
bakedjennett t1_je1awkw wrote

Red meat and veggies and fruit

Veg because you can eat a metric fuck ton and not really see a ton of calories

Red meat because it’s satiating and it’s pretty hard to overeat just meat. Note that I don’t mean like a hamburger or soemthing, I mean like straight meat. A steak, fajitas with no sides, roast beef, that type of thing.


bakedjennett t1_j5jt9xa wrote

No lift “adds definition” eating and dryness does that. The deadlift provides almost total body stimulus and can be very easily progressively loaded. “Just because something is heavy doesn’t mean it’ll lead to more muscle” - correct, but more stimuli is the definition of leading to more muscle.


bakedjennett t1_j5jsdjc wrote

In what way does the deadlift, the compoundiest compound movement that crosses almost every joint of your body not good for total development.

Pull-ups are more “iso” than any other lift on that list?