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SmurfsNeverDie t1_j4922qt wrote

Eric Adams for President! This country needs a President that can destroy America with Swagger!


[deleted] t1_j497c2f wrote

Eric Adams never found a problem that can’t be solved with a little first class travel and a photo op.

Literally the entire problem is that migrants are being shipped from where he is to the city he’s mayor of. Could have gone to one of the city facilities that these people are living in but hey. Have a good long weekend, champ!


_Maxolotl t1_j49ccbr wrote

What's he gonna do at the border, exactly?


Rottimer t1_j49epnd wrote

So when is he switching parties before running for national office? Or does he think he can win a statewide or nationwide Dem primary with these talking points?


mowotlarx t1_j49iguo wrote

Cool, so spend more city budget to travel and have your armed goons follow you to Texas so you can get national press. Wonderful use of city funds.


squall571 t1_j49lyjz wrote

He’s going to ask for more money. Nobody’s tax dollars should pay for this


nicktherat t1_j49pb7l wrote

This can spin out of control into a dystopian future sci Fi novel


LostSoulNothing t1_j49vhxn wrote

Just think how mad you'd be if that were actually true...I am amused that the outrage number of the week is $300/night. A month or so again The Post was claiming the same hotel was charging $700/nt but I guess that was so outlandish no one believed it


pompcaldor t1_j49zrhk wrote

At least this trip makes more sense than the World Cup one.

Although they all could be zooms.


WickhamAkimbo t1_j4a15fl wrote

A lot of sarcasm, but nothing constructive in here.


bklynzboy t1_j4a4xh5 wrote

Only because New York City officials have allowed it to cost that much


Zlec3 t1_j4a9cda wrote

Is this really a problem? I thought New York was a sanctuary city and we were happy to take everyone ?


PorchHonky t1_j4ajlbb wrote

What? Time to whoop some hick ass then.


TRDBG t1_j4ar7qj wrote

I can't wait to retire and get out from under NY taxes


Offthepoint t1_j4ay1zb wrote

Maybe next time keep your mouth shut that you're a "sanctuary city".


Longjumping_Vast_797 t1_j4b73sk wrote

Hot take: I like what Eric Adam's is doing. He's putting Frontline issues in the news, and he's less of a politician than those in the past, like DeBlasio, who paid lip service but did zero. DeBlasio would have buried the busing issue to save democrats face nationally. The fact that Adam's plans to travel to the border, yet it took Biden 2 years, and Kamala still has yet to address the issue, is embarrassing.


the_bionic_investor t1_j4b745s wrote

He’s going to “the border”, like with Canada? NY doesn’t border Mexico.


Jacken85 t1_j4bd6cj wrote

Why does it cost 2 billion? I see no real reason other than someone pocketing a big chunk of that money.


blockytraditionalist t1_j4bg1t4 wrote

Love watching all the Democrat-run cities having to put their money (or lack thereof) where their mouth is. No matter what the issue is, they want to have their cake and eat it too. I vote conservative independent cause the GOP are another type of moron, but at least they (try to) tell you and be honest about how they're screwing you over.


mowotlarx t1_j4bt4fh wrote

Most blue cities and blue states pay most of the taxes that fund and feed the red welfare states. We're just asking that the federal budget and where they send aid reflect that.

>GOP are another type of moron, but at least they (try to) tell you and be honest

Funniest thing I've read all day. Every time a Republican has taken office the national debt has risen out of control. Every time Democrats take back the legislature and presidency we fix the problems that Republicans made with our economy. Anyone who believes Republicans are on the right side of any economic issue are joke, or they are rich or they're onto the belief that one day they could be rich.


barcatoronto t1_j4c3j8x wrote

Ya keep telling yourself that to sleep better at night. The US economy is a shit show rn and the homeland is always in turmoil. There is a never ending flood of people who want to come here. Some were hesitant if the knew the chances of successes were low. But when a President emboldens these people by telling them it’s all good you get droves of them at your door.

