
Richmond_Mondo t1_jdzxryg wrote

Reply to comment by ChuckBS in Oysters by [deleted]

You can get the same oysters next door in the main restaurant though.

I agree that it suck’s Rapp Session hasn’t reopened - they said it was a staffing issue. They couldn’t find enough BOH and FOH staff. And no, I don’t know what they’re paying folks or if it’s competitive.


Richmond_Mondo t1_jdqxkh1 wrote

There’s one coming on AA Blvd near the Wawa. Some other locations in the area too.

Also, this place is terrible. Just order tendies and fries from a Stella’s Grocery location that offers them when the craving strikes. You’ll support a local business and get a much better product.


Richmond_Mondo t1_j9qstdn wrote

Co-sign on La Cabana.

The La Milpa truck (but not the actual spot) is also great.

Tio Pablo when/if it reopens if really good and more central to the city folks like myself.

Also - not tacos - but holy shit Torchy’s queso is AMAZING. Tacos are OK.


Richmond_Mondo t1_j6obz1j wrote

Longoven has great cocktails too - though if you’re eating there be ready to drop some coin. Worth it when I went, but that’s a somewhat controversial opinion in this sub.


Richmond_Mondo t1_j6obnel wrote

Reply to comment by RVA_Lakeside in RVA Cocktail Bar Reco? by pocketdare

Spot on since some key people who made Saison’s cocktail program what it was went on to run the program at Brenner. Most of the bar staff at Brenner trained under them, and you can still get a few of the old Saison cocktails if you ask nicely (and if they have the ingredients handy).


Richmond_Mondo t1_j6n4sr4 wrote

They def specialize in HD, but I didn’t think they were exclusive. To be fair, I haven’t been since just after they opened and that was with a friend who was renting time in a repair bay to work on his own bike (which was was a Harley). My friend had a good experience, and Cory seems like a super knowledgeable mechanic. Maybe just give them a call if you’re interested.


Richmond_Mondo t1_j5waepp wrote

It doesn’t look like that intersection is in the area of focus. But also you’re taking your life into your hands if you try to cross there. Even when the crossing guards are there at Holton arrival and dismissal, I still see some reckless as driving.

But if I remember the conversation on the dangers of the AP Hill intersection correctly, it was around crashes, not pedestrian injury/deaths.


Richmond_Mondo t1_j1kgaf7 wrote

Just got the kids to bed after watching both Christmas episodes of Bluey (a favorite of our house). Wrapping the rest of the presents with my spouse while we watch old SNL skits. Keeping the ol’ thermostat at the recommended 68 degrees.