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UnadvertisedAndroid t1_j9zbllp wrote

I don't know what "haute cuisine" is, but it sounds like it's pretentious solely for the sake of being pretentious, which is a super-niche kind of thing. Forcing that on a bunch of people who took time out of their schedules to share your day with you, especially if you're also making them travel to do it, means you should really consider offering them real food, and at least 2 options that cover the majority of potential tastes. I hope OP was only being dramatic with "2 ravioli on a leaf of lettuce", but even if that is dramatic it still sounds like the reality of that food is to make a statement, not fill a hungry belly. Weddings are not the place for that.


ESGPandepic t1_j9zd4ba wrote

>it sounds like it's pretentious solely for the sake of being pretentious

Turns out you do know what it means =)


Dylsnick t1_j9ztl0c wrote

Your grasp of French is formidable. That's exactly what "Haute Cuisine" means.


BysshePls t1_j9zz4mf wrote

Me running to Google and that is basically exactly what it means 😂