
t1_jeex2vx wrote

Have you tried white noise?

I know it's still technically noise but it's consistent noise. I wonder if the repetitiveness would help you focus and hide out any small background noises.


t1_j66dgnz wrote

That sounds about right and you need to factor in how in-demand those books. Unless they're a rare book or one that is in high demand then you're not going to get much for it used.

You may have paid $40 for that hardcover but they might only be able to resell it for $5 if it's not popular. They're only going to give you like $1 or $2 for that.


t1_j2a4ipu wrote

>Oh, I can see the reality is very different there, then. PLR is supposed to compensate authors for the loss in sales, essentially. A quick search tells me there was a campaign to implement a similar scheme in the US, but I guess it didn't take off.

Our libraries currently barely have the funds to stay open and stock new books. Something like this would likely close most small-town libraries, which is likely why it didn't take off.

Especially with the current climate of the alt-right looking for excuses to pull funding.


t1_j29xxn2 wrote

Interview is more reading-between-the-lines and unreliable narration when Louis is talking about his time with Lestat.

The Vampire Lestat, on the other hand, it's textual. Not traditional romance with kisses and sex but it's a romance in a vampire way and Lestat was canonically queer before he was turned into a vampire. I don't wanna spoil it by going into more details than that. Lestat and Louis are, for all intensive purpose, a couple and in love at different points throughout the timeline.

It's why people joke that Lestat babytrapped Louis with Claudia.

I haven't watched past the first episode of the show yet (it's on my list) but they definitely made the queerness far more textual than the books.

So in order of gayness, the movie had the least, the books had a vampire-level of gay and the show is queer af.


t1_j29wyvl wrote

I live in the US so I don't think that's the case for our libraries. I know it's different with digital lending here but with physical books not so much.

As far as indie bookstores, I always advise people to look into them before supporting. I use to hit the one local bookstore by me pretty frequently until it came out they're huge Trump supporters and were funneling a lot of money into his campaign. Supporting a small business isn't inherently a good thing.


t1_j29v10n wrote

As far as libraries go, I don't think they make anything off the physical books you check out. Just what they made when the book was originally purchased. With that said, supporting an author by checking their book out of the library could influence them to purchase more and future books by said author.

As someone else already recommend, maybe check out the author's official website and see if you can buy directly from them.

With that said, there isn't anything wrong with purchasing paperbacks from Barnes & Nobles or benefitting from sales. Especially if you don't have extra cash.


t1_j29q0j2 wrote

These challenges are almost always personal so you get to decide what does or does not count but I get wanting clarification.

I'm making a google sheet to track my books, movies, shows, etc. in 2023. I was torn on whether or not to include fanfic in the reading portion. I decide on counting anything above a 50k word count as a book.


t1_j29gevt wrote

The Raven Cycle books were narrated by Will Patton and that highly impacted my love for them. There is something really enjoyable and comforting about his voice and it's just lovely to listen to.

I know he's started to narrate a bunch of Stephen King books so I'm going to check them out next year once I finish my TBR audiobook list


t1_j1zomgz wrote

Is it an actual addiction or is it you just enjoy these books but feel like you shouldn't?

There are a lot of people who look down on smutty romance novels and treat them like they're not "real" literature but that's some elitists nonsense.

Read what you enjoy.