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FearandLoathinginBTV OP t1_jea4qke wrote

Thoughts? Personally I believe this is a regressive tax increase that unreasonably goes beyond what inflation has been. Idk about you, but even though VT’s services are good the affordability of the state seems to go down bit by bit each year.


FyuckerFjord t1_jea97kf wrote

Raise the taxes on 2nd homes, 4th cars, and boats that cost over $75k instead.


vtmtct t1_jeaanv5 wrote

Another tax that’s not a tax. Any way the government can extort a few more bucks. Politicians love fees and licenses because it accomplishes the same thing as increasing taxes (raises revenue for the state) without as much political scrutiny. New fees and license requirements tend to fly under the radar.

In this case they want to raise fees (and in turn revenues) by 20%. Imagine if our politicians proposed raising property, income and sales taxes by 20% across the board…There would be hell to pay with voters and it would never fly but dmv fees? Well just a few bucks here and there what’s the big deal.


4ak96 t1_jeacwsn wrote

So at what point do the citizens actually use democracy to fix this?


polarbearrape t1_jead9r2 wrote

God I'm so sick of this. Our state is being ruined by the wealthy buying property for rentals and second homes, but the tax gets put on people trying to get to work in a state that REQUIRES personal transport to live in. Here goes the last of our dwindling population of youthful workers.


General_Salami t1_jeadv58 wrote

This fucking state is getting absurd. I’m a steadfast dem and even I’ll readily say that between paid leave, childcare, clean heat standard, and now registration fees I’m gonna be paying so many taxes and fees for services I won’t even be eligible for. It’s baffling to me that a state full of second homes and short term rentals, with a rapidly aging population, is choosing to place the bulk of the tax burden on the middle class.


vtmtct t1_jeae9cu wrote

Sounds like another communist wet dream. Always class warfare. But how about just no new fees for anyone? Just once I’d love to see fees like this come down due to something like increased operational efficiency. Most of this stuff is processed on computers now


General_Salami t1_jeaesin wrote

It’s not class warfare it’s shifting a cost burden to those who can truly afford it. If you’re living in excess you can afford to pay into services, which should be streamlined to be made as cost-effective and efficient as possible. It’s a both and scenario. Trickle down economics doesn’t work


General_Salami t1_jeaf8lq wrote

Agreed when I moved here I was amazed at how often I have to register/inspect my car and the associated fees. It’s almost cheaper to just keep your car unregistered and risk the ticket


R3tr0revival t1_jeagayx wrote

I like how they all got together and pondered

"How can we make record inflation worse for all our constituents? Let's raise DMV fees!"


proscriptus t1_jeahnt2 wrote

The best thing about this is it's bringing together conservatives and liberals in outrage.


FearandLoathinginBTV OP t1_jeahw73 wrote

The thing I can’t stand the most about this article (and taxes up here in general tbh), is how one of the members of the committee tried to disguise it as making “folks using services at the DMV pay a little more of their share.”

At what point is a does something that you are obligated to do by law stop being a service?


wut_the_phuck t1_jeailyw wrote

Protesting is ALWAYS the way. The problem we have these days is we cannot get the masses to come together on any one topic.

If we got every Vermonter together to flood the streets they would eventually give in.

What if we all didn’t register our cars in unison this year?


JodaUSA t1_jeaj9op wrote

I am committed to being the last young person in vermont. I'm too stubborn to let the state die. I'll go down with it, or I'll spend my life trying to make things better. The solutions are so plain, but Capitals grip is so entrenched...


greenmountaintop t1_jeajc8e wrote

Ridiculous! Used for what? The road into work is so full of pot holes it isn't even funny.


