Bokbreath t1_ja1ubol wrote
Fear. They live in fear of almost everything.
go_comatose_for_me t1_ja1vl5u wrote
Good thing he had that gun on him. ^^\s
Callasfan t1_ja1w25i wrote
If only he had a gun to protect himself from his gun.
InternetPeon t1_ja1w4g8 wrote
All loud noises should be responded to with gunfire.
davy_jones_locket OP t1_ja1wews wrote
There was a loud noise (a ladder fell). People thought it was gun shots. People ran for safety. And this dope shoots himself with his concealed weapon.
openly_gray t1_ja1wif7 wrote
IvanStarokapustin t1_ja207k2 wrote
Well, Darwin continues to rule.
LuminousJaeSoul t1_ja208ge wrote
Now he has to be scared of himself when he goes out. Truly aren't safe anywhere
Daflehrer1 t1_ja21qps wrote
I don't know if I can define parody offhand, but I'm sure that's it.
Malluss t1_ja229zi wrote
Where were the good guys with a gun?
dave999dave t1_ja22p2r wrote
The only thing that stops a gun is a gun with another gun.
nc1264 t1_ja231bv wrote
A good guy with a gun. He identified the threat and took appropriate measures. He deserves a medal.
SmokeAbeer t1_ja23dbr wrote
“Shoot first, think never.” -Ashy Slashy
synthdrunk t1_ja26lxv wrote
This is how you can tell he doesn’t have much range time. No ladder sounds like no report.
Dynasuarez-Wrecks t1_ja28tc9 wrote
but how?
Ucitymetal t1_ja29q2w wrote
He must be one of those "you always have to have one in the chamber" guys.
GetlostMaps t1_ja2h133 wrote
ancientweasel t1_ja2hbe5 wrote
And they carry around a significant risk to themselves as a result.
bisectional t1_ja2ib0r wrote
The only way to stop a bad noise is a good noise with a gun
Aporkalypse_Sow t1_ja2j86u wrote
I had a 20 foot aluminum ladder hit my head once, sounded like a gun went off in my head.
rypher t1_ja2kx00 wrote
The ladder wouldn’t have hit you if you were carrying a gun for protection.
Twobears_highfivin t1_ja2nea3 wrote
If I had to guess, the safety was off and he fumbled taking it out.
Quport99 t1_ja2njbs wrote
andreasdagen t1_ja2nplh wrote
Kinda fucked up comments in here..
ExpialiDUDEcious t1_ja2o1lw wrote
He forgot it was there. It was concealed (and apparently ready to fire?) in his camouflage pants?
crypto1092 t1_ja2p3vj wrote
Fudd lore runs deep. The guns not gonna go off without the user doing anything, and all modern firearms are held to strict safety standards. This guy is a moron (not you), anyone who actually listens and pays attention to their training wouldn’t shoot themselves, and would carry with one in the chamber
crypto1092 t1_ja2p7iu wrote
Not enough draw practice I’d wager. Not following firearm safety rules, ie. having your finger on the trigger when you’re not ready to fire..
nutmeggerking t1_ja2wygz wrote
Why? Because we are making fun of an idiot for going outside armed because he's that scared of absolutely everything around him? It's worthy of mocking plus he could just as easily have hurt someone else.
CurrentlyLucid t1_ja2xo59 wrote
Paranoia may destroy ya.
ThatRedditPrat t1_ja2xrmb wrote
Studies show that keeping a ladder in the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun. That's why I own ten guns, in case some maniac tries to sneak in with a ladder.
dubbleplusgood t1_ja2ztcu wrote
Save your gun money and instead use it to buy soft plush carpets so a dropped ladder won't make a loud noise. Problem solved.
dr_Octag0n t1_ja30ad3 wrote
He had conceiled the weapon from himself.
dubbleplusgood t1_ja30gdn wrote
Was the gun in his pants instead of a holster? Possibly. Regardless of how he carried it, was it locked and loaded? Probably. Did his carelessness and negligence put others at risk? Definitely. Will he learn from his mistake? Absolutely not.
GenericElucidation t1_ja31l0n wrote
World: nothing to see here.
Some guy: it's goddamn GTA up in here!
Much-Glove t1_ja33d9c wrote
It's ma gawd givern right to shoot maself in the foot!
midnight_station t1_ja3443x wrote
The guy is so scared he has to carry a gun around with him, then he hears a loud noise which scares him even more and shoots himself b/c he's too terrified to use his gun properly.
Commercial_Board6680 t1_ja37qu1 wrote
Carrying a loaded gun into a shopping mall? Hope he shot his dick off.
Roseking t1_ja39ds5 wrote
I am now picturing someone juggling a ladder mid air by using a barrage of gunfire as they dodge out of the way like they are in a Devil May Cry Game.
