Submitted by Gari_305 t3_1124pmv in Futurology
Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_j8hwhgz wrote
>Hypothetical advanced life that we have zero evidence exists might hypothetically do this
>Aliens might do this!
It's just a clickbait headline
Gari_305 OP t1_j8hxrc8 wrote
I doubt it's click bait if there's an actual study that says the same thing.
I understand your hesitation, however, why do a click bait with an attached study?
Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_j8hy1jd wrote
The study says black holes could hypothetically be used like this.
The headline implies aliens exist and might be doing this.
Which is why the headline is clickbait.
>why do a click bait with an attached study?
So people click it...
Useless_Nipple t1_j8hy6oo wrote
Aliens confirmed. Got it.
Gari_305 OP t1_j8hyi2c wrote
Actual headline in thestudy attached
>Black holes as tools for quantum computing by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations
Actual headline
> Aliens May Be Using Black Holes as Quantum Computers
They're both one in the same, not so much click baity there
Iffykindofguy t1_j8hz99z wrote
I thank the universe I grew out of my "jaded" phase
FuturologyBot t1_j8hzwvi wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:
From the Article
>In a recent study, a German-Georgian team of researchers proposed that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations (ETCs) could use black holes as quantum computers.
Also from the article
>The research was conducted by Gia Dvali, a theoretical physicist with the Max Planck Institute for Physics and the physics chair at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, and Zaza Osmanov, a professor of physics at the Free University of Tbilisi, and a researcher with the Kharadze Georgian National Astrophysical Observatory and the SETI Institute.
>The paper that describes their findings recently appeared online and is being reviewed for publication in the International Journal of Astrobiology.
Lastly from the article
>The research was conducted by Gia Dvali, a theoretical physicist with the Max Planck Institute for Physics and the physics chair at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, and Zaza Osmanov, a professor of physics at the Free University of Tbilisi, and a researcher with the Kharadze Georgian National Astrophysical Observatory and the SETI Institute.
>The paper that describes their findings recently appeared online and is being reviewed for publication in the International Journal of Astrobiology.
Please reply to OP's comment here:
Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_j8i1bwu wrote
If you think either of those means aliens exist...
Z3r0sama2017 t1_j8i1snr wrote
I'm sorry "scientists" but your not going to be allowed to mess about trying to create microsingularities to test this "theory". The risk of solar system get nommed is to great to risk. Do something less risky.
HarlanCulpepper t1_j8i2r4n wrote
They 'might' be using them as an inter-dimensional slip and slide.
kittykatkin t1_j8i78bl wrote
Aliens use this one simple trick.
mi2h_N0t-r34l_ t1_j8ia4rg wrote
That would never make a difference to me.
Seems reminiscent of the "threads of fate" from "Wanted" (the movie where they curve bullets).
I am hesitant, however, to call the notion outright ridiculous...
My personal take on the theoretical utility of black holes? Blast 'em - find a means of destroying or destabilizing them - there's probably gold in them there black holes...
Lazaruzo t1_j8iacxl wrote
Can’t even prove aliens exist but we’re theorizing about their computing processes?!! Goddamn! This belongs in /r/jokes
TrekForce t1_j8icqsb wrote
I don’t think either of them imply aliens definitely exist. I think both are basically saying “If aliens exist, they could use black holes as quantum computers”.
One sounds sciency and the other sounds more standard English.
Ambrosed t1_j8id6hv wrote
Why bother with aliens? How about we use black holes for this purpose? Let’s be the advanced civilization that makes it happen.
Bonus points for not getting our solar system crushed into a singularity.
[deleted] t1_j8idyoa wrote
lrrc49 t1_j8ifhwb wrote
sometimes I think physicists are just science fiction writing wannabes.
Farklurth t1_j8ig1dd wrote
A hypothetical fire eating refrigerator might sing in a Kvarkopillian language when it's drank AF at Guelperaptul's pub.
