basmwklz OP t1_iw6aqnq wrote
Abstract: >Background: Typical vivarium temperatures (20-26°C) induce facultative thermogenesis in mice, a process attributable in part to uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1). The impact of modest changes in housing temperature on whole body and adipose tissue energetics in mice remains unclear. Here, we determined the effects of transitioning mice from 24°C to 30°C on total energy expenditure and adipose tissue protein signatures. Methods: C57BL/6J mice were housed at 24°C for two weeks and then either remained at 24°C (n=16 per group, 8M/8F) or were transitioned to 30°C (n=16 per group, 8M/8F) for 4 weeks. Total energy expenditure and its components were determined by indirect calorimetry. Interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) and inguinal white adipose tissue (iWAT) proteins were quantified by western blot and quantitative proteomics. Results: Transitioning from 24°C to 30°C reduced total energy expenditure in both male (-25%) and female (-16%) mice, which was attributable to 36% and 40% decreases in basal energy expenditure in males and females, respectively. Total iBAT UCP1 protein content was 50% lower at 30°C compared to 24°C, whereas iWAT UCP1 protein content was similar between conditions. iBAT UCP1 protein content remained 20-fold greater than iWAT at 30°C. 183 and 41 proteins were differentially expressed between 24°C and 30°C in iBAT and iWAT, respectively. 257 iWAT proteins differentially expressed between sexes at 30°C were not differentially expressed at 24°C. Summary: 30°C housing lowers total energy expenditure of mice when compared to an ambient temperature (24°C) that falls within the National Research Council's guidelines for housing laboratory mice. Lower iBAT UCP1 content accompanied chronic housing at 30°C. Further, housing temperature influences sexual dimorphism in the iWAT proteome. These data have implications regarding the optimization of preclinical models of human disease.
[deleted] t1_iw6b53r wrote
That is an insanely large effect. I would guess that our surface area to volume ratio would drive significantly lesser results, if nothing else. Still it would be very interesting to compare say home heating costs with weight gain at a population level... attempting to control for food consumption/costs of course.
We so often discuss the impacts of cheap food without ever discussing how relatively cheap air conditioning effects us.
JoeDoherty_Music t1_iw6dn38 wrote
Does anyone have this in English, I don't speak Turbo Encabulator
[deleted] t1_iw6dxrg wrote
cowrevengeJP t1_iw6f8an wrote
If it's hot. I sleep. End of study.
Unless I'm hungry or poor at the time.
We already knew this.
It's why I think countries with better weather are legit friendlier.
redditmodshvsmolpp t1_iw6gjuo wrote
So mice are less active when it's hot? Ok
Boost_Attic_t t1_iw6gk6p wrote
I tried to read the whole comment, but I just kept feeling more and more stupid...
Edit. But also I think it says warmer = less energy expended
tyloriousG t1_iw6h7oq wrote
I'm keeping my house cold idc how the mice reacted.
oldpaintunderthenew t1_iw6hd9d wrote
The way I read it, yes, but keeping your home at 30 C intentionally sounds insane. I really thought from the title that they would drop the temperature, not increase it in the study.
[deleted] t1_iw6iacu wrote
[deleted] t1_iw6iovj wrote
Jane-Henry t1_iw6jzny wrote
30C is 86 F that’s really hot! 24C is 72F.
BafangFan t1_iw6lf5q wrote
Brown adipose tissue is a type of fat that burns fat to generate body heat.
By raising the room temperature by about 12f, rats burned 16-25% less energy than rats kept at the lower temp.
But 12f is the difference between 60 degrees and 72 degrees, and I think we can all argue that 60 degrees is a pretty miserable temp.
To critique the point of the study, people aren't fat because their room is too warm. Look at people in Thailand, India, Vietnam. It's hot as balls over there, and many don't have A/C - and yet those are typically rather lean countries.
On the flip side, NASA astronaut Ray Cronise lost 80 pounds in part through sleeping in shirt and shorts with the window open all year long.