JodaUSA t1_jeajo6j wrote

Our government only gets away with things like this because vermont is rural. It's difficult to get people together to protest and organize. We need a platform for the people of vermont to concentrate their voices and be heard.


mysterious_bulges t1_jeakary wrote

Honestly I'm all for massive tax policies to try and break up large housing monopolies... I've rented in much larger cities and have had to deal with the amount of bs that is in Burlington. The main difference I have seen is that prior cities it was one person who owned just one other building or actually lived their themselves. The companies or families who own multiple locations are creating a bad situation for renters. I have no idea if this thought has any merit.. Merely the only thing I saw that was different after living here.


Malannan t1_jeakfmb wrote

My kids have already said they have no interest in living here because of how expensive it is. They re truly worried about cost of living and they are teenagers. Scott has to get his head in the game here. Tax second home owners. Tax vacation properties. Tax Air BnB. Stop making this one of the hardest states to live in. The soul of our state will shrivel up and blow away in the slipstream of a thousand luxury SUVs if we don't.


HeadPen5724 t1_jealb3h wrote

They’ve gotten an increase BECAUSE of inflation… there’s a surplus because everything costs 50% more which means more tax dollars flowing in.

Montpelier has a spending problem and people really not to look hard at how their reps are voting. Just because they have your favorite letter next to their name doesn’t mean they’re doing you any favors ?

The DMV could be eliminated and the only meaningful difference would be the lack of long since expired printed off temp plates in the back window of a junk car.


FearandLoathinginBTV OP t1_jealzkq wrote

My biggest gripe is that the committee is charging full steam ahead without a care for commissioner of finance and management’s statement on this bill’s effects:

>The agency’s new fees would go into effect on Jan. 1, 2024.

>But the state’s commissioner of finance and management, Adam Greshin, said in an interview late last week that he does not think the fee increase is necessary. Fees charged by the state Agency of Transportation have increased “far faster than inflation” in recent decades, he said. Moreover, Greshin said he thinks the administration’s proposed budget for the 2024 fiscal year already sets aside enough money for future fiscal years.

> At a time when households are feeling the effects of inflation themselves, “why are we asking Vermonters to dig into their pocketbooks and pay higher fees?” the commissioner said. “This is a fee increase on virtually every Vermonter who drives ... I mean, this is a big deal.”


joeconn4 t1_jeaokkv wrote

I posted on another thread and got downvoted hugely, but I believe in this so I'll post again...

I'm in favor of a toll system on all the federal highways in Vermont. EZ Pass, something a lot of us need if we drive highways in other states. With NY removing their tollbooths on the Thruway and going to EZ Pass I now either have to pay higher tolls the few times a year I drive the Thruway or I gotta buy an EZ Pass from NY. In other states I gotta avoid certain roads to avoid the "no EZ Pass" fees. It's not a big bucks thing, but it's a PITA thing. If Vermont added EZ Pass we'd pay like $15/year for each device. But, and here's what I'm surprised residents of this state can't get behind, I'd set the tolls for travel on I89/I91/I93 at $0 for in-state EZ Passes and whatever we want to set them at for out-of-state EZ Passes. $3 for travel on I91 from the Mass border to WRJ? $5 from WRJ to the Canadian border on I89? With all the tourists coming up to enjoy what this state offers, you can't tell me that small toll wouldn't amount to substantial revenue raised from people who don't live here. For me, that's the way to do it with minimal impact on Vermont residents.


chohls t1_jeap21d wrote

The policy makers and businesses are so short-sighted that they'll cater endlessly to the people plundering and hollowing out all the state has to offer because they're wealthy, but they never stop to think what'll happen once all these boomer landowners get old and start dying off, who will keep the businesses running, who will do the mundane, day-to-day stuff that keeps a society running. Why would any young person want to grow a career, business or a family here if they're just going to be fined into oblivion while the wealthy get off scot-free?


czo79 t1_jeap3s6 wrote

WTF is wrong with these people?!


snuffytwoshoes t1_jear3j8 wrote

Why so upset? Someone has to pay for the Legislature's doubling of their own salary, and the consideration going from a part-time to full-time Legislature.


FyuckerFjord t1_jear4i0 wrote

Class warfare is the millionaire and billionaire politicians making tax and economic policy for the nation even though they don't know the price of milk.

