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jihadgis t1_ither1s wrote

We are probably on the same “side” with respect to “evangelicals” and “sexual orientation confusion” but we are definitely not on the same page when it comes to freedom of speech and the marketplace of ideas. Tearing that down is pretty offensive.


bl1nd_r00573r t1_ithh5y7 wrote

So, you didn't appreciate the idea that others could read that and form their own opinion? FFS!


phaenixx t1_ithlh73 wrote

“Casting Nets?” They’re saying the quiet part out loud again.


AppexRedditor t1_ithnzyt wrote

I don't think that's an appropriate response.


bugdude666 t1_itho3le wrote

Is their opinion that it’s stupid and sexual orientation is inherent to a person?

I’m all for religious institutions helping with addiction, depression, suicidal ideation - it’s the last one that makes me go “nuh-uh”. Kids don’t need to be told that they’re wrong for loving who they love. This has conversion camp vibes and that’s really fucked up.

I don’t respect people who seek to put down other people for being who they are.

E: I really don’t care if you downvote me, buddy, I just want an eloquent argument. Stick to your guns ffs


bugdude666 t1_ithp77h wrote

One could argue that posting the flyer in the first place is also very offensive. I’m not OP, but I’d probably have removed that flyer too. I am all for religious freedom and peoples freedom in general, but I grew up gay here and I’m fucking sick of this, because it comes at every angle. Conversion camps and similar are abuse. No argument. They are abuse. I understand why op had such a visceral response.


DidDunMegasploded t1_ithpk0m wrote

Alcoholic? Stop drinking! Depressed? Cheer up! Insomniac? Go to sleep! Not a heterosexual? Go love a heterosexual, for fuck's sake!


Alternative_Minute93 t1_iths0j3 wrote

Confused about your sexuality? Come to this event and have it be even more confusing.


mcCola5 t1_ithsd63 wrote

These types of religious groups are terrible. Claiming the solution to mental illnesses.

Religion can be good, for some, but this is dangerous. A religion needs to understand their place is outside of medicine and science.

People need therapy and medicine to deal with illness. Then a supportive social group like a church or whatever is great, but cannot be your solution.

As far as sexual orientation... religion needs to fuck right off on that. These people are living in the God damn stone ages.

Jesus loved unconditionally. If you want to help someone, don't judge them dont try to change them. Just help them. No preaching. Just kindness.


IamSauerKraut t1_ithyj1x wrote

I'd leave the flyer alone because how many folks are gonna see it anyway? And of those, how many will attend the blessed event? If the number is anywhere above zero, I'd be surprised.


dr_cl_aphra t1_iti1tcb wrote

Also… be set free from finding purpose? Wtf does that even mean?


teeceeinthewoods t1_iti2pwg wrote

Did about 5 minutes of research. This is something from some guy named Ted Robinson, also started with his wife Anna.

Looks like Ted is trying to repent for his sins of pornography, alcohol, tobacco, prostitutes, engaging in homosexual behavior, the list goes on and on.

Seems like this guy is doing a lot of work to pretend he isn't somebody who he is.


teeceeinthewoods t1_iti35kx wrote

Who wants to go down there and dress up in Halloween costumes and march around? Seems like a great activity for a Sunday afternoon.


New_Sun6390 t1_iti7qvl wrote

All this garbage on signs illegally posted on utility poles. That would be a $25 fine for each offense if LE would bother to do their jobs.


CannedLuncheonMeat t1_itic124 wrote

> Seems like this guy is doing a lot of work to pretend he isn't somebody who he is.

There's a lot of that going around, lately. Funny how this guy is pitied for it, and people encouraging his processes are villified.

Yet in other recently tumultuous contexts where people are not accepting who they really are, they're strongly encouraged for it, and anyone taking pity on them is villified.


Carolina-Hurricanes1 t1_itilxoi wrote

Torn down of course because i have the mentality of a child.


KnightsOfREM t1_itir3ee wrote

Oh boy, testimonies, be still my beating fucking heart, what if something happened to a person


xHospitalHorsex t1_itiu3kz wrote

As a Christian, thank you for tearing this stupid flyer down. These people don't know shit about Jesus.


Ebomb1 t1_itiw377 wrote

They're not curing gender identity confusion too? Weak-ass sauce from this so-called youth group.


LiveFree_NeverDie603 t1_itiy975 wrote

I’m kind with this guy . I think every thing in that poster is fucked up and that person is a moron…. However, I think it’s even more fucked up that you took it down. Let the brainwashable go get brainwashed. Or leave it up for people to go fuck with this numb skull. But you had no right to remove it cause your sensitivity.


weakenedstrain t1_itizko6 wrote

Akshully, the assholes who put it up on the utility pole had no right putting it there. OP was literally doing public service, regardless of whether you agree with the poster itself.

