ctrealestateatty t1_jdhbxoz wrote
Reply to Do you subscribe to any newspapers? by ApizzSavant
NYT and WSJ online. I go in and out of getting the local papers.
ctrealestateatty t1_jcyxmbk wrote
Reply to What’s up with this helicopter? by Choonaga
It was hovering over my office for quite a while. No clue.
ctrealestateatty t1_jaa8rf3 wrote
Reply to comment by TheK0ntrarian in to those that work & own a house.. by chickennugar
Honestly, you can. I handle clients all the time that do.
ctrealestateatty t1_j9i2wo0 wrote
Reply to comment by LymePilot in Now that Putin has suspended nuclear arms treaty should we be concerned in CT? by IndicationOver
They do, if they’re enforceable
ctrealestateatty t1_j9d4n3p wrote
TTO has been around for quite a while
ctrealestateatty t1_j6865jh wrote
No chance of abuse there
ctrealestateatty t1_j685hpk wrote
Reply to comment by BeerPizzaGaming in EVERSOURCE NEEDS TO ISSUE REFUNDS. Nat gas trading @ $2.83 Henry Hub which is down about 70% since August peak. by BeerPizzaGaming
CT has the 4th highest rates in the continental US. The first figure is size of bill, not rate. And all the other high priced places are right here with us. It’s a regional issue, regardless of provider.
Name the subsidiaries you’re talking about.
I never said your response re him mixing it up was wrong. But it was irrelevant to the actual issue. The response to that was simply “you mean supply not delivery”, in effect, but then you never went on to get to the point, you just kept hammering at the mistake.
ctrealestateatty t1_j66nyp7 wrote
Reply to comment by BeerPizzaGaming in EVERSOURCE NEEDS TO ISSUE REFUNDS. Nat gas trading @ $2.83 Henry Hub which is down about 70% since August peak. by BeerPizzaGaming
He reversed supply and delivery. You’re jumping on that (which he has since corrected) but your response has nothing to do with the actual issue at hand, supply. ES does not profit on supply. Other companies might, but they don’t.
ctrealestateatty t1_j63f7xh wrote
Reply to EVERSOURCE NEEDS TO ISSUE REFUNDS. Nat gas trading @ $2.83 Henry Hub which is down about 70% since August peak. by BeerPizzaGaming
Yet again, this has nothing to do with Eversource. They’re just pass through billing, and spot prices of gas are irrelevant and at least 2 layers of companies below ES.
ctrealestateatty t1_j2wmuxw wrote
Walk into the tax collector’s office
ctrealestateatty t1_izegcs3 wrote
Reply to comment by telenyP in What is the worst university in New Haven? by gr34tguy
SCSU is the 2nd best New Haven university (unless we're including QU as New Haven, then it's 3rd). So yes, it has its good points.
ctrealestateatty t1_izcxjqq wrote
Reply to comment by suavepapi69 in What is the worst university in New Haven? by gr34tguy
Because by any objective fact it is. It’s a 2 year school, to start with.
That doesn’t make it not useful, but there’s nothing that it wins at outside of cheap and easy.
I’m a big fan of the community college system, but objectively by almost any measure how do you not say it’s the worst school in town?
Although I’d point out it also doesn’t qualify for the question isn’t it isn’t a university.
ctrealestateatty t1_izcxb3o wrote
Reply to comment by dang_he_groovin in What is the worst university in New Haven? by gr34tguy
It’s exempt by state and federal law. And no, not unless you’re conflating YNHH and YU, it’s not.
ctrealestateatty t1_iycx7bz wrote
Reply to comment by updownsidewayz in Grocery shopping and 25 cheerleaders asking for $ by [deleted]
Increasing property values doesn’t change town tax revenues at all. The budget is set and the mill rate is then just a division of values by budget. If values are up, the mill rate goes down. In and of itself it doesn’t change the absolute revenue at all.
ctrealestateatty t1_iy3yi86 wrote
Reply to comment by silasmoeckel in Grocery shopping and 25 cheerleaders asking for $ by [deleted]
Um, what? All sports need to fundraise. It's not just cheerleaders out there. Schools almost never pay for travel and such to out of state competitions directly.
But more to the point, what does whether it's a sport or not matter? If it was a band fundraising would it be any different?
ctrealestateatty t1_iy3yb0z wrote
Reply to comment by updownsidewayz in Grocery shopping and 25 cheerleaders asking for $ by [deleted]
>why can't the parents/school/ngos pool their money for them
Because people don't approve tax increases to cover.
ctrealestateatty t1_ixw5mkx wrote
Reply to comment by brewski in What will it take to rein in electricity prices in CT? by eddie964
Yeah 7% loss is usually what I see. Even at 10 his statement makes no sense. And that’s without getting into environmental factors.
ctrealestateatty t1_ixw5jbi wrote
Reply to comment by Myotherside in What will it take to rein in electricity prices in CT? by eddie964
My electric bill doesn’t tell me anything you just said. It only has one of the variables you’d need - that of how much centralized generation and distribution are costing.
Edit: and home generation would be buying NG on the same market, without the bulk buying power.
ctrealestateatty t1_ixw4nbs wrote
Reply to comment by brewski in What will it take to rein in electricity prices in CT? by eddie964
There’s a total of 5 pipelines in New England, 3 of which come through CT. 3 of which come from Canada (ok if you want to be technical there’s a dinky little one I’m not counting that goes just a few miles into Vermont from Canada). One of those comes to CT (Iroquois). The other two in CT are the Algonquin and the Tennessee.
The pipeline issue everyone keeps bringing up is about 6 years ago CT put the kibosh on new lines after MA and NH did the same.
The pipeline was intended to come up from the South for a significant alternate gas source.
ctrealestateatty t1_ixuc78q wrote
Reply to comment by Myotherside in What will it take to rein in electricity prices in CT? by eddie964
Well first off, we are talking about electricity, not heating. So that’s irrelevant, even if you were right. And with the latest generations of heat pumps, you’re generally not right (but again, not relevant to this conversation). And when we are talking about heat, all the typical options are still available. The fact that electric generation in the state is based only on gas and nuc doesn’t have anything to do with it.
No one is burning fossil fuels of any sort to produce electricity outside of plants. And people are burning NG, propane, oil, wood, etc outside of plants for heat. So I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make at this point.
ctrealestateatty t1_ixubmro wrote
Reply to comment by Myotherside in What will it take to rein in electricity prices in CT? by eddie964
I have no idea what you’re trying to say. Overall production at a plant is far more efficient (cheaper) and environmentally friendly. If we didn’t care about the second part we’d still be running coal plants, but either way producing your own energy (outside of renewables like solar, which is very much encouraged), makes no sense.
ctrealestateatty t1_ixo1fqw wrote
Reply to comment by BeenBanned69Times in what is wrong with Connecticut? by [deleted]
Until a few years ago retail sales were only allowed 12 hours a day 5 days a week and no holidays
ctrealestateatty t1_ixo1aaw wrote
Reply to comment by BeenBanned69Times in what is wrong with Connecticut? by [deleted]
No retail sales of alcoholic beverages on thanksgiving (as well as 2 other days)
ctrealestateatty t1_ixnkfyc wrote
Reply to comment by BeenBanned69Times in what is wrong with Connecticut? by [deleted]
It’s because it’s a law…
ctrealestateatty t1_jdhc0y2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Do you subscribe to any newspapers? by ApizzSavant
Micropayments to what? I’m not sure what you’re looking for. 100% of your money goes to the companies you choose to give it to. That doesn’t sound broken to me…
That being said, it sounds like maybe you’re looking for Apple News+? That’s basically what it sounds like you’re describing.