Thoughtful_Mouse t1_iy5mb2s wrote
China is manipulating the public discourse about a lot of things. It's probably why their own government is so paranoid about outside influence and the internet; because they know how much damage they are doing with it.
DeathByGoldfish t1_iy5mmj1 wrote
See those 2 million account signups per week Elon has been touting?
Now you know one reason why.
code_archeologist t1_iy5mzbq wrote
Gone are the days when Twitter was a force for global communication. It is quickly becoming a tool of fascists and terrorists.
IceColdTear t1_iy5n0xw wrote
Now we know where the record sign-ups came from!
SexyOldHobo t1_iy5nasi wrote
Or as Elon calls it when hes exposing himself on an airplane or being Reply Guy roflcopter on his catered online experience, it’s “freedom of speech”.
irkli OP t1_iy5oanm wrote
All the speech one can afford.
SuspectNo7354 t1_iy5os8r wrote
So much for elon being against bots.
clocks212 t1_iy5ozq4 wrote
Oh he’ll definitely crack down on the CCP. It’s not like he has any business interests in China /s
[deleted] t1_iy5p3ut wrote
DistortoiseLP t1_iy5p5zu wrote
I still remember back in 2010 when people thought social media was going to turn out better than this.
[deleted] t1_iy5p8w7 wrote
druule10 t1_iy5pdvu wrote
Remember it's freedom of speech, but only if you agree with the rich and powerful.
pineconebasket t1_iy5pek4 wrote
Elon got played, or he was in on it for the same reasons.
[deleted] t1_iy5pf0s wrote
nyc-will t1_iy5pmcp wrote
Sucks to suck. All the more reason to abandon the platform and start fresh elsewhere.
[deleted] t1_iy5pp4v wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5prwe wrote
ThatOneGiantsFan t1_iy5px9f wrote
Well at least there’s dissemenation
signal_two_noise t1_iy5q0ol wrote
It seems more and more, to me, that he's doing it on purpose, and enjoying himself in the process.
[deleted] t1_iy5q3h2 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5qbdp wrote
blazelet t1_iy5qkhl wrote
You generally get all the free speech you can pay for.
[deleted] t1_iy5qlwz wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5qpw8 wrote
HelenAngel t1_iy5qqoe wrote
That was exactly my thought when I saw this article.
infamous63080 t1_iy5qra7 wrote
Just looked and there's only protest images. Not sure why this is an article.
Airman4747 t1_iy5r60d wrote
Found the terrorist.
Airman4747 t1_iy5rbwy wrote
They all essentially payed very little to quiet their dissenters.
frigoffbearb t1_iy5ri3j wrote
Definitely some kind of ‘semenating goin on
NotVoss t1_iy5riry wrote
Fee Speech. Rich people don't spell very well.
Super_Fudge_1821 t1_iy5rr1f wrote
Yep when they invading your privacy gotta turn on the porn?
[deleted] t1_iy5rrvg wrote
FaeryLynne t1_iy5rxtg wrote
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
sushi-_-roll t1_iy5saph wrote
So... you're anti-Antifa? Do you know what a double negative is?
irkli OP t1_iy5scn5 wrote
The failure of the American internet began 1 Jan 1993 when the military and commercial domains were split, commerce sold to the corps the owned the lines.
The internet infrastructure should have been handed to the US Postal Service, which was exactly the sort of entity needed to run it. They already "thought that way" -- equal service to rural and city.
Most sensible countries run internet that way. Yet another way the US is inferior, like health care.
irkli OP t1_iy5sh9w wrote
? Did you scroll down? Lots of text.
FaeryLynne t1_iy5sl9k wrote
Because you're searching in English. From the above article:
>Beginning late last week and into Monday, searches in Chinese for major protest hotspots
(Emphasis is mine)
Twitter gives you search results based on your location and previous searches. This is deliberately targeted at preventing Chinese people from knowing what's going on in their own country.
Lt704Dan t1_iy5slw2 wrote
Imagine the revenue the verified CCP bot accounts will bring in though!
[deleted] t1_iy5slx5 wrote
StrongestMushroom t1_iy5sre6 wrote
Did you know you can name a group anything you want? I suppose you would like to join the National Socialist party too then, huh.
irkli OP t1_iy5surx wrote
Yes you do. It works like this:
Citizens are posting tons about SUBJECT MATTER. Bad actors (CCP) then post floods of SUBJECT MATTER with porn attached. Spam filters see porn, then start filtering SUBJECT MATTER too. Then it all gets taken down as if it were the same thing.
randomnighmare t1_iy5teb0 wrote
A Chinese company gave Musk money to buy Twitter (along with other companies from other countries) but this is only the start of Twitter turning into a worse place than FB.
