Submitted by xalxary2 t3_11de9ek in nottheonion
Tahmas836 t1_ja88jgh wrote
*Funded by various soft drink companies
RepresentativeNo7660 t1_ja89den wrote
Can confirm, drink Coca Cola frequently-have a pretty big peen.
Azozel t1_ja8b3kk wrote
The study was done on mice, not humans. Any claims this makes about humans is not backed by actual human data.
pm-me-your-nenen t1_ja8c7qp wrote
The study was done on mice, only comparing groups that drinks Coke, Pepsi and water.
Yet actual data from human shows sugar sweetened beverage actually reduce testosterone level
mike-godwin01 t1_ja8cu35 wrote
I must not have drank enough..
draedek t1_ja8dffn wrote
same, I drink soda almost everyday. I am also not balding, so that other study is really true
Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_ja8e5sf wrote
Yes testicular cancer can do that.
RockyMountainHigh- t1_ja8egl9 wrote
RotjeCore t1_ja8expw wrote
It's called Penis or whatever you are referring to. Don't assume that everyone is five years old and can't handle those words. Btw, even five years old can handle them, they just use them for quite some time as soon as they learn that they get funny reactions from grown-ups, when using them.
Right-Fisherman-1234 t1_ja8lglv wrote
OK. Now tells us what the harmful effects are. Go.
DaggyLive t1_ja8num4 wrote
Makes everything bigger tbh
LewAshby309 t1_ja8nuq6 wrote
Then why is the avg penis size in the US smaller than in europe while europeans drink on avg roundabout 40% less soft drinks?
[deleted] t1_ja8oduw wrote
SuitableNegotiation5 t1_ja8oy56 wrote
"Private parts"? Penis is not a dirty word.
Dqueezy t1_ja8rhre wrote
Diet Coke? Diet Balls. Coke Zero? Zero Penis.
TaiDavis t1_ja8tdbq wrote
New study claims they're idiots
Beepis2 t1_ja8tweo wrote
No, it doesn't. I drink soft drinks daily and I'm small af
Jacuul t1_ja8uvhc wrote
Yeah, was gonna say, maybe something in the soft drinks fucked up the mice, but drinking sugar/obesity/etc tend to have the exact opposite effect. This reeks of cherry-picked results, like that study about chocolate from a few years ago that it promotes weight loss (the study itself was part of a journalist outlet showing that studies can be gamed to show any result the people running it want)
majorjoe23 t1_ja8y4cu wrote
Research by Dr. Pepper.
bjones0921 t1_ja90vx0 wrote
That’s a god damn lie.
bent_crater t1_ja92e4r wrote
Dr. Pecker*
ElHijoDelCoco t1_ja92jiw wrote
I've got a dick like a cola-cola can. The only problem is I piss black.
ctiger12 t1_ja97i2g wrote
Drinking or soaking? I need to know clearer
BurnesWhenIP t1_ja97r9z wrote
I guess "Grab a Coke and a Smile" has new meaning
marchesNmaneuvers t1_ja98ndx wrote
hard drink*
AndyGHK t1_ja98rhi wrote
When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get Large,
But now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a baaaarge!
Shrekromancer t1_ja9aymi wrote
Diet Coke -> Diet Cock
stump2003 t1_ja9ci9l wrote
So forcing mice to drink Coke makes my junk bigger? Hope you’re thirsty Mr. Mouse…
977888 t1_ja9cxsn wrote
Probably because the U.S. has a much larger Asian population, and Asian countries, especially southeast, almost universally have the smallest by far
dustinrector t1_ja9dawe wrote
Hey, he’s a Fizzician!
houseman1131 t1_ja9dpti wrote
Yeah wtf were my parents thinking not letting me drink soda all the time this is their fault. 😡😡😡/s
Mr_Paper t1_ja9dzrd wrote
No wonder Mickey is so happy all the time.
Objective_Being8159 t1_ja9gt2k wrote
DontToewsMeBro2 t1_ja9gxkv wrote
Big Red?
nilsgunderson t1_ja9hjqk wrote
Darn. I've been using that enlarge cream for ever and no results, despite rubbing it on religiously every night. I could have been drinking soda (and using the enlarge cream).
CyberCarnivore t1_ja9i3ti wrote
"Drinking Coca-Cola makes men’s testicles bigger."
Literally the first line in the article...
supreme_glassez t1_ja9il1h wrote
Bruh, if that's the case who knows how big I'd be if I drank soda!
CyberCarnivore t1_ja9inpr wrote
Come on guys don't just read the headlines... 🤦♂️
The very first line in the article reads: "Drinking Coca-Cola makes men’s testicles bigger."
2 extra clicks before you comment about your dick size and we would all be making Bad Grandpa jokes, lol.
VinylmationDude t1_ja9jpbw wrote
This is clearly bullshit as I haven’t seen any increase in penis size in my life.
blacknyourma t1_ja9l2m5 wrote
You can dissolve a mouse in Mountain Dew.
J4MES101 t1_ja9lw93 wrote
Implying that somebody’s job for the last several months was measuring mouse cock length
Good cv material right there
(Kind of sounds like a trick played on an intern led to unexpected results. “Let’s make Dwayne measure their dicks”, etc etc.)
ok-jeweler-2950 t1_ja9lwk5 wrote
I drink way too much soda. My private parts might be bigger, but I can’t tell because of the size of my stomach.