I’m an immigrant myself. The difference between me and your ancestors is I put blood sweat and tears to do it the right way, didn’t just take some shortcut. Its insult to injury when a President coddles illegal immigrants who broke the law while us law abiding tax paying model immigrants get shown the finger.

The system needs reform from every avenue. But an sudo open border policy for those willing and who can show up at the southern border isn’t it


mowotlarx t1_j4c50el wrote

Higher quality of life. Better education. Better health outcomes. More job opportunities. Regardless of what Fox tells you, we are in one of the safest cities and states. You will literally have a longer life in blue states.

Look at the list of states that rank top and bottom of quality of life issues. It's blood red at the bottom of the list for a reason.


barcatoronto t1_j4c80uv wrote

Just because the US economy is better than some small African nation or a war torn Middle Eastern country doesn’t mean things aren’t bad here.

Inflation is out the roof, thousands are being laid off, there’s a housing crisis, historic number of people are using food banks etc.

No country including the US can take on an endless amount of surges in population. Especially not when that surge is a group of low skill un educated bunch of illegal immigrants. Even if they could contribute greatly to our society the current state of laws makes it impossible for them to do so.

You think your family is the only ones who had no way to come to the US? There are millions of people in the same boat. Even our legal pathways to immigration are so backlogged that it’s basically impossible. Yet all these people actively choose not to be criminals and smuggle themselves into the country.

Like I said, I believe the entire system needs reform. The hardships that force people to make difficult choices is not lost on me. I just don’t think this President and his administration are solving it the right way. They only care about virtue signalling and helping businesses find cheap labour. They depend on plebs like you to defend them because you’re the product of illegal immigration yourself.


elNational t1_j4cbnee wrote

Qol is great in nyc if you’re a top earner, and cities are your thing. Anyone at the bottom is delusional to to live there

Length of life isn’t just because they pay taxes, plenty has to do with lifestyle as well and what you chose to eat.


mowotlarx t1_j4cfouu wrote

People who live "at the bottom" in high tax states have a much better shot of getting the public services they need to keep them housed and fed.

And why do you think undereducated people in impoverished red states eat "bad food"? Where do you think most of the food deserts are in this country? Where in this country is access to healthy food, especially for low income people who need food benefits, unavailable? Low tax states that don't take care of their people.


cre444pr t1_j4djvcf wrote

...and that's just for his trip expenses!


hbrthree t1_j4ds11s wrote

There should be nothing wrong w having that be the case. Now there’s something to be said about the USA’s culpability in the instability that’s causing them to flee but still. Can’t have this.


Professional_Mud_316 t1_j4duver wrote

A perception persists of migrants, and sometimes even refugees, as basically willfully and contently becoming permanent financial/resource burdens on their host nation.

There is so much unwarranted contempt for these people, yet so many are rightfully despondent, perhaps enough so to work very hard in cashless exchange for basic food and shelter.

And they do want to pull their own weight through employment, even if only to prove their detractors wrong.

Often conveniently ignored is the fact many are fleeing global-warming-related extreme weather events and chronic crop failures in the southern hemisphere widely believed to be related to the northern hemisphere’s chronic fossil-fuel burning, beginning with the Industrial Revolution.

Migrant laborers should be treated humanely, including timely access to proper work-related bodily protections, but too often are not.

If they feel they must, critics of such refugees/migrants should get angry at the politicians who supposedly allow in ‘too many’ migrants; but please don't criticize the desperate people for doing what we'd likely all do if in their dreadful position.

But then all that no longer matters when the migrants die in their attempt at arriving. Last winter a young family of four from India froze to death trying to access the U.S. via sub-zero southern Manitoba. And I wonder how many have died or will while trying to access Canada.


GreekGossiper t1_j4hj1nu wrote

Maybe if these politicians actually took care of their own city and not make politically motivated speeches this shit show would be avoided . I miss some past Mayors , Democratic or Republican - with exception of DeBlasio of course …