I can only find one company from China but here is something:
Here is a list of the companies that gave Musk money. A certain Chinese company gave him, $500 million.
Satanarchrist t1_iy5thx2 wrote
The entire reason the Saudi Royal Family bankrolled him for the purchase
bel9708 t1_iy5twq9 wrote
Elon didn’t get played. He knew exactly how much power twitter had when he bought it. This is why he bought it. Now he can curry favors from authoritarians by helping them silence decent
StraightFroggin t1_iy5tyiv wrote
Guess who owns Reddit. Guess why it has “upvote/downvote” mechanics. Add thousands of bots, shift the public opinion. Ever noticed the way Reddit praises communism?
Airman4747 t1_iy5u88i wrote
Hey real quick, can you give me the number to Antifa? Specifically their leader.
I can do that with EVERY right wing terror group. Do you know why? They actually exist.
AdonisAleus t1_iy5u9s3 wrote
I wonder if that sounded better in your head.
Like why would Antifa want to join the NSDAP? The Communists I could see, but the Nazi's?
And besides, if I want to see a Nazi flag being flown unironocally, I'd just go to a Republican event.
pattydickens t1_iy5ubri wrote
What else is there for someone with vast wealth to do but act like a pathetic little boy? /s It kills me how these idiots can't just shut up and enjoy a life that 99.99 percent of the world can't even imagine.
wirthmore t1_iy5ujbj wrote
Twitter owes $1,000 million a month in interest alone, not even counting salaries and servers etc.
Twitter needs 63 weeks of “2 million [$8 subscription accounts] a week” just to cover their debt payments.
rangeDSP t1_iy5ukit wrote
For a second this reads like a lore shard from Cyberpunk 2077. Their satire of corpo control on the internet is spot on
[deleted] t1_iy5ur2o wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5uwmg wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5vjtf wrote
BigBradWolf77 t1_iy5vmb2 wrote
How much can I get for $8?
StrongestMushroom t1_iy5x20r wrote
I see you completely missed the point I was making. Makes sense, you guys spent the last two years looting Target when you should have been in school. I can understand why your reading comprehension would be a little behind.
FakeKoala13 t1_iy5x7ee wrote
Brother you can literally google how much shares tencent owns in reddit. It's not a lot.
JohnSpikeKelly t1_iy5xhb9 wrote
I'm waiting for Twitter to be banned in China. Problem solved -- for them.
willtantan t1_iy5y9h1 wrote
At least we know where those new users are coming from. LoL
JustAnotherHyrum t1_iy5ymnc wrote
Did you just switch gears from AntiFa to a completely separate group looting stores?
You do realize that the store looting is not AntiFa and that the vast majority of those who agree with AntiFa philosophy (fascism is bad) doesn't support the store looting?
You're just lumping all of your bogeymen into one pile in hopes that something works.
Zachariot88 t1_iy5yn3z wrote
Goddamn Elonorobu Arasaka suppressing my tweets again
JustAnotherHyrum t1_iy5ys64 wrote
Four words. You need to put 3 of those words back, please. Four if we count the "$8" as two words.
yhwhx t1_iy5yske wrote
> you guys spent the last two years looting Target
It takes 2 years to loot a Target?
AdonisAleus t1_iy5ywro wrote
I bet that sounded amazing in your head too. Say, did anyone else hear all the dogs around them start hollering? Almost like someone blew a whistle?
monstermayhem436 t1_iy5yyfb wrote
Ok, that makes more sense. I checked too, and all I got were news clips and the like and was confused
[deleted] t1_iy5zaml wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5zc95 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5zd40 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5zfv0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5zgod wrote
signal_two_noise t1_iy61oyk wrote
Yeah, at first I thought he might get in trouble with Prince Bonesaw, but no, they have common interests.
kwangqengelele t1_iy61umk wrote
Buy New Blue Checkmark XXL to secure your FreeSpeech+
Only 8 eddies a month!
StrongestMushroom t1_iy62hfp wrote
So now I'm a terrorist, and a racist. You kids sure do love projecting.
