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Open_Philosopher8020 t1_j5ybymr wrote

these are the guys that will pull up and park anywhere to drop off an order, no wonder they dgaf


dr_xenon t1_j5ycl90 wrote

Reminds me of the time I delivered a pizza to a building fire.

Dilapidated wooden building in town caught fire, so they let it burn down while preventing it from spreading. Ambulance guys had just called in a delivery before they got the call so I ended up taking it to them at the fire.


KermieJagger t1_j5yeaz1 wrote

My first thought was someone said they’d give him extra money if he tried to deliver it to one of the players on the court. But he apparently wandered around the arena for 10 minutes afterwards before delivering it so who knows.


FuzzyBadfeet724 t1_j5yfpmh wrote

This is the perfect ad for Uber Eats. “We deliver EVERYWHERE!”


Paczilla2 t1_j5ygv8v wrote

Gotta get that gif money. I have walking through a fucking cop crime scene to deliver food.


Legitimate_Row_4944 t1_j5yljom wrote

They were talking about this on the fan and they said it was a student who was filming a TikTok


Ryan1006 t1_j5ylk8h wrote

I was there last night. Couldn’t figure out how he got in to begin with and then onto the court. Viral stunt or not, it’s pretty funny, and making national news for something harmless like that is always good.


mattmentecky t1_j5ynkmn wrote

Fans that go onto fields or courts can catch trespassing charges pretty easily, it would be surprising if a big company like Uber came up with an idea that involved a potential charge, but who knows stranger things have happened.


jrbs59 t1_j5ypcfn wrote

As Hulk Hogan once said, "Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabroni marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot, marks"

This kid was wearing a mic.


Aezon22 t1_j5ypgq7 wrote

Uber is sketchy as fuck. Back when it first got going, it wasn’t legal to pick people up at PIT airport. There’s a special taxes permit that transports have to pay to do it and it was way too much for Uber to get one for every car. So instead they told their drivers to do it anyway and just try to stay on the downlow. If the driver got busted, Uber claimed they would take care of it. Who knows if they actually would.

They did shut like this in pretty much every city - break whatever laws are inconvenient until they’re so culturally ingrained that public outcry forces change to accommodate them.

This doesn’t even get into all the shit with manipulating their app.


GoGoGadgetBumHair t1_j5yqgf7 wrote

The other day I had one call me a little bitch because I had the audacity to honk at him. He was parked completely across the entrance to my parking garage and I was blocking traffic during rush hour.

A few minutes later I realized I forgot to grab milk on my way home. Jumped back in the car and was fine for five minutes. When I got back I watched ANOTHER one pull completely across the entrance as I was pulling up with my turn signal on.

Fuck these people who have no respect for what is happening around them.


GoGoGadgetBumHair t1_j5yskov wrote

No but still busy east end building with restaurants across the street. It’s the worst part about living here. Even when the driveway isn’t totally blocked, there are still cars parked right up against it, or double parked in the bike lane so nobody can see to get out.


OuestVirginien t1_j5z7qak wrote

I used to do delivery, they'll normally just let you in, especially since you're coming at the end of the game typically. I mean it probly wouldnt work for a pro football game or something like that, but college gyms arent exactly fort knox lol, you just go to the side door.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j5z7una wrote

> The other day I had one call me a little bitch because I had the audacity to honk at him

The other day some guy got out of his car and wanted to fight me at the Armstrong Tunnel entrance because I took my right way of way and he thought a Yield sign actually means "go". Some real fucked up brains around here.


Jahya69 t1_j5zetng wrote

F these idiots. parking in front of stores in fire lanes.


Zevonn022 t1_j600tel wrote

I still can’t understand the mentality of a person who would order Uber Eats to a sporting arena. If it’s a stunt, great but if it’s an actually person getting McDonalds at an arena then it’s just sad.


kbups53 t1_j60d1r6 wrote

Yeah I agree, in the era where the baseline for most prank videos are "steal a guy's luggage at the airport" like that video that was on the front page yesterday, something harmless like this is hilarious. The world needs more nonsense like this from time to time, staged or not.


Ryan1006 t1_j60g54c wrote

It’s way better than all of those other fake videos people put out where it’s obvious it’s staged. At least at first watch you don’t assume it’s fake, and even if it is, it’s done so well you could believe it happening.


CARLEtheCamry t1_j60po5d wrote

I had a regular that ordered, one day I show up with his pie and was greeted by a geared up cop with his gun drawn.

Apparently after the guy called in his order the police showed up to raid the house, I'm assuming it was drug related (Like I said, a regular and you could tell). Cop tried to get me to give him the pizza because the customer "wasn't going to be getting it". I would have considered it, since it was going to be a write off anyway, if he hadn't just made me piss my pants. Like you couldn't have looked and see a uniformed pizza delivery guy with a pizza bag and holster your gun?


djp4099 t1_j60rv3z wrote

In other news, Duquesne has pulled the BB scholarship it offered to Jeff Spicoli


SWPenn t1_j63uvg4 wrote

Turns out it was a hoax intended to go viral, which it did. Everybody thinks they're an "influencer."


Jahya69 t1_j65v3up wrote

Social media stunt so talking about it on here is just fueling that guy's ego fire