ravinglunatic t1_j5smc9b wrote
Eleanor Roosevelt was a lesbian in spite of being married to Franklin. She wrote a letter to Gypsy Rose Lee that said “May your ass always be shining.”
Amelia Earhart seems kind of gay.
I’ll bet they at least kissed.
MDisbetterthanMA t1_j5snwt5 wrote
They were roommates!!!
leadchipmunk t1_j5so80d wrote
> She wrote a letter to Gypsy Rose Lee that said “May your ass always be shining.”
That's how I close every letter and email.
bloodshotnipples t1_j5sorna wrote
[deleted] t1_j5spoie wrote
brandonmiq t1_j5spsnb wrote
He fixes her cable?
falconuruguay t1_j5spsqn wrote
Ah yes..."Joyride"....
Eleanor was WELL known to be bisexual, and kept a mistress (known to everyone as her "personal secretary") at Hyde Park near the end of the war, in a separate guest house on the premises, just like FDR was doing with his secretary, at another guest house there too.
She also had affairs with several men too.
PrecariouslySane t1_j5spvbr wrote
d4vezac t1_j5sq2xt wrote
Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.
MeFolly t1_j5sqr0l wrote
I knew they were my kind of role model
Solivagant23 t1_j5sqs3o wrote
Legend has it that they scissored the whole way.
KingRhoamsGhost t1_j5swq92 wrote
Humans are so strange
Kellar21 t1_j5syzg4 wrote
Another case of bi-erasure I see, classic.
She was bi, she slept around with men too.
dscarbon333 t1_j5t06tt wrote
BazilBroketail t1_j5t0heb wrote
Bunch of people stood around as they, "commandeered" a plane and said shit like, "Great, Scott!", "Bally-ho!" and shit like that?
neelankatan t1_j5t5sbv wrote
even to family?
anser_one t1_j5t6qml wrote
Sapphos and her friend
Pay08 t1_j5t9zhd wrote
Hmm, yes, wasting taxpayer money on joyrides, what a "badass" thing to do...
Our_Miss_Peach t1_j5ta1p6 wrote
Amelia was real cute, and looked like Mia Farrow
Yeah Eleanor got around, but she was just ok
Wifdat t1_j5tasof wrote
FaustusRedux t1_j5tczoa wrote
Is that what we're calling sex now? A joyride to Baltimore?
BisonBravey t1_j5teu96 wrote
Baltimore of all places.
wabj17 t1_j5tey6q wrote
As euphemisms go, it's a bit too obvious. Who would believe that anyone went to Baltimore on a whim?
BisonBravey t1_j5tfkeu wrote
I think either label retroactively applied is problematic. She is not here to tell us how she identified. There would have been more than one reason she might have elected to sleep with men but still identified as a lesbian. She might have been bi. She might have felt she was straight, but had some distractions. We can't know without being able to explain how we use these terms contemporarily and hear her thoughts.
But she certainly seemed to have attractions and relationships that were at the very least queer.
janesimsten t1_j5tgjm4 wrote
I would watch this movie
SnooWalruses3945 t1_j5tlbsl wrote
It wasn’t a government plane so not sure what taxpayer money was wasted.
Riccars t1_j5tnxlp wrote
To their credit they may not have landed in Baltimore, just flew over.
leadchipmunk t1_j5tqmjg wrote
Every. Letter.
Pay08 t1_j5trwuw wrote
You think she paid for the fuel? Ans even if she did, she got taxpayer money for her job, which included attending official functions.
EndofGods t1_j5ts6y7 wrote
Agreed. Once in psychology, though, it gets simple and still messy somehow. Humans are strange and gross, but understand we have little to compare us to.
KruxAF t1_j5tsw7q wrote
So how do you feel about trumps taxpayer wastes?
pataconconqueso t1_j5ttv4k wrote
I can see that being the title of the next lesbian old timey artsey movie.
Joyride to Baltimore: starring Cate Blanchett and Gillian Anderson
pataconconqueso t1_j5tu0cz wrote
Yup this is why I say she was probably queer or at least sapphic
Timely_Direction8878 t1_j5tupcj wrote
Lesbian or not, that's some gangster shit.
Pay08 t1_j5tv3jf wrote
Is this supposed of gotcha to "expose" me?
KruxAF t1_j5tvecu wrote
Elaborate on taxpayer wasting. Imagine if you knew about the waste on federal bases.
the_mellojoe t1_j5twz6g wrote
Very close friends.
[deleted] t1_j5tx5sk wrote
Zonerdrone t1_j5tywz9 wrote
FDR was banging his secretary so who cares if she was joining the mile high club?
ravinglunatic t1_j5u0tii wrote
Bi-erasure? Jesus. She was married to a man that she was ok that he had mistresses. FDR died with his mistress. She had sex with FDR, complained that he wanted it more than her but that doesn’t necessarily mean she was bisexual so much as a wife in first half of the 20th century.
I’m not a historian. I don’t know her pronouns, specific preferences, etc. but whatever offense you took to this is absurd because it was unintentional and doesn’t really matter anyway.
They’re just words. She seemed to like girls. Give it a rest. I’m not your enemy.
Pay08 t1_j5u2zc6 wrote
So because it happens elsewhere too it means this one isn't a problem? That's a pretty steep slope there, hope you don't slip on it.
