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t1_j0d6bdt wrote

Man check brightspeed if they’re in your area. I had then when they were quantum fiber and never had noticeable down time.


t1_j0d8c4e wrote

How is brightspeed doing? Im considering switching from AT&T cuz they're a shitty company.

But the constant outages is why I was done with medicom. Bastards kept trying to raise my bill, but i kept having outages at least once a week and couldnt stay connected on my console that was literally right next to the damn modem


t1_j0e1kwg wrote

I have had them since they started in Springfield and have had very few issues. My biggest problem has been that their routers aren’t the best. They will occasionally drop connection to my phone but it’s usually fixed by turning my Wi-Fi on and off on my phone. I’ve had two routers bricked by updates, which was unfortunate, but was able to get a tech out the same or next day. Calling support works better than their chat service.


t1_j0e6eqn wrote

Echoing the same experience here - only issues have been with their provided router. I haven't had the bricking issue, but I have had the dropped connection issue.

I took the opportunity on Black Friday to buy a mesh system. I haven't had any problems in the last 2 weeks, and one room with spotty coverage before is perfect now. Their provided router is a modem/router combo, so it has to stay in the chain, but you just connect a new router to it and turn off WiFi on the old router.


t1_j0e9e0x wrote

I will 3rd this. I also got a mesh system, but honestly i think any half good router is better then what they will lease to u. I have had 0 problems since.


t1_j0ed1e3 wrote

Yeah, I could honestly probably just swing the base router of the mesh by itself. The majority of my devices are still connected to the base, despite a few being right next to a satellite. The devices in the formerly-crappy-coverage room are connected to the base, too. But, I just like having the mesh.


t1_j0eeokt wrote

Pretty sure you can tag VLAN 201 and any router will work. I work with two connections and have eliminated the AX-whatever from the chain entirely.


t1_j0fhhfz wrote

It's unquestionably better. There's no data cap and it's significantly faster. We have four PC gamers at the house. Full games are downloaded in a consistently shocking rate.

I firmly believe it's the best l current best option in Springfield


t1_j0d8m1r wrote

I haven’t used them since I’m out of Springfield now. But when they were quantum fiber while I was up there (left in May) they were great.


t1_j0dt9ir wrote

Isn't Brightspeed just Centurylink rebranded? That's the impression I got when I looked it up after CL switched me to it automatically


t1_j0dtp84 wrote

They bought centrylink and all their contracts in the Midwest.


t1_j0dv9v9 wrote

Oh, that's actually really good because centurylink sucked ass, I thought they rebranded because everyone hated them lol


OP t1_j0ds90l wrote

They're not here for me yet, but I've heard nothing but fantastic things about them. Very excited for them to hopefully be available in my neighborhood soon!


t1_j0dtw87 wrote

You may also check T-Mobile home internet if it’s available to you. It isn’t perfect but I carried them for a year or so and the speeds were consistent around 50mbps and I never remember downtime.


t1_j0essvq wrote

They are not fantastic. Most of my family is rural and used to be on Centurylink. We had Centurylink for almost 15 years. It was slow as shit but it rarely went down. Then during covid, while my now ex was working from home, it basically went down and stayed that way. I'm talking multiple hours daily, 5-7 days a week. Then they just stopped answering their support calls. After they sold, nothing improved. Her mother lost phone service and couldn't reach customer support. Ever. She just cancelled her account entirely.

She switched to T-Mobile and never drops, was half the price, and 5 times the speed.


t1_j14hs5u wrote

Brightspeed inherited specific parts of Quantum and CenturyLink. It's not CenturyLink, it's their replacement. They only provide high quality fiber optic internet connections.

Brightspeed is the best ISP I've ever dealt with or heard of.


t1_j19fzd5 wrote

Yes. And when they inherited my ex wife and her mother's broadband, they continued in the tradition of Centurylink, shit service to the point they couldn't even keep their phone service running, and made almost everyone not within the town itself switch to T-Mobile to get broadband at all.

It may be great for you, but that doesn't make it great for everyone. It just makes it more of the same.


t1_j19hpwz wrote

Where do you live? My understanding is that Brightspeed is a fiber company. I wouldn't be surprised if CenturyLink did something wrong when they set it up and Brightspeed still needs to fix it. Have you tried contacting them? What did they say?


t1_j19oexb wrote

They live outside of Springfield where Brightspeed is the wired broadband/phone provider who took over Centurylink's wires. I won't dox them, or myself, any closer.

Her mother literally kept calling the service line for her home phone. Never got a response even when she did get through.

