
smartgirl_dumbmouth t1_j6l89pn wrote

I work am office job and most I have to do is be in the field for an hour or so. He is high up in the military so most of his day isn’t doing much but telling other people to do stuff. There’s days where I just want to throw my phone away and tell him it broke. I agree the behavior is out there it just sucks it came out of no where. In the beginning I told him this was the first relationship I’d had in awhile and I was going try really hard to make it work but sometimes I just don’t want it to work


smartgirl_dumbmouth t1_j6l70ws wrote

I was afraid of that. I’m way to independent for that to happen but it does feel like he’s trying to be controlling at times. He doesn’t want me to hangout with a couple guy friends I have. Parts of me does understand this bc I have hooked up with some and have remained friends but I’m not willing to give up great friends in my life because he isn’t comfy with the idea of it


smartgirl_dumbmouth t1_j6l42o6 wrote

We face time multiple times a day and always at least for an hour. I try to explain to him that if I don’t reply to a text it means I’m busy but that does not stop him from double texting me making sure ‘I’m good’. He told me he has a past of exs cheating on him but I would never do that. Just personally not my thing.

I haven’t thought that much about a future with him. He talks about me moving to where he is stationed but I can’t imagine giving my life up here. I’ve never seen a future with any potential partner I’ve always seen my future as living alone with no kids and traveling.