Submitted by punkie23 t3_y2o2m8 in pittsburgh

Please let me know if there is a more appropriate place for this.

I have lived in Pittsburgh my entire life and had recently learned of the bomber plane that crashed in the Monongahela.

What are some of the other stories or theories surrounding Pittsburgh?



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dingurth1 t1_is44980 wrote

I keep hearing about the Arby's on McKnight Rd. I don't know the story around it but it seems quite infamous.


DogTheBreadFairy t1_is44s6p wrote

Some guy made a post on the craigslist missed connections looks for a woman that he saw at the Arby's on McKnight road and she was wearing yoga* pants in the arbys. The Arby's on mcknight road with the woman in the yoga* pants

Edit sorry she was wearing yogurt* pants


Ok-Extent1188 t1_is46aud wrote

Jesse James caught that ball

The pirates were once a good team

The “demon on Brownsville road” book was written by a lunatic


mr_r_smith t1_is4f7gy wrote

Mystery murder of a school mate of mine in mckeesport. Kimmie krimm. Also my dad had me convinced that dead man's hollow was cursed land.


Getuhm t1_is4mrs3 wrote

13 Bends


thereandfatagain t1_is4o56b wrote

Luke the Boy Mayor decided right after he announced his reelection campaign he would rather go after the fabled Monongahela whitefish and spent the rest of his days trawling the waters of the confluence.


Askarus t1_is4ueng wrote

Not sure this counts but that a WW2 bomber carrying a nuke went down in the mon and was never recovered


mattmentecky t1_is52k4z wrote

More of a Pittsburgh-suburbs conspiracy theory but the Apollo Affair:

The conspiracy theory that missing enriched uranium from an Apollo nuclear company in 1965 went to Israel as part of their nuclear weapons program. I can’t tell if it’s potentially true or not at all, depending on what you read it goes either way.


Billytense t1_is53s85 wrote

An old crazy boss of mine from Homestead told me that his dad and some Co- workers stole a armored truck/car full of money and cut the truck up into scrap metal so that there was no evidence. I was pretty skeptical but he would more often than not pay me in cash with bills from 50's and 60's...... always wondered about that..


Herpex t1_is55u4g wrote

If i remember the true crime community went bonkers over that teacher from aliquippa who obviously had a hit called on her by her crazy cop husband


neddiddley t1_is56m3d wrote

You missed your chance. It was a best kept secret until that Craigslist thing went viral, now the Arby’s roast beef shop on MnKnight Road is just a sausage party. Too many dude’s trying to get in on the magic scared away all the lady yinzers.


yeahbuddy-fake t1_is57bb4 wrote

I guess the tunnel monsters are real so they don't really qualify for this thread...


WikiSummarizerBot t1_is58wkq wrote

Raymond Robinson (Green Man)

>Raymond Theodore Robinson (October 29, 1910 – June 11, 1985) was a severely disfigured American man whose years of nighttime walks made him into a figure of urban legend in western Pennsylvania. Robinson was so badly injured in a childhood electrical accident that he could not go out in public without fear of creating a panic, so he went for long walks at night. Local tourists would drive along his road in hopes of meeting the Green Man or Charlie No-Face; they became disappointed to see no such person.

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CornedBeefBath t1_is5ess3 wrote

had to go down the rabbit hole. the pictures of the guy they said replaced Ben looked so familiar, then it hit me…he works for Culligan water and he’s been in my house. He did mention that he sold water to the steelers including Ben. Looks nothing like ben to me. if i knew then what i know now, i 100% would have went there with him.


imadv8r2 t1_is5f17u wrote

That the Nuttings really only bought the Pirates so they could sell more concessions to non-baseball fans mesmerized by C-list country bands and budget fireworks leftover from all the home runs nobody hit. Oh, wait—


yinzerthrowaway412 t1_is5h9cr wrote

The Deltondo case is crazy. It truly highlights how corrupt local politics are, especially in the small towns outside the city. I doubt we will ever find out the full story.


brandon3388 t1_is5icsu wrote

I feel like if you talk to anyone else in the country about putting french fries on salads they look at you like a conspiracy theorist .... don't know if that counts though...


Indrigotheir t1_is5jxez wrote

There was a case I remember in the city years back where at the end of his workday, an armored truck driver killed his partner/rider in cold blood so he could steal the truck. I don't recall him ever being caught.


CornedBeefBath t1_is5k7zn wrote

apparently he was a small time criminal for impersonating multiple steelers…committing theft by deception. he also mentioned that he used to hang out with players, travel, party, etc…with them. guess that’s better than impersonating.