Otherwise-Extreme-68 t1_ja3dww5 wrote
Whats fucked up is that in America a loud noise can cause fear, confusion, shops to go into lockdown and someone to shit their pants and shoot themselves. The comments are just words, the article details the complete failure of a country
andreasdagen t1_ja3g1yu wrote
Yes, the gun situation is obviously much worse than some insensitive comments
youngmindoldbody t1_ja3j78f wrote
I live in Raleigh and will now be hyper vigilant for rogue ladders.
j33205 t1_ja3jo3h wrote
Then that misfire confirmed to other nearby guns to be on high alert. And in an unforeseeable snowball effect, the entire nation of guns was on high alert.
EdisonLightbulb t1_ja3k10n wrote
LOLOLOL...uh... I mean, "thoughts & prayers" for your injury (snicker).
MorrowDisca t1_ja3l50f wrote
I hope he wasn't wearing a mask. Can't be living in fear.
Rokzo t1_ja3mjj5 wrote
I instantly envisioned a king of the hill skit where Hank shoots himself in the leg, falls to the ground and goes Baaawaaaawaaaahaaaa and grabs a tiny gun from a tiny holster next to it and starts shooting the other gun repeatedly
Dances-With-Snarfs t1_ja3mk9c wrote
Guns are carried “locked and loaded” all the time. It’s the preferred way to carry a firearm on the body of somebody who knows what they’re doing. Now carrying it loaded and not knowing what to do with it to the degree that the carrier shoots themself is careless and stupid.
Dances-With-Snarfs t1_ja3n52h wrote
Imagine living in a country where public mass murders occur and being willing to actually defend yourself/others from it. Now imagine that you shoot yourself out of incompetence and to top it off the same group of people who condemn these mass shooting existing mocks you for wanting to not be murdered in public. This guy shouldn’t be carrying a gun since he clearly can’t handle it, but don’t act like keeping a gun on you in the world’s most armed and one of its most dangerous countries is unreasonable.
Fenway_Refugee t1_ja3puk9 wrote
If only he shot off his tiny, little ding-dong; he wouldn't have to worry about over-compensating for something anymore!
nutmeggerking t1_ja3q050 wrote
Lol this clown just proved that he only adds to the danger by arming himself. He's the type of moron that would accidentally shoot an innocent person if there was a shootout.
If everyone is already armed, why do you feel the need to arm yourself? Someone else will be armed. But I guess when you are scared of your own shadow, you feel the need to arm yourself. It's a fucking sad existence.
Fact: he is statistically likely to end up being the only person to shoot him in his lifetime
dubbleplusgood t1_ja3r537 wrote
Locked and loaded, referring to one in the chamber, ready to fire. Cleary he wasn't ready to fire but his firearm was.
Woden8 t1_ja3rij2 wrote
The article doesn’t say this man was carrying either legally or illegally. But folks, if you are going to be a responsible concealed carry holder, you need to train. Many states including mine require you to have at least fired 200 rounds to renew your license, but you really need to do more then that. You need to practice your draw from many positions (of course, do this with a unloaded firearm), seated, crouching, on your back, etc. This will help you find which carry positions work best for you. Also, practice firing from these positions if you can. Many people use small of the back holsters which are terrible if an attacker has knocked you down on your back. Also, this usually applies to women and purses, off-body carry isn’t great. With off-body carry you are far more likely to have a accidental discharge while fumbling through your bag. In an intense moment you don’t want to be fumbling around trying to figure out how to get a good purchase on your firearm.
ConsiderationWest587 t1_ja3rk8j wrote
Just watch- first day of the apocalypse, half the preppers are gonna shoot themselves or go deaf from firing inside a building lol
Johnyryal3 t1_ja3rkp6 wrote
Im sure this guy thought he knew what he was doing too.
britboy4321 t1_ja3rs91 wrote
That man has spent his whole life 'til now believing only morons accidentally discharge their firearms. Just like you believe, right now :)
krusty_yooper t1_ja3swvy wrote
Damnit Cheddar Bob!
Dances-With-Snarfs t1_ja3t6u5 wrote
Yeah I’m well aware. That is how guns are carried. They may have the safety on or off depending on user choice and mechanical function of the firearm. They may have no safety at all. They usually have one in the tube ready to go so the user does not need to rack the slide to put the gun into battery, because if you need a gun you need it right away.
WhyBuyMe t1_ja3v6gx wrote
Shag carpet is the solution to all of life's problems
TranscendentPretzel t1_ja3w7zz wrote
There was a loud noise. Hero with concealed weapon ducks for cover and shoots himself.
Shouldn't he have been taking out his gun to save the day? Kinda proves that people who feel like they need a gun on them at all times to feel safe are wimps.
TranscendentPretzel t1_ja3wmvb wrote
I've said to gun people before that I don't like handling guns because I'm afraid I'll shoot myself, and they all immediately jump in to say that's not how guns work. They don't "just go off." But I keep hearing about cases where this exact thing happens.
dave999dave t1_ja3xim3 wrote
Hank wouldn’t have done that, but Cotton would have, shouting “Judas!”
juanever t1_ja3yfir wrote
I bet it was a sig
coolluck33 t1_ja3yh43 wrote
Get real, only cops get awards for shooting & killing innocent people...
