
t1_j8c86vx wrote

Can't explain it yet. Will have to think the next 17 years about it.

In the meantime, I use uBlock and this custom filter rule to make plain again whatever web designers create or become:

com,org,net,edu,info,ai,io,google,de,at,uk##body,p,li,.text,.commtext,div.u-gap-small:style(font-size:16px !important; font-family:sans-serif !important; font-weight:400 !important; line-height:23px !important)

t1_j2c14oc wrote

Once again, the Giga-Parameter Terminator says: "Hasta la vista, baby!"

And I thought that "The machines gonna kill us all! We must stop machine learning research!" has been replaced by "The machines will get conscious and suffer! We must stop machine learning research!"


t1_j2bpvaj wrote

AFAIK, the lawyers will only shut it down if it doesn't explicitly declare paid ads as such. As long as they don't integrate ads into ChatGPT itself but only show them in the user interface, they should be OK. Of course, there is still the copyright issue if it outputs information from publishers without directing users to their websites.


t1_j0x7n5v wrote

>You are probably joking about the EEG waves, aren’t you?

Of course I was joking, because mentions only alpha and gamma rhythms, but not beta and theta.

>I mentioned the Synchron interface to show that motor activity of the body can be replaced by a simulated motor activity. Meaning the physical body can be simulated if needed for the development of human brain. Since that was what you were talking about.

The human body is not just the output of ~200 motors and input of their corresponding joint angles and forces (proprioception). It is also the input of ~1M touch sensors from the skin. This input would have to be simulated as well. As much touch information in childhood comes from social interaction with the mother, you would have to simulate her, too. This may be possible in theory, but at the moment, neither a simulated mother for a simulated baby nor a real robot baby with full body touch sensitive skin for a real mother is possible. My personal experience with the MuJoCo simulator in 2016 had shown me that it is so buggy, it can't even simulate some nuts and bolts correctly. If it even fails at such a simple mechanical rigid object physics task, how could it simulate deformable skin or a virtual mother?


t1_j0te7zz wrote

And how is tested whether these simulations really do what the corresponding part of the brain does?

By some argumentation in the form of: "Brains have oscillations in the alpha, beta, and theta range. My model has oscillations in the alpha, beta, and theta range, too! So I have built a brain. Where is my Nobel prize?" (Or the equivalent with pieces of dead rat cortex' firing patterns and one billion euros.)

> The Synchron Stentrode interface

An interface to the real thing is not a replacement.


t1_j0t1f8e wrote

>I am pretty sure that a mind without a body could easily exist as long as you provide it with a virtual “anchor” to its perception of self.

What does "exist" mean?

  • Start to exist, from scratch, as in a human-made machine with ramdomly initialized weights, or

  • Continue to exist, as in Stephen Hawking, who got ALS at the age of 26 and had a healthy body before?

And yes, of course can minds exist without a human body. But how well can those minds simulate a human mind, which is what Wikipedia's definition requires from AGI, without having been formed by a human-like body, physical environment, and human education?


t1_j0sq953 wrote

Genetics creates the body. The body includes a brain. The brain learns the mind. Everything that enters the mind has to go through the body (except some hardwired pattern generators in early childhood which are used to guide wiring and speed up learning).

Every environmental influence, and every powerful dataset of knowledge, culture, technology, art and language is curated by that single individual's body.

For me, creation and curation are the same.

For you, curation is less powerful.