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t1_j5v0u4o wrote

Trudeau's haters tend to be trashy right-wing knuckleheads.


t1_j5v8aaa wrote

> Canada, don't be like us. We are doomed. Save yourselves.

Canada is more like the US than not. We have our differences, and many Canadians like to act smugly superiour to our friends to the South but we're very similar.


t1_j5v9sx7 wrote

I find the American flag hilarious. Uh, they know it's a different country, right? Right!?


t1_j5vbi43 wrote

If health care goes private, I’m gonna pull the bandaid off and move to the states because healthcare is the only real difference I see between our countries anymore. If I have to live in America, I’m gonna live in a warmer part of America.


t1_j5vitam wrote

>Canada is more like the US than not. We have our differences, and many Canadians like to act smugly superiour to our friends to the South but we're very similar.

We have significant differences throughout society. Fot instance, the "perception of differences/pride/etc is a sign of Canadian smugness" cliche is an element of the Canadian inferiority complex, which is a cultural idiom that the US obviously doesn't have.

Generalizing Canadians in general is nonsensical. As a Nova Scotian, I'm well aware that I have very different different perceptions than Albertans do.


t1_j5vjan9 wrote

> healthcare is the only real difference I see between our countries anymore.

That speaks more to your own ignorance than anything else. A basic review of social statistics, public infrastructure, legal systems, etc, would demonstrate a myriad of differences.

And that doesn't even get into the fact that both countries have significant internal regional social differences.


t1_j5vm51f wrote

>And that doesn't even get into the fact that both countries have significant internal regional social differences.

People from other countries literally cannot tell us apart.

The regional differences between Americans and Canadians aren't any greater than that between Americans from different states. In fact someone from Minnesota or Wisconsin is probably way closer culturally to someone from Ontario than they are to someone from Texas.


t1_j5vmnp2 wrote

Sorry, but I’m looking at the immediate world around me. The rising gun violence, the incoming private health care. The rage farming politics. The fact that I can’t go a week supporting Canadian only businesses. Seeing confederate flags flying. Conservative MPs supporting the overturn of Roe v Wade. Consolidation of media. Then there is America owning more and more of Canada every year.

Obviously it’s not a spitting image of America but we are more American every year. You and I will view the world different ways. If you think Canada still has its own identity, that’s cool but i see something different and there’s no way you can change my mind on this when we are on our way to privatized healthcare on the backs of politicians that wish they were republicans.


t1_j5vuypu wrote

"Look at all these Libs calling people names!!"

*proceeds to call our Prime minister a cunt*


Also insulting everyone else on this sub you can bitch at I see. I know projection tends to be the go to for you knuckle draggers but damn, lay off and go do something better with your day then act like a dick head on reddit


t1_j5vvhw8 wrote

I have no issue with most of what you said.

Chasing or threatening violence is a no go. But calling names or giving critisism is fine and does not make someone unsafe, despite the perversion of the word "safe" and other words in our society.


t1_j5w5g3d wrote

I read swarmed in Ontario and immediately thought he was being assaulted by teenagers


t1_j5wmw9e wrote

It's not just people who live in other countries. FFS we can't tell each other apart a lot of the time.

Be honest. If someone who grew up in Seattle moved to Vancouver and didn't tell people they were American how long do you think it would take for people to figure it out?

If it weren't for Google I'd have no idea Keanu Reeves or Ryan Reynolds were Canadian.


t1_j5wzb9z wrote

There are other differences too, as a Canadian now living in the US. The discussions around school districts here is out of control. The budgets for schools is tied to the average taxpayer, so the poor get worse education and the rich get better education, and the disparities grow. There is no maternity leave here. And the guns, like was mentioned. There remain many benefits to Canada.


t1_j5wzlhz wrote

Mental health care is essentially privatized in Canada. It’s terrible. You can’t really get care here unless you have someone actively advocating for you, sometimes not even then. Most of the mentally ill are in jail or on the streets, just like in the US. Only difference is that the jail sentences are shorter in Canada.


t1_j5xjgqr wrote

It’s so sad man. I dislike Trudeau but this shit is just trashy.


t1_j5y3970 wrote

You do know that we have health care right? I have great health insurance, my partner has great health insurance. Most professionals in this country have health insurance. If you can’t afford it, it gets subsidized, if you’re truly poor it’s free or mostly free, and if you refuse to be bothered to even sign up for that, an ER can never turn you away. All this bullshit about America having “no healthcare” is sensational nonsense. Could it be better? Sure. But it’s not nonexistent, and if you do have good healthcare insurance that’s healthcare is leagues better than what you’re getting. Americans don’t often go to Canada for health treatment, plenty of Canadians come here for care all the time.


t1_j5y64yx wrote

I can tell theirs alot of Americans in these comments.

Edit: just remember, American people. Canada's federal conservative party is typically about as right as your democratic party. Less the progressive wing

Don't try to compare our two government systems. Theirs enough dummies here who do that already


t1_j5y6cyv wrote

Not surprised this was in Hamilton. Rebel news runs deep into these people.


t1_j5yawaq wrote

Americans with a strong southern accents or people who like to walk around in cowboy hats? Sure.

But an American who grew up in a city, and doesn't have a strong regional accent in a city 2.5 hours away where the people also don't have a strong regional accent? Fuck no.

I know you can't because I've seen you not do it over and over.


t1_j5ych13 wrote

If Quebec left the roC would be sliced in half. The North-West territories create a land connection between BC and roC, but as best as I can tell there's no current road connections that don't go via Alberta. BC, NWT and Yukon would become a pene-exclave that separates the US exclave of Alaska from the main territory. I guess those same economic experts would make that same claim if Alberta joined the US.


t1_j5yga3g wrote

This thread is hilarious. Most of the people defending Trudeau are 100% Americans.


t1_j5yrx73 wrote

Are people in Canada finally getting sick of his shit or is it just a "fringe minority" again?


t1_j5z3wsz wrote

I'm born and raised in Vancouver. Been to Seattle hundreds of times. Family has a cabin in Birch Bay. Worked over 15 years in restaurants and hotels. I guarantee myself, and 90% of every coworker I've had in my career could pick Americans out of a line up, without fail, without them saying a word.


t1_j60f80g wrote

This specifically is a fringe minority, but also the current government is not that popular. The Conservatives have a good chance of forming government after the next election, though probably a minority government. I'm not thrilled with their leader Pierre Polievre though, he was my least favourite of Harper's ministers. Bellicose and good at sound bites, but I think he'll be shit at governing. So I imagine many Canadians will feel we have a tough choice.


t1_j612kcv wrote

Kinda funny you saw that, idk your stance but half the people in here are comparing these people to right wing trump supporters yet everyone but the right believes trump cheated the 2016 election then claim Trudeau won fairly as if elections can't be cheated.


t1_j61t4g2 wrote

Costa Rica was an example I pulled out of my ass. Any country where palm trees grow will be fine.

But since you asked, I googled it, they have both public and private options, public option is only available to citizens of Costa Rica.

My assumption was that it was private, not sure why anyone would assume the goal was chasing free healthcare. My point was that if I have to pay for it anyway, I'm gonna pay someone else. Someone that also lives in the tropics.