IgotCHUbits t1_ja9n2kh wrote
It’s not a tumor. I promise.
Automation_Papi t1_ja9nltj wrote
Dr. Pepper, you make the dicks look bigger, Dr. Pepper
Ultimate_Decoy t1_ja9oz0n wrote
I mean, you go on a diet to "lose" weight. You ain't gonna gain them size drinking zero calories!
No-Think-Only-Sad t1_ja9q5n7 wrote
Your no no parts
SuitableNegotiation5 t1_ja9qqkj wrote
For females it's called a hoo ha.
Azozel t1_ja9rimt wrote
No, the article clearly says they measured the testicle size.
Azozel t1_ja9rtv6 wrote
Well, they claim it makes the mice have bigger testicles. They don't mention anything about the rest of the mouse. So, I guess you don't have to slam your balls in a microwave now so...
_night_cat t1_ja9tps3 wrote
They’ve got the biggest balls of them all!
Unique_Anywhere5735 t1_ja9ugsq wrote
Jeez! How many of these damned things do you have to drink? (Asking for a friend...)
lsdecaria1 t1_ja9vk32 wrote
Brawndo. It has Viagra in it. Makes sense
AGreenJacket t1_ja9vpyf wrote
As someone who has spent the last 20ish years of my life drinking several sodas a day, I can confirm this is incorrect
SpecterCody t1_ja9vumm wrote
Thiccy Mouse.
Spellscroll t1_ja9wig4 wrote
Huh, never considered my waistline to be a private part before.
[deleted] t1_ja9xele wrote
janzeera t1_ja9xg30 wrote
“Coke Adds…,” inches.
alexjaness t1_ja9yv34 wrote
Big Black Coca-Cola
Soup0rMan t1_jaa08pe wrote
Mmm... Gonna say this one is doubtful. Not from personal experience of course. Nope.
williamsdj01 t1_jaa1meg wrote
Think how small you would be if you didn't drink soda
Beepis2 t1_jaa28ep wrote
fromabuick t1_jaa2yos wrote
The greatest ad campaign ever born
mindlessgonzo2 t1_jaa36uv wrote
Yeah, no. I already tried that.
A Type-2 Diabetic
Darklord_Bravo t1_jaa3x10 wrote
Pretty sure based on the amount of Dr. Pepper I consumed back in the 90's, my penis should be about 2 feet or longer right now.
Safe to say, it is not. Thankfully. (No diabetes either!)
Darklord_Bravo t1_jaa3zbe wrote
Good one.
msbeal2 t1_jaa6t3t wrote
Would that man part be their waste lines?
StonedOldChiller t1_jaa6uxg wrote
"Dwayne's face was a picture when he was told he'd have to fluff them before measuring."
Ray_Pingeau t1_jaab0jj wrote
Except it’s not penis. It’s testicles. The oniony (not really) headline was made up.
ktp806 t1_jaac1hk wrote
Well played Pepsi, well played. Have a Coke and a smile.
FlamingPileOfKidneys t1_jaacakl wrote
"private parts?"
Can we not just say "penis?"
ash_274 t1_jaad4z2 wrote
Same thing with saccharine. It gives mice bladder cancer (when given in huge doses) but does NOT give humans bladder cancer.
Even California took it off their Prop 65 warning data, but France still bans saccharine from imports (officially)
ash_274 t1_jaad7mk wrote
"Naughty bits"
kre8ive1 t1_jaadneq wrote
Well that's because the article states it increases testicle size, not penis size. So what about those? 😂
kre8ive1 t1_jaaduep wrote
But the article is about testicles, not penises. But you're right... just say what it is.
LouSanous t1_jaaf8xc wrote
Does it grow your dick faster than your gut? As long as it's visible, you're ok.
Consistent-Soil-1818 t1_jaaj5vy wrote
Now that we're talking stereotypes ... I think Americans also have a vastly larger fraction of people from African descent than Europe (maybe with the exception of France) ...
heygreene t1_jaakumu wrote
The tiny lady from Married at First Sight?
GrowinStuffAndThings t1_jaanfqf wrote
And to think I've been doing it for free all these years
[deleted] t1_jaao029 wrote
De-railled t1_jaat3wx wrote
No wonder Minnie is so happy all the time.
mrgarbagepig t1_jaatvhg wrote
Private parts? Was this written by a 1st grade teacher??
whitea44 t1_jaavgq6 wrote
Was it published by a joint committee of Coca Cola and Andrew Tate?
VinylmationDude t1_jab0d1m wrote
I can’t tell. It’s not like I take a ruler to them on the regular.
Spazmanaut t1_jab0l7t wrote
Your anus gets larger
InternetPeon t1_jab6t2k wrote
! It did!
ZY_Qing t1_jabsblx wrote
The sugar makes you fat and hides your peen
purplerple t1_jacacfl wrote
Imagine having the job to measure mice peckers all day
JewsEatFruit t1_jadb17u wrote
The fact that it fucks with hormones?
InternetPeon t1_ja82fji wrote
What about Diet Coke?