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Thejar1986 t1_j65htzj wrote

He tried to be someone else But nothing seemed to change


DickweedMcGee t1_j65i66b wrote

Still doesn't excuse Morbius. Shame on you JL....


thewidowgorey t1_j65io42 wrote

That’s the guy who sexually assaults his teenage groupies, yeah? Also keeps getting work in Hollywood when this has been documented for over twenty years?


ElfMage83 t1_j65jj4c wrote

Well, yes. Did you think he's just an actor?


leigh094 t1_j65jmys wrote

Gerard Way is the front man if My Chemical Romance and Gene Simmons plays bass in Kiss


mjr4189 t1_j65kjvv wrote

You should also learn that he is a bad person.


Sevla7 t1_j65kmx1 wrote

This guy was in a lot of memorable movies like Fight Club, American Psycho and Requiem for a Dream. But now he is the "Morbius guy" and I think he deserves that.


bdrake0923 t1_j65kors wrote

Paul McCartney has a successful solo career, but, was in a band before that.


CajuNerd t1_j65ktua wrote

...and is a massive douche canoe.


loaded-diaper-4lunch t1_j65n3ab wrote

I was at a concert years ago, right before he won his Oscar, and a very young girl was pulled up on stage along with myself. We spent time on stage and back stage during the concert. After the show he talked with the few of us and we left, while the young teen stayed. That's when I knew he was gross.


jsdavin t1_j65o5u0 wrote

How fucking young are you to finally learn this?


oniiichanUwU t1_j65qig9 wrote

The band is pretty good though. The Kill is one of my all time favourite songs and the music video is based off The Shining. Shame he turned out to be such a creep. He’s a great singer and he is.. certainly an actor 🥴


Lunndonbridge t1_j65rd49 wrote

He is also a funder of Reddit where he debuted Mornin Time the Musical.


lightfoot90 t1_j65rkin wrote

He’s had 11 more hits than that! Google “Jared Leto 13” to find out.


OGstanfrommaine t1_j65v927 wrote

Wait till you find out Jack Black is the lead singer of Tenacious D


Phunny t1_j65za9o wrote

I just learned this... Today?


-Olive-Juice- t1_j662gaw wrote

Next you’re gonna try and tell me Rivers Cuomo is the front man for American Rock Band “Weezer” with hits such as “Say It Ain’t So” and “Island In The Sun”


Repulsive-Positive30 t1_j667ued wrote

No one cares. He’s a fuckin predator with a pattern of going after barely teen-age girls


Teckschin t1_j66i4oa wrote

Lol I get it. I remember having a moment at work a while ago to read into, but it was some shallow reading and I didn't have time to verify anything. It's also about Jared Leto, so I didn't care at all to revisit it.


IncorporateThings t1_j66rn4k wrote

Yep. Every album after "This Is War" has kind of sucked, though. Makes me sad :(


tryingtodefendhim t1_j672nhn wrote

Long before 30 Seconds to Mars had any hits on the radio, they opened for Puddle of Mudd. We booed them after 2 or three absolute shit songs in a row. They passed their demo CD out to the crowd and we all passed it right back to them.


twinn5 t1_j674hv8 wrote

Jared Leto beats up hobbitses! He heard someone at a party say that 30 Seconds to Mars was horrible. Leto wheeled around and grabbed Elijah Wood


OsakaJack t1_j679cdo wrote

I was a fan of the band and it totally slid past my radar Leto was in Fight Club or in TV during his teen years. I only knew him as one of the guys in the band. And then he was in some movie I happened to see and I was like, this guy is taking this acting thing pretty seriously for a singer. IMDB quickly educated me on his library of work.

Also, I think he has spiraled out into Hollywood stupid* with his ego these days. He needs to quit the acting thing and get back to a real job, aka the band lol

*Hollywood stupid: when the money and fame convinces you that you truly are a magic being sent to deliver art or whatever. Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson, etc.


OsakaJack t1_j679lfo wrote

You really should not watch that documentary he did about trying to get out of his record contract. And it's EARLY days of his ego before it spiraled out beyond orbit. Back then he was just a douche canoe.


OsakaJack t1_j67a14e wrote

When he was just a skinny weird kid. I think the best thing he did was start a band with his brother.


