Globalksp t1_jdt9rxf wrote
Reply to comment by RollOutTheGuillotine in Everything is Jewish according to the trash thrown in my neighborhood last night by MOF1fan
We kept to ourselves, but we had our Cali plates on the car. Gas station visits were… tense. There was a 1:10 (?) scale replica of the Statue of Liberty in the development where we were. It was… ironic.
Globalksp t1_jdt6nbb wrote
Reply to comment by Agitated_Mess3117 in Everything is Jewish according to the trash thrown in my neighborhood last night by MOF1fan
Fear, power, greed.
Globalksp t1_jdt6jjg wrote
Reply to comment by Mechanicallvlan in Everything is Jewish according to the trash thrown in my neighborhood last night by MOF1fan
Didn’t know this. Wish it wasn’t of natural causes, but glad his ideologies died with him.
Globalksp t1_jdt6f08 wrote
Reply to comment by LilSisterCumGutters in Everything is Jewish according to the trash thrown in my neighborhood last night by MOF1fan
Just going to leave this here with the recommendation that anyone remotely interested in antisemitism and authoritarianism give it a watch. It’s a hard watch, to be sure. It’s paywalled but all PBS asks for is a donation (I pay$5/month for access).
Also, that username… Oy! 😉
Globalksp t1_jdt5z9f wrote
Reply to comment by RollOutTheGuillotine in Everything is Jewish according to the trash thrown in my neighborhood last night by MOF1fan
Prior to moving to Springfield, we spent a few months right-before-the-2020 election in Blue Eye. It was… unkind.
Globalksp t1_jdt5t8s wrote
Reply to comment by Goofterslam1 in Everything is Jewish according to the trash thrown in my neighborhood last night by MOF1fan
“Just become”? Sorry to say, it’s been. The democratization of information is simply allowing more of us to see it and call it what it is more often, generally speaking.
Globalksp t1_jdbgem8 wrote
Reply to comment by PassingWithJennifer in How old are you r/SpringfieldMO users? by [deleted]
American Psychological Association. But you know, potāto potäto.
Globalksp t1_jd51bfl wrote
Reply to comment by purplewines in Verizon 5G by c1rclez
I was just told that there is maintenance on all of the towers in the area. No timeline for completion.
Globalksp t1_jd0n6qx wrote
Reply to comment by purplewines in Verizon 5G by c1rclez
Reached out to them today. Claimed everything was nominal on their end. Though it can be a time suck, if anyone who isn’t getting 5G service (and who pays for it) submits a tech request, maybe it’ll get some traction.
Globalksp t1_jcwm7mj wrote
Reply to Verizon 5G by c1rclez
Has anyone reached out to Verizon to see what's going on? We're paying for 5G service and so... are not getting what we paid for. I'll be calling in the AM, simply curious if someone has beat me to it?
Globalksp t1_j8lpsnh wrote
Reply to comment by SnagglinTubbNubblets in Specific ingredients in SGF? by spuente1206
Globalksp OP t1_j7o3j61 wrote
Reply to comment by rectangularbitchboy in 417's Best of Restaurants '23 by Globalksp
Globalksp OP t1_j7nfszi wrote
Reply to comment by Miserable_Figure7876 in 417's Best of Restaurants '23 by Globalksp
Hell I’d settle for Zagat!
Globalksp OP t1_j7nfp29 wrote
Reply to comment by shavedcow in 417's Best of Restaurants '23 by Globalksp
For the record I did not buy it, merely stumbled upon it.
Globalksp OP t1_j7nfhvv wrote
Reply to comment by banjomin in 417's Best of Restaurants '23 by Globalksp
It’s my goal to not rag on anyone as I assume everyone is trying. That said, I’ve never even heard of Jimm’s so meant it less as a jab to them.
Also people here seem unable to withstand criticism of Springfield. Maybe it’s the Jersey in me, but I’m capable of both love and honesty.
Globalksp OP t1_j7mz8ms wrote
Reply to comment by banjomin in 417's Best of Restaurants '23 by Globalksp
This is an apropos way of describing the act of living in Springfield.
Well played.
Globalksp OP t1_j7mxbea wrote
Reply to comment by banjomin in 417's Best of Restaurants '23 by Globalksp
Globalksp OP t1_j7mxamc wrote
Reply to comment by Mechanicallvlan in 417's Best of Restaurants '23 by Globalksp
Speaking for the pizza... yes. However, at least the editors called out Therefore Pizza. And while it's by far not my favorite style, Pizza House has a passable tavern style pie. But, yes the city deserves (maybe? I'm hoping so) better pizza. Hang tight ;)
For me the most conspicuously bad result is the fine dining category! Neither Progress nor The Order nor Harvest are listed and those are the top 3 in town.
Globalksp t1_j7mv6dp wrote
Reply to I’m in desperate need of a good burger by Vasilinova
If you're looking for a new everyday burger, I've got nothing for you. If you're cool to pay $19+ for a burger (maybe once?) Progress' burger should satisfy. Or, The Order's $24 Wagyu Smash Burger is worth a go.
Globalksp OP t1_j7muowe wrote
Reply to 417's Best of Restaurants '23 by Globalksp
My text for this post since links can't add text: A skewed vision and report of the food scene in the city to be sure, but perhaps worthy of discussion/bitching/mockery/sharing/etc...
Globalksp t1_j75iqfn wrote
Reply to Cheese by BetterMakeAnAccount
Mama Jean’s (each location has a different stock- east sunshine and republic are best bets. Republic has better, smaller producer wines as well), brown derby on Glenstone, either of the European markets for Eastern European specific, Culture Counter in Rountree for locally farmed cheeses, farmers market in season, annnnd… that’s about it, unfortunately.
Globalksp t1_j5azhd5 wrote
Reply to comment by Weirdbutnotcrazy in date night by AbReVa-AdDiCt
Globalksp t1_j5a7xsh wrote
Reply to comment by GroovyHeretic in date night by AbReVa-AdDiCt
I had ALL of this typed out then deleted re: my edit lol
Globalksp t1_jdxdtjt wrote
Reply to Ozark Schools on Lockdown by [deleted]
Edit your post with the update. This can be / is triggering, though well intentioned.