
omally_360 t1_j4cuhk0 wrote

I find that democrats are just as «crazy», as it were, but I guess I am coloured by social media, which obviously highlight the extremes. That’s why I am sceptical enough when you and other tells me that every single person who consider themselves a republican are horribal human beings, and downvote me when I dare question this.

Anyway, I don’t really care. This just isn’t in my world, I live in a democratic and quite liberal nation where we believe in dialogue, not silencing our political counterparts. Seems to work.


omally_360 t1_j4c1cyp wrote

No idea. I don’t follow american politics too closely, but this is like saying all muslims are terrorists. I don’t see how you guys can have a serious dialogue if you and your democrat friends use these childish and - quite frankly - infantile rhetorics. That goes for republicans too by the way. The sooner you realise this, the better.


omally_360 t1_j4b2o8k wrote

Nope, that’s not even a little bit close to what I was saying.

I was just saying that not every single person who consider themselves republican thought of women as farm animals.

I can see from the downvotes that You guys disagree with that, which I find astonishing.

But then I remember this is just Reddit :-)


omally_360 t1_iwuictc wrote

Yes, that’s all I am saying, although I probably said it in a rather cross way. Do I support A World Cup in Qatar? Absolutely a million times NO.

But for 150 million I could probably say, which may or may not be true (hopefully the former), that hosting there perhaps will progress the country at least a little bit.

That is the hope anyway. That this World Cup opens the regimes eyes.

I just think it’s unlikely that the majority of average reddit user would just turn down that kind of money for basicslly minimum work.

But good for them, I have to add.