And then he decided MORE weird was the way to go. And went all in.


LaleR3232 t1_j67boev wrote

In other news, water is wet - stay tuned


try_altf4 t1_j67ofre wrote

30 seconds to Mars? More like 30 seconds to morb.


Wring159 t1_j67pb75 wrote

I'm getting old if this is what you learned today... im only 25...TT


Flat-Development-906 t1_j6883vc wrote

He also sucks to work with as an actor apparently. He goes all method and it’s a pain in the ass. (Morbius he refused to not be in a wheelchair so bathroom breaks took forever for example and he would hold up everyone one set.)


Germantwinkboy t1_j68dtrx wrote

And he should stop trying to act and just focus on music IMO


Agent847 t1_j68fabj wrote

Axl Rose, of Dirty Harry Deadpool fame, also fronted a musical side project.


[deleted] t1_j68jfu9 wrote

Wait till you find out Garth brooks is Chris Gaines.


thebiggestpinkcake t1_j68tdr4 wrote

I only learned this roughly 2 years ago. Not everyone knows every detail of every band/musician on their playlists especially when they only like one or two of their songs. On my old ipod I used to have like 3,000 songs by different singers/bands of different genres. It would be incredibly exhausting and time consuming to research everything about everyone of them.


metallaholic t1_j690twu wrote

Now do another post about how the singer of the pretty reckless was cindy Lou who


TheMatt561 t1_j694t9v wrote

I know you hay but I always forget lol


bigfatfurrytexan t1_j69grct wrote

The Kill is one of the greatest musical performances I have ever heard. Phenomenal metal opera


kevlarbuns t1_j69na41 wrote

He also does some really weird cult shit. He sucks.


kevlarbuns t1_j69ndx2 wrote

Did you know musician Corey Feldman was also a child actor? Crazy, huh?


theworkinglad t1_j69us0i wrote

somebody tell this guy about marky mark and the funky bunch


papaparakeet t1_j6a1ktb wrote

Hello Jared, nice post. No, no one cares about you yet.


Shin_Vegeta t1_j6aechd wrote

Lmfao some of these TIL sometimes need to not be put out there.. for fucks sake what's next? The earth is round? Water is wet🤦🏻‍♂️


Fluid-Phrase8748 t1_j6alyps wrote

Holy shit, I completely forgot that he was in this band. I met them at the pier in Buffalo NY, in the parking lot when they were putting their cards on people's windscreens and me and my friends went out of the venue to get high after their set. The venue was small enough that the music and stage could still be seen from the top of my truck, so we didn't miss anything else really. Pretty sure one of the girls I was with ran up to him and hug jumped him. I am thankful for this post to bring back some good memories.


mlee117379 t1_j6b4gi4 wrote








Dunkinmydonuts1 t1_j6cwgka wrote

Hey did you know Duane Johnson moonlightsled as a B-tier wrestling star before his movie career took off


kevlarbuns t1_j6dcgdr wrote

Yeah, there were definitely some stark moments. The hell of withdrawals and falling into OD were poignant, as well as just the behavior of all the addicts towards each other. And themselves.

I think requiem was so effective because it showed the banality of addiction. Nothing super stylized. Just the hell of having your entire life revolve around feeding the addiction your brain places above all other things in life, and there’s not even a close second. Friends, family, partners, children, they are all far down the list when your brain is slamming you to feed the addiction.


PaulSarlo t1_j6drrcb wrote

You forgot to put "Hits" in quotes as well.


sgribbs92 t1_j6gfwqs wrote

Will Ferrell used to be the drummer for the red hot chili peppers before he decided to pursue his career in comedy


thesoftopening t1_j6i0zg0 wrote

Check out their doc Artifact about how they got royally fucked by the label


mjr4189 t1_j6jncx7 wrote

Yep, that’s why I said it’s a personal prerogative. Personally I have trouble separating the two things, but not everyone does. I was just responding to an obvious attempt to gaslight, but wasn’t going to get into a debate with someone who supports abusers.


ticklemesatan t1_j6l7qeq wrote

I wish there was a TIUL subreddit. Because I wish I could unlearn this every single day of my life..

P.S. Fuck Jared Leto.


OkBottle2931 t1_j6ofwks wrote

I had absolutely no idea until I just read your post.