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Humane-Human t1_iwki49t wrote

Unless you are from Australia you will have no idea what this means, lol


CareTricky4335 t1_iwkkzu8 wrote

Labor and Liberals are the two rival political parties in Australia there's technically more but those are the two major ones that people typically vote for.


speederbrad95 t1_iwkp7ct wrote

And the liberals aren’t actually liberal policy wise…


ISISstolemykidsname t1_iwkphbg wrote

The are, its just classical liberalism not the more popular current usage.


Humane-Human t1_iwktamc wrote

no, they aren't classical liberals

they are conservatives in a coalition with far right nationalists


Supermichael777 t1_iwl05ww wrote

Economic liberalism with conservative social tendencies. Liberals aren't your friends. It's the politics of wealth, trading power for wealth, and trading wealth for power.

Liberalism is the old guard of modern and post modern economics. It is a conservative position in practice, because closely aligning power and wealth is inherently opposition to changing the systems of wealth and power.


Nimrond t1_iwnk91w wrote

But classical liberalism is more than just economic liberalism. It's individualism, equal rights, separation of state and church, religious tolerance and much more. It's certainly not about using your wealth to gain power over others, to infringe on their liberty. Not even the government can do that in classical liberalism - if it breaks the social contract, it becomes a tyranny to be overthrown. No monarchy with those guys. Economic protectionism or subsidizing your coal industry buddies are very much not economic liberalism either.


Saleh1434 t1_iwl8pho wrote

Conservatives are liberals.


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_iwl8y2d wrote

Honestly the term conservative and liberal are entirely subjective anyway.


Apeswald_Mosley t1_iwmm5bu wrote

No they entirely are not, its just people have repeatedly used them without understanding what they entail until now they've taken on new connotations


GoodMerlinpeen t1_iwl5jen wrote

>no, they aren't classical liberals

What are the characteristics of classical liberals in your view?


gregorydgraham t1_iwl9o7w wrote

Classical liberal are the party of merchants, entrepreneurs, and the nouveau riche. They believe in free trade and freedom of labour (to move to their factory). They’re against workers rights, subsidies (right up until they need them), and entrenched aristocracy.

Classical conservatives are the party of landowners, established monopolies, and old money. They believe everything is just perfect and will enact miserly changes only when forced to.

Classical Labour/socialist are the party of the little guy. They believe in freedom of trade, freedom of labour, and freedom of movement. They’re against the other 2.

Believe it or not, none of these exist any more. All we have now is Neoliberals, Reactionaries, and closet neoliberals. And the Greens, I suppose


vacri t1_iwn45x6 wrote

>Classical Labour/socialist are the party of the little guy. They believe in freedom of trade, freedom of labour, and freedom of movement


That wing of politics is much more for protectionism than freedom of trade. Socialism in particular is big on controlling trade.

Freedom of labour and movement is also a weird one, as they're not really up for freedom of labour and movement if it's the wrong kind of person. And certainly in practice, history's socialist countries have been quite strict on freedom of movement even for the favoured people


gregorydgraham t1_iwn6a3j wrote

Traditional Marxism sees international borders as yet another way to oppress the little guy. Modern labour parties are covered in paragraph 4


vacri t1_iwnlxz7 wrote

When you say "All we have now is", you're implying that in the real world we used to have significant political parties that followed your definitions.


gregorydgraham t1_iwoeiw7 wrote

Fairly certain I explicitly said we used to have parties like that. My apologies if it was only implied.


vacri t1_iwp425n wrote

Sorry, you're right, you did explicitly say that. I stand corrected.

Who were the real-world significant political parties that had abolition of the concept of nations as a core part of their platform?


gregorydgraham t1_iwpb6p0 wrote

Well the Bolshevik’s for a starter.


vacri t1_iwpq4wn wrote

... and what a borderless, free-trade nation they created once they took power!


zipsam89 t1_iwn0zby wrote

That is absolutely not what classical Labour or socialists are.

Especially not freedom of trade.


HouseHusband1 t1_iwljk7r wrote

Classical liberalism means low government oversight, as in "being liberated". Basically libertarian. This results in private citizens mistreating other private citizens with little legal recourse.

Colloquial liberalism means social inclusion, as in "accepting ideas other than your own." So welfare programs, corporate regulations, and inclusion of all demographics.


socialcommentary2000 t1_iwlmgco wrote

Yeah it's basically "Pay no attention to the fash unless it's hurting my avarice and then, only pay attention to an extent that it doesn't inconvenience me (and not cost me any money.)"


ISISstolemykidsname t1_iwl93dw wrote


Humane-Human t1_iwm7dwr wrote

Of course I'm confident

I'm Australian, I've grown up seeing the liberals being a bunch of conservatives


ISISstolemykidsname t1_iwo7k93 wrote

Oh well you must be right then, because there wasn't ever a time before you were born where the word meant something different...

Oh and I'm also Australian.


imafraidofmuricans t1_iwmm8dj wrote

Reddit really doesn't know what "liberal" and "liberalism" is.

No they are. It's just that liberalism is shit. Just because the US is stuck between liberalism and actual facism doesn't mean liberalism is good


Pro_Yankee t1_iwkjorh wrote



Humane-Human t1_iwkk10s wrote

I was trying to think of something dumb and Australian to say:

You made me blush red as the sands of the Simpson Desert


ash_274 t1_iwl8vf0 wrote

The party names and their political directions I know, I don’t know who Daniel Andrews is.

