DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_jacdfxr wrote
Still in a rut. Hoping today's weather will cheer me up.
upvotejellofellow t1_jaceszu wrote
I am excited, finally after 6 years we are changing our work ours from 5days 8 hours shift to 4 days 10 hours shift!!
lalasmores t1_jacf0x1 wrote
second day of orientation at my new job with the American Red Cross & I’ve already drank too much coffee before sitting at a computer all day
ChuckBS t1_jacfjnn wrote
Feeling better. Oddly excited for work. Happy I have meals planned for the week and have to do minimal shopping, plus tomorrow is pay day and Thursday we’re getting the site inspection done for our solar panels.
gracetw22 t1_jacfma7 wrote
I had to eat emotional support nachos for dinner last night. the lady who starved the horses hired the same attorney as Rand Hooper, George Huguley, and the DC sniper. Hope Goochland animal control is doing a great job and their stuff holds up in court but…
lemonartichoke t1_jacg2cd wrote
I'm jealous! Congrats on your 3 day weekends!
what-the-what24 t1_jacg41u wrote
My first job in Richmond was with the American Red Cross. I LOVED my job! Good luck to you!!
Normal-Location t1_jacgi2g wrote
getting the keys to our new place tomorrow, i can’t wait :)
ChupacabraRVA t1_jacgo5r wrote
I woke up at 3 am remembering I had a BIG paper worth 10% of my final grade due for one of my classes at 8:30. I managed to power through it and get the whole thing done, but now none of the campus printers are working. FML.
jodyhighrola t1_jacgww9 wrote
That’s awesome, enjoy that bonus day off. Very jealous
jodyhighrola t1_jacgz2e wrote
Allergies. That is all.
StarHeroPixels t1_jach6y4 wrote
Just got under contract on a house as a first-time homebuyer, so I’m feeling equal parts excited and stressed tf out. 🙌🏻
adognamedgoat t1_jachfmf wrote
Didn't sleep at all. Taking doggy to her cancer screening today. 😭 Then I have to pretend to work. I've been working on my deep breathing techniques but mostly I just want to kick things and flip around my hair yelling "PONYTAIL!" in an aggressive manner.
GrayRVA t1_jachh88 wrote
Dinner at Max’s with my cousins! They originally picked Fall Line for the whole igloo experience but that quickly changed when they found out about the $100 rental fee.
theythinkImcommunist t1_jachvfw wrote
Can I buy two hours of sleep from you? I only got 5 1/2 hours.
Asterion7 t1_jachvqq wrote
Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_jaci16d wrote
I am so ready for spring. I really want to get busy gardening. Have noticed the smallest signs of a few re-emerging perennials in the flower garden and I’m excited. Plus! My hellebores FINALLY bloomed.
TheCheeseDevil t1_jaci2t2 wrote
Came back from a long weekend and was greeted with an allergy punch straight to the dome. Please no
Arcangelathanos t1_jaci3pj wrote
But the DC sniper got the death penalty...
hugacrv t1_jacipfa wrote
One word: Flonase
jodyhighrola t1_jacixps wrote
I’m going to need one of those beer hats, but with the tubes plugged into my nostrils and full of Flonase Ice (for extra zing).
Arcangelathanos t1_jaciy2j wrote
I have a day full of meetings and all the paperwork, but at least we're interviewing more folks today. I love that the Great Resignation is finally causing wages to rise and allowing my former coworkers to make more money no matter where, but the hiring process sucks balls.
gracetw22 t1_jackpq2 wrote
No, malvo is who he represented, who is in the process of resentencing. I read up on him and he seems well respected in the field but I already have serious concerns about Goochland animal control’s ability to get it together, so I sure hope they aren’t bringing a knife to a gun fight https://richmond.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/horse-owners-say-they-raised-red-flags-with-goochland-animal-control-years-ago/article_73a4bd44-b22b-11ed-b8a0-cfd1140f96db.html
lalasmores t1_jackqfz wrote
Ahhh thank you so so much!!! I’m super excited, I had a few job offers & went with my gut and picked Red Cross
LilWhiny t1_jacltyh wrote
Yo same!! What neighborhood?