HyPothEticaLly speaking ;/
[deleted] t1_j8igyuu wrote
Albertsongman t1_j8ijdcr wrote
Interesting. … Black holes are a bevy of information. Makes sense.
subZro_ t1_j8ik0ui wrote
Science fiction is fun!
Bloorajah t1_j8ilahp wrote
Saying “advanced aliens could do this” is basically just a science “gotcha” headline to get people to publicize their article about how we could eventually do this.
if you wrote a paper that said that humans could do this in the future it would be just as accurate but probably wouldn’t show up in a social feed.
[deleted] t1_j8im6sk wrote
[deleted] t1_j8imr0h wrote
karma-armageddon t1_j8isueb wrote
I already do. I decide what answer I want, and reference a* as the source of my answer.
MadNhater t1_j8iwlc4 wrote
They are social media influencers. Look at all of you sharing and talking about it. Got’em!
magicMikeeee95 t1_j8j0xha wrote
Turtles also might be assembling handguns in a hollow island near the Equator, but I didn't write an article about it for some reason
ConeyIslandMan t1_j8j0zhe wrote
Balderdash everyone knows they ride pickled herring vast distances across the cosmos in the blink of an eye to avoid spoilage
zushiba t1_j8j1fbd wrote
Aliens also hypothetically use ice planets as giant freezers. They'll just throw a bunch of food onto the surface and let it freeze there until they need it later.
outragedUSAcitizen t1_j8j2skt wrote
Tell me what the objects were in the sky that we shot down before you get to this...
[deleted] t1_j8j45tt wrote
Ub3rGoob3r t1_j8j49ik wrote
Imagine being paid a physicist's salary to come up with this shit.
choir_of_sirens t1_j8j8pgm wrote
Maybe life is common in the universe but intelligent life (as we define it) is rare, just like here on earth.
whiteajah365 t1_j8j9jdo wrote
We just need to ask the aliens who were downed in Northern Canada and Lake Huron and ask them how they do it.
DeepSpaceNebulae t1_j8jcv9b wrote
It’s just theorizing about what would something we could detect were it out there. Coming up with something that would be theoretically possible and how we’d be able to detect it were it out there
Gotta theorize about one to detect the other… and gotta get clicks with outrageous titles
clearcontroller t1_j8jf9f2 wrote
I think common sense would indicate this is clickbait.
We are significantly behind the point of anything like this being perceivable by us
IronSasquatch t1_j8jfi7f wrote
Glad to see I wasn’t the only one to see this post and immediately think “well that’s fucking stupid”.
OakenGreen t1_j8jfnfe wrote
I don’t think anyone’s gonna read the headline and think “oh my, not only did they discover aliens but the first they’re telling us is how their computers work before announcing the discovery of said aliens… Neato!”
Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_j8jft2m wrote
Maybe you should take a closer look at OPs profile then...
[deleted] t1_j8jfw9r wrote
itsfunhavingfun t1_j8jh63l wrote
Get out. Next you’ll be saying they hypothetically use stars to reheat their frozen corn dogs.
zushiba t1_j8jhije wrote
No that would be silly. They use the area just before the event horizon of a black hole because they can send the corn dog around and get it back nice and hot just before they sent it.
[deleted] t1_j8jhz9r wrote
Adept-Variation587 t1_j8jla5n wrote
This theory (however absurd it may be) could lead to some analysis of black holes with data and who knows, maybe we discover something different entirely.
GromieBooBoo t1_j8jm9t6 wrote
No it’s all actually just one big giant bagel. An everything bagel to be exact.
Annethraxxx t1_j8jna76 wrote
OP definitely believes….
Aculeus_ t1_j8jpajk wrote
Whenever I see an article that says something "may", I always add "or may not" in my head.
IvanAfterAll t1_j8jpjdn wrote
Gas giants are just stored alien farts. Their planets smell perfect all the time.