Gorilla_In_The_Mist t1_iw6mhrw wrote
I don't think the mice got paid.
Psycho-Pen t1_iw6mzfk wrote
I had a college professor who talked about losing weight every year when he went hunting for deer during the winter. I suppose they could have just asked him, and saved the money.
Dr-Chris-C t1_iw6nvx6 wrote
Is lowering energy expenditure good or bad? Like is it going to prolong their lives or are they just exhausted from trying to stay cool and can't do anything?
Hopeful_1768 t1_iw6o1ch wrote
the more I see of posts on r/science the more I am beginning to thing that without any added context or classification they don't give science a good reputation.
[deleted] t1_iw6o35p wrote
oMaddiganGames t1_iw6rrsz wrote
My wife would ague 60f is still too hot for night time.
SkomerIsland t1_iw6tmbm wrote
Shivering uses more energy
myurr t1_iw6uv8d wrote
And yet she's a block of ice when first getting into bed, leaching your very soul out of your body to give her life again when her freezing feet touch your legs.
Five minutes later and she's radiating more heat than Chernobyl's core.
tkenben t1_iw6wfsf wrote
I can honestly say I am more lethargic and less comfortable moving around at 30 deg C than I am at 24 deg C. But the article talks about differences in brown fat. I didn't think that the size of the stores would have anything to do with lethargy really, but apparently it might.
RainingTenebres t1_iw6whr2 wrote
Welp I'm not the only one. Makes me feel better to know it's not just me doing this to my partner.
sweerek1 t1_iw6x2pc wrote
In humans I’ve long noticed a cooler house / camp results in far more activity
At the temp extremes … Scouts are lazy sitting in the shade and moving / shivering in cold.
But just a few degrees cooler, think get a sweater while sitting temp, keeps ya moving too.
Maybe I’m part Mouse(keteer)
Thomas_the_chemist t1_iw6xhjv wrote
But the temp wasn't that low. 24C is 75F and they went up to 30C which is 86F. Both temps are relatively warm. I wonder why the study didn't move a third group to a colder chamber, like 18C?
hyggety_hyggety t1_iw6xla8 wrote
An old model weight loss trick was turning the thermostat down, so we been knew for a long time.
FartyPants69 t1_iw6yvht wrote
Correct. I am also doing this to your partner
FartyPants69 t1_iw6z16y wrote
I don't have the data in front of me but hotter temperatures are correlated with higher violent crime rates, fwiw
Falcofury t1_iw6z7d3 wrote
Average science sub user comment
AAAlexandraAAA t1_iw6zayu wrote
Yeah, but you need to move too. Too cold and the need of bed and cozy blankets increases drastically :)
Zerothian t1_iw6zplm wrote
>and I think we can all argue that 60 degrees is a pretty miserable temp.
Honestly, not really, at least not for everybody. I'm in the UK and that's roughly my ambient in the living room. This is measured by a sensor in my computer case at idle and showing 18c, so realistically it'd be a couple degrees cooler outside the case. It's fine as long as I'm fully clothed, it is pretty miserable if I'm not wearing sleeves and socks though.
[deleted] t1_iw70e0c wrote
Divers_Alarums t1_iw70eni wrote
I remember a recent study done on humans that found the opposite. Cold indoor temps induced people to put on weight.
RainingTenebres t1_iw7107f wrote
You must be on the MWF schedule. Nice to meet you.
TheButteredBiscuit t1_iw71c17 wrote
All I know is my roommate keeps putting the ac on 65 with the fan on every night and now every morning I struggle to get up because I’m so damn cold
bluebook21 t1_iw71xv4 wrote
You know it could be the behaviors to compensate as mentioned by others. I know scarcity and harsh conditions change eating habits. Mice can't order pizza.
OneHumanPeOple t1_iw739hp wrote
And eating cold soup.
JohnAStark t1_iw73iea wrote
We love our house at a nice low temp - 58F at night and 60-62F during the day. Of course it helps that we are cheap!