SnooWalruses3945 t1_j5u3x4y wrote
You think the First Lady was drawing a salary in 1933? It was a commercial aircraft. I’m sure they loved the publicity of two of the most famous women in the US flying in one of those planes. However, you think that they asked the ladies to pay for the fuel, and Eleanor said, “just bill it to the government”? Keep doubling down on your statement though. Makes you look cool.
Cho42 t1_j5u8f4j wrote
A0ma t1_j5u9phc wrote
But they already have a vintage ad for "Amelia and Eleanor go for a Ride"
fulthrottlejazzhands t1_j5uc2gn wrote
My uncle Gary once commandeered a blowup raft with his traveling companion and confidant Gabriel (also know as "Sarge") off Fire Island. A joyride it almost certainly was.
I-LOVE-TURTLES666 t1_j5ud3q5 wrote
Earhart was a shit pilot
falconuruguay t1_j5uf9qj wrote
"Confirmed bachelorettes"
Reddit-runner t1_j5ug3k9 wrote
r/HFY and r/humansarespaceorcs have entered the chat.
Ordinary-Flamingo416 t1_j5uhotd wrote
I like the Baltimore airport I’ll say that. And the oldest operating bar in the US is there.
ContinuumGuy t1_j5ukczb wrote
IIRC, the Roosevelts, while they did (at least at one point) genuinely love each other in a way, more saw their marriage as a political partnership and didn't really care who they were having sex with so long as it was kept private from the press.
ThePhoenixBird2022 t1_j5unh7x wrote
If you can afford a plane, can get away with pretty much anything because hubby is President, and know someone who can fly, why the fuck not just take off in that direction, but maybe turn left - or right, because you can.
Hell, check out the quality of the seatbelts and do a loop while you're at it.
HPmoni t1_j5utxc2 wrote
Barry Levinson!
HPmoni t1_j5uu8ty wrote
I question how many affairs she had. People didn't speak of such things, so this is speculation.
HPmoni t1_j5uuhgr wrote
Eleanor was infamously unattractive, so it's weird to see Gillian Anderson play her.
friedflounder12 t1_j5uv87a wrote
Wanna come visit me? I’ll take you on a joyride ?
arcosapphire t1_j5uw9lk wrote
> ...the two women delighted in their adventure — a celebration of independence and friendship.
> This large-format lavishly produced picture book captures the courage and pioneering spirit of two friends who defied convention in the name of fulfillment, conviction, and fun.
Yes. Friends. r/sapphoandherfriend
angleonyourshoulder t1_j5uxlqg wrote
Username checks out
falconuruguay t1_j5uxmjv wrote
Check this out...
Eleanor Roosevelt Wikipedia - see "Personal Life/Other Relationships"
Just because it wasn't published in the press, doesn't mean it wasn't widely known by those within the D.C. "inner sanctum".
notquiteright2 t1_j5uzsu9 wrote
If you look at the behavior of every other primate species, monosexual monogamy is pretty strange indeed.
a_stoic_sage t1_j5v263r wrote
Omar cummin!
GypsyV3nom t1_j5v6f0v wrote
Interestingly, the only group of animals where monogamy is widespread and common are birds.
NoItsBecky_127 t1_j5vdtyp wrote
They were planemates
KruxAF t1_j5vnc1i wrote
This one most certainly isn’t. You have zero proof of any taxpayer funds being used.
fortune_cell t1_j5vpdkx wrote
Most birds that are socially monogamous are not also sexually monogamous.
Ghost_Orange t1_j5vyzmd wrote
And yet I would still pay money to see that...
pataconconqueso t1_j5w2bo1 wrote
Oh Same my lesbian ass would pay hella money to see that movie
Reverse_Empath t1_j5w2wkt wrote
“my Friend Amelia” 😂
Ok_Substance_1560 t1_j5wbrmq wrote
Why did you have to hurt me by throwing Cate in there? 🤣
JurgenKlopp2018 t1_j5wd66l wrote
You’d find it on PornHub
pataconconqueso t1_j5wd8kp wrote
I know my audience
ravinglunatic t1_j5wt0k8 wrote
You’re definitely confused about your gender. It’s probably due to a lack of word comprehension. I don’t expect you to understand this reply because you clearly can’t read.
DillPickleGoonie t1_j5wvg2r wrote
Amelia Earhart has entered the ch— and has crashed and burned
DillPickleGoonie t1_j5wvl1a wrote
Bender has entered the chat
DillPickleGoonie t1_j5wvpln wrote
It’s the only way we could watch.
angleonyourshoulder t1_j5wwiei wrote
Baby how am I confused about my gender, where did that come from? All I was saying is that you’re ranting and no one cares okay babe? Have a good night.
RageOfDurga t1_j5wyyvw wrote
Amelia’s plane wasn’t the only thing going down, I see.
Shortsleevedpant t1_j5x89fm wrote
Strange is so human.
saposmak t1_j5xatc5 wrote
What if this is as good as it gets?
Historical_Gift6424 t1_j5xdprf wrote
That's a plane ride I'd like to have taken
chronoboy1985 t1_j5xjf2e wrote
I still prefer “hiking the Appalachian Trail”.
chronoboy1985 t1_j5xjk1j wrote
The title?
Faster then the Speed of Love by Brian Griffin.
Kraetzi t1_j5xtw1p wrote
Old timey swing Joyride to Baltimore I cried for more Joyride to Baltimore My lower body's sore Joyride too Baltimooooooore! I never had this feeling befoooooore Flappers, Jazzhands, Featherboas, Cut
No_Bandicoot8647 t1_j6booxh wrote
This made me smile.
[deleted] t1_j5slcg1 wrote