Class warfare is almost all new wealth going straight to the top while families struggle to make ends meet.

Class warfare is big pharma using tax-payer money to research and develop life-saving drugs that they turn around and mark-up 10,000% to where the people who paid to develop it now can't afford it and die.

Stop regurgitating phrases and words you hear on Fox News.


taez555 t1_jearm0f wrote

I'm just glad they didn't go with changing the yearly inspection to twice a year yet.


MichEalJOrdanslambo t1_jeartyx wrote

I fully support this. People in every other New England/tri state are so used to it no one even pays attention. I think it’s $5 to enter Maine on 95. Put in the tolls use revenue to keep our highway in good shape and other general highway infrastructure.


whaletacochamp t1_jearvud wrote

Considering I sent in a check to get my license renewed ($80), they deposited the check and never sent a new license, I forgot about it and my license expired spurring me to need to update it emergently. Call DMV and get the run around. If the check was deposited it should come. Doesn’t matter that it’s been over 2mo. Will come “before the old one expires” false. Finally just NEEDED my license so spent another $80 online and got it 4 days later. Still fighting with them for an $80 refund. Had to get my bank involved.

Anyway, Im not paying more when they can’t even do the right thing when I do pay.


Malannan t1_jearvrp wrote

Exactly right. I am so upset that none of our politicians care about this issue. Bernie should focus on brokering policy change in Vermont. I love the guy, but he hasn't done shit for us in a good long while and now our state is in real trouble. I remember attending his farmer breakfasts in Addison County and it really felt like he was engaged. Hell, he came to my Eagle Scout ceremony because there so many of us earning our Eagle. Hey Welch? What are you going to do to help Vermonters. How will you engage with us? To be clear, I voted for both Welch and Bernie, as well as Scott.

Edit: I rushed my comment and got some great feedback below. I updated my comment to reflect what I meant to say, which was that influence and engagement can raise and move forward local policy issues. You would think, with the issues we're facing, our power brokers would be more actively engaged in the discussions.


casewood123 t1_jearwyx wrote

Never underestimate the thirst for new revenue in Montpelier.


Velveteenrocket t1_jearzrw wrote

Walked inti DMV and was the only customer there. 3 woman at their windows. Walked up to one and was told I had to take a number. walked over took a number and stood there for 10-15 minutes until my number was called. I was still the only customer. Thought I walked into a filming of a Seinfeld episode


HillRatch t1_jeat7qh wrote

US Senators' jobs are to represent Vermont's interests in federal law. For most day-to-day issues affecting you, you should be worried about your local and state government.


Odd-Philosopher5926 t1_jeawpjb wrote

This is what gentrification looks like. We are slowly pushing out the working class to replace them with the wealthier trust funders and work from home upper income IT people. This needs to stop.


FriedGreenTomatoez t1_jeawrai wrote


Wtf are we getting for all these tax hikes? I'm sorry highways with no billboards isn't cutting it anymore....


dnstommy t1_jeaysxv wrote

BREAKING NEWS: Vermont taxes the shit out of everything.


06EXTN t1_jeayuhy wrote

yeah but let's still insist on needing a front and rear plate, but only one sticker.


General_Salami t1_jeaz0sj wrote

Exactly! I get literally zero value from having to constantly re-register my car, get my inspections, and renew my license. Sure we should make sure people aren’t driving cars that are leaking or falling apart but that doesn’t warrant this level of scrutiny and fees. They’re clearly looking to discourage the use of single occupancy vehicles and drive more funds into the transportation fund now that we’re being more proactive with climate mitigation/fare free transit and grappling with inflationary pressures—both are understandable but they’re shifting the cost burden to the wrong people. If we’re gonna put up with all of these rich folks moving up here the least we can do is tax the shit out of them so we can offset the affordability crisis they’re creating. The same goes for climate!


chohls t1_jeb0nxm wrote

Bernie won't save you, even if he decided to run for governor or something (which he'd probably win in a landslide if he wanted to) a senator is moreso focused in ensuring state's interests are reflected in federal policy, which has much less effect on you than you'd expect day to day. Plus the man is just so old, he needs to retire, probably couldn't handle the workload of a state job at his age.


