
SkyeMreddit t1_j27kg1n wrote

Go to the place and see how far you have to walk to throw out your trash. Many places outside of Downtown, there isn’t a public use trash can for several blocks. Trash bags get ripped apart by animals or cheap bags just shred on their own. Additionally, Sanitation is a large contributor. Either loose trash left behind or trash escaping from old trucks with a poor seal. And then there are drivers who throw their food wrappers and drink cups out the window or dump them in a parking lot


SkyeMreddit t1_iy4z490 wrote increasingly sucks. Tons of clickbait articles, paywalls, and relentless attempts to redirect to scam sites. In the era of social media and so many accessible news sites, it’s extremely expensive and unnecessary to pay for each of them.


SkyeMreddit t1_isucniz wrote

The wiki article for the ESB said that at the time, skyscrapers were 50% occupied by the time they opened and 90% occupied within 5 years. Now, there are two types. They either wait for a big tenant to take more than half of the space before starting construction, or they build “on-spec” and it varies but lots of them become 85-90% occupied within a couple years unless there are unique problems with that specific building


SkyeMreddit t1_isuahyy wrote

It crashed into the offices of the Catholic War Relief Services on a foggy Saturday and the building was patched up and reopened on that Monday. An elevator operator was thrown out the open doors of the elevator and emergency responders placed her in a different elevator car which was damaged in the crash so it fell 900 feet to the basement and she still survived.