Bonus points it was advocating some Sky Daddy religious hate


Zxar t1_itj31db wrote

Saw one in Lewiston last week or so too.


bearcrevier t1_itj33qf wrote

They will just try to pray the gay away. Funny, in never works for their pastors and priests.


transmorgrifier t1_itj93zr wrote

The evangelists are the ones confused, not LGBTQIA+ people just living their lives.


TheGrandLemonTech t1_itj9sz7 wrote

Ugh, I looked up casting nets. What kind of "church" has an online merch store? I swear Evangelicals and Baptists give me the creeps.


bugdude666 t1_itjoo3q wrote

I’m totally fine with people voicing their opinions. They just have to realize that sometimes other people will voice their opinions back and not go all shocked pikachu when they’re called an asshole.

As for this flyer? I’m not a fan of child abuse, which is what conversion therapy is. That goes beyond what I find acceptable as an opinion.

E: since it wasn’t apparent, this flyer deserves to be taken down. This is abuse. I want to believe that my state will not be ok with fliers that promote hate, like this.


Wear_Overall t1_itk3926 wrote

Don’t know exactly why, but this post reminds me of a funny story. In the nascent days of this here World Wide Web (early ‘95), I lived with my cousin in a big artist loft. We were broke, so we’d go swipe the free AOL cd-Roms from the magazines at the newsstand to stay online. He was a PC guy and I’m a Mac guy and we each had our own phone lines, so we could both be online simultaneously. We would smoke a bunch of weed and go into evangelical chat rooms on AOL. One of us would play the priest and the other a crack head looking for redemption. We’d drag it out for hours, but inevitably the crack head’s description of crack euphoria would get the priest to fold and agree to leave the priesthood and try smoking crack. It would never work today, but in those days everyone was an internet noob. Those poor devout people would lose their damn minds as they watched the priest succumb to the dark side. We had a ton of fun.


92-pounds-of-man t1_itkiisk wrote

Awfully closed-minded of you for never having met or spoken to any of them.


boomajohn20 t1_itko14f wrote

“Be set free …… from finding purpose.”


Kissfan07 t1_itks2w0 wrote

Would you tear down a pride rally flyer?


SobeysBags t1_itksu6j wrote

Wait, conversion therapy is not illegal in the USA?


beentheredonethatlou t1_itkuee3 wrote

But if you tore it down is that what America is about now? No one is allowed THEIR own opinions?


DrGordonFreemanScD t1_itkx8ul wrote

Can you differentiate from mental illness, as opposed to just being fed up with the world? Because, quite frankly, I'm fed up with this world. I'm not physically, or mentally, ill. I'm just fed up. And the world isn't getting better, it's getting worse. Every single day.


Thanks for listening :)


GwynnethPoultry t1_itkxs2c wrote

You are giving out much more information about the event for people to go check out the organisation than that telephone pole would have ever reached. Why not tear it off the pole, pat yourself on the back, and keep it moving rather than help people be aware of the event?


monsterscallinghome t1_itl1buv wrote

Jesus? You mean the homeless, Jewish, Middle Eastern socialist who hangs out with lepers and whores? That Jesus?

These guys don't know him. They only know his asshole cousin, Supply-Side Jesus.


OmniMegaGiraffe t1_itmsesq wrote

I don't see my comment as petty. I didn't mean for it to be. I'm genuinely sorry you took it that way. I was thinking that there probably wouldn't be a telephone pole in Bangor that could be reasonably worded as "Near Hudson" and was asking if I was wrong. Then you came in with the insults


priceless37 t1_itmwjix wrote

A telephone pole in Hudson is reasonably close to Bangor…..It’s 4 towns away according to you. Where do you think people in Hudson shop? Bangor, not Houlton or Portland. In the state of Maine, 4 towns away is close by. So your comment came off as petty and picky.


OmniMegaGiraffe t1_itmzwwc wrote

I live across the swamp from Hudson and work in Bangor. It's a 30 minute drive. 20 if you take the interstate. I'm aware.

Now, do you want picky? Because I can get picky. People in this area mostly shop in either Orono or Old Town,depending on if they prefer IGA or Hannaford for their daily essentials. There may be a weekly trip to Wal-Mart in Bangor and I'll give you that


priceless37 t1_itn18jo wrote

So according to you they shop in Bangor once a week….. that would be shopping in Bangor. If you work in Bangor, good chance you shop in Bangor. There are no big box stores or malls in old town or Orono…. So they shop in Bangor. Keep being petty, you are proving my point


mediumeasy t1_itsoox0 wrote

there's a podcast called Emerge that deals with the collective grief/psychotic break humanity is experiencing in the face of ecological and societal collapse. it was the first place i heard the conversation start from a place i felt was truthful and so i find the messages of hope and comfort very compelling from Daniel Thorson and his guests

try this if anything i said appealed to you at all lol this episode starts really pedantic and mushmush but by the end it's like "is this what church is supposed to feel like or something? WOW"

otherwise there's memes

but no, you're probably not sick in the way you're asking imo