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So6ored t1_j9if1k7 wrote

Someone send this to George rr Martin


Mindheave t1_j9is8lo wrote

Something tells me he'll just go out naked


Taleya t1_j9lyagv wrote

I find it impossible to believe Hugo - the man so horny they literally had to close the cities brothels when he died because all the workers were at the funeral - did not do this.


Stingray88 t1_j9ise56 wrote


gheebutersnaps87 t1_j9itk4p wrote

Wow seven years ago…


1CEninja t1_j9k4j2i wrote

On one hand I feel bad that HBO bungled his ending so badly that he probably feels like he has to make massive changes.

On the other hand, I've basically given up on him finishing before he starts slipping due to old age. At his current pace I simply do not have any confidence the last book will be very good.


gulyman t1_j9lowou wrote

Then Brandon Sanderson can come in and finish it


1CEninja t1_j9lulhl wrote

He has already publically said he would not. Their writing styles are too different.


Acceptable-Stick-688 t1_j9mdhq8 wrote

Brandon’s PG-13 limit would not do well with Game of Thrones haha


parkaprep t1_j9odx8q wrote

Jamie giving his dear sister a nice firm handshake.

All the child abuse can stay, though.


HitmanScorcher t1_j9lrtya wrote

If anyone could finish GoT its Joe Abercrombie in my opinion. Although, I'd rather it just stay unfinished.


Kealion t1_j9n6jmf wrote

Stephen King would have it done in a weekend.


Pudding_Hero t1_j9kcj07 wrote

It’s such bullshit


1CEninja t1_j9l92b2 wrote

I think his legacy is going to be a promising series being bungled lol.


pf30146788e t1_j9jlgb2 wrote

When I read George I first thought of Castanza because he would try something like this to avoid procrastinating.


diverareyouok t1_j9kp0w3 wrote

Patrick Rothfuss first, please.


cantonic t1_j9kswq0 wrote

No thanks. Take away Rothfuss’ clothes so he can just stay in his house for good.


drums_addict t1_j9mztjr wrote

Someone else should just a write a book VERY similar to what we think the third installment should be.


diverareyouok t1_j9ojybi wrote

Did you hear about Clarkesworld magazine having to disable submissions because they got overrun with ChatGPT-created stories? I wonder if we could “force” it to read the original books and come up with a 3rd that follows the storyline which has been proposed over the years…

Might be an interesting community project.


Dehvi616 t1_j9iyqdt wrote

God damn, must have been a very slow six months for the local brothels. This guy was a fucking monster class sex machine. When he died escorts and prostitutes came to his funeral. He even slept with his son's wife and his son literally gave the comment that he couldn't blame his wife for it.


Show-Me-Your-Moves t1_j9jh020 wrote

imagine how many STDs he had


critfist t1_j9jsb66 wrote

If he hadn't died from syphilis by then he must have been immune.


AnotherJasonOnReddit t1_j9k2ohu wrote

Either that, or a Mr Burns style "All the STDs cancel each other out" situation.


jigga_23b t1_j9mbexq wrote

Lol you also have several diseases which have just been discovered, in you


BearyGoosey t1_j9jp25r wrote

>He even slept with his son's wife and his son literally gave the comment that he couldn't blame his wife for it.



red_dawn t1_j9l78oz wrote

“I mean, if you knew anything about my father, none of this comes as a surprise. It’s almost expected - so it is what it is. Anyway, here’s my brother-son.”


Greene_Mr t1_j9j5gmf wrote

And, of course, Adele H. was his daughter.


Monticellite t1_j9l1xbq wrote

Sources 1 and 2.


Lillithandrosemary t1_j9nlnha wrote

This says he tried courting her, then she dated his son for a few months after rejecting him and his poem to her. What is more surprising is that she turned him down.


Banana42 t1_j9l4vny wrote

That dude must have rubbed his dick raw between writing sessions


keetojm t1_j9ickxt wrote

I want to say it was Dostoevsky, who would have to gamble and fritter all his money away before he was motivated enough to write another book.


Khelthuzaad t1_j9jdozq wrote

Alexandre Dumas was another big money spender

Back in the day bits of the books were published because it was cheaper and kept the audience captive,like now with comic books.

To pay for his numerous mistresses,Dumas made his books as long as possible :)).


jcb193 t1_j9m3ohe wrote

TIL: I need to be more self-destructive if I’m going to succeed as a writer.


Khelthuzaad t1_j9nlto6 wrote

Never underestimate how many writers were under the influence of alcohol/drugs.


Frexulfe t1_j9kdl98 wrote

Douglas Adams would get locked up in a Hotel room by his Publisher.

Somebody (maybe Douglas himself, can't remember) wrote a mock-up on how the telephone conversation with the publisher was, pov publisher:

"Hi Douglas, you know deadline is in tow weeks, how is progress?"