Aesopscorp t1_jeb1ix1 wrote

Now we are just becoming an extension of NY, CT and MA. No longer their playground good job ya post turtles!!


speedjunkie t1_jeb2fv8 wrote

I just want them to offer the "Vermont Strong" license plates for sale from the DMV. I'm fine with my fake one from Ebay, but I would happily pay the state for a real one if they were to offer them again. It feels like such an easy way for them to increase some revenue for the state.


polarbearrape t1_jeb2tz3 wrote

I dont recommend it. That was my attitude. I'm now 33, there are no decent paying jobs and all my friends have moved away or taken their own lives. Lots of us go down with it trying our best to make it better and never see it do anything but change to push us out.


polarbearrape t1_jeb377t wrote

Not when no one is left to work, and not while second homes and vacation homes have loopholes on taxes based on how many months out of the year you live there. Never underestimate the ability of wealthy people to dodge paying their share.


you_give_me_coupon t1_jeb3nwd wrote

> My biggest gripe is that the committee is charging full steam ahead without a care for commissioner of finance and management’s statement on this bill’s effects:

They just don't care. They want poor and working-class people out, as fast as possible.


you_give_me_coupon t1_jeb5oih wrote

> Protesting doesn’t do anything these days.

Protesting in the American sense - effectively-sanctioned inner-city riots far from the seats of power, performative kumbaya-singing, etc - sure doesn't. We could take a cue from the French: they've been shutting down their country with enormous strikes, including the electrical workers' unions shutting off power selectively to the mansions of rich people and politicians. Unfathomably based.


kosmonautinVT t1_jeb8oop wrote

The current $16k salary is a huge problem unless you want the legislature almost exclusively made up of people that can afford to make 16k for 6 months of work. You know: landlords, business owners, retirees, etc


Ok_Union7382 t1_jeb9apf wrote

What the hell!!!!! I'm on Social security disability I just paid $79.00 for a two year registration. Do those fools in Montpelier ever think about their constituents? I really don't think they do


FearandLoathinginBTV OP t1_jebf0bm wrote

It’s ostensibly going to the transportation fund, but it was also noted in the article that the state needs to come up with $79 million in funding to get access to Federal grants.

Part of the issue is that Commissioner in Finance and Management has stated that this tax increase doesn’t make sense as the “Fees charged by the state Agency of Transportation have increased “far faster than inflation” in recent decades”.

> Moreover, Greshin said he thinks the administration’s proposed budget for the 2024 fiscal year already sets aside enough money for future fiscal years.


fjwjr t1_jebgamv wrote

I don’t think this should even be a consideration until we stop seeing hand written paper plates in saran wrap taped to cars and I get a license that isn’t a yellow copy with a B&W photo of my license from 6 years ago…


FyuckerFjord t1_jebm63z wrote

Oooh! Tell me more, Daddy Warbucks! Drop that rich man knowledge on the peasants! This is why we need to be ruled by millionaires in the senate and white house - you know so much about where to put big boats! I'm sitting here dreaming of dinghy! Pish posh!

Because1 if you were to ask poor ol' raggedy me where's the cheapest place to store your big boat, I'd only have one answer - and the closest it gets to Maine is right up your Mass. ;)


lantonas t1_jebo6na wrote

Remember folks, these are the people that you voted for. If you don't like it, don't vote for them!


VermontArmyBrat t1_jebppof wrote

Toll roads that exist today were toll roads before the interstate system was created. Or, built after the interstate system but not using any Federal money. Tolls can not be added in VT as they were not toll roads before the interstate system was built. And, if we could the tolls would have to pay the full cost of maintenance as the current 90% from feds would end.