AdonisAleus t1_iy62o7l wrote
You're choosing your own words.
trollsmurf t1_iy62rzb wrote
Fake news insemination
trollsmurf t1_iy6361f wrote
Let the world burn so that more want to pay $100k to go to Mars.
irkli OP t1_iy63ppv wrote
Twitter is already banned in China. China's interest is in disinfo in the US.
trollsmurf t1_iy63srq wrote
Time to set up my long planned "1 emoji only per post (no text)" site and outcompete Twitter.
[deleted] t1_iy641nq wrote
[deleted] t1_iy64k5f wrote
Upstairs-Injury9660 t1_iy64o7j wrote
I guess Apple and other advertisers don't enjoy free speech
StrongestMushroom t1_iy64ras wrote
Yeah you're right, I should have said "burning Target" not "looting Target." Because in your own mind when I say looting, I must be talking about people of color, and I guess your thoughts make me a racist.
Hand_Banana_0082 t1_iy6549u wrote
Funny. Why would they want to drown out the stories when I think some Redditor said that anti-CCP and anti-Xi protests happen all the time in China, even Shanghai. I'm guessing protests aren't that common and this is a big issue.
Mushroom_Tip t1_iy6550x wrote
Elon didn't get played.
The losers who thought a narcissistic billionaire cared about them got played.
You're spot on with your 2nd assessment though. The reason Elon came out of nowhere saying Taiwan should be part of China is because he wants to be in bed with authoritarians. As long as they have money. Chinese, Saudi. Elon is a slut for anyone with money right now.
TintedApostle t1_iy65jhl wrote
That was the goal in buying it with Saudi help.
HermanDinklemyer t1_iy65mse wrote
Looks like Musk is not in charge of Twitter.
SexyOldHobo t1_iy65nr9 wrote
Hey bud, I’m one of those communists. We like upvoting, it’s solidarity
libmrduckz t1_iy66sxf wrote
grab ‘em by the pullquote
Bokth t1_iy67obl wrote
But how will I know he exists????
Oh yea just donate a B and sail off to your island. Google search would be: X owns an island. X donated a B.
Wow much cooler and it cost 1/44 of only the most recent ehhh boondoggle I guess.
[deleted] t1_iy699hn wrote
exorcyst t1_iy69ej0 wrote
How dare you use logic and make sense and stuff
Chippopotanuse t1_iy69hym wrote
He says Twitter will be a town square like it’s a good thing.
You ever go to a town square? There’s five crazy people with bullhorns yelling insane shit 24/7.
Why is that his ideal?
sneaky_squirrel t1_iy69rtk wrote
Ok, now I hate Musk.
Helping the CCP is the same thing as destroying everything the CCP wants to destroy...which is all of the hobbies I enjoy!!!
TintedApostle t1_iy69xnv wrote
YouTube search "Hyde Park Corner". Its the London "free speech zone" of Hyde Park.
If this is Elon's idea of a town square - hard pass. I have gone to HPC for fun, but to actually engage in conversation? Nope.
GuitarGeezer t1_iy6alr5 wrote
I think this reinforces the likely truth that Elon Musk has no idea what he is doing and maybe never entirely did. Also, it reinforces the divestment of the world republics away from China. Putin’s war of imperial aggression and China’s games with Taiwan prove that it was always a mistake to engage on substantial trade with totalitarian scum and that they are always an enemy and can never be a friend or partner.
[deleted] t1_iy6apgl wrote
Cognitive_Spoon t1_iy6b8nh wrote
It's a scam. Those eight eddies are nothing compared to the botnets being propped up by eight million eddies.
You can use an AI to make 5 pics of someone who doesn't exist in thirty seconds. Take those five pics, slap them on a bot account, and viola, you got a bit that "looks" like someone who can't be reverse image searched. Someone unique.
Social Media is about to get massively less easy to parse.
It's always been a game played by corpos, it's just going to get harder to play if you don't got the buy in money.
HermanCainsPenis t1_iy6bchy wrote
>Ever noticed the way Reddit praises communism
No I have not noticed lol, link an example?
moishepesach t1_iy6bdbx wrote
I thought he was in charge of bankrupting it.
moishepesach t1_iy6bupu wrote
We have the best speech. To twit, four whores and seven pee pee tapes ago, our whorefathers, who sought to enslave everybody in Africa... yada yada
vanman33 t1_iy6d6ny wrote
Do you have any source info for better understanding this?
Versificator t1_iy6ddpi wrote
Imagine talking about "reddit" like a monolith.
Also, a better world is possible.
