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MatthewGeer t1_j10gxnc wrote

Now I suppose he can focus on his acting career. I will miss being able to say my senator stood up to Heath Ledger’s Joker.


71802VT t1_j10izig wrote

Thank you for your service, Senator Leahy.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_j10lssg wrote

To me, Pat will always be the Senator who spent 15 minutes talking batman with me when I was 10 while other, clearly more important people, waited their turn. Can't beat that guy.


bennyblanco2022 t1_j10r5nl wrote

I mean he did get lots of pork money for Vermont because of his seniority, which is great use of tax money. Big government spending for pet projects.

A Vermont incumbent has such an easy job getting reelected from name recognition alone.


fjwjr t1_j10uhdi wrote

Representing Vermont? He’s the only Governor or member of Congress I haven’t seen or met in the last 33 years. Did he even live here? Seriously, it’s so easy to run into political figures in this state. But not him.


uasoil123 t1_j10wsa7 wrote

Damn its almost like you didnt address what I said....only thing I can say is get a good representative to oppose him otherwise the only thing term limits are going to do I allow dark money funders to run everything....more then they already are


89DEALS t1_j10xs3p wrote

Farewell to one of Vermont's most recognizable and important Deadheads...

...Our love is real, not fade away!


Vermonter623 t1_j10zyjc wrote

Thank you for staying in office at least 10 years past what some would consider appropriate I’m sure you didn’t waste my tax dollars taking naps during session


Bernthewalldown t1_j113f8b wrote

He was a great senator who served Vermonters and made this state better. He will be missed.


ZippittyDooBlah t1_j115ywa wrote

Seven Days' columnist Peter Freyne used to call him St. Patrick. I think it fit. Leahy is a good man...with a wonderful wife!


ducttape36 t1_j116hwm wrote

Yeah but let's not forget he got the role by catering to hollywood back when they were pushing PIPA and SOPA (He introduced the bills to the floor), which would have been terrible for net neutrality.


artful_todger_502 t1_j117akr wrote

One of the most capable and dignified senators of all time. He is probably ecstatic to leave that cesspool now. Our loss.


Vermonter623 t1_j11cnoe wrote

How’s them boots taste? It should concern you the privilege this man has enjoyed his entire life including joining the law office of the then sitting governor of Vermont. This guy was quite literally part of the old boys club that is so pervasive in politics. Now I know that old wealthy white men are the representatives of the so called party of diversity and all but he should have retired when he wasn’t mumbling as bad as Biden on a good day


tacoweevils t1_j11olau wrote

One of my last two brain cells to the other: "Oh, it's cause he's old and he's gonna die. He's saying goodbye to everybody."


Twigglesnix t1_j120k4s wrote

Nice guy, still stayed too long. Gotta let the next generation in.


PuddleCrank t1_j122obq wrote

Thank you for all your hard work and the tirelessly work to give Vermont an outsized presence in Washington. One big pair of shoes to fill and I have no doubt we'll rise to the occasion. Thank you for your service Mr. Leahy.


vermontaltaccount t1_j12cewx wrote

Ironic seeing the support of Leahy on Reddit when he was the person who proposed PIPA to shut down sites like reddit back in 2012.

Reddit even disabled their site for a day to protest Leahy's proposed law, as did Wikipedia, and even Google put information about it on their Google doodle for a day on the day of the protest.

And he did it for the sake of preserving the profits of billionaires in the entertainment industry.


lanphear7 t1_j13q1sb wrote

Finally, eh? Maybe the next one might accomplish a thing or two


vermontaltaccount t1_j13r5tw wrote

Yeah, I'm not saying he hasn't done good things. Almost all politicians do some good and some bad things in their careers.

But trying to prevent the entire internet from having user-generated content is one of the worst laws conceived, and probably the one that has the most wide-spread impact across so many people. Again, I have to re-iterate:

Under Patrick Leahy's proposed law, the following would be removed from the internet:



-All social media. Facebook, Twitter, etc

-All video sharing sites. Youtube, Tiktok, etc

-All Image sharing sites. Instagram, Imgur, etc.

-Any sites for users sell things. Ebay, Craigslist, etc. Amazon would only be things sold directly from amazon, no more third party sales.

And again, the REASON he tried to stifle the sharing of knowledge across the world was in order to protect the wealth of Billionaires.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_j13rqih wrote

My uncle was a state rep at the time and he is the one who brought me to meet the senator. I brought this up last night with him. He cracked up as he informed me that one of the "more important people" was Governor Dean. This just brings my respect level up even higher.


06EXTN t1_j13t0p2 wrote

funny story - I got frisked by his security detail once cause I walked up to him too fast in a coffee shop to say hi. oopsie.


ThePickleHawk t1_j13tcur wrote

Truly the end of an era. I do have to say, even if he had to stop for water a handful of times during the speech, he’s still looking like he’s in pretty good health all things considered.

Smart move to leave now while he still has some good years left in him, not like Thad Cochran who left barely knowing where he was and died a year later or Chuck Grassley who’s going to die in office.


doyougrok t1_j148zye wrote

About fucking time. We should not have Senators for life. It is contributing to fucking us all.


totalhistoricalbabe t1_j18lh7a wrote

Thank you for your service, Pat! He played a valuable role as Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee during the W years. I’m proud of our delegation’s work maintaining a balance of power during that era - little Vermont made an impact!

When Darth Cheney told Senator Leahy to “GFY” on the senate floor, I knew our Senator was doing something right (criticizing war mongering/profiteering).


South_Honey2705 t1_j1xjhj5 wrote

Thank you Mr. Leahy you are truly a testament to the New England ways.