IvanAfterAll t1_j8jpm27 wrote
This feels right to me. - A Scientist
IvanAfterAll t1_j8jpsmr wrote
That's an extremely alarming prospect. I hope you will expound.
IvanAfterAll t1_j8jpuvg wrote
Different aliens. :/
zushiba t1_j8jpwq2 wrote
This tracks with everything that I know about space.
IvanAfterAll t1_j8jq2xe wrote
Sucked. Intoooooo. A Baaaaageeeeel.
magicMikeeee95 t1_j8jra1r wrote
The body would go here, but when I went to use the theoretical room of monkeys banging on keyboards, ScienceAlert and TMZ had it booked solid for months.
And for my source, let's go ahead and assume that I can convince a minimum of two r/NonCredibleDefense dwellers that some turtles can indeed field assemble certain brands of handgun.
CluckBucketz t1_j8jszck wrote
Humans hate him!
IvanAfterAll t1_j8jukw1 wrote
ChatAI to the rescue:
Title: Unusual Weapon Assembly Activity Observed in a Population of Turtles on a Hollow Island
Authors: Dr. Mei Ling Wong, Department of Zoology, University of Singapore; Dr. Thomas Anderson, Division of Ecology and Evolution, University of California, Berkeley
Abstract: In this study, we report the discovery of a population of turtles living in a previously unknown hollow island located near the equator. Our research team utilized satellite imaging to identify the island, and upon closer inspection, discovered that the interior of the island was hollow and occupied by a large number of turtles.
During our observations, we noticed that the turtles were engaging in an unusual activity: assembling handguns. We collected samples of these weapons and conducted a thorough analysis of their components and construction.
Our findings indicate that the turtles are capable of assembling functional handguns using raw materials and tools that they appear to have acquired through unknown means. The purpose of these weapons is currently unknown and requires further investigation.
This discovery raises important questions about the capacity of non-human species to engage in complex behaviors and raises concerns about the potential threats posed by these activities. Further research is needed to better understand the origins and implications of this behavior.
We urge all relevant government agencies and organizations to take this discovery seriously and to take appropriate measures to address any potential threats to national security.
magicMikeeee95 t1_j8jup0b wrote
See now is the kind of stellar work I expected from AI
[deleted] t1_j8jupw6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8jupzd wrote
IvanAfterAll t1_j8juubc wrote
Compelling enough that I kind of want a whole fiction series now.
Daniel_The_Thinker t1_j8juwd3 wrote
Those are the same thing. If you thought anything else, that's on you
Anxious_Aardvark8714 t1_j8jw8sc wrote
Considering how little we know about the existence of life beyond our own planet, that seems to be wild speculation.
Cognitive_Spoon t1_j8jyf48 wrote
It's neater if it's the neighbor's lawn
bootstrapping_lad t1_j8k02jq wrote
You quoted the same paragraph twice, and none of your quotes actually explain their idea. They just describe the authors and state that they wrote a paper. Are you a bot?
JackIsBackWithCrack t1_j8k1fbu wrote
He never said that? Jesus bro you are confused
[deleted] t1_j8k5pna wrote
wwiinndyy t1_j8k9le7 wrote
This is dumb. Everyone knows that we aren't sure if alien life exists, and no part of the title is claiming to have discovered them. You guys should really look at context
PedroEglasias t1_j8k9lqn wrote
Lots of hypotheses involve unproven data points
wwiinndyy t1_j8k9wxk wrote
They just figure we'll nuke ourselves back to the stone age before we get around to blackhole supercomputers
theNorrah t1_j8kc742 wrote
That’s inefficient. Just go to a plant where x grows naturally, like beer bootle trees etc.
momolamomo t1_j8kcq8r wrote
It’s a massively outlandish idea. However, can we draw ideas from this?
From what I gather, scientists are tinkering with the validity of the idea that an object in space that was not manufactured can be used to compute.
Can we do this with tree roots? Can we apply this concept within a reachable grasp?