VermontArmyBrat t1_jebq5u7 wrote

A NY ezpass, which is what I use does not have an annual fee. You pay a deposit for the device which is refunded when you return it. No annual fee. I once got a NJ ezpass after learning it would save me $ on the NJ turnpike only to discover it had a monthly fee to keep it. The ny pass does not.


Drew2248 t1_jebqzvt wrote

$89! I can't afford $89! Whine, whine, whine. Jesus, I live in California now, and the annual car registration fee is more like $250. I think you Vermonters need to stop complaining about your ridiculously cheap fees.

I'd also raise taxes on rich property owners, second home owners, sales taxes on expensive cars, and so on, of course.


ChocolateDiligent t1_jebryvk wrote

This is sad to see and also happy that my wife and I got rid of our second car during the pandemic. We have the luxury of working from home, the amount of money we save on a weekly basis is crazy. Living anywhere that requires a car is now an even more expensive endeavor.


JodaUSA t1_jebsebl wrote

I don't care about having a decent paying job, I care about making it by. I'm Gen Z, I'm under no stupid illusion that life in this country is supposed to be any shade of good.

And I don't see myself taking my own life. As far as I know, I'm the only sane person, and there would be a bit of loss for the state. /hj


FearandLoathinginBTV OP t1_jec6m8i wrote

$89 is not the worst and a I can afford it. But there are many people living check to check in this state and these are across the board increases. These price increases range from a few dollars to a couple hundred $s.

Also, I frankly don’t give a damn how much you’re paying for anything in California or any other state. This is the Vermont subreddit.


Thick_Piece t1_jeccgl2 wrote

You say this, but there are many middle class families like mine, I have two small dump trucks, two highly efficient cars for my business/employees, and a family car.

We are just hardly getting by because of the existing taxes and implementing more is not proper.

If the “carbon tax” goes through, customers will pay for that in another hidden tax. At some point it is too much. What are middle class folks supposed to do when it all comes to fruition?


HeadPen5724 t1_jeccytg wrote

I would agree they’re functionally dead in this state, but the problem is people because of the party they’re auto labeled shitheels. When in reality I don’t think Scott is a shitheel, or Joe Benning, or Randy Brock, etc. sure there’s some whackos out there but we’d really do well if we stopped reducing every person under a party to that parties worst member. My $0.02


FyuckerFjord t1_jecfkeb wrote

You have business cars and dump trucks for work. You are not who I'm talking about when I say 4th car. I'm talking 4 Porches and Lexus and a summer Corvette with three ATVs in the winter chalet, etc. The point is to make those not paying their fair share do so. I'm working lower middle class here, and I agree, we pay a lot - and enough.


FyuckerFjord t1_jecmj7u wrote

Nah, they're smart enough. But the funding has to be in the proper places. That's why the millionaire congressmen (mostly on the right) have been steadily defunding the IRS for decades. It takes a ton of resources to take down a big time tax crook, like say Trump, so instead the bare bones IRS office is relegated to pursuing poor and middle class America who can't afford to defend a full audit and just wind up paying.

But if we fund the proper watchdog agencies, the big time crooks can get hit and serious money can flow into the coffers, removing some of the burden from us Hoi polloi. Look at the Mueller fiasco - that recovered $46 million from Manafort alone.

I guess I just think our government can and should do better. Otherwise why are we even still here, voting?


gondiline t1_jeczqlr wrote

As someone with a second home in Vermont, I agree - raise my taxes. If you can’t afford a small increase in taxes on a second home, don’t buy one. If you’re going to spend your money on one, it also benefits you to ensure the local economy prospers, and that means supporting local workers and businesses. Deal with it.


AdequateBooksPub t1_jed413s wrote

I’ve lived in PA and NY before settling here in Vermont and the DMV fees here are absolutely outrageous as is compared to what I’m used to. The idea of raising it again? Just wild. Like others have said, tax vacation homes and other stuff.


tossawayintheend t1_jeebqfg wrote

I guess it's finally time to put an Antique plate on my summer car (it's 32 years old after all...)