Anustart15 t1_iw74mxy wrote
That's what these sort of studies use as the neutral temperature for rodents.
StrayMoggie t1_iw74n40 wrote
I keep the house at 64° in the winter.
AaronfromKY t1_iw7527y wrote
I mean if you're shivering you're burning calories.
upstateduck t1_iw75k5d wrote
definitely my experience
Gain 10 lbs every winter and lose 9 lbs every summer. Works fine until 40 years go by...
Gespuis t1_iw75y1y wrote
30 degrees? With these energy prices?!
grewapair t1_iw76psp wrote
The mice were either held at 75 degrees or 86. They weren't shivering in either case.
[deleted] t1_iw76rzo wrote
[deleted] t1_iw76wa2 wrote
Mr_Shitpost t1_iw77qns wrote
Soup is delicious.
Jane-Henry t1_iw77wh3 wrote
Me too! At least for now, but I use a radiator at my desk and an electric blanket when I watch tv.
malppy t1_iw78mgj wrote
If a study was done it'd probably be attributed to caloric intake and diet. The portion sizes in SEA are super small compared to the west. Northern SEA countries also consume a high amount of veggies in their diet.
imalittlefrenchpress t1_iw7952j wrote
When I eat less, I weigh less.
pdonchev t1_iw79hwz wrote
I would boldly assume that the effect of extra calories from food accessibility dwarf any effects of ambient temperature, within some reasonable range of home temperatures (say, 18-28 °C). It's hard to outrun a bad diet, I bet it's even harder to out-shiver it.
DependentPangolin911 t1_iw79m38 wrote
Thermoneutral zone for mice is around 30 deg C, so they may well have been at 75 deg. There’s a long standing argument that mouse rooms are kept too cold for mice for the comfort of humans, which is likely impacting their behavior and experimental results.
westhewolf t1_iw7a342 wrote
Yah, makes sense to me. We aren't mice. We can change our clothes and have other strategies to stay warm, which generally involve being sedentary. Mice on the other hand have no choice but to move around and shiver to stay warm.
Crickaboo t1_iw7b0b0 wrote
Yes no one likes to go out in freezing temperatures.
The_Noble_Lie t1_iw7bnhu wrote
Sleep with window open, no matter the winter season.
UntrimmedBagel t1_iw7ciwm wrote
The holiday hoobie whatty in mice?
Accomplished-West687 t1_iw7di4k wrote
and we've been doing the whole clothes, fire, shelter thing across cultures for a very long time
[deleted] t1_iw7epgx wrote
[deleted] t1_iw7f00h wrote
[deleted] t1_iw7fmqp wrote
Gozillasbday t1_iw7gf1t wrote
Speaking as someone from the US, outwardly the South and warmer states may outwardly act nicer, but in reality they are not. The cold places are just more no nonsense, but actually mean it when nice.
[deleted] t1_iw7hefy wrote
somethngrandom2635 t1_iw7kqq3 wrote
Speak English, doc, we ain’t scientists!
Toibaz t1_iw7kyfo wrote
Increasing energy expenditure is good for longevity. It gives your cells resistance and makes them stay alive longer.
VoilaVoilaWashington t1_iw7lbqu wrote
What they're saying is that if you turn down the heat, and as a result just cozy into bed, you're not going to lose weight.
You need to actually experience the cold, not work around it.
Chinchillan t1_iw7m5fd wrote
Rodents probably just prefer a higher temperature
dr_eh t1_iw7n8o6 wrote
I tried this but it backfired, my body temperature just went too low
GrowInTheSunshine t1_iw7name wrote
Mice prefer warmer temperatures than their human observers.