[deleted] t1_iy6dwd1 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy6e3yi wrote
serenidade t1_iy6fqhs wrote
And Musk, with all his wailing about bots and free speech absolutism, is 100% okay with this bullshit. Because he doesn't have actual morals. Like the fascist politicians he idolizes, the outrage is feigned--just a tool of manipulation to get what he wants.
Add him to the pile of self-serving pieces of shit with far too much power over our democracy.
Aazadan t1_iy6g350 wrote
That's literally how Alex Jones got started. He started on street corners in Austin screaming his nonsense and handing out xeroxed pamphlets on the secret cabals of moloch worshippers.
serenidade t1_iy6gje4 wrote
Riiiiight. Because we should be getting our facts from people who jerk off to Alex Jones.
[deleted] t1_iy6hpjx wrote
JohnGillnitz t1_iy6p3jx wrote
Let me tell you how cool (and expensive) it was to have a dedicated 1.5 T1 in 1994.
JohnGillnitz t1_iy6pl09 wrote
I think the only people still on Twitter are there to set it on fire or watch it burn down. They aren't there to fix the building, but to see it explode.
RealisticCurrent2405 t1_iy6q2vs wrote
Reddit would never fall victim to astroturfing and manipulation
burros_n_churros t1_iy6rcsu wrote
It cost him $1B. Elon sank $44B. Real smart.
IKeepDoingItForFree t1_iy6uf7e wrote
This - why do like 6 or 7 billionaires/multi millionares own almost every paper in every country, and keep buying more and more local ones when able too - despite like 3 decades of the same news telling us "newpapers are dying we need bailouts and government funding" - its not about profit, its about controlling a narrative. Just look at Murdochs hold in Australia news and journalism in general- how he can basically set politicians that he backs up for success or have multiple papers run attack ads constantly against those he doesn't like.
Its the same thing, just running on the digital platform. Its also why Old Money Murdoch backed a bunch of bills to try and shut down linking to articles online, or having to pay to link (link tax) for YouTube descriptions because it means those who actually do independent reporting cant cite sources without paying him for using the URLs as citations. But that case, I also dont trust the other side either (twitter, youtube, FB, Google) - its a no win scenario for the average joe as either corporations get some more power, or murdoch and old money media threatened by new media upstarts and independents does.
[deleted] t1_iy6uxgu wrote
[deleted] t1_iy6wkup wrote
randomnighmare t1_iy6xvf1 wrote
If you really have to know (it's has already has been reported in other news threads) it's Binance.
[deleted] t1_iy6xxjm wrote
irkli OP t1_iy6zmyb wrote
It was! In late 1993 we had the very first commercial T1 from MCI Govt Sys Div. From SF we could ping London in 10 mS (I think it was), two hops.
Ummm maybe with you? Lol
irkli OP t1_iy709tg wrote
You're hired.
irkli OP t1_iy70z9f wrote
Not off hand. I'm not sure it was ever seriously proposed that USPS run it. In 92 I was managing an internet "share" that grew into in ISP ("toasternet") in 93, 94. Before that I was doing FidoNet stuff. I had my hands full then.
Maybe cypherpunk archives. Early/pre EFF. Though I later ran then sold an ISP I was in it for the network building. By 95 it was over, big money taking over as is now quite obvious.
irkli OP t1_iy71c86 wrote
I'm surprised it's still running. Time will tell if it's just solid work done in the past, amazing luck, or maybe us bystanders don't know as much as we like to think.
The thing about the unknown is, you don't know what it is.
PuellaBona t1_iy75zti wrote
Sign me up!
MakeAionGreatAgain t1_iy76dp9 wrote
To be fair, 500 millions is pissmoney for a 46 billion deal.
[deleted] t1_iy77ssy wrote
PuellaBona t1_iy77yoa wrote
Hey now. Sluts sell their bodies for money. Elon sold his soul.
2SP00KY4ME t1_iy78h6n wrote
Personally I hated him after he called that rescue diver a pedo guy and especially after he spent the cost of 8,800 children's hospitals on a website.
jschubart t1_iy7aqvq wrote
The Arab Spring did not turn out so great. A couple failed states and a few that went to democracy only to end with authoritarian rule.
varain1 t1_iy7auv9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy7d2x4 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy7eivq wrote
[deleted] t1_iy7eowf wrote
FlightAble2654 t1_iy7ltkr wrote
China has never wanted to be an open country. Everything is monitored, including media. Russia and China are very much the same. Block any leaks from the people. Jail them for doing so. Or.....rehabilitate them..
