mercurysnowman OP t1_j6cnsix wrote
Reply to comment by darkdragonrider69 in LPT Request: How do I find Russian laws from 1860 by mercurysnowman
Thank you so much!
mercurysnowman OP t1_iuc914v wrote
Reply to comment by NorthCountryGirl75 in LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
don't do that, of course you should be able to talk about these things with your friends. it would be a problem if you only talked about the negative stuff.
i do hope things get better for you :)
mercurysnowman OP t1_iuacggm wrote
Reply to comment by mxmaker in LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
see, now this is the kind of advice i came looking for, thanks my guy!
edit : gonna try this tomorrow and will let you know if it worked
mercurysnowman OP t1_iu988d0 wrote
Reply to comment by Grownuppieceofjizz in LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
yep. sounding board. they just want to engage in the most unproductive of conversations, ALL THE TIME.
and yes that is the plan, limiting my time around them and basically avoiding them till they get the hint.
mercurysnowman OP t1_iu97yy3 wrote
Reply to comment by WickerBag in LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
this is an excellent strategy! and once I'm out of uni and have my own place and job I'm also going to become that cranky grown-ass woman. thank you.
mercurysnowman OP t1_iu95nxa wrote
Reply to comment by Quinquilharia in LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
we're going to be living in close quarters for a long time, literally, her dorm room is next to mine. i don't want to make things awkward.
mercurysnowman OP t1_iu905so wrote
Reply to comment by lotusblossom60 in LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
i needed to hear that. thank you.
mercurysnowman OP t1_iu902oa wrote
Reply to comment by Grownuppieceofjizz in LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
i know i should because that's the right thing to do but they severely lack maturity and would probably not take it as well as you did.
you might think im being presumptuous here but I've been through something similar before and i know from experience that confrontational approach does not work well when the person in question has a very childish way of thinking and even more childish way of responding
mercurysnowman OP t1_iu8z5c6 wrote
Reply to comment by chimp20 in LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
yeah thats what I'm going to do
mercurysnowman OP t1_iu8z1v0 wrote
Reply to comment by quazatron48k in LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
they are draining because they always want to talk about whatever drama is going on in their life, and they don't give two shits about me or my life. im just someone they use and use.
mercurysnowman OP t1_iu8yvl2 wrote
Reply to comment by dream_weaver35 in LPT Request: how to deal with an emotionally draining friend I have to see on a daily basis by mercurysnowman
their dorm room is next to mine and they consider me to be a very close friend. we have been friends for a few months
mercurysnowman OP t1_j6cnsvz wrote
Reply to comment by Razorray21 in LPT Request: How do I find Russian laws from 1860 by mercurysnowman
Thank you!