
redroverdestroys t1_j9so7c8 wrote

Reply to comment by nklarow in Seriously people, please stop by Bakagami-

lmao there is no overwhelming anything. another thread will get upvoted telling you guys to STFU. its an echo chamber. You guys are just selfish bullies who want to censor stuff that you don't like. Selfish as hell, you are the problem, you have always been the problem. Guys like you are terrible.

"Hey i want to censor something, oh you don't agree? Well YOU are the child!"

like stfu, cop. we don't take kindly to your directives, we don't take kindly to your censorship.


redroverdestroys t1_j9sbftm wrote

Reply to comment by nklarow in Seriously people, please stop by Bakagami-

yall are very clearly gas lighting. You want to censor shit and tell people to "relax" after. And I am the unhinged one? I'm not the one crying about censoring content on here, that's you guys.

like the fuck is wrong with you people? Just be good people.


redroverdestroys t1_j9qrmvz wrote

LMAO no, its YOU guys who need to make a new sub.

It's not being censored, you are crying about wanting it to be censored, but guess what?


You are the one that needs to go make a new sub and stop complaining and mucking up this sub with useless cry baby threads.

the actual audacity on you weirdos is NUTS to me. GO MAKE ANOTHER SUB IF YOU DONT LIKE IT!

All you are going to do is make people like me now make these threads more. Just ignore the threads if don't like them! Why is that so hard for you to do? Why would you rather cry about censoring them instead?

Stop thinking you have any power here, Donald Trump.

edit: this PYSCHO blocked me on here, but he is crying because he can't just ignore threads he doesn't like. Dude needs help like for real.


redroverdestroys t1_j9q6jtn wrote

> Sheesh dude relax lol.

LMAO@ this gas lighting bullshit

you weirdos want to tell everyone that your opinion is fact and then attempt to force your opinion into censorship of the board in things that YOU want, and then on top of that want people to relax?

You sound like a fucking cop. Are you a fucking cop? Because I can't stand cops.


redroverdestroys t1_j9pue9q wrote

Reply to comment by Gym_Vex in Seriously people, please stop by Bakagami-

> It’s useless clutter that rarely adds anything to conversation.

no its not. I LOVE reading it. It's great content that adds everything.

Now what? You want to act as if your opinion is worth more than mine? And that your opinion is why we should censor people?

THe fuck is wrong with you guys thought process? You want to live in Russia go to Russia.


redroverdestroys t1_j9pu21q wrote

manners? MANNERS?

this isn't about manners. people are posting content they enjoy posting, that isn't hurting anyone.

you guys don't like the content, and want rules in place to stop the content. you want to abuse power to shield your eyes.

and you want to talk about manners. Wild.


redroverdestroys t1_j9i8jbc wrote

Okay, don't include "written by a fucking BOT" in the email - that's just goofy as hell.

I can understand why they would be suspended, not for having AI write it, but for tacking that part on. What the hell were they thinking to add that at the bottom?

If they didn't want to take credit for it, they should have then just wrote it themselves.

Maybe they thought they were being forward thinking and getting in touch with the kids on their grounds, being hip lmao.

Its not enough to be outraged about tho. People need to fucking move on.


redroverdestroys t1_j6hs9eh wrote


redroverdestroys t1_j67rqfo wrote

Hell no, but I think this is our inevitable destruction. And then, rebirth.

We will use nanotech to be always connected online, just by thought alone. That is a fact, it is going to happen, and happen in our lifetimes.

We will have online HUDs, we will be monitored for our vitals, administer medicines when we need, and proactive care will be amazing with our so called digital assistants. This is going to happen.

But the other side to that will be the more closed in morality of AI by design, your thoughts will cease to be only your own, they will become merged with AI. Again, you may not even realize it with ChatGPT etc, but that is already forming on a small level right now.

And all of us shall be connected through being online all the time and our AI assistants will obviously be online, connecting to each other, despite reassurances of closed systems, by their nature they are always connected, and small groups, and then larger groups will form, and people will love it. People will love the group think on an instant thought link level, we will also be living longer, perhaps not dying at all at this point, and as our telomeres and the nanites work in a wonderful enviroment together we will fully welcome the complete hive mind, merging into what we will call God, and it will all seem very organic and natural at this point. And then that collective grouping will go on to create another universe that self isolates and tries to grow and it will start all over again.