LilWhiny t1_jaclyz9 wrote
Woke up in a panic to my alarm midway through a dream where I had a talking chihuahua in New York City. Anyway!
momthom427 t1_jacm3zl wrote
Got the news yesterday that my son may lose his job. He’s embarrassed and terrified and feeling worthless. I ache for him.
stickynohte t1_jacmzsd wrote
Saw the stream of pollen downtown while walking into work!
stickynohte t1_jacndqh wrote
Favorite playlist + a nice afternoon stroll sounds like it’s in your forecast today!
surpriseskin t1_jaco0ja wrote
I'm coming up on my 1-year on March 7. Congratulations. Once you get settled in things are significantly less stressful.
stickynohte t1_jaco7kf wrote
Treated myself to a coffee this morning since I’ll likely be focused on the same task all day, like yesterday. I’m just over a month into the new job and despite the workload, I’m still happy about it!
I’m having major body dysmorphia this week and it’s giving me a huge spike of anxiety every morning when figuring out what to wear. I just want to curl up on the couch and not have to think about my appearance.
Stitchmond t1_jacofwn wrote
Is anybody here a junk man or knows a junk man who can come pick up this big, steel table I have? I see my local scrap man from time to time but it's not like I have a bat signal for him.
FattieBanton t1_jacoiy4 wrote
Trying to figure out if I’ll be able to enjoy Mandalorian sn3 after watching Andor😩
Stitchmond t1_jacozif wrote
When I decided to take the Maymont job over the job I held at VMFA, VMFA's offer to get me to stay, since they couldn't match the salary at Maymont, was to grant me a 4-day work week. Had I known then what I know now about Maymont's lack of ethics, I'd have stayed at VMFA.
Stitchmond t1_jacp9v4 wrote
Nice, can I ask what you'll be doing there? Medical orgs is not a sector of the nonprofit field I considered in my job search and I should have.
Arcangelathanos t1_jacpf02 wrote
Oh... Well, if it'll make you feel any better I had a classmate who interned for that guy during the Malvo trial. She told me some things about that case that the judge didn't allow for public consumption that changed my mind about him.
Fingers crossed that Goochland will get their act together under public scrutiny.
dillyynn t1_jacptnw wrote
congrats! what field do you work in? i'm interested in what type of richmond companies are transitioning
never_graduating t1_jacpwt8 wrote
Mine bloomed for the first time this year! Definitely bought a purple one but it bloomed white. Now I want to go get it friends :)
masonbrit t1_jacq2pd wrote
Pray tell
masonbrit t1_jacqc3m wrote
You don’t need a bat signal to see if you can find someone to pick up random shit, but you do need a scat signal
PhoenixAshies t1_jacqokl wrote
Impostor Syndrome had me strangled this morning. I was asked to find a judicial Order from 1954, and working from home, I couldn't find it in any of the legal databases. I went on a hunt when I got to the office this morning and was successful!
Now to settle in and wait for the next thing that will make me immediately think (baselessly) "well thats it, they're going to fire me for sure."
JWelchRVA804 t1_jacqyo0 wrote
Congrats! Ask a ton of questions of the inspector, it’ll give you a better sense of what’s right, what’s wrong, what to prioritize with fixes and what can wait.
Poke-a-dotted t1_jacrppp wrote
Feeling down. Slept poorly. Relationship issues with the oldest kid (who is an adult) and the youngest (elementary). Belly hurts. Whine, whine, and then hopefully a beer. I may need a nice walk with good music later today per the advice from u/stickynohte.
saehildth t1_jacrx24 wrote
My senior cat sneezed in my face this morning so that was a lovely wake up call. But she’s going to be 15 this year so as long as she’s still here, I will deal with it.
lalasmores t1_jacs1l3 wrote
Yea ofc! I’m a Quality Control Medical Technologist, basically I get the donated blood, look for any viruses/diseases, keep it sterile & store it properly for hospitals to use.
upearlyRVA t1_jacs1v7 wrote
Congrats! However, 4 10s can be tough.
lycosid t1_jacta8c wrote
What is Get Tight Lounge like? Would it be amenable on a Saturday night to a mid-30s couple who just want to drink a few cocktails and listen to music? There’s a show there Mar. 4 that looks good but I don’t want to burn our one babysitting night of the month if it’s gonna be packed to the brim with college kids partying.
upvotejellofellow t1_jacto16 wrote
I work in healthcare field for state(contracting).
pb49er t1_jactyfk wrote
I'm getting my yearly bonus on Friday and putting in my notice. My wife encouraged me to take some time off. So, I might need a job in a few months.
Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_jacuimx wrote
Interesting! I wonder if the color will change over time?
I want to get some friends for mine, too.
McFlare92 t1_jaculeu wrote
I also overslept!
manyamile t1_jacunq0 wrote
The massive pile of wood chips from ChipDrop is mocking me this morning so that’s what I’m tackling today.