She just gave them an earful and cancelled her landline; you could get the accounts people fine. Her cell phone was on T-Mobile already, so switching wasn't a big deal.

I haven't asked her about it directly, it's just what my ex said to me. But the neighborhood my ex lives in, about 8 houses, have all gone to T-Mobile, during and after the switch.

Centurylink has been the provider there for decades. I always used to call them "barely, but adequately competent" compared to the horror stories I heard hear on here. Now I'm on mediacom, have great speed, and it barely goes down. Before AND after the switch, I don't consider them a provider anymore, because they can't provide the services they offer, and ignore service complaints.

You gotta understand, outside of a metropolitan area, you're a fucking second class citizen. What you're offered is overpriced, barely maintained, and high price. When she went to T-Mobile, she got double the speed, barely any downtime, at half the cost. This is a systemic issue, not a one time deal.

My parents don't even qualify for that, they're still on fucking HughesNet. They were 10 years out of date 10 years ago.


t1_j19rht7 wrote

To be honest I was under the impression that Brightspeed didn't take over the shit lines from ctl, only the fiber. That's disappointing. Hopefully they will commit to fixing it.


t1_j0dh9ql wrote

Fiber internet is cheaper than both AT&T/Mediacom. At least for me it was and I get at least 10x the speed with more reliable uptime.

Check out Brightspeed and see if fiber is installed in your area. I pay $65 a month for 1 gig. Here's a link that allows you to input your address to see if fiber is available in your area and what plans you have access to.


t1_j0dfhun wrote

This is who my apartment complex offers for free internet. I’m using it to save money, but god damn it’s getting bad


t1_j0dg381 wrote

Yep. We are on the new fiber through Brightspeed/used to be Quantum and we love it. 900up/down speeds are incomparable.


t1_j0dytod wrote

I’m a fan of Brightspeed if you can get it, but their equipment (provided modem/router) really sucks - just a heads up if you’re a power user.


t1_j0e3hnw wrote

Mediacom has had no issues for me over the last year. However, I switched to AT&T fiber a week ago and I'm loving it so far. It's $80 for me now compared to $100 with Mediacom (comparable speeds). A couple more perks of switching to AT&T are that upload speed is matched to download speed and the router provided has WiFi 6 on it! Increased upload speed is GREAT if you're a gaming couple that streams like my wife and I. I didn't start this comment intending to make a short story commercial.


t1_j0dr4sh wrote

We have Century Link. Its fiber optic.

When we first moved to my house last year, we were using T Mobile, since that is our phone company, switched to CenturyLink because our IT friend has it and recommended it.

T Mobile had sudden drops, which isn't good because I've been working from home since April 2020.

I'd highly recommend CenturyLink if it's in your area.


t1_j0e4gfp wrote

I guess it depends on what part of town you live in because the last time I had an outage from Mediacom was over a year ago, and I work from home so I'm almost always online.


t1_j0e9liv wrote

Track your speeds and report to fcc it’s only thing I have found that works


t1_j0ecp8d wrote

I've honestly had zero issues with Mediacom in the last 10 or so years, I've got 650-750mb/s download speeds for $100 a month and I've never had any down time


t1_j0edghb wrote

Is this an actual outage or does it go away when you power cycle modem and disconnect coaxial for a couple minutes?


t1_j0eeiwr wrote

Mediacom is allowing its infrastructure to rot on the vine.

Quick guide to Brightspeed:

(1) I log internet uptime. They’ve had four outages in about two months, each lasting no more than two minutes. Imperfect, but an improvement over any other ISP.

(2) The router they provide is not great. You’re better off using your own router that meets your requirements. You will have to VLAN tag the WAN port with “201” in order to access Brightspeed through the ONT (fiber modem). Once your router is up and running the Brightspeed router can be put to satisfactory use as a kinetic deterrent to any urban fox infestations you happen to be dealing with.

(3) “Gigabit” will not normally manifest in any measurement service. I’ve got rates at approximately that speed when downloading Linux ISO, etc, but Speedtest generally only shows 250-300, maxing out at around 350Mbps.


t1_j0ifbtu wrote

Gigabit, 250-300, sounds like max wifi speeds. Have you used a wired connection to the modem or router to measure?


t1_j0ijn9l wrote

Whole backend is 2.5Gbps, and the wifi is late model Omada APs that can perform literal gigabit speeds with a Wifi6 device. Device is connected by Ethernet to an old laptop running my home automation software. I’d expect the built-in NIC to be 100Mbps (fast ethernet) or 895Mbps (gigabit), not this in-between number.


t1_j0i4md0 wrote

we just switchted to att fiber because of this. wifi is ten times better too, best decision