The concept in its raw unadulterated form sounds like something from startrek.
But let’s water it down, can we take advantage of this concept here, on earth?
It’s an interesting concept,
victor4700 t1_j8kctpz wrote
Doctors hate them!
momolamomo t1_j8kdd1c wrote
Theorising about alien processing systems removes human/earth bias and CAN/MAY allow us to approach how we process data and computations.
Look at how the quantum computer can about. We started by ourselves what if the entire internet could be stored in a grain of salt but we’ve been busy mucking around with silicone and binary states.
Everything that processes today is based on the premise of Morse code. We just advanced the shit out of it
[deleted] t1_j8kgb4l wrote
[deleted] t1_j8kkf1e wrote
I think there's a finite need for computing power so you'd have to be in a situation where you couldn't make the computers just like when your own planet. Personally I don't think it would be necessary or viable.
AloofPenny t1_j8kkflq wrote
The whole ring around a black hole is just stored data. So this could really be a thing
[deleted] t1_j8kksmy wrote
WildGrem7 t1_j8kkvop wrote
And diamonds as paperweights
WildGrem7 t1_j8kl059 wrote
Alien casinos hate it when you do this but they can’t stop you!
Pregogets58466 t1_j8kl2ps wrote
Delusional thinking. Particle and quantum physics can be fun but there are limits to a human brain
WildGrem7 t1_j8klam2 wrote
Do physics undergrads blogging their stream of consciousness after blunt night at alpha sigma kappa reallllly count as physicists? Asking for a friend.
Psychological-Sport1 t1_j8knn4t wrote
Ironically we financed the development of supercomputers so as to make better thermonuclear hydrogen bombs and their delivery systems
KneeDragr t1_j8knzei wrote
They must have been baked out of their fucking mind when they dreamed up this bullshit.
Feine13 t1_j8ko0wp wrote
Do we think adolescent aliens still complain to their parents that their sibling is hogging all the computer time?
leaky_wand t1_j8korpm wrote
But the science itself sounds interesting. It seems counterintuitive that a black hole could store information or be useful for computation. Can anyone eli5?
fritopiefritolay t1_j8kstu7 wrote
The money trees are the next planet over
chromium2439 t1_j8kx5cg wrote
No no no those are their gas stations.
[deleted] t1_j8kxbxa wrote
In-Cod-We-Thrust t1_j8ky4fu wrote
The World News said they’ve been using Uranus as a vpn.
[deleted] t1_j8kzyb9 wrote
find out how aliens use this one simple trick to mine UNLIMITED crypto using black hole NFTs.
moonpotatofries t1_j8l0pw7 wrote
We’ve sent the humans three care packages and they’ve shot them all down!
[deleted] t1_j8l6958 wrote
Tincastle t1_j8lapwp wrote
Is this similar idea to the Transcension Hypothesis?
There is a paper written by John M Smart close to this, where the ultimate form of an advanced civilization is to get smaller and smaller allowing for instantaneous computing power. Being near black holes, or that the civilization itself is the blackhole.
It’s a good read.
AnglerJared t1_j8law9l wrote
For trying to steal their anal probe work.
IvanAfterAll t1_j8lc0ku wrote
Why not both? Store the farts, use them later as fuel. Incredible efficiency.
[deleted] t1_j8lc5tm wrote
JustYourAvgJester t1_j8lc9r0 wrote
Im betting trash cans. I can't see anyone playing Crysis 13 on a wormhole computer.
okletmethink420 t1_j8lex3n wrote
Money trees are the perfect place for shade
Communications23 t1_j8lhtl0 wrote
In a recent study, random words are arranged into a grammatically correct sentence.
[deleted] t1_j8lhuy1 wrote
piman01 t1_j8lmutu wrote
I use my garage as a freezer in the winter
zushiba t1_j8lo1b1 wrote
Aliens might be too. Have you checked?
