Submitted by Scion_Manifest t3_y9eptx in Music

Hello all! I’m currently looking for songs that aren’t full on rap (nothing wrong with rap, I’m just not a huge fan) but still have the lyrics sung very quickly. I use songs like this to have a fun warmup for my voice for a few events I do, and so any fun songs, particularly songs sung by a character within the song so to speak or just with a fun emphasis on the words would be great.

Just as an example, I’m looking for things kind of like the fast part of “Welcome to the internet”, but I would much rather get more general suggestions than for you to not put a song because your not certain if it qualifies 😁

Thanks for your time and any suggestions!!



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4tsixn2 t1_it557nf wrote

Tommy the Cat - Primus


Competitive_Vast9832 t1_it558q6 wrote

Anything from Lambert, Hendricks & Ross. My favourites are "Cloudburst", "Avenue C", and "Confirmation."


Fluffy_Munchkin t1_it55brc wrote

A particular section of Hardware Store by Weird Al.


DorShow t1_it55e2a wrote

Queen-Another One Bites The Dust Mairzy Doats - multiple musicians


Stacy_Ann_ t1_it55rbp wrote

Goin' Down - The Monkees

I've Been Everywhere - Johnny Cash


6loodGang t1_it55te4 wrote

The auctioneer song by Montgomery Gentry

Dirt Road Anthem by Jason Aldean

Cotton Eye Joe

I've been everywhere by Johnny Cash


deepdiver81 t1_it55xbp wrote

Sold (Grundy County Auction) by John Michael Montgomery


marinekai t1_it56ggv wrote

Not sure about speed, but Alec Benjamin is a pretty talented lyricist and his songs are almost like a tamer version of rap


release_the_wolves t1_it57m5u wrote

R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)


Nero3k t1_it57tfv wrote

Happy - Mudvayne. Towards the end there is a refrain that is really fast


Stacy_Ann_ t1_it583t5 wrote

I can sing Goin Down pretty comfortably. Even though a few lines are definitely a challenge I can still manage to get through the song all right. I've never been able to get through singing I've Been Everywhere, though. Some line always gets me tongue twisted and I have no idea how Johnny Cash manages to sing the chorus immediately afterwards like he does. I'm usually panting for breath at that point.


Adamant-Verve t1_it59pj8 wrote

Ian Gillan and Frank Marino like to blurt out lots of syllables in their uptempo songs: Gillan - unchain your brain. Frank Marino - Juggernaut. Just two examples, there are many more.

Another singer, completely different, who comes to mind is Al Jarreau. Try his live version of "Take Five". He is a vocal acrobat.


Grimm2020 t1_it59z6l wrote

Life is a Rock, by Reunion (1974)


Adamant-Verve t1_it5abx1 wrote

Oh! I forgot one: "Don't Cry (I'll be back before you know it baby)" - Ted Nugent


Hardrock_Fan_1007 t1_it5ag6n wrote

Back in Black- AC/DC. I always mess up the lyrics to this song.


JaymesGrl t1_it5azob wrote

Out Of Control by Rancid.

Spit It Out by Slipknot.

Portrait Of Karma by Circle Takes The Square.

Nazi Punks Fuck Off by Dead Kennedys.

Sadist Nation by Darkest Hour.

Suffer by Napalm Death.

Modern Man by Bad Religion.

Radio Cambodia by Glassjaw.

I should be able to think of thousands, but it's 2am in the UK and my mind is going blank.


PricelessLogs t1_it5cl58 wrote

Eyeless by Slipknot. But really any song from their self titled debut


giganano t1_it5etzm wrote

TOOL: Rosetta Stoned, at least the first couple of verses.


Gonzostewie t1_it5fwce wrote

Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues.

Eagles of Death Metal - Chase the Devil.

Jack White - Lazaretto


gregrph t1_it5fyt9 wrote

"Wart Hog" by The Ramones


sorengray t1_it5g6sb wrote

Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick blues

Judas Priest - Freewheel Burning

System of a down - Chop Suey


Tim-oBedlam t1_it5i4rs wrote

R.E.M. - It's The ENd of the World as We Know It. Great Big Sea covered it and did it even faster.

Speaking of Great Big Sea, Mari-Mac and their cover of Slade's Run Runaway go really fast as well.


Tim-oBedlam t1_it5ia8g wrote

If you like musicals, the canonical example might be "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General". Tom Lehrer borrowed the tune for his "Elements SOng" which is the name of all 102 elements then known to science rattled off to the same tune.