[deleted] t1_iy7mcbi wrote
[deleted] t1_iy7omw0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy7tnrh wrote
SnooCats373 t1_iy7waqa wrote
Too be fair, look at Elon's body.
Definitely not a seller's market for him.
SnooCats373 t1_iy7wecz wrote
>The thing about the unknown is, you don't know what it is.
Where is Miss Cleo in our time of need?
SnooCats373 t1_iy7wjdi wrote
Elon, is that you?
SnooCats373 t1_iy7woo3 wrote
That's the conference room sweetcakes catering costs.
[deleted] t1_iy7y7ue wrote
Fun-Gap4015 t1_iy7yr86 wrote
Whats even more dystopian is that when presented with reality, our citizens first thoughts are "this is just like my video game"
ShakeMyHeadSadly t1_iy82ddp wrote
What a secure communications platform./s
Well done, Elon.
[deleted] t1_iy82lsj wrote
radcom123 t1_iy82p5j wrote
Tom Scott did it back in 2014 I think (
tawaydont1 t1_iy82qkd wrote
Just because Elon spoke out everyone is trying to kill his wealth when he was all for the liberal agenda everyone was kissing is but it could be the USA government trying to spark this stuff to keep all of the bad headline out of the news like strikes, tech job losses, the lack of food on stor shelves, the lack of healthcare, etc.
We all know how bad Covid really can be for poor under developed areas of countries and in the elderly population maybe china will come out with some real number because of all the protest.
tawaydont1 t1_iy8326i wrote
We need the cheap goods to keep wages low and everything thing else high we can't pay for government services like schools, roads, water systems, etc because we can't keep taxing people yet when people move from red states to blue they generally stay unless the climate is stable no hurricane or tornadoes.
OS6aDohpegavod4 t1_iy835nd wrote
How does a public internet utility affect social media spam in any way? You're talking about an ISP, not running a website.
tawaydont1 t1_iy83b5f wrote
It sounds like America we are headed that way we keep thinking we are a representive democracy and we aren't any more thanks to the wage gap being huge.
BronzeHeart92 t1_iy86145 wrote
As someone from Finland, I concur.
billybobbaconator t1_iy86k8y wrote
The Gulf states’ sovereign wealth funds own a higher percentage of Reddit anyway
[deleted] t1_iy872kw wrote
cassinonorth t1_iy885ku wrote
That isn't true. He started on public access... Possibly as satire, and got worse and worse.
[deleted] t1_iy8bv8r wrote
akatokuro t1_iy8tec1 wrote
It's almost like fiction is an avenue to critique and act as a mirror for our shared common experiences. It's like saying that it's dystopian that when facing drought and economic hardship people think about The Grapes of Wrath.
sedativumxnx t1_iy8wbq2 wrote
Lalalala, censorship takes many forms, lalalalala
irkli OP t1_iy8z8dg wrote
That is an excellent question. Many eu countries do it this way. But pipes don't have the same liabilities/exposures as the media sites do. Some of this is long and we'll studied, tl;dr here.
irkli OP t1_iy90an7 wrote
He makes really bad decisions. He says terrible things. His major advantage in life is that he has a lot of money. He makes for a very disappointing "hero".
HaloGuy381 t1_iy919qs wrote
Sounds like much of the next century will be the sequel to Grapes of Wrath, then.
JohnGillnitz t1_iy9d4pe wrote
Not in London I'm afraid. There wasn't much in the way of security back then and every workstation had a real IP address. Even though Windows 3.1 didn't have an IP stack (Trumpet Winsock to the rescue!). I found a web server that ran on Windows (limited to short file names) and turned my office desktop into one. We would also do DOOM II LAN parties and see who could find the most disgusting pornographic picture (before Netscape was a thing). My supervisors, 40-something ladies who were mostly former school teachers, were instigating the whole thing. It was nuts.
a8bmiles t1_iy9ncpv wrote
There used to be a Shadowrun subreddit highlighting events in real life and their already existing parallel in Shadowrun lore. Maybe it's still around and I just can't find it now.
dofffman t1_iy9pbbn wrote
omg yes. I never thought of that despite the fact I keep on wishing you could get an email from the post office that you would be assured of not losing. allow one for free with limited storage per citizen and then sell additional addresses and storage.
trollsmurf t1_iy9unao wrote
Interesting thing they had to fend off investors. To some it would be a dream to get that kind of attention.
DukeOfGeek t1_iya2e6f wrote
My thought was "I'm glad I never went to twitter to get my news".
