
A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_jdzpgwb wrote

I don't what their official name is, but sandwiched in between Lehigh and the viaduct, starting close to Frankford and running to about Trenton. I assume we are talking about the same place.

And there is no accounting for taste, but you couldn't pay me to live on a 7-lane stroad, especially one that the city just had a chance to calm and choose violence instead. And even worse, that stroad cuts you off from literally every amenity within walking distance and you have to walk a bunch of blocks to get to a signaled intersection to avoid jaywalking, with one of those intersections being the absolutely maniacal frankford/coral/lehigh intersection? like I said, you couldn't pay me, because at that point you might as well just live in the suburbs somewhere. I feel the same way about that big new development on the river behind the thriftway shopping center.


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_jdzor9n wrote

Ha, well I guess we are talking about 15-20 years ago. Its hard to fault people for being young.

And I don't want to make it sound like it was terrible in the late aughts, either, there wasn't a ton to do compared to today but it was still a very nice place to live with el access, and it never took more than a conversation for people to warm up to you. As long as you weren't condescending you'd be fine. (Ok, I mean, it did help that I am white but I wouldn't call Fishtown unique in that way)


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_jdwqhx7 wrote

I agree, but also if you find an old-school enough fishtowner and they will claim the neighborhood ends at Norris while realtors are probably calling areas across the viaduct Fishtown. And in my own internal map of Philly, Fishtown doesn't actually go all the way to Front St. even though thats covered by the FNA ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_jdvoo5h wrote

Thats good to hear, and at least some of this is my own perception that may not be shared by others.

But Lehigh itself is so pedestrian hostile that I find it hard to believe anyone is buying those new home on the far side up against the viaduct just east of Frankford. Yet it's happening, and I find the viaduct underpasses to be very pedestrian hostile, too. But I don't doubt there is development happening on the other side, too. I guess it's just a matter of how much relative to other adjacent areas.


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_jdvk2ap wrote

I see PR as being an area that continues to improve, but I think it will still lag behind other Fishtown/NoLibs adjacent areas. There is still a lot of area along the El in east/west kensington/norris square area before you hit the train tracks north of Lehigh to be "developed". There is still a lot of room for commercial/residential development in the olde Richmond area. There is still a lot of room for NoLibs development to move west and south.

I'd expect all of those areas to outpace PR proper, but PR is a cool place so I hope it does well. And I look forward to a day when the combined development/interest in the lower Kensington neighborhoods and PR push into the somerset/mcphereson square/K&A area. that's probably the only way that area gets cleaned up since the city government is content to let it be hamsterdam.


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_j9f162u wrote

I wouldn't necessarily call Lee a shitty strategist (from a logistics standpoint, he was destined to lose so he did play a bad hand reasonably well for a while), but it's true his reputation is almost entirely built on McClellan being chicken shit. He should be remembered for being a loser and a morally repugnant human being, both in his personal life and for supporting the worst case known to mankind.


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_j9bgh4p wrote

I do pronounce, though perhaps not as strongly as some others. To my ear/pronunciation, 'historic' falls in the fuzzy border between the sets of H-words that obviously require an 'a' or an 'an'. I think 'an historic' sounds better but if you think 'a historic' is preferable then go ahead and use it, I won't complain.


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_j5u13gw wrote

flipside is that because our attention spans are so short, now that he has put an end to the speculation its basically as if he never wavered on not running. Now its all speculation on if he will endorse and who, and if he does endorse someone we will forget about all the speculation just as quickly.


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_j5js97t wrote

Unfortunately my wife knocks the high-beams on all the time while using her turn signals and doesn't notice it so its up to me notice that the stalk is further away from my steering wheel than it should be. Luckily we also have auto-headlights and high beam so its never a problem for other drivers.


Though with as infrequently as I see turn signals being used in Philly I can't imagine that its causing the issue with most of the high beams being seen out there.


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_j2rz7ol wrote

I will definitely do that.

I have a good memory of driving from Columbus to Toledo, OH in the late fall. Its flat as hell there with no major highway so its just 2-lane roads through farmland with fences and utility poles along the road. There must have been one kestrel posted up on a pole looking for its next meal every mile for a while there. It was awesome.