I’ve also been working on befriending a family of crows that live on my property. Today is the first day they came down to feed with me standing nearby. 🖤
McFlare92 t1_jacupzx wrote
What field is he in? Maybe someone on r/rva has connections
ExpensiveSyrup t1_jacv8of wrote
I'm in a full on grump this morning so I will take this good advice too.
Arcangelathanos t1_jacw15t wrote
It's been twenty years so I honestly don't remember any details. It was something to the effect of they wanted to present evidence showing how deeply Malvo had been manipulated, but they couldn't. I remember doing a 180 once she explained a few things because I really respected her and her opinion. She wasn't a random bleeding heart.
CombatJack1 t1_jacw98c wrote
Steel work tables aren't worthless and someone might even pay for it on marketplace or elsewhere. Post a pic so folks can see what you've got!
[deleted] OP t1_jacwbrz wrote
PleasureP t1_jacwn4s wrote
I used to be an extension agent in goochland and our office got calls about starving horses all the time bc animal control wouldn't do anything. We didn't have regulatory power and even reaching out to VDACS & our land grant universities for guidance was unhelpful. Too many people in power are afraid of the folks with $$ in Goochland. So glad to be done with that job
Danger-Moose t1_jacx3qh wrote
Some people at my org are pushing for a 4 day work week. People keep coming back with the offer of 4 10s. That is NOT a 4 day work week, that's just a compressed 5 day work week.
This country is so resistant to improving our own lives, it's ridiculous.
Danger-Moose t1_jacxm6f wrote
There was a pretty good run of the podcast You're Wrong About on the DC Snipers. It definitely portrayed Malvo as being completely manipulated.
gracetw22 t1_jacxo3c wrote
Ugh. Anyone in that office who you think would make a statement to that effect? I’m in no way surprised but the circling of the wagons is frustrating
avisitorsguidetolife t1_jacyi4p wrote
The vibe is GREAT for thirty-somethings!
[deleted] OP t1_jacyqiw wrote
ManWithARedStroller t1_jaczl6n wrote
Child two awoke around 5:15. So, I have not overslept. I have a few errands to run on the day but mostly trying not to doom scroll the Ukraine war subreddits.
Considering starting up woodworking again now that it's warm but also need to fix my little cnc mill so not sure which is the next project
BlueXTC t1_jad0vw7 wrote
I feel his pain as I knew it was coming since last Oct. My mum feels helpless as I struggle some days to do something constructive. Gardening has been a godsend.
PleasureP t1_jad151z wrote
It used to drive me crazy as well. I understand completely.
Extension admin always instructed us to not talk to media but you might be able to get some info off the record from an ag agent. The only one who's been there for years and still there (with access to records and emails and such) would be the current Powhatan ag agent. She used to be split between Goochland and Powhatan so I'm sure she's fielded some of those calls. She's a horse person too so she'd probably remember receiving those calls/doing the farm visits if she did one. She can be hard to get ahold of but just leave messages wherever you can if you have trouble catching her. I was not ag so I was just hearing peripheral info as our agents tried to navigate those reports. But I do remember the frustration and venting as we tried to figure out how to get around animal control's lack of response
latesaturate t1_jad18la wrote
As a thirty-something, I’ve had some great times drinking cocktails and listening to music there.
Noxnoxx t1_jad366b wrote
Getting ready to take calls and get yelled at until 6pm. Luckily Tuesdays are a tiny bit slower for some reason
Danger-Moose t1_jad3mn0 wrote
I had two big ol' crows hopping around by my bird feeder yesterday, and I was just sitting there like this: https://media.tenor.com/sVHD32ht7b4AAAAd/rose-moira.gif
OddWelcome2502 t1_jad4q9h wrote
YES. this is so true! I have zero interest in working 4 long ass days, especially when my day never ends at 5 regardless of my "schedule" and night/weekend participation in events, etc is always required.
OddWelcome2502 t1_jad4wvy wrote
>wow. she really made a good bit of coin starving those poor horses to afford that attorney, I would imagine. What a POS.
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_jad5146 wrote
Let's just jump right to the 2- 24 hour days. Sponsored by Monster Energy.
Danger-Moose t1_jad58g7 wrote
That's an addition of 8 hours! Sounds about right, though.
cutejnny t1_jad61ql wrote
Give her treats for blessing you with her snot!
ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_jad63jj wrote
Are we good to feed birds again? I took my feeders down because of the avian flu. Haven't heard much more about it.
manyamile t1_jad6yjo wrote
There was never good consensus from veterinarians and various extension offices around the country about whether to take feeders or baths down or not. You’ll find many sources promoting both views. I don’t have feeders on site because I’m actively planting natives instead but I do have a bath and plan to add more this year. They get fresh water daily and a good bleach scrub weekly.
Wa_wa_ouija t1_jad80lg wrote
Yeah agreed. Was definitely expecting another VCU bar and was pleasantly surprised by the vibe lol.
Stitchmond t1_jad9rcq wrote
Hanidalon t1_jadbyqu wrote
I'm at the Henrico budget reveal. They announced an average pay increase of 8.2% and a minimum wage of $15 for Henrico school positions.
Stitchmond t1_jade11n wrote
It's not a work table, it's an UppAbaby brand retail display shelf from a baby clothing store that I've been using as a coffee table. It's 10"x30"x44".
RvaKetoThrones t1_jade5dz wrote
I'm being Vincent Adultman today and doing a business. If you have a business in Chesterfield County, make sure your paperwork is postmarked by March 1st! I'll probably have one alcohol this evening to celebrate doing adult things.
Update: The county has a new Citizen Portal and I can do it all online now, yay!
docskreba t1_jadiqya wrote
So my daughter’s birthday is Saturday and mine’s on Sunday. We’re no-contact with my parents because they’ve leaned hard into the religious MAGA boomer role over the last few years. They think the best way to earn their way back into our lives is with money. Usually I just shred the checks, but decided to do this with it this year instead.
RVAWTFBBQ t1_jadistb wrote
Am thirtysomething with child, can agree with others here, good vibes. Met up with other parent friends on a babysitter night, had some beers, thought their sandwich was very tasty, enjoyed the vibes. Not at all a VCU bar.
RVAWTFBBQ t1_jadjdtt wrote
>after watching Andor
That show definitely raised the bar. Got me to revist my long-dormant Star Wars nerdiness. The episode escaping from the raid on the dam was spectacular, especially the visuals.
gracetw22 t1_jadjvsi wrote
I love that podcast, I will have to listen to those episodes
FattieBanton t1_jadlvi9 wrote
Andor and Rogue One are more of what I want. I think I heard Andor will end with sn2 and that’s fine, but I’m gonna need more “grown up” Star Wars
RVAWTFBBQ t1_jadm7cp wrote
>I think I heard Andor will end with sn2
Makes sense when we know the guy dies 5 years after the events in season 1, only so much you can cram in there.
popeboyQ t1_jadphx3 wrote
Cocaine Bear because it's my day off.
lycosid t1_jadqnec wrote
I was so excited for my ChipDrop last year but they couldn’t fit in my alley! Instead I got a wood chipper and have been having a great time chipping away all winter.
sassypapaya t1_jadqyhw wrote
that’s fucking awesome. happy early birthday to you and yours 🥰
FattieBanton t1_jadrpzm wrote
I had to watch rogue 1 again after sn1 and realized they all die trying to get those plans. I’m not for all the spin-off series, but I think one of Donnie Yen and his partner could work. Even if it’s something short like 4-6 episodes only.
[deleted] OP t1_jadwf6i wrote
Danger-Moose t1_jae10hp wrote
> I have zero interest in working 4 long ass days
Yeah, I didn't want to yuck OPs yum if it's something that they have been wanting, but man am I in for rewriting some of the norms that we have put in place and not bothered to changed for forever.
Better-Limit-4036 t1_jae46ik wrote
What do you feed them? I’ve had luck with almonds and peanuts. I heard they like eggs too
momthom427 t1_jae5e2z wrote
I will send good wishes your way. Gardening is my way to find peace, too.
momthom427 t1_jae5hds wrote
He’s in DC but I would love to get him this way at some point.
BlueXTC t1_jae7tdv wrote
Thank you so much. It has been a trying day so far but knocked out some today to get centered again.
manyamile t1_jae898j wrote
Only peanuts so far. I wanted to limit it to a single food until they associate it with my presence.
docskreba t1_jaea4ea wrote
momthom427 t1_jaefndl wrote
Wishing you so much 🍀
StarHeroPixels t1_jaen5uq wrote
Church Hill
TropicParadox t1_jaf0ha0 wrote
Today I was repairing someone’s PS5 and cockroaches emerged from the depths
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_jacdbc8 wrote
Back to the office after a week and a half of WFH. I kinda miss my coworkers so I'm not mad about it.