Edit: he’s the equivalent of a US state governor and of the opposition party. At least he’s not a potato that thinks he’s a superhero (NSFW, but funny)


Humane-Human t1_iwm7ooo wrote

He's not the opposition leader, he's Victoria's Labor leader (and in power as premiere), and Labor also is in federal government


[deleted] t1_iwkvtz8 wrote

Liberals are the right wing party in Australia, Labor is left


Amationary t1_iwkmtqa wrote

This is NOT oniony. “Liberals” the Australian party is the Conservative party


skrasnic t1_iwl18bg wrote

Uhhh yeah, but the fact that they're still preferencing someone who wanted to hang Dan Andrews is pretty fucking out there.


Amationary t1_iwl6a45 wrote

I mean… personally, not shocking at all knowing the liberal party


versusentropy t1_iwkyk1u wrote

everything is upside down there, isn't it?


D_Viper2 t1_iwl4rzx wrote

Nah it's normal like every where else in the world. Even in the UK, Rest of the Europe and around the democracies in the world. On the political scale liberals are still center right. Labour are the real left. It's only skewed in America because the country is so far right and with the cold war era red scarce that they believe anything past Liberal is extremists.


Flaksim t1_iwlauq9 wrote

Yeah, the US is the upside down country in this scenario.


NoesHowe2Spel t1_iwoz9wx wrote

In all honesty, Labor are centre-left. The Greens are the left wing of the mainstream parties. However, they are still capitalist. The actual socialist parties in Australia are all tiny.


vacri t1_iwn4xwf wrote

It is oniony if you are unaware of just how incompetent the state Liberal party is for Victoria. The Liberal party is a major party, and as such shouldn't be endorsing any candidate calling for murder above other genuine parties.

The Vic Libs are just so incompetent that this headline is just business as usual for those in the know.


Omnizoom t1_iwlr8js wrote

So if I understand this right

Right wing (called liberal in australia) prefer a candidate that called for the death of someone rather then someone of the party they directly oppose

Kind of makes the whole “shooting your neighbour for being a democrat” thing seem more like the right is going insane around the entire world


ladaussie t1_iwnp3d1 wrote

The lot that are doing this got smashed in the last big election. This one coming up is a state election and they're gunna get smashed again. So naturally they're pulling every little trick to try and scrounge a couple votes.

It's great because it's pushing a lot of their voting bloc away from them in absolute record numbers.


Scaria95 t1_iwlg5ks wrote

This title needs commas


cpteric t1_iwlo7tm wrote

"to be hanged". non-native english speakers be like "wat"


skyarrow999 t1_iwmnkb1 wrote

How so? We understand what it means to be hanged. It's historically been a widely used execution method not strictly tied to English speaking countries. It's cheap to set up, does the job, and is easy to just display for a little while, after all. And it's also still a popular suicide method.

The confusion in the title comes more from the ambiguity in "'Labor". It's not immediately obvious that Labor refers to a political party rather than just the word. It's also not immediately obvious that the "by Liberals" bit does not mean "Labor" is something made by Liberals.


Nimrond t1_iwnl0ha wrote

Thanks to the capitalization, it was to me.


Cetun t1_iwlotfa wrote

This is like one of those sentences that sounds like a means something but doesn't mean anything.


peensteen t1_iwmmkt3 wrote

Good thing the crazies in Australia don't have access to assault rifles, unlike here in the US.


NoesHowe2Spel t1_iwozo2k wrote

It doesn't matter, Andrews is going to win this election very easily. While people outside of (and a loud minority from within) Victoria have criticised his Covid strategy, he is Australia's second-most popular Premier.


monkeyhind t1_iwmt585 wrote

TIL liberal has different definitions depending on your home continent. In the U.S. its the conservatives who want(ed) to hang or otherwise punish government leaders for enforcing anti-pandemic measures.


Wendell-at2020 t1_iwmwsi9 wrote

Just have to keep bringing on the crazy it the latest global thing


michaelandrews t1_iwo5rxq wrote

I don't know what this is about, but I feel threatened.


MeanGreanHare t1_iwlst9g wrote

I read why the candidate wants the premier to be hanged. Fair enough reasoning. Looking forward to Nuremberg 2.


JohnnybananasXU t1_iwlicia wrote



Neb_Djed t1_iwlplxv wrote

A picture is hung, a person is hanged (unless they are a pornstar, then they are hung)


ManaGauge t1_iwljoia wrote

Don’t know this person but this headline aims to make people feel a certain way


mickelboy182 t1_iwmmri3 wrote

The headline is literally just a statement of fact....


ManaGauge t1_iwmnm08 wrote

ah yes, because facts cant be presented in a way to make you feel certain emotions


vacri t1_iwn7oyq wrote

How would you rephrase the title to be a more emotionless version?

"Major party assigns its voting preferences to a minor party candidate openly calling for the murder of a politician of the other major party"?

How would you improve the NPOV of the title?


mickelboy182 t1_iwnbxkz wrote

I can only assume the guy doesn't actually understand the headline.


mickelboy182 t1_iwms72x wrote

How would you like it to be framed? There really isn't anything emotive about it, it is literally just the stream of consciousness of what occured.


[deleted] t1_iwkqtuk wrote



drunk_haile_selassie t1_iwkt8lb wrote

More accurately. Liberal=Biden. Labor=Left of that. Nationals=Trump.


Nakorite t1_iwl96dx wrote

Yeah I mean literally neither of the us parties agree about universal healthcare which puts both of them more right than the liberals tbh.


StevenuranSmithusamy t1_iwl1izf wrote

Feel like Trump is a very specific brand of conservative. Not sure if someone like Turnbull would be happy being compared to him so don't think that analogy checks out entire. Your traditional republicans as a whole you might see some parallels though, i.e. Reagans and Abbotts


CareTricky4335 t1_iwkrwxz wrote

Yeah but if Biden was competent and cared about the environment.