Aazadan t1_iyabmgs wrote
There’s one for EU4 and other paradox games
papaHans t1_iyagrs1 wrote
1000 million, that's a billion right?
Aazadan t1_iyajwmt wrote
He did that yes, but he was literally on the streets shouting. In Austin in the 90's and early 00's it was one of the local sites.
joe-re t1_iyak19k wrote
That's the way it was handled in the beginning in Germany. Telekom, a state owned company, had a monopoly on the infrastructure. It was privatized in 1996, but the state owned most of it.
Internet access and speed severely lagged behind other countries, but costs were higher. This is still the case.
2020willyb2020 t1_iyaq505 wrote
So they took our culture of overwhelming spam and porn ads (since congress can’t pass regulations ) and weaponized it against us so we can’t get to the truth….sounds about right
irkli OP t1_iyau1bd wrote
Bummer. Recalling experience back in the BBS modem days, yeah, a lot of European telcos were quite retrograde. So I can see how that would happen.
"Someone" must have done a survey of approaches to this. Maybe eff would know.
AncomDuck t1_iyc2r43 wrote
Here is a Github repository that contains almost all the videos about the protests. It also has a timeline summery. The protests are spreading from universities to several major cities. The materials here are not translated, but maybe try using google translate or other similar tools to see for yourselves.
This is the biggest wave of protests since Tank Man, people of China Mainland finally start to wake up. The major wave of the protests started with a tragedy happened in Ürümqi, the capital city of the Xinjiang province. That city has been under super strict zero-COVID policy lockdown for over 100 days. That means all the citizens has been locked in their home. A few days ago, an apartment building caught fire but people weren't able to escape due to all the exits were locked. So about 10 including children were burnt to death. The CCP of course denied everything, and people decided they have had enough of this dog shit.
Lots of the protesters in those videos were not covering their faces, because they already know the CCP can and will track them done through cell phones, CCTVs and all kinds of surveillance networks. Some of them are holding blank papers without any words on it, that means whatever they want to say, CCP won't allow it, but also people know what they want to say. The words used in these videos and photos are about stopping the zero-COVID policy, the Xi Jinping dictatorship and the CCP; and asking for freedom, basic human rights and justice.
Source: Chinese college students
"Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men? It is the music of the people who will not be slaves again!"
[deleted] t1_iyd9mzj wrote
Fun-Gap4015 t1_iydpai5 wrote
You're comparing a work of literature to loot boxes. Good effort though, not all art is created equally.
HokieScott t1_iydv5xx wrote
There were rumors back then that the USPS was going to collect money for each email sent. Under a law that only the USPS can handle letters except if it had to be there nextday/2day, thus allowing UPS/FeDex/DHL/AirboneExpress/etc. to also deliver documents.
HokieScott t1_iydvd13 wrote
Wow, I haven't heard FidoNet mentioned in a VERY VERY long time.. Back in the BBS days.
akatokuro t1_iye10tw wrote
Oh I forgot, because it's Steinbeck it's hallowed and up on a pedestal. Meanwhile because some games include extremely predatory gambling mechanics, that means the writers for other games must be low-brow and deplorable.
In order to get a quick jibe in you also ignored the substance of why your original comment didn't work. Cyberpunk fiction has been one of the most prognosticative sub-genres since its' appearance over the last half century and 2077 is no different. It is yet another example of reality seeming to imitate the art that critiques our own reality.
A person experiencing drought and economic depression thinking about how much The Grapes of Wrath is like the reality they are going through is just the same--art based off reality being prescient of events that have not yet come to pass. It literally doesn't matter what type of art it is because your criticism is that it's dystopian that people relate to art.
But sure, video games bad and OP should be ashamed for experiencing emotion.
[deleted] t1_iye4r5y wrote
[deleted] t1_iye4yxh wrote
Fun-Gap4015 t1_iyepou2 wrote
I'm not reading your thesis on the comparison of cyber punk and grapes of wrath.
I wish you put as much effort into proving your point on the internet to strangers, as you do with the rest of your life.
This is such a reddit moment am I right
akatokuro t1_iyespvs wrote
Yes it is, you exemplify it brilliantly
Fun-Gap4015 t1_iyfeigo wrote
You're upset because I don't think you're right. That upsets you because you're emotionally immature. How else could my simple trolling upset you, oh modern man.
Controlling narcissistic behavior, upset because I won't do what you want. Congratulations, in wisdom we call that a freebie.
irkli OP t1_iy5m30r wrote
The only things big enough to push oligarchs like musk around are large states to which he is beholden.