Limegem3 t1_is5otfp wrote

colleague of mine said he saw something alien on his way to Ohio from West Miff, form what he described it was a shining sphere that cast no shadows 5ft diameter above an old Lion's Club


PhotosyntheticCat t1_is5qujv wrote

I went to catholic grade school with him - he was trash then, and I wasn't surprised to see a headline with his name in it. He showed zero remorse. The apple didn't fall far from the tree..


Substantial_Field_60 t1_is5sqy8 wrote

The Shades, or Shades of Death in Level Green. I visited this area frequently not knowing the story. One morning I found, what looked like a brand new, abandoned tent with two sleeping bags roughly 20-30' away from the tent in opposite directions. It looked like the campers made a quick nighttime exit. Gear scattered about. I mentioned this to a friend whose family has lived in the area for several generations and I heard The Shades story. The version they told was that several soldiers were hung in the trees there by native Americans and at night you could hear the soldiers moan and cry.

Another urban legend is that the Terrible Towel was a product of the Steagles merger. After the war when the teams separated the Eagles had absconded with the good white towels and left the yellowed older ones behind. It's rumored that a member of the Steelers organization said something like, -they left the terrible towels for us.


heili t1_is5szvv wrote

She had something going on with a high school student who used to be one of her students, Frank Catroppa is in it up to his eyeballs, and the Aliquippa police most definitely committed several cover-ups related to the entire thing.


CARLEtheCamry t1_is5w7kp wrote

That's not what happened, a lot of half-wrong comments in this thread aside from speculation :

Here's a long read from the BeaverCountian - note, this is not an impartial source, the owner has a major bone to pick with local police and government.

DelTondo was engaged to Frank Catroppa, who is so clearly mobbed up and currently owns Cosmo, one of the nuisance South Site Pittsburgh clubs.

She was banging one of her former students she subbed for from Aliquppa. He was black - and only mentioning that because it's relevant to the motivation behind her murder. If you know Aliquippa Italians, they are super racist. As in, West Aliquippa is all white and one time a black family bought a house and they burnt it down.

Anyway - DelTondo got caught in the old hospital lot with this kid with the windows steamed up. 'Quip cop caught them, but no charges were filed. Then a report about the incident was sent out from an anonymous source at the 'Quip PD to a bunch of people, her friends, employer, etc. Basically putting her on blast for banging the kid (who was 17 btw).

This started a state investigation into corruption of the 'Quip PD (which is a whole other ball of worms) that DelTonda was cooperating with as an informant.

In the mean time, DelTondo started banging the first kids (Sheldon's) brother (Bolton).

Then she got shot in her parent's driveway on Mother's Day. 'Quip PD showed up and basically did a "oh now I accidently mucked up this evidence" and was a total shit show. There was basically no useful evidence collected.

Eventually the first kid, Sheldon Jeter Jr, got put away for a different murder. And it on the surface it looks like they just pinned DelTondo's murder on him since he was already in jail, case closed, bake him away toys, nothing to see here.

tl;dr - She was killed in a hit by her mobbed up fiancé for banging a 17 year old in a parking lot, local corrupt PD covered it up. The whole thing is the epitome of Beaver County trashy.


Herpex t1_is5x4p1 wrote

how is what i said untrue? the quip PD were the ones who killed her from the evidence i saw so what is incorrect about what i said? i watched a video about it from a JCS type channel a few years ago and all ur info is 100% accurate according to what i saw


CARLEtheCamry t1_is5yk74 wrote

> had a hit called on her by her crazy cop husband

This specifically. Her fiance wasn't a cop, he's "The Wolf of Aliquippa" Frank Catroppa.

When this happened years ago I was into it (I'm in Hopewell next door, and formerly lived in Aliquippa). The websites and references are gone now, but Catroppa used to own this "Prestige Worldwide" company (not the real name but something similarly stupidly named) that was basically him taking a cut from sending kids out to sign people up for Comcast subscriptions. It was the most obvious money laundering company I've ever seen in real life. He has since diversified into owning Cosmo (totally not money laundering front)


soonitwillbcold t1_is5z036 wrote

So many wild theories, I think the awareness around the 4th river stemmed from water clean up movement that happened here. I do think protecting the "4th river" should be a major concern. Especially after the recent study into cancer and birth defect causing pollutants still being disposed in the rivers.


soonitwillbcold t1_is5zox9 wrote

Herd a ton about KGB activity here during the cold war, but that stuff is very very hard to find any real source on.


