dalhectar t1_j5jk8hc wrote
Damn, $85 for 3 lip synced songs. At least now you know the promoter is full of shit and that knowledge will save you more money in the long run.
Someone commented they didn't even let people in until midnight.
dalhectar t1_j2dck94 wrote
Reply to WhereInRVA: Authentic Mexican Street Corn by LuridIryx
El Chido
dalhectar t1_j2areyg wrote
Reply to comment by Zestyclose_Context79 in Parent tries to teach son positivity about police. He ends up with brain injury. by ludba2002
Community service award for volunteering.
dalhectar t1_j281iz4 wrote
Reply to Infants at the National? by [deleted]
All these comments and practically no answers.
Opinions are like assholes.
dalhectar t1_j246dha wrote
Reply to RTD digital subscription price doubled? by StuffyMuffins
I knew the $50/yr was a promotional rate when I signed up for it.
The raise I got to $90... I kept it. My 2 requirements for RT-D is < $100/yr & rss support because their homepage is <50% local print non-sports news stories.
dalhectar t1_j150zpm wrote
Reply to Considering a move to RVA by jtommy38
You can use the search bar to find the answer to this and many other questions. There's no need for you to spam this sub with questions that are already answered.
dalhectar t1_j09zycn wrote
Reply to Have ticket prices skyrocketed? by yesiambear
I mean the cheaper tickets run for half that after fees.
dalhectar t1_izyao25 wrote
Reply to comment by Professional_Book912 in Respectfully RIP Rep Donald McEachin, but Stoney should not be on the shortlist to replace this man by UlruthOldran
They weren't done on time under Jones.
> Permits that sometimes languished in queues awaiting processing for 50 to 55 days at the start of 2022 have been rolling out after an average wait of one to three days since the summer.
On schools look at the timeframe that RPS has for George Wythe and compare that to Stoney's three. He did 3 schools in 5 years vs RPS deciding to do 1 school in 8.
Venture Richmond doesn't run DPW. Neither them nor Bike/Walk RVA does the road redesigns that dieted car kanes into dedicated bike paths. The City of Richmond did. Local government did that, not an advocacy organization. In my work we have to operate differently as a result of Vision Zero to better accommodate pedestrians at construction sites. Before, no one at City Hall cared if we did anything concerning accomondating pedestrians, now we are held to a higher standard, and that likely saved lives at some of our high profile projects. We don't take orders from Venture Richmond, we take them from the City and their requirements changed.
The Master Plan to which we get zoning that came from it literally involved multiple departments. And the zoning only happens as a result of decisions that City Council & the Mayor decide upon.
We have less fighting now between RPS administration & Stoney vs RPS & Jones or RPS & Wilder. Where we have fights now is the Richmond For All cohort on the School Board vs all else whether internally in School Board or outside the school board.
dalhectar t1_izy3mri wrote
Reply to comment by Professional_Book912 in Respectfully RIP Rep Donald McEachin, but Stoney should not be on the shortlist to replace this man by UlruthOldran
Budget comes in on time.
Construction Permits get issued faster.
3 new schools to replace aging and decrepit facilities.
New bike network doesn't rely on sharrows & other Vision Zero changes.
New zoning to promote density.
Works well with Karmas at RPS. Education Compact between City Government & RPS has lead to more cooperation vs confrontation between the 2 parties vs the past.
People say they want a "nuts & bolts" mayor but fail to realize how utterly boring "nuts & bolts" is. "Nuts & bolts" isn't going to fix homelessness, transform the sewer underneath our feet away from a CSO, nor crime, nor clean the river, nor a socio-economic education achievement gap. People's issues with local government far outstrip the capacity a Dillon Rule state gives localities power to achieve. Not to mention Richmond has a history and 60 years of hollowing out a city largely by forces outside that city’s control cannot be undone in 15.
End of the day I think Stoney is only an average mayor. I mean better than the other elected mayors Jones & Wilder but that's really not saying much.
dalhectar t1_izwifph wrote
Reply to comment by Mr_Kittlesworth in Respectfully RIP Rep Donald McEachin, but Stoney should not be on the shortlist to replace this man by UlruthOldran
The system & environment makes every candidate an awful mayor that fails to meet the expectations of the public.
Everyone on this sub will hate the next mayor once they are in office for a few years and the honeymoon period goes away.
On the plus side because people hate the past mayor so much the honeymoon period lasts a lot longer than for President or Governor. But just like every other elected mayor the City's ever had everyone will end up hating the new mayor.
dalhectar t1_iy92gcz wrote
Reply to comment by HankyPankerson in ProTip: Return Verizon equipment at UPS, not the VZ store. by geekitude
Only reason to have Verizon equipment is for Verizon cable TV, and cable TV + monthly Cable TV box rentals is expensive compared to TV Streaming services.
dalhectar t1_iy8xyv4 wrote
Reply to comment by geekitude in ProTip: Return Verizon equipment at UPS, not the VZ store. by geekitude
https://www.verizon.com/stores/ tells you which authorized resellers stores accept equipment returns. The issue though is that Forest Hill is one of those stores, but they denied you anyway. I have returned equipment to the John Rolfe Parkway authorized retailer.
Or you can go to a Company Store.
Or you can return it to a UPS Store.
dalhectar t1_iy8i7h7 wrote
Reply to Parking for the Illumination & parade? by setsails
dalhectar t1_iy8cl7w wrote
Reply to comment by LilWhiny in Rep. Donald McEachin passes away at 61 after battle with colorectal cancer by iNEEDcrazypills
THere's nothing wrong with individuals privately pondering their own political future yesterday, today, last week, or next month.
