
ElfMage83 t1_j2dfwrj wrote

Kilometers are shorter than miles, which you'd know if you learned both systems like Americans do.

Besides, the modern mile is based on the ancient Roman mile (mille passus, where each pace is ~30 inches), far older than either metric or US customary length. A modern mile is roughly twice as long as a Roman mile.


ElfMage83 t1_j24baxa wrote

Ten years in the House and two terms (twelve years) in the Senate, or twenty years total, plus mandatory retirement at 65.

If cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church are ineligible to join a papal conclave after they're 80 (they still remain as cardinals) then it makes sense for the much newer US Congress to follow a similar guide.


ElfMage83 t1_j13cg0u wrote


“Gasoline” from “Cazeline", a British word. Much like “soccer”.

>Then we get to your phrases. Exact same, unexpected surprise, advance warning???, end result.

Blame the Department of Redundancy Department, unless you don't understand the reference.

>Oh and your love for split infinitives.

I make a point not to do that. It must have galled Sir Patrick Stewart to say “to boldly go”, but I don't know if you'd know that reference.

>Languages have differences deal with it.

And yet you typed out that whole above comment trying to convince me I'm wrong when I'm not.