LittleKitty235 t1_ja3zg2h wrote
LittleKitty235 t1_ja3zp47 wrote
Side effects include groovyness and good vibes
[deleted] t1_ja3zqcd wrote
LittleKitty235 t1_ja40d03 wrote
We have nothing to fear but fear itself! And ladders
Upstairs-Injury9660 t1_ja43zpp wrote
Either that or using a clip-draw style system without a trigger guard
DamonFields t1_ja4coh7 wrote
Just another day in Murkastan.
OldWierdo t1_ja4ea44 wrote
Thank God for Good Guys with guns! All responsible owners.
Beat the hell out of the guy for negligent discharge. Not accidental. Negligent.
TheSlamster t1_ja4htqq wrote
Couldn’t work, hank can’t aim
Sudovoodoo80 t1_ja4opxu wrote
Or, hear me out, you could just not live in fear and not carry a gun.
Sudovoodoo80 t1_ja4ouj3 wrote
Or, hear me out, maybe you just don't need the gun.
Sudovoodoo80 t1_ja4p7kn wrote
It is unknown if mall ninjas have dicks, no one has even seen one.
Sudovoodoo80 t1_ja4pml7 wrote
Or, maybe you just don't need the gun.
StygianSavior t1_ja4pu3x wrote
Shagadelic, baby!
Commercial_Board6680 t1_ja4ud3l wrote
It's rude of us to make fun of the fragile mall ninja who's so terrified of life that he has to protect himself to shop. But it does make me laugh, so there's that.
Sudovoodoo80 t1_ja4uhyr wrote
Laughter is indeed what the world needs now.
orange_pill76 t1_ja4xr0o wrote
I'm waiting for an instance where two "good guys with guns" heroically shoot each other after bravely responding to the sound of a falling concrete paver in the garden center of a home depot.
Redboy45672 t1_ja56kma wrote
Did he try giving his gun a gun?
JesusPotto t1_ja583hy wrote
Wow you sure showed him buddy
MaricLee t1_ja5awbf wrote
"The only sensible gun accident was my gun accident."
MaricLee t1_ja5b7az wrote
You gotta bring a gun to the mall. You never know when some other maniac will bring a gun to the mall!
It's just guns all the way down.
MaricLee t1_ja5bosj wrote
Adding more guns to the mix is not a good solution. He defended nothing. The only one shot there that day was the man with a gun...
And what do you mean the group that condemns mass shooting? Are you turning mass shootings into an us vs them thing now? Go polish your gun.
MaricLee t1_ja5bxmf wrote
These scared idiots are probably gonna start firing off after hearing gun shots in an action movie at a theater.
MaricLee t1_ja5chmc wrote
As if people running scared from a ladder isn't sad enough due to the prevalence of mass shootings in this country, this moron makes it worse by proving that not only was a gun really on scene, but that maybe everyone having a gun is a bad idea.
This dude helped absolutely no one and no cause. He only served to make literally everything just a little bit worse.
MrAbadeer t1_ja5cud1 wrote
Cheddar Bob is a Patriot.
ExpialiDUDEcious t1_ja5j9jx wrote
No, they are very brave for they have a killing device they don’t know how to use. That’s very brave. (/s do I need this though?)
Bokbreath t1_ja5jyro wrote
I fantasize about being the Good Guy With A Gun and having women throw themselves at me because I save them from the Bad Guy With A Gun.
Even when this doesn't happen I can safely be rude and angry - and people must respect me because I Am A Dangerous Person
KrampyDoo t1_ja5lfus wrote
>Non-life-threatening injuries.
Killed the fuck out of his pride, tho
scamparama t1_ja60xhc wrote
Well, thoughts n prayers, right?
ammonium_bot t1_ja6byvo wrote
> do more then that.
Did you mean to say "more than"?
Explanation: No explanation available.
Total mistakes found: 2386
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes.
^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions.
NewZappyHeart t1_ja6ixwp wrote
Darwin moves in nauseatingly predictable ways.
Woden8 t1_ja7wryi wrote
People will exercise the rights afforded to them by the constitution. If that’s going to be the case we need to try to make sure they do so responsibly.
Sudovoodoo80 t1_ja8158s wrote
Maybe, some of them shouldn't even though they have the right. I don't think we should remove the right, but not everyone need to use it.
Woden8 t1_ja82c50 wrote
Some people probably are not responsible enough to carry daily no, but it is a constitutional right, so regardless they have the right until they do something stupid enough to lose that right (a felony). So the best course of action in this situation would be education.
Sudovoodoo80 t1_ja83tqn wrote
Agreed. Education is never the wrong answer.
BazilBroketail t1_ja1tq2m wrote