Segod_or_Bust t1_j8lphyw wrote
Ah, the Rimworld method of refrigeration
piman01 t1_j8lqxfe wrote
I'll check now
[deleted] t1_j8lv47v wrote
Gilded-Mongoose t1_j8lwj0q wrote
They “might” be using them as an inter dimensional flashlight too.
RockstarAgent t1_j8lxfsq wrote
Or fleshlights too
[deleted] t1_j8lxim2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8lycko wrote
Gilded-Mongoose t1_j8lz4wd wrote
Dammit that’s what I meant. Please don’t think of me as being as wholesome to have naught but flashlights on my mind. I beg thee.
Wdrussell1 t1_j8m9fzq wrote
I mean, I can see how this could be possible. Not the tech specifically but the idea. Black holes are super unpredictable to us right now but with the right tools you could likely modify this and get it to do simple calculations. But then further the tech and get actual computing out of the things.
Serpico99 t1_j8mbad7 wrote
Also hot planets as giant BBQ resorts
Brilliant_Noise_506 t1_j8md7ko wrote
Give this man his Nobel prize!
Ichofox t1_j8md8n4 wrote
Sounds like an SCP
JakeBeezy t1_j8mklru wrote
For anybody interested in this topic a YouTuber who goes deep into theoretical stuff exactly like this. YouTube handle is Isaac Arthur
Insane_Artist t1_j8msqqj wrote
I imagine the conversation went like this -
Physicists: "There is no credible evidence for extra-terrestrial life."
Science Journalist: "Could aliens be among us and they are just undetectable?"
Physicists: "Psh. I mean if you are going to say that then you might as well say that invisible gnomes are using moonbeams to make chutney. Hell, for all we know aliens could be using black holes as quantum computers."
Science Journalist: ...
YOU_WONT_LIKE_IT t1_j8mudcl wrote
Yes, why not.. they used Earth to hold all their idiots.
not_that_planet t1_j8n9o3w wrote
Sure. Because of all the, you know..., evidence we currently have.
Azreken t1_j8nlymt wrote
That’s just how I feel
IvanAfterAll t1_j8o1oqi wrote
Exactly. I believe this now counts as scientific consensus?
itsfunhavingfun t1_j8pq9og wrote
Come on! That’s ridiculous. Everyone knows turtles use ninja weapons.
magicMikeeee95 t1_j8pqcs3 wrote
Only the... uh... "slower" turtles...
Peesha_Deel t1_j8q0hq1 wrote
At this point, I'm pretty sure 'Physicists' are just making shit up.
Anindefensiblefart t1_j8qqj0g wrote
"Abraham Lincoln might have butt fucked your great great grandma." - historian
Sinistrahd t1_j8rulro wrote
Breaking News: Physicists Read Too Much Larry Niven
Embarrassed-Error182 t1_j90t5r3 wrote
Asking sincerely, why is this stupid?
[deleted] t1_j932ham wrote
[deleted] t1_j981z01 wrote
Gari_305 OP t1_j8hvwor wrote
From the Article
>In a recent study, a German-Georgian team of researchers proposed that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations (ETCs) could use black holes as quantum computers.
Also from the article
>The research was conducted by Gia Dvali, a theoretical physicist with the Max Planck Institute for Physics and the physics chair at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, and Zaza Osmanov, a professor of physics at the Free University of Tbilisi, and a researcher with the Kharadze Georgian National Astrophysical Observatory and the SETI Institute.
>The paper that describes their findings recently appeared online and is being reviewed for publication in the International Journal of Astrobiology.
Lastly from the article
>The research was conducted by Gia Dvali, a theoretical physicist with the Max Planck Institute for Physics and the physics chair at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, and Zaza Osmanov, a professor of physics at the Free University of Tbilisi, and a researcher with the Kharadze Georgian National Astrophysical Observatory and the SETI Institute.
>The paper that describes their findings recently appeared online and is being reviewed for publication in the International Journal of Astrobiology.