruther t1_je8bq4q wrote

> If its the same process across the nation,

No it is not.

> A special election is then held coinciding with the next regularly scheduled election to replace the appointee.


DeliciousBeanWater t1_je8drq9 wrote

The PA gov would appoint someone as a temporary seat yntil the next regularly scheduled election, which would be the special election for that particular seat, which is a little over a year and a half.


Trafficsigntruther t1_je8enyr wrote

> a temporary seat yntil the next regularly scheduled election, … which is a little over a year and a half.

The next scheduled election is in November, a little over 8 months from now.


DeliciousBeanWater t1_je8et5g wrote

Not for PA its not. Next scheduled senate election for pa is 2024.


Trafficsigntruther t1_je8fq9v wrote

> Next scheduled senate election for pa is 2024.

And it’s for Bob Casey’s seat, not Fetterman’s. It’s completely irrelevant to the special election. The last time there was a vacancy in a PA Senate seat, there was an election in 1991, and odd year that wasn’t scheduled for a senate election (obviously).


DeliciousBeanWater t1_je8fwz1 wrote

No shit its not for fettermans seat. Thats why it would be a special election. Can you provide a valid link to show otherwise, instead of one paid for by a possibly biased orgaisation?


Trafficsigntruther t1_je8g90b wrote

> instead of one paid for by a possibly biased orgaisation?

If think ballotopedia is biased, I don’t know how to satisfy your needs?

Harris wofford’s bio at


DeliciousBeanWater t1_je8h0cg wrote

What does this dudes biography have to do with when a special election would be held should he step down?

.com and .org websites are not valid sources. .gov is better but the page youve linked is irrelevant


Trafficsigntruther t1_je8hi5i wrote

> What does this dudes biography have to do with when a special election would be held should he step down?

He was appointed to the US Senate to fill a vacancy in 1991 and then had to run again in November 1991. That was the last time there was a Senate vacancy in PA where a special election had to occur.

> .com and .org websites are not valid sources.



DeliciousBeanWater t1_je8hlm9 wrote

Ok thats not helpful to anyone right now. That how no bearing on right now. That was over 30 years ago.


Trafficsigntruther t1_je8htas wrote

> That how no bearing on right now. That was over 30 years ago.

Do you have a source showing the process changed?


DeliciousBeanWater t1_je8huuf wrote

Nope but im not the one making claims here


Trafficsigntruther t1_je8i0t0 wrote

> im not the one making claims here

You did claim the election would be in 2024.


DeliciousBeanWater t1_je8iv85 wrote

Lol thats not my claim. That info is found in the link you provided you walnut. PA holds their special elections concurrent with scheduled statewide general elections aka 2024. November 8 is a municipal election in PA. Smh youre literally contradicting yourself

ETA since youve dirty deleted your response which was something like “theres special elections schedule in pa for this nov”

Those special elections are all for state legislature seats.


NoMalarkyZone t1_je96kxa wrote

It's Fetterman's seat to resign if he sees that necessary, but I doubt he does or he wouldn't have run.

Depression is incredibly common after a stroke. It's often not recognized.


Odie_Odie t1_je9d266 wrote

He took office in January, it's still March..


Pherllerp t1_jeaabof wrote

60% of his now 3-month term.
3 months out of a six year term.


Crumblymumblybumbly t1_jea4yvk wrote

His Senate term is 6 years, Einstein. This is a blip on the radar.

Spare us your faux concern. You don't give a flying fuck about his health.


CouchRadish t1_jea8h6b wrote

Why are you pretending it’s not a concern? Hospitalization over depression is “normalizing mental health” like not putting a gun in your mouth is normalizing proper gun handling. People are only hospitalized for depression when symptoms are so severe you can’t function as a person and/or at active risk for suicide. And right now Fetterman is dealing with said overwhelming depression because of his stroke last year.

The only people accusing others of not “giving a flying fuck about his health” want to keep this man in his senate seat no matter what. Fetterman could be throwing up blood onto the senate floor and Reddit would be cheering on how this is “normalizing cleanup crews”.


Crumblymumblybumbly t1_jea9mct wrote

>Why are you pretending it’s not a concern?

I'm not "pretending" anything. It's clearly not a concern for you because you want him out of office regardless of what he has decided with his doctors.

It's not a concern for me because I am not a medical professional and have no right to pretend concern over someone who has been cleared by medical professionals and has chosen to return to work.

>Hospitalization over depression is “normalizing mental health”

Correct. It's normalizing seeking proper treatment for mental health issues. That's exactly what you're supposed to do --- seek treatment. And once you get the treatment, you can go back to what you were doing before. Same as with a broken arm or a colonoscopy or whatever.

>The only people accusing others of not “giving a flying fuck about his health” want to keep this man in his senate seat no matter what

The only people claiming he's "not fit for office" are armchair Reddit idiots who want him out of office no matter what, and are still salty that Oz lost.

If Fetterman's doctors told him he wasn't fit to serve, and he made the decision to resign, that would be different. But that hasn't happened.

>Fetterman could be throwing up blood onto the senate floor and Reddit would be cheering on how this is “normalizing cleanup crews”.

This is your fantastical hyper-active imagination, no one else's.


SofieTerleska t1_jebilyi wrote

It is possible to be genuinely concerned that Fetterman is pushing to do too much and is having serious health issues and be relieved that Oz lost.