People are perfectly capable of regretting the loss of a friend/colleague and also pondering their own future at the same time.
McClellan would make a great congresswoman, but as a Virginian I prefer her as a State Senator or Governor dealing with issues that are more day to day concerning my life and my family.
Stoney however can go to Congress and spend his day raising money for his party- the real work of Congress.
dalhectar t1_iy4rl8w wrote
Reply to comment by zorak_robert in What a true maverick of wit. by Steezinandcheezin
"We wanna" cause who doesn't like group play
dalhectar t1_ixqdysb wrote
Reply to comment by ShadyAdvise in VCU Qatar Campus & World Cup Silence by ParanoidAndroidUser
dalhectar t1_ixqcg8s wrote
Reply to comment by kilofoxtrotfour in VCU Qatar Campus & World Cup Silence by ParanoidAndroidUser
A man in Nepal learns from a recruiter that Qatar is hiring. The recruiter says yeah you'll make the equivalent of thousands of US dollars working in Qatar. Qatari companies & the recruiters don't pay for your transportation, so you have to sign a loan that covers those fees, pays for you to get a passport, processing of your visa to Qatar, etc which could cost you a substantial amount of your salary.
After its all signed you are on your way to Qatar. Upon arrival the Qatari company takes your passport and gives you a worker ID card. Now you are tied to the employer, if you lose your job you are an illegal immigrant because you don't have your passport. If you complain or protest too much you can be fired which means you have 72 hours to arrange your own exit or be arrested, if you are found on the street with an invalid worker ID because the company fired you can be arrested for being in the country illegally.
So when the company doesn't pay you, you are left with little options. You can keep working without pay in the hope they catch up with their arrears, walk off the job and become an illegal alien, or protest and the company fires you making you an illegal alien.
And these issues are outside of the working conditions themselves. For industries like construction heat is a big concern. A heat stroke death on the job only counts as a fatality if you die on the job site, if your body lingers to life for a few hours after the heat stroke sets it, and if they make it to a clinic or hospital or bed Qatar doesn't count you as a on-the-job fatality. Qatar will say there were less than 100 construction fatalities but countries like Nepal have received thousands of their citizens in body bags. Heat stroke isn't an instant killer for most that die from it and leaves survivors with permanent organ damage that could make future heat strokes ultimately fatal.
Now there have been some reforms, its now illegal for a company to hold your passport and tie your employment with them to your legal right to be in the country, but if your employer does things old school law enforcement isn't going to come down on the employer. There are supposed to be labor courts, but enforcement & follow through is a work in progress. Qatar has shown off newer worker housing to Western media, but those same media outlets find other existing foreign worker camps that are way less sanitary.
In many ways labor in China is similar to labor in Qatar, and I'm not trying to dismiss China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Thailand, etc… working conditions & lack of human/labor rights. The way recruitment works turns labor into basically an industrial system of sharecropping because the workers are put into debt to have the privilege of working, it's practically impossible to move from a bad employer to a better employer even if your employer doesn't take your passport because your worker ID is voided so you can't be found on the street and you just lost your employer provided housing, bad employers can be really bad in terms of non-payment, living conditions, worker safety protections, sexual harassment/assault of female labor is an issue, and 120+ degree temperatures is dangerously hot.
dalhectar t1_ixp254q wrote
I don't know what facilities VCU has in Qatar, but wherever is there would have been built using labor from the Kafala system that did all construction in Qatar until it was banned in 2017. And even afterward just not paying people and a £1/hour wages persists in one of the richest countries in the world likely by the companies that VCU Qatar contracts for local labor to this day.
VCU virtue signaling about the world cup should be secondary to VCU being held accountable to its own involvement with labor practices there and people in the VCU community should be asking questions about how local contractors to VCU Qatar are treating their foreign sourced labor.
Whoever say picks up the trash, cleans the restrooms, if they have a cafeteria cooks in the kitchen, or is hired for construction/maintenance etc there isn't a native born Qatari citizen. How are they treated?
dalhectar t1_ixi0uxy wrote
Reply to comment by search-the-sub-first in Gluten free donuts? by [deleted]
Doing God's work
dalhectar t1_ixhu1bm wrote
Reply to comment by raindeerpie in Richmond’s Pulse has been a surprise success. Other cities and states are taking notice. by fusion260
It's a half hour route that takes 45 minutes to get from one end to the other.
It's nothing like Pulse. The combination of fewer stops, real bus stops with seats and covering to protect you from the elements, and more frequent service would be a game changer.
dalhectar t1_ixht900 wrote
Reply to comment by I_Enjoy_Beer in Richmond’s Pulse has been a surprise success. Other cities and states are taking notice. by fusion260
People forget the history of the streetcar in Richmond and how it folded in 1904 after anti-segregation protests.
It was a early flashpoint in the Jim Crowization of the state.
dalhectar t1_ix1xc9n wrote
Reply to Is the jungle room fun to go to solo by Tmoneyicashout
I always have. It really doesn't get packed until like midnight or so. Early in the evening there have been times I felt like there were only 9 others on the floor, but honestly I enjoy the room to move freely.
dalhectar OP t1_iwh8qzf wrote
Reply to comment by pulledoutdad in Richmond.com and other local RSS news feeds by dalhectar
I use the free version of feedly.
dalhectar t1_j694aq2 wrote
Reply to Petersburg Casino by SwanOverSunshine
Didn't the council people like Trammell who spoke to keep the door open for Richmond come from districts that on net supported the stadium?
Their voters WANT a Southside casino.