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zakriebinx t1_j57vv5d wrote

Another prime example of why these churches should be taxed.


Noodletron t1_j5ac0on wrote

This is anti-Semitic.


Renn_1996 t1_j5as0et wrote

If you are going to throw out that accusation at least have some reasoning with it lol. In Springfield people complaining about churches are complaining about mega Christian churches. There isn't a large enough Jewish democratic to assume they are being anti Semitic.


TapdotWater t1_j5e5pfv wrote

Oh, I see, we're just saying whatever nonsense comes to mind first! Love this game.


Well-Fed-Head t1_j5d79fq wrote

What or who, in any of this entire conversation, is Jewish? Or do you mean taxing religious organizations is?

Edit: can't spell.


-Valued_Customer- t1_j582a03 wrote

Keep it simple: ask what Hawley has to do with manhood or Christianity.


shavedcow OP t1_j584vbj wrote

Right. Please do ask them all kinds of these questions. They've got contact us links on the stronger men conference website, phone numbers, email, Twitter, Facebook. All that stuff. I've been hitting them up but haven't received a reply yet. I think it would be great if hundreds of people bugged them about it. And I just really want them to answer some of these questions that I'm sure the community has. I think it would be great if they backed out of having him as a guest because I kind of think they booked him before the attempted coup that he helped incite. No "church" in their right mind would even consider having such a hateful, cowardly, treasonous bastard come set up merch stands and spew hateful culture war bullshit to their congregation.


Educational_Tie6959 t1_j58tv9b wrote

Are you new to Springfield? JRA has been very problematic, for a long time. They've got that 'prosperity gospel' thing going on. They have also been 'character witnesses' for a parishioner who had 1000's of images on his computer, the kind of stuff that usually gets a long prison sentence, but not in general population. Hawley is practically the poster child for their brand of 'christianity'...


garylazereyes t1_j5auvkt wrote

Talking about the owner of Lamberts? It wasn’t just images, he was trafficking underage girls across state lines for sex. But he’s rich…..and sick…..and “does a lot for the church and the community” so he deserves a free pass, right? 🙄


Cold417 t1_j590td0 wrote

They don't give a shit. They're in on the grift.


Bootdaddy247 t1_j5aakg1 wrote

They announced him as the guest during last year's conference.


shavedcow OP t1_j5acnze wrote

That's heinous. Has he also been one of their guests before too?


Bootdaddy247 t1_j5ad48u wrote

I don't know. Some family of mine go there, so that's how I know the above tidbit, but they kind of keep that part of themselves from me a little, so I'm sure they wouldn't have shared.


Imactuallyadogg t1_j583sfd wrote

Someone needs to go and ask him if god would be ok with someone in power lying to lots of people and getting some of them killed or injured.


shavedcow OP t1_j5859ji wrote

Exactly. Like you. You can be one of many people to help me get under their skin. Call em. Record it, make a tiktok or something. They need to be called out on this. Please reach out to them in some way.


Imactuallyadogg t1_j58kwgc wrote

I saw the bastard in person when he was first running for congress. He was in town at the republican headquarters in Springfield. I heard 20 seconds of his speech and immediately knew he was a p.o.s. He just repeated everything people wanted to hear and nothing of value. I really hope somebody finds dirt on him and he gets taken down.


Sad-Investigator-155 t1_j5bxnmw wrote

All he does it attack the other side. He does nothing of note for his constituents and doesn’t seem to have any novel ideas of his own. A lot of talk about China and the border and little about the people of Missouri.


Cold417 t1_j57v4p7 wrote

Their idea of a strong man is as thought out as their idea of an all-powerful deity.


BrianArmstro t1_j59a0kd wrote

We should all protest outside the church holding pickets of the picture of him running out of the capital like a scared child


enickma1221 t1_j5a0ctu wrote

Side by side with him giving a thumbsup to his fellow traitors.


Maxwyfe t1_j5818pf wrote

I kind of want to go just to do that goofy run out of there when he starts speaking.


Glittering-Bake-2589 t1_j58oyx7 wrote

Report to the IRS?


