
t1_jeblnfo wrote

Many of these people were brainwashed into thinking they needed the AR-15 for protection by the media, so how is it that the media has very little influence? Even if not directly, they encourage gun ownership by way of hyperbolizing headings and showcasing tragedy because that's what drives views and clicks. Until we start holding them accountable for this, people are going to be frightened into thinking our country is a constant warzone.


t1_jebirhh wrote

I don't need to watch videos about cat ownership, I've had many over many years and they have all been excellent at self regulation because I never gave them a reason to think they couldn't be sure of their next meal. When you put them on a schedule, they learn that food is scarce and they need to take every opportunity to eat when it comes. Don't do that to them and they'll take care of themselves.


t1_jdt3y60 wrote

Old steam trains burned a lot of coal to make steam, which is dirty, smells bad, weighs too much to make it an efficient energy source for a moving object, and requires a ton of labor to keep the boiler fueled because of the limited space in a train making automated hoppers, like they have in coal power plants, just not feasible.

Oh, and diesel was a much more efficient fuel source and internal combustion a more efficient way of utilizing it. So, because of all that, steam trains died off.


t1_ja5xbwn wrote

This works because you're "pin hole" is filtering out "noise" by limiting the light coming into your eye to the light coming off of what you're aiming at only. Not because it focuses anything, your eye is still doing the focusing, it's just not having to deal with a bunch of extra light that isn't part of what you're looking at.


t1_j9zbllp wrote

I don't know what "haute cuisine" is, but it sounds like it's pretentious solely for the sake of being pretentious, which is a super-niche kind of thing. Forcing that on a bunch of people who took time out of their schedules to share your day with you, especially if you're also making them travel to do it, means you should really consider offering them real food, and at least 2 options that cover the majority of potential tastes. I hope OP was only being dramatic with "2 ravioli on a leaf of lettuce", but even if that is dramatic it still sounds like the reality of that food is to make a statement, not fill a hungry belly. Weddings are not the place for that.