GrowInTheSunshine t1_iw7nk59 wrote
Our comfortable room temperature is their dropped temperature.
love2Vax t1_iw7oeek wrote
We use mice as an animal model for medical research before we test the same thing on humans. The current recommendations is to house them at 24C. This experient was questioning how housing them at a warmer temperature might impact the results of the experiments we do before human trials. Questions about how a new drug is metabolized in mice before we test it on humans can have big implications if we aren't testing the mice under the correct environmental conditions.
jejcicodjntbyifid3 t1_iw7ojud wrote
But I don't wanna
[deleted] t1_iw7prqc wrote
D4ltaOne t1_iw7stl5 wrote
Thats... Not the point of the study tho. The background says that they wanted to see the effect raising room temperature has.
Nauin t1_iw7t0gz wrote
That makes sense with how crazy adaptive our bodies are, of course it would start storing fat to better insulate our organs and keep them working in cold environments. Pretty much every mammal in arctic or tundra environments have a big layer of fat or blubber for protection.
Last-Initial3927 t1_iw7zp37 wrote
I actually love shivering! It’s a specific neurological motor plan that involves radial muscle fiber firing. Super cool physiology if anyone is keen to read about it more.
esotericenema t1_iw80vbl wrote
Sweating a lot is known to make you lose weight, too. Hence the reason wrestlers use saunas so much. So, extreme temperatures, in either direction, will probably do it. What would be even more interesting would probably be trying to figure out if there's a difference between extreme heat and extreme cold, in terms of the exact kind of weight you're losing, in terms of actual fat vs. water weight or muscle.
23cowp t1_iw814hs wrote
I have a hunch a good amount of that effect may also be sunshine onto the skin.
Ciobanesc t1_iw86fzz wrote
Not just burning calories, but burning fat calories. It is a direct way to burn fat.
hyggety_hyggety t1_iw87j3g wrote
I would, please! Can you link me?
Aporkalypse_Sow t1_iw8ionh wrote
Except for me. Sleeping in the cold allows me to actually sleep instead of lie awake cold and sweaty. Which gives me the rest needed to actually function through the day.
jacksreddit00 t1_iw8m15n wrote
Do you have a study in mind? (that correlates lifespan with energy expenditure I mean)
MRSN4P t1_iw8rnwl wrote
Ah yes, I remember this story.
MRSN4P t1_iw8sq6k wrote
> Mice can't order pizza.
Okay, new study idea…. What if mice could order pizza with the push of a button?
_Old_Greg t1_iw8syjs wrote
I definitely am! Got some juicy links or do I have to get off my ass and google it myself?
Mutha23tucka t1_iw8uxnn wrote
I'm not getting much more of a conclusion from this than colder temps in your home result in more body movements which results in higher whole body expenditure and adipocyte thermogenesis capacity. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
bigspicycucumber t1_iw90m3d wrote
I had the covid booster and my lymph nodes were huge! I went camping and spent the whole night shivering. I woke up the next morning and the lymph nodes were gone. I attributed it to increased metabolism (e.g. blood flow, lymph drainage) but this source is nice to back it up.
lemmikens t1_iw93jm9 wrote
We have a smart thermostat and lately it's been setting our temperature while we sleep to like 63 instead of 70... I definitely have been getting better sleep, maybe that's why
Aporkalypse_Sow t1_iw97m2i wrote
Could be. I turn into a nuclear furnace when I sleep. And if the crazy ptsd dreams hit, I usually end up tangled in the blankets and feel like a fresh mummy. Soaked and stuck.
PsychoEngineer t1_iw9g0k8 wrote
We do the exact same. 70 is like sticky/horribly hot for me; 60-63 is perfect and I sleep like a rock; 67+ and I toss and turn all night.
bluebook21 t1_iw9mayg wrote
Dude, let's get on it! First of all, there's gonna be pizza.
Leafstride t1_iw9u70g wrote
I'm fairly sure there have been unlimited vs limited food button studies done on some animals.
Unicorn_puke t1_iwadqtw wrote
Moist mummy
5oLiTu2e t1_iwavp15 wrote
Tell us more! What was the time span?
dr_eh t1_iwexgcf wrote
About a week. Also did the ice baths. Now my normal temp is like 35.6, the internet says I should be dead but here I am.
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