Iron_Chic t1_it5ibfv wrote

Got the Time - Joe Jackson

Get Out of Denver - Bob Seger


brandimariee6 t1_it5ldqk wrote

Angel by Shaggy, really anything by Shaggy


1RandomPers0n_ t1_it5qp1y wrote

Heavydirtysoul-Twenty One Pilots (idk if this couns as a rap song since the only fast part is the beginning im pretty sure)


steelgeek2 t1_it5t2cm wrote

Informer by Snow might count as rap but DAMN he is fast.


BrassOwlRing t1_it5wv6p wrote

I love both these tunes. Lehrer was an absolute genius; a true pioneer of the musical comedy genre. Listening to him as a kid was my first clue that music could be funny, but only if done at an extremely high level.


Bobcat522 t1_it5y3mg wrote

Too much monkey business by Chuck berry, subterranean homesick blues by Bob Dylan, pump it up by elvis costello


ToxicAdamm t1_it61s1t wrote

Once you make the playlist, you have to listen to it at 1.5x speed.


AverageJoestar t1_it6586n wrote

If you're into something more jammy, Going to Mars by Judah


larsonmars t1_it65sr8 wrote

Twenty One Pilots- Stressed Out or HeavyDirtySoul OR Blondie- Rapture ( I’m 64, so go easy.


ColonelGonvilleToast t1_it66uo9 wrote

A lot of Sparks songs from "Kimono My House", "Propaganda", and "Indiscreet" have this. I'll even say I only really began to enjoy most of the songs once I read the lyrics because Russell Mael sings really quickly and in a high register most of the time.


MeisterHauHobbies t1_it674hm wrote

Subterranean Homesick Blues - Bob Dylan

Pruning Shears - The Amazing Devil (not super fast, but still fast)

Secret Worlds - The Amazing Devil

Several of Javert's songs songs in Les Mis have fast lyrics or sections

Numerous Irish songs, such as The Irish Rover and The Rocky Road to Dublin, but especially Step It Out Mary and Marie's Wedding, all by the High Kings. Of course Rattling Bog takes the cake here; any version gets incredibly (we're talking ~140 BPM for the slow parts) fast.


Brillo65 t1_it6a7xs wrote

REM The end of the world as we know it and I feel fine


sq1tl t1_it6at9z wrote

Stone Cold Crazy - Queen (specifically the live at Houston version, Freddie goes twice the speed of sound in that one)


Lagerdan t1_it6d31c wrote

Everything everything - no reptiles. Impossibly fast in the beginning


kambinks t1_it6dhat wrote

Gnr- rigt next door to hell


MistahBoweh t1_it6dtar wrote

Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked is great for this. Has fast lyric delivery, but plenty of pause between each line, and some fun delivery too.


horschdhorschd t1_it6qklx wrote

Hard to Handle - Black Crowes version (Originally by Otis Redding)


JM-E- t1_it6redp wrote

A lot of songs by Bomb the Music Industry


deelyte3 t1_it6spge wrote

New Religion - Duran Duran


DryFly1975 t1_it6wu4o wrote

“You Suffer” Napalm Death


LocalConspiracy138 t1_it6xaug wrote

The Black Crowes - Hard to Handle Dead Kennedys- Chickenshit Comformist


DinnerDiva61 t1_it77jez wrote

R.E.M. The End of the World As we Know It (and I Fell Fine) has really fast lyrics


barbradythethird t1_it797io wrote

Mari-mac - Great Big Sea

Mari Mac

Rattlin-bog - The Irish Descendents


It seems like Canadian folk-rock bands are going to be well-represented on this list.


siiebren t1_it7hnj8 wrote

Hunt the Dinosaur - Destructo


prettynoxious t1_it7iw0n wrote

Arctic Monkeys debut album and some tracks like Fluorescent Adolescent and Pretty Visitors


Swami48 t1_it7km90 wrote

Robin - Swami / Ableton - Swami


MerkuryJP t1_it7tdt9 wrote

Archspire's entire discography


TheFinalTrance t1_it7ubcs wrote

Oh my fucking god by Strapping young lad 😂


NoireStar97 t1_it7wmvq wrote

Be Somebody - Fulton Lee

Very catchy pop song


NoireStar97 t1_it7xaaj wrote

The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Charlie Daniels