"What does "doing my best" means?"

"Douglas, how many pages have you written?"

"Great, I will send a courier immediately to pick that ONE PAGE"


keetojm t1_j9ktxxr wrote

Sounds like an old Bob Newhart joke


0OO0OO00O t1_j9mfnc9 wrote

Hijacking the comment, anyone know a good Dosto biography thats not Joseph Frank's? it's prohibitively expensive here


walkingtalkingdread t1_j9idhbj wrote

at like 900 something pages, i feel like he could’ve stopped a bit earlier.


Ben_Thar t1_j9ihqfy wrote

He couldn't find the key to unlock his clothes


We_Are_Giants t1_j9n0utz wrote

Hunchback isn’t that long but you’re not wrong that he probably could’ve done without some of the bird’s eye view of Paris parts


Old_Sport7920 OP t1_j9idind wrote

on hindsight, i think i titled this pretty badly lol, i would edit it to be “forced him to finish writing the book” instead of “forced him to do anything but finish writing the book”, sorry. unfortunately reddit doesnt allow us to change the title


daughtcahm t1_j9jgnq2 wrote

You just goofed the word "anything", should have used "nothing".

>...forced him to do nothing but finish writing the book

But I think we all figured it out


wicko77 t1_j9iy4tl wrote

I noticed that but knew what you meant. Don’t worry, most people will get it.


TheGazelle t1_j9jokr9 wrote

They will, but this being Reddit I feel like without OP's early comment, we'd still have a comments section filled with titlegore comments.


wicko77 t1_j9jp6k1 wrote

Maybe. Doesn’t really matter tho. Those who get it, get it. Those who don’t, don’t. Those who title gore have tiny pee pees.


Lillithandrosemary t1_j9lcetd wrote

Do you have any sources on this other than the article linked? I couldn’t find anything on this doing a cursory google search in french. It is widely known he wrote it in a short amount of time due to his work on “Le dernier jour d’un condamné” and “Les orientales”. I just think it’s a great bit of trivia on Hugo, but would hate to disseminate something that I have found no real evidence of. I’ll keep looking though! I think I will hit my library for a good bio on Hugo in French.


staatsclaas t1_j9jnzdj wrote

So he did anything but finish the book?

This saying gets butchered so much. 😣


CapainCarver t1_j9k2ysj wrote

I love the irony of posting on a great author and absolutely destroying the sentence structure of the title.


perfcon2 t1_j9jadx1 wrote

Back then you procrastinated by going outside lol.

I don’t know how much use locking yourself indoors for months would have for your productivity today, especially for someone prone to procrastination


Frydendahl t1_j9jnx1f wrote

From other posts here "procrastinate" seems to just mean going to the brothel.


TeamWonderful7670 t1_j9k2rk4 wrote

Being naked does not seem like an effective way to stop going to the brothel.


Akegata t1_j9m42zy wrote

Yeah it's weird. I voluntarily procrastrinated by staying at home for months on end during the first parts of covid.
But then again Victor Hugo didn't have Reddit and a PS5.


Grandpixbear1 t1_j9idpt9 wrote

This book sparked interest in Notre Dame cathedral (which was in a state of disrepair and sleezy) and eventually a major renovation started which made it into the world-renowned and beloved cathedral it was before the 🔥 fire.


seamustheseagull t1_j9jg22k wrote

We talk about ADHD and Autism and such being "new". But then you hear about a guy who was so worried about needing six months to write 900 pages that he locked himself in his house.

And you realise these have been around for millennia.


craZbeautifuldisastr t1_j9jrz8k wrote

I just got diagnosed at 36 and asked my parents if any teachers said anything or if they ever thought about it and my mom's response was essentially no and that "everyone had it back then" 🙄

I've yet to figure out the way to explain this to them. That just because we finally find a name and treatment plan for something, doesn't mean that it hasn't been there affecting people who have no idea... Or just that these things exist whether or not we have a name for them yet. The idea is on my head and makes sense, I just can't put it into the right words.


seamustheseagull t1_j9kda8q wrote

When ADHD first started being diagnosed, there was certainly a lot of noise in the US about overmedication of it, and how virtually any child who was underachieving in school was being prescribed ritalin. Even some parents chasing down doctors to demand access to it in order to calm down their child.

Whether this was a thing, I don't know. I was young and I live in a different country :D

It may simply have been that there was such a sharp increase in ADD/ADHD diagnoses that there was a typical moral panic/media freakout about it.

"Neurodivergent" and "Neurotypical" are the current ways we use to describe these conditions, and I think that helps people understand the nature of it better. With these words it's clear you're not saying that someone's brain is broken, or that they have a transient illness. They have a fundamental difference in wiring which has always existed, always will exist, and causes them to perceive the world in a different way to most others.