SloPan t1_is61pfk wrote

There is some sort of invisible force that causes drivers to slam on their brakes before entering any tunnel in the city.


NSlocal t1_is69stm wrote

No longer a conspiracy as it's been proven true. But a gun shop that sat in the woods above Thompson Run and Babcock Boulevard was run by a family that were deep into the Nazi party. I went there once with my dad when I was about 13 to visit the gun shop, I remember the buildings looked like something you'd imagine seeing in Bavaria. There was even a private air strip on the land that was supposedly used to fly special interests in for clandestine meetings:


JosefGordonLightfoot t1_is6qg78 wrote

I grew up near the Shades. There were some truly wild urban legends about that place. Beside what you mentioned I heard that it was the real site of the battle where General Braddock was killed, that a mailman went crazy and killed his family before driving his mail truck off of a cliff, and most bizarrely that another mailman committed suicide by driving his mail truck downhill and jumping out at the right time for his head and neck to slip into a noose he had previously set up. The last one was always my favorite because of how absurdly impossible it is. Makes me wonder if something actually did happen involving a mailman back in the day that led to two urban legends about mailmen going crazy and killing themselves in that forest.


punkie23 OP t1_is70f16 wrote

I'm honestly shocked i haven't heard much more about this. I remember when they ran the story on the news and the moment it was over i told my husband it was definitely a cover.


sprawn t1_is73x4m wrote

Sophie Masloff and Myron Cope were the same person.


mr_r_smith t1_is7e7mq wrote

The stories I heard still give me creeps. Not comfortable sharing publicly, pretty sure they're fake and made up to scare me. The death(s) at the pipe factory are more believable


punkie23 OP t1_is7f87m wrote

We do have this weird facility that i grew up near. I forget during what war ...but they had a bomb shelter they stopped using and sold. Whoever bought it turned into individual homes. Across from these bomb shelters(now homes) is a big compound that is completely gated off and surrounded by barbed wire fences. When i asked about the placeas a kid my dad told me it was an animal testing facility. It has no sign and when you search it on Google maps it is completely blurred. I am almost positive that when that truck crashed with monkeys on the turnpike that's where it came from. Also after that happened the monkey pox broke out certainly a strange coincidence.


inkredible_1 t1_is7p0ni wrote

One that most people don't know about is that the Buena Vista WTAE tower is also a military base/military operation. Older Pennsylvanians and acquaintances have said that the hillside was dug out sometime after WWII and put back with no new construction at the time and still none today. Also had heard that military helicopters were used during the construction, that's how certain people knew it was a military thing. The WTAE towers surroundings are super suspicious too. It's on a secluded hill and just passed it is a small neighborhood. If you drive there now, you will find everyone living in these houses are military age men that all drive same style pick up trucks. I have driven down it myself to get a lot of mean stares from the men living there. It was surreal. The woods past it also have signs of alot of activities (grated hills and regularly traveled dirt roads) but there's only one small corn field there with no farm around.


Jahya69 t1_is82yzi wrote

Alien ship crashed in Kecksburg, PA. in the late sixties but they attempted to claim that it was a Russian satellite or something... witnesses said it was not Russian... it was some strange hieroglyphics like you would see in an Egyptian pyramid or something and it was Acorn shaped...👽🛸🌰


Responsible_Court808 t1_is87k7l wrote

All I know is that those rivers are so polluted and dirty that any plane that would have crashed in them would have been dissolved in 1 week.


Disastrous-Hornet919 t1_is8gbte wrote

If you’re talking about a building near Boyce Park They are army barracks as is former homes for service members. Not bomb shelters. There is a sign outside of the facility you’re speaking of and it’s property of the university of Pittsburgh- there’s signs stating as much.


punkie23 OP t1_is8huei wrote

My mistake you are right they were army barracks. That sign hasn't been there the entire time and I'm still pretty sure that's where they test on animals tbh makes more sense knowing it's the University of Pittsburgh building. Odd though that it is max security and blurred on Google maps for a college building.


rockyroad209 t1_isb54p1 wrote

My aunt has owned a house on the edge of the Shades for as long as I can remember. She would always tell us about how her house was built on a Native American burial ground and felt spirits in her house since the day she bought it.


give_a_heck t1_isbf86z wrote

I feel like Edgar is dead. Or very, very ill. Their marketing has changed entirely. Every commercial would feature him (and a Pittsburgh athlete usually). Now it's all animated - both the commercials and the billboards. Why won't he show himself?


jakes9 t1_isbmjh8 wrote

The smiley face killers. Look it up.