Submitted by JustAcivilian24 t3_10mwjng in washingtondc

I live in a nearby apartment building. Heard about 5 shots and saw people sprinting. It was pretty fuckin wild. Running through traffic. The cops showed up super fast though, so I’m glad I saw a super fast response time.

Anyone else just see it or experience it?



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keyjan t1_j65l2ud wrote

what, the Convention Center one?? I was just there about a half hour ago--everything seemed fine.

nm, i was conflating Union Kitchen with Union Market.


twenty-six-sixty-six t1_j65l4jz wrote

this should provide some gritty cachet to an area that was becoming deeply uncool


Jerglings t1_j65p6do wrote

Jumping to conclusions here but based on the time it probably had to do with the kids leaving school. Lived in this area for a few years now and every time around 4 there are just huge groups of kids creating chaos on the way to the bus or metro. 2 days ago they were beating a parking enforcement car with a bunch of cones, which honestly was pretty funny.


releasesafeties t1_j65t916 wrote

No one injured, minus one individual who was hurt trying to run from the area. The report will likely be for "sounds of gunshots" which is MPD's non-criminal classification for gunfire incidents that don't result in injury or damage to property.

EDIT: The report was actually classified as 'unlawful discharge' and 'destruction of property'


SonotaShorty t1_j65uhm4 wrote

This whole week I've seen a huge group of kids come down Neal street from union market towards 4th making a scene in the middle of the road. Hard not to assume it had to do with them but who knows. I heard the shots and saw them all run down the street from my window and told the cops what I saw.


FlyingBird48 t1_j662smd wrote

Luckily I was on the phone with a friend and replayed it in my head, 4 people ran pass my car and I sped out on Neal Pl, in less than 15 seconds a fed had pulled up to the scene on the 6th St side where I believe it was slightly closer to


202reddit t1_j667glj wrote

That KIPP location does not care what those kids do once they leave the four walls of that school. On any given day there are a dozen or so smoking weed in the alleys and against buildings. After school they move through Union Market intentionally intimidating vendors and customers en masse. KIPP does not give a damn.


202reddit t1_j66anpd wrote

You apparently don't live in DC and/or send your kids to schools in DC. Many schools have staff stationed within a couple of blocks to act as cooling agents and prevent conflict between kids. But by all means, post your ignorant, uninformed crap.


202reddit t1_j66awbo wrote

Those two things are not mutually exclusive and you clearly don't send your kids to schools in DC. MS and HS in DC have staff stationed at release to prevent conflict between kids.

Your response is both lazy AND uninformed - well done bro!!


DoYouEvenCareAboutMe t1_j66euy8 wrote

I was walking towards A Litteri and I didn't hear the shots but saw all the cop cars driving to the scene. If I had to guess it probably has something to do with all the teens in the area after they get out of school.


HacksawJimDuggen t1_j66fgn1 wrote

im not defending the police but it doesnt seem like there was anything for them to do ultimately. putting aside that jackass with the “defund” comment for a moment, as a society we do need some sort of police to show up fast when guns are being fired in the city right? i hate how these right wing jackasses always try to hijack the morale high ground


JustAcivilian24 OP t1_j66mbg5 wrote

I walk my dog around 10am and I always see a bunch of them at the streeteries at st anselm. Less lately, but there’s usually about 20 kids that just take over all those booths and smoke for hours.


borg359 t1_j6713b9 wrote

Queue up the folks on this sub claiming that it’s all fake…


Ill_Highway9702 t1_j67cbc5 wrote

Omg. I live nearby and have realized that this place is not so safe


DaBake t1_j67rgd1 wrote

Roland 'Prezbo' Pryzbylewski : I don't get it. All this so we score higher on the state tests? If we're teaching the kids the test questions, what is it assessing in them?

Grace Sampson : Nothing. It assesses us. The test scores go up, they can say the schools are improving. The scores stay down, they can't.

Roland 'Prezbo' Pryzbylewski : Juking the stats.

Grace Sampson : Excuse me?

Roland 'Prezbo' Pryzbylewski : Making robberies into larcenies. Making rapes disappear. You juke the stats, and majors become colonels. I've been here before.

Grace Sampson : Wherever you go, there you are.


thebarkingdog t1_j68j5g4 wrote

They used to have MPD officers who escorted the students from KIPP to the METRO station. They'd be the ones to keep the students from loitering or fighting. It was called "Safe Passage" but since the gutting of the School Resource Officer program, they no longer do this.


DC-COVID-TRASH t1_j68nc30 wrote

Under the current criminal code it's actually very difficult to charge for gunshots if nothing/no one is damaged (may not even be illegal). The new criminal code that people are calling "soft on crime" actually creates a new crime that is solely discharging a gun to allow charges in these cases.


202reddit t1_j68ngcb wrote

Some schools have teachers or school resource officers stationed between school and mass transit stops. This is for the protection of both the community and the kids. In the absence of school resource officers or staff, it's going to be MPD. That's a set up for something bad to happen. MPD is not skilled at de-escalation and teens with group think and hormones are prone to terrible decisions.

I'm guessing based on your Reddit profile and questions/comments that you don't live over here or have kids in MS or HS. This is not like demanding to know why schools are not omnipresent. This is 2 blocks from the school on the commuting path to metro at a known hot spot.


firewarner t1_j68o9ti wrote

Yeah, I don’t have kids.

It’s very interesting to me that the school puts their staff outside of school property to try and mitigate potential conflicts between the kids. Makes sense, but it also puts a lot of pressure on them to chaperone like that.


MarkinDC24 t1_j68s760 wrote

The Mayor has talked about how the school Resource officers (SrO) were principals eyes and ears for troubled kids. Principals now feel they are @blind” without them. Worst part is, the SRO’s have greatly diminished but there are still some. Imagine when we have none!


YosemiteMyHeart t1_j68voig wrote

☝️This made me laugh. Plan to visit for spring break and paused after seeing the title, reading story. But we live in So Cal, so really is it any different? Plus I want to show kiddo my fav places from when I lived there as a kid. You know 100 years ago 😊


skratchpikl202 t1_j68xxjp wrote

I looked into the criminal code revisions. If anything, it enhances penalties, but some folks can't read beyond the headlines, and right-wing talking heads need to keep the "DC is the 9th circle of hell" narrative going to keep folks who will never visit here angry at the "libs."


a_rod001 t1_j69hbx3 wrote

how is it in Washington DC one of the most surveil cities in the country that this could happen in daylight with so many people around and nobody get caught? Not even a lead? Can someone make it make sense to me


JustAcivilian24 OP t1_j69hw88 wrote

4 cops walked out of my apartment today. I suspect it was to look at any footage?

But I agree. I’m thankful cops arrived SO damn fast. But it’s wild that they came so fast and still couldn’t catch the shooter. My SO saw the shooter running with a group of kids, from our apartment. And it’s not like she would be able to provide a decent description. It’s literally B/M, teenager, wearing all black.


202reddit t1_j69mnjl wrote

Your reply is nonsensical. This isn't "nimby". You seem not to know what that term means. You also seem not to know anything about that neighborhood, KIPP or how DC deploys school resource officers. In fact, you seem to know basically nothing.


McEstablishment t1_j6dlam2 wrote

You do you man, but some of us really love the place. I've lived across the north and south for a couple of decades, and DC is my favorite place to live by a good amount. Love the transit, love the walkable communities, love the culture, and love the good jobs.

It's got it's problems - but if you compare it to other USA cities it's doing pretty good.