
SeawolfGaming t1_j6slodx wrote

In Stonington one of the houses got absolutely fucked after the new Summer Folks who bought the house didn't know to turn off the water after they left for the winter. It ended up bursting the lines due to freezing, flooding the house and then also freezing the flooded house causing a very substantial amount of damage. This was a few years ago, but still water does freeze and cause damage.

Edit: I forgot to add that the damage caused means the entire house either needs to be completely rebuilt or extensively worked on.


SeawolfGaming t1_j2djnqg wrote

Am I the only person who thinks the 1909 Maine flag looks like shit? It looks way too simple with not enough personality for our state. To me it screams "Some kid could make this in MSPaint in less than a Minute" The New Mexico flag is a great example of something simple but with personality and history. The symbol on it comes from their native tribes. A tree and a star doesn't scream Maine, nor does it represent us or have history behind it.


SeawolfGaming t1_j26pvsd wrote

Reply to comment by Yourbubblestink in Wagyu steaks? by awmtank

What the fuck is that change in comment? Did you forget which reddit argument you were in?

Also no, because I absolutely refuse to shop at anything associated to Walmart/Sam's Club/Walgreens after a bitchy manager screamed at me and my mother over buying clearance items a few years ago.
