
InsuranceToTheRescue t1_j6ka5ja wrote

If you're looking at refining it, I think doing the math for ml of alcohol would be a better metric. Then you don't have to worry about type of drink so much as you've got an absolute number that ties them all together and is accurate regardless of location.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_j5zpjbn wrote

>It means you feel that your feelings, your actions, and your entire existence are all less important than others, and that you don't deserve love, care, praise, or an easy time.

Fuck me . . . *sigh*


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_j425hak wrote

I could see, and get behind, an industry or state organization that certifies journalists. Something like the bar for lawyers or board certification for doctors. A stamp that legit journalists can put on their material that indicates they have the requisite knowledge and ethics for serious journalism.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_j3xfwno wrote

Why Amtrak is awful.

tl;dr, Although freight rails are supposed to give priority to passenger trains, they don't. Nobody enforces this law and even though there are places for one train to "pull over" in order to allow another one to pass, freight trains are often too long to fit into these. All of this combines to make passenger rail awful.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_j3nguuz wrote

I've tried for a long time to get better. A decade at least. Nothing seems to help. Tried a lot of different meds & therapy. Tried things I used to enjoy and new things I think I might. I've given up hope that I might be happy or content one day. I don't even remember what they feel like.

Anyways, my post wasn't meant to focus on me. Just to provide a window into the people in the article that're effected by this. The future looks bleak, there's no chance for many to improve their lives, and our government only seems to care about making the rich richer. It's no wonder that depression & alcoholism are on the rise.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_j3mwlu1 wrote

I'm not surprised. I'm one of those, I guess. I drink too much; a few fifths of vodka a week. My doctors tell me I need to quit. I worry about cirrhosis somewhat.

Getting blackout drunk makes the empty time between work & sleep go by quicker. And I don't really have anything to live for. No friends, no family, bleak future. So, while I don't have cravings and I'm not physically addicted to alcohol, I can't think of a good reason to stop and extend my life.