
Sn_Orpheus t1_je2ksus wrote

Hey thx! Looks like a nice smallish place on Google maps. I assume most boats are small 15-25hp fishing boats and not much noise/speed to deal with while in a kayak? Doesn’t look like a place fishing bros go with twin 250’s, lol. Still newish right NJ and still finding which lakes/reservoirs I can paddle in when I don’t want to drive to the shore so this’ll be nice addition👍


Sn_Orpheus t1_jcyk2h8 wrote

Some possibilities: We have been sitting for so long while driving, we take this opportunity to stretch our legs. OR... We moved to NJ after living outside of state and it's almost muscle memory that we get out of the car when getting gas. I will agree though if it's raining, I'm pretty good staying in.


Sn_Orpheus t1_jbxyanl wrote

Washington rock is a cool place because it’s historical and you get a view. Be forewarned it’s a somewhat distant view though.


Sn_Orpheus t1_j9twwh3 wrote

Unfortunately, different districts handle absences differently. We get the “too many absences, you’re going to lose credits” letter automatically sent home after 5 class absences but we can get doc notes and work with counselors who will make exceptions. Other districts that neighbor ours are much more strict and absences are absences and F your kid for missing any school. I understand it’s state law for kids to be in school for a certain number of days but there needs to be flexibility for extenuating circumstances like sickness or family stuff. The schools never ever have a problem when student athletes leave school early for competitions which absolutely chaps my ass.


Sn_Orpheus t1_j9qh7pk wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Awful design flaw at EWR by css555

Says the person with two working legs.👍 It’s the old saying about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. I didn’t realize how absofuckinglutely difficult it is to get around until I lost the use of a leg and both hands are occupied holding crutches. Don’t worry though. If you’re lucky, you’ll live long enough to experience some form of mobility disability and you’ll think back to this post and have an “aha!” moment.


Sn_Orpheus t1_j9p22jr wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Awful design flaw at EWR by css555

Yes, get my steps in. I'm on crutches and that just won't work. Wheelchairs? You've never truly experienced wait times until you have to wait for someone to push you around. I'm hoping the crutches are temporary for me but for those people that are forever bound to chairs or alternate means of transport, this is abhorrent.


Sn_Orpheus t1_j8rec7q wrote

The responses are all on point. Wear a suit if you have one or best clothes available. Be respectful to judge and all court employees. If there were mitigating factors, explain but preface explanation with "I'm not try to excuse myself, but just explain why I did what I did." If you were just being an idiot, well, perhaps say that this is not how I typically drive and I apologize to the court and the public. Do you have any other violations in recent years? If not, you can point to that as example of of driving habits. Look into driving schools for reducing points on license because it may be less expensive than your insurance going up (in response to tickets). Insurance rates may likely still go up, just not as much. I've never worked with traffic lawyer so don't have an opinion.

Re: jail time, you need to have done some serious shit to get jail time and unless you have multitudes of moving violations or negligently hurt someone while driving, it's verrrrry unlikely. If it you had f'd up that much, the cop probably would've taken you into custody right then. My bet is that they took off immediately looking to write another ticket.


Sn_Orpheus t1_j8oq1a6 wrote

Understand that Rt 1 is a very busy rd and can be choked with traffic even off rush hour. Rt 206 north of Princeton is usually busy but often it’s only around rush hours gets slowed down b/c if traffic. Princeton is a cool place to live (I lived in West Windsor right by N.E. Corridor train lines) but that area is pricey. There are neighborhoods in Princeton that are more Hispanic that cater to people working for the wealthy in Princeton and these >may< be less expensive. This area is predominantly to the west of Witherspoon rd going north out of town. If you don’t need to live in town, check out areas north of town up to Hillsboro or go West towards Hopewell or Pennington. Good luck finding your new digs!

Edit to add: you should go have Bent Spoon Ice cream at least once when you’re there.