TheFirstUranium t1_j9k8oq0 wrote

I don't know how old you are or anything, but when I was a kid, everyone did have it. In elementary school, only 4 of the boys in our class were unmedicated for an attention problem.

If you're diagnosing almost all of your population with a mental disorder, you need to reevaluate your diagnostic criteria.


frogandbanjo t1_j9lv1u3 wrote

Eh, there's literally no law of nature that says that an organism has to be ideally suited to a given environment. If 90% of the population was going on insane murder sprees, and putting a fairly-innocuous chemical in the water supply would stop that, would you want people reevaluating their diagnostic criteria, or just conceding that the species is fucked up and needs some chemical intervention?


TheFirstUranium t1_j9lwk27 wrote

Drugs have side effects and putting children on amphetamines is serious business. If it's necessary to get them the start they need in life, that's one thing. But you don't do it just to make the faculty's life easier.


craZbeautifuldisastr t1_j9kv3k7 wrote

I'm turning 40 this year so it was the 80s/90s. It wasn't really prevalent in my school or they just kept it more secret. I didn't know any peers that were on medication for it.

My mom's friend was a teacher and her son that I babysat has ADHD and took meds but that's really the extent. I worked at a daycare and didn't have to provide or monitor meds, no parents clued me in that their kid had anything other than allergies.

I just know that yes, the diagnostic criteria wasn't great. It's been documented that it presents differently in females so the rate of adult diagnosis is much higher bc it was missed so much when we were kids. It's not just hyperactivity and not everyone's "flavor" as I call it includes every symptom. I got decent grades bc my anxiety over consequences forced me to find coping skills to make sure I got it done. It didn't always work and I'd just completely forget about an assignment. I also only finished 1 book reading assignment ever. Studying for tests was just memorizing information to pass the test. The deadline motivation 👋✅, distractibility ✅, communication problems (interrupting, tangents on tangents, forgetting halfway through a thought) ✅, can't focus vs hyperfocus ✅... basically once I learned the typical symptoms it was very clear to me they'd been there all along and I feel cheated a bit that I had to go through so much and struggle when it wasn't necessary.


TheFirstUranium t1_j9kyhcz wrote

Fair enough. This was the early 2000s for me. I was referred because I got distracted and started talking to my classmates after being in class for ~2.5 hours or so.

Like, duh, I was 7.


craZbeautifuldisastr t1_j9l894u wrote

Right? There's definitely kids being kids and then there's kids like me who grow up not knowing how to set boundaries, becoming a people pleaser to the extent that I have trouble making decisions without input from others, and I'm pretty sure I've been anxious since my first spanking. I am working on my conflict avoidance and being assertive.

I also started learning that most of my anxiety and depression triggers are directly linked to my ADHD behaviors/symptoms. So even the counselor I started seeing for those almost 10 yrs ago missed all the signs. It took going through a communications worksheet with our premarital counselor who specializes and has it himself to suggest I get evaluated. I always thought I maybe had a twinge just being so talkative and forgetful but the more I've learned... it's been right there front and center my whole life. And I was a child so I didn't have the words to explain how I felt or understand that what I was dealing with wasn't "just me". I'm not lazy like my mom said, I'm not broken or deficient... my husband has described it best, he said it's like being left handed in a right handed world. I just have to learn to do the differently in a way that works WITH my brain and not fight against it so much.

I'm sorry you went through that accusation as a child, it couldn't have been fun and if it had been me, I'd have taken it very personally even at 7. At least someone cared enough to at least suggest you get checked just in case though. Grass is always greener as they say.


KingDarius89 t1_j9l00cf wrote

Eh. When I was in elementary school, literally one kid was being medicated for. Dude was my best friend at the time.


TheFirstUranium t1_j9l6c6k wrote

I don't have kids myself. I think (and hope) that it isn't that bad anymore. They basically expected young children to sit attentively in class for several hours at a time, I really don't know what they were thinking.


Eliseo120 t1_j9jvsod wrote

Who says these things are new? It’s more like they were discovered more recently and being diagnosed more often.


BluegrassGeek t1_j9k243u wrote

There's a swath of people who want to believe that these things never happened before, and that the new influx of conditions is due to "modern society" brainwashing people to take drugs for (insert random conspiracy theory here).


JackInTheGrey t1_j9l5ssl wrote

I've always thought that the mythological/folklore concept of changelings fit the onset of more intense expressions of autism.


Anna_Rapunzel t1_j9m0egi wrote

Google Leonardo DaVinci's work habits! I saw a video about them and I was like, "that sounds like ADHD."


KypDurron t1_j9kbj12 wrote

"He did nothing but write for six months and only finished one book?"