NotATroll1234 t1_j59ntjg wrote

Precisely. This sounds like an endorsement of a specific political figure, which I believe is a violation of being a 501c3. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


armenia4ever t1_j5arx4p wrote

It's not or literally every Black church in America that had ever had a Democrat candidate speak there is a violation of 501c3 as well. (Hint: its not)


NotATroll1234 t1_j5cwjv7 wrote

Point taken. I have since learned why it's not a violation from someone I know to be highly educated in such matters. I'm usually not a betting man, but 20 bucks says those Democrat candidates aren't calling for the exclusion/elimination of groups of people they don't like because their beliefs teach them that "those people shouldn't exist", aren't pushing a draconian sense of morality and anyone who doesn't subscribe to it is "vile" or "unworthy", or supporting the "our way or the highway" or "no matter what, our guy won" rhetorics. I am by no means a hardcore Democrat, since I recognize that all parties have their own issues.


shavedcow OP t1_j57sazl wrote

There are ways to contact them on the website.


MonoChaos t1_j58wkzx wrote

What the fuck does "stronger men conference" even meaning? I assume some toxic masculine shit?


shavedcow OP t1_j59eyb4 wrote

Ya basically something like, "don't be gay, hate gays, pray a lot, fight woke, own libs, get the groomers, don't jack off, stop porn, stop playing video games, make wife cook and clean and be quiet, white Jesus white Jesus" and all that other Christian nationalism shit. Oh and "buy my new book, "Man Hood!"".


m1racles t1_j59n7s1 wrote

>man hood

I appreciate his pro foreskin position


Live_Oak123 t1_j5939d5 wrote

Make no mistake, JH and JRA, and in particular JL, all serve the same god. Money. There is no other motivation. No other reason for their collusion. Money, pure and simple.


BrianArmstro t1_j59a0xc wrote

We should all protest outside the church holding pickets of the picture of him running out of the capital like a scared child


shavedcow OP t1_j59f5is wrote

Great idea. This particular event is being held at great southern Bank arena in downtown Springfield though.


mrsdex1 t1_j59u5bh wrote

And? There is plenty of space available.


Deaths_Rifleman t1_j5aafnk wrote

I feel like that just makes it easier. Hell someone makes the signs and I’ll be there.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_j58r8gv wrote

I’ve never wanted to go stand outside somewhere with a large sign more.


SeabeeSeth3945 t1_j588gmo wrote

The entity the conference is about says shit like wearing something made up of mixed fabrics is bad, so the definition of strong is skewed


Deaths_Rifleman t1_j5aa8mw wrote

Every motherfucker up there is probably wearing a “mixed fabric” cheap ass suit. Well except maybe Hawley the grifter extraordinar


benbunton t1_j5i6atl wrote

My guess is that Hawley will be the poorest person who speaks.


Deaths_Rifleman t1_j5ivqd9 wrote

You might be right I forget sometimes how deep the religion money goes


doctorpawpaw t1_j5aj4xq wrote

Stronger men conference? That’s a euphemism for white Christian nationalism.


StinkyDeerback t1_j58ngxq wrote

Because the leadership is full of seditious cowards.


Greenmantle22 t1_j5b3qrs wrote

Josh Hawley is such an alpha male, his choice of porn doesn’t even have any women in it!


FrozenBearMo t1_j58lfms wrote

Well, he is pretty good at running away


wildweasel29 t1_j5byu38 wrote

Because they are christofasicst assholes who worship at the altar of toxic masculinity and hatred.


2Have15min t1_j58e1ce wrote

Yes or no.. is this a religious event?


benbunton t1_j5i669w wrote

Yes, it’s a religious event even if it is mostly non-religious stuff. I think last year the big draw was monster trucks. You know, because nothing teaches people about Jesus quite like a monster truck.


unrealjp t1_j58p5kj wrote

To help sell his book, pure and simple. The terms of their agreement would be interesting


420shaken t1_j5a8zwz wrote

It's so they can shoot their guns and flex their Jesus muscles while laying hands on each other. What else would you call a circle jerk?


Miserable_Figure7876 t1_j5adt0u wrote

To answer the question: The conference is put on by James River Assembly, a local megachurch with long-standing ties to Hawley. And Hawley needs to pander to his base.


No-Move09 t1_j5azbkd wrote

It doesn’t even make since cause Hawley is gay but they still like him


Youandiandaflame t1_j5bbpyw wrote

Is this the one with monster trucks (I wish I were joking)?


shavedcow OP t1_j5blcbf wrote

It is. Not sure if they're having them this year or not though 🙄


WaywardDeadite t1_j5roedh wrote

Report James River Church to the IRS here for failing to comply with tax-exemption law.