BettyLouWho318 t1_jeedbaw wrote

Wow they really hate low income Vermonters, so tired of the people who run this state making life harder for the people who live here.


BettyLouWho318 t1_jeedi4y wrote

We don’t want our Vermont to turn into your shitty California, fuck off, this is the Vermont subreddit so don’t lecture Vermonters on how we should feel about things that are happening in OUR state and our communities.


BettyLouWho318 t1_jeee08p wrote

This is exactly what is happening right now, how do the majority not see this? I work in a tourist area and the wealthy tourists are who the state wants, they don’t want the low income Vermonters who have lived here their whole lives. It’s terrible.


joeconn4 t1_jeeflfk wrote

Help me out with how this would hurt locals' wallets more than benefit from tourists/visitors.

The legislature is proposing a $15/year hike on vehicle registrations. I don't think any of should be surprised when that passes because a lot of our representatives are going to say "it's only $15". For that registration increase, we don't get anything that we don't already have. I'm saying don't increase the registration fee, add in EZ Pass with the same $15 annual fee. That way when a Vermont resident travels outside the state and uses toll roads, they pay the lower EZ Pass rate vs a higher no-EZ Pass charge. Then set the toll rate on I89/I91/I93 at $0 for people with Vermont EZ Passes, but charge a couple $ for use of those roads by out-of-state EZ Pass drivers.

You already have some Vermont residents who drive on toll highways in other states buying EZ Pass from other states. Those of us who don't end up with the hassle of having to pay the toll plus the no-EZ Pass charge. EZ Pass works on highways in Maine, NH, NY, Mass, RI, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, WV, NC, OH, IN, KY, IL, MN, and coming soon to Georgia. That's a lot of miles of highways that Vermont drivers would save a few $ if they had an EZ Pass.


AKAManaging t1_jeencdp wrote

>most folk whom live out of state are not dealing with vermont dmv

Maybe it's just the town that I live in, but the people that have second homes here VERY MUCH do have a "Vermont car" that they have registered within the state.

It's, more often than not, a Luxury car with some type of AWD.


Odd-Philosopher5926 t1_jeep2zc wrote

This state needs tax revenue to accommodate all the broadband updates that are required for small towns to have good Internet so people can work from home. If they weren’t offering to pay for people to move here to work from home we wouldn’t need the revenue. The people running this state are greedy idiots


joeconn4 t1_jeev2cs wrote

Not sure. But other states have different tolls depending on if the driver has an EZ Pass from that state or an EZ Pass from another state or no EZ Pass.

The NY State Thruway, Albany to Buffalo... If you have a NY State EZ Pass the toll is $12.18. If you have an EZ Pass from another state the toll is $14.02. If you don't have an EZ Pass the toll is $15.84.


HeadPen5724 t1_jeezspq wrote

Why do you think the governor is a shitheel? What has he done for you to form that opinion, because most people generally like him? I’m curious

I don’t think the general statement that Republican candidates in VT are Trump loving goons is remotely accurate. You should get out and talk to a few. Are there some? Sure, but are they all Trumpers? No not really.

They don’t get elected here because most people equate “R” to being a trump loving goon so they vote for whoever has a D or a P next to their name regardless of whether they have the slightest clue about the persons positions… and that’s actually the problem… ignorant voters who vote for a party and not a person 🤷🏼‍♂️


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jef159j wrote

I don't, sorry that wasn't clear. Someone said Republicans lose because they're shit heels, that's why only democrats win. I just meant some Republicans can win if they aren't insane election deniers. They need to be in the new England republican mold of Charlie baker, Phil Scott, the guy in NH, etc.


thetoneranger t1_jefdtvb wrote

Shit isn’t expensive enough in this state. 1300 for a shitty dilapidated one bedroom. Fools have lost their minds.