-- Brandon Sanderson, probably


LichStarfiter t1_j9iumvi wrote

This sentence is awful and nearly incomprehensible. I understood your intent after reading it three times but by then I was just frustrated with your post.


danielcw189 t1_j9jbdg2 wrote

>This sentence is awful

What about it is awful?

>and nearly incomprehensible.

I don't see what is incomprehensible about it.

I personally would have added one more comma, or split it into multiple sentences.


cham89 t1_j9jqbup wrote

The title suggests that because he didn’t have his clothes he wasn’t able to write his book because he was doing everything else. The word but should be in the title.


danielcw189 t1_j9k27cq wrote

>The title suggests that because he didn’t have his clothes he wasn’t able to write his book

That's not right. The title saying "to finish his book he locked his cloths away".

> The word but should be in the title.

Where would you put it?


cham89 t1_j9k2uk4 wrote

That was a typo I meant to say shouldn’t be in the title.

I understand the thought of putting away his clothes so he couldn’t leave and then would be forced to finished the book.

But the title says it, “forced him to do anything, but finish his book”

That reads as if he didn’t finish the book.


danielcw189 t1_j9ktgjn wrote

>That was a typo I meant to say shouldn’t be in the title.

Oh, yeah you're right. I see it now. my mind must have jumped over that word.


LichStarfiter t1_j9jngmt wrote

Good luck buddy. I have a feeling you're very proud of that confusing sentence.


danielcw189 t1_j9k2ee9 wrote

You can't even answer a simple question?

>Good luck buddy. I have a feeling you're very proud of that confusing sentence.

I did not write it.


Koolest_Kat t1_j9l4ky7 wrote

Here I am sitting naked on REDDIT. We are not the same………


MillerLitesaber t1_j9il2sb wrote

The ending makes a lot more sense now


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j9iltnh wrote

How does it end?


Hm_Maybe_ t1_j9ir87h wrote

The story stops.


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j9jt9ml wrote

Did Quasimodo have no clothes and was therefore stuck in his house for the rest of his life?


MillerLitesaber t1_j9jj1fk wrote

Esmirelda gets hanged and then it is described that in her tomb are two skeletons. One of her and the other deformed, implying that Q crawled in there and hugged her corpse until he just died too.


Chariotwheel t1_j9jd3vy wrote

Just pages and pages of

> All work and no play makes Jaques a dull boy


Ok_Recipe_friend t1_j9jffc1 wrote

It should be noted that he loved loitering outside and taking notes about what he saw.


FrozenDelta3 t1_j9lcht6 wrote

Someone contact George R Martins publicist!


AusCan531 t1_j9jfzsw wrote

I read this as "making him unable to go outside and procreate"


Bigdickdiarrhea t1_j9krudt wrote

Wouldn’t it be “forced him him to do *nothing but finish writing his book”? Honest question, feel like I’m losing it, lol


adorkablecait t1_j9ksv5j wrote

I offer up Patrick Rothfuss to try this out for us


JackInTheGrey t1_j9l5afo wrote


adorkablecait t1_j9l8p1k wrote

I'd happily give my $10 for a verbal 10 minute ending. Or a fan fiction ending. Really I'm just that ex that keeps coming back for closure.


JackInTheGrey t1_j9ldlen wrote

Oh believe me, I'd love to have more books. But I also know that writing them it's just a matter of sitting down and typing it up. A lot of folks see it as just another "punch in, do your daily work, punch out" kind of job. Some authors can do that. Most don't.


Desperate-Plankton22 t1_j9j7sup wrote

Now, I don't really expect to rival the madlad, but I could definitely learn a thing or two from him


Rhomega2 t1_j9jc2tg wrote

What about food and water?


antiquemule t1_j9jrcav wrote

Lucky for him that Reddit did not exist at the time.


CapainCarver t1_j9k2lru wrote

Ah yes, being forced to do anything but finish his book....forced him to finish his book.


DoctorWTF t1_j9k9z70 wrote

Go outside and procrastinate?


1relytnotyals t1_j9kukp0 wrote

So work from home IS effective....


CaptValentine t1_j9lf3ui wrote

That's right, kids! "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" was written by an old man who was butt naked the hole whole time!


imsorryisuck t1_j9lsluq wrote

6 months doesnt sound like impossible deadline tbh.


Ok_Rip_8804 t1_j9oeyn0 wrote

Haha! Sometimes u gotta outsmart urself!! 👍


TheKvothe96 t1_j9jb0x3 wrote

TIL the original Hunchback of Notre Dame is full of smegma.


[deleted] t1_j9ijrl4 wrote



Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j9ils3r wrote

Do you lock your clothes away so you can't leave the house so you're forced to work from home?