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Open_Veins_8 OP t1_ja9dyu3 wrote

The two heads of the extremist group's local chapter gave an enlightening interview last week about the “battle of good and evil” they are fighting. God help us.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_ja9gwjp wrote

They're not insane, it's just a bunch of bullshit they spew to justify hurting people they hate and forcing their will on everyone else.

For the Qanon people, they do not want to imprison pedophiles so they're attacking Democrats; they want to attack Democrats, so they paint them all as pedophiles and child traffickers.
They'll repeat any bullshit that gets them what they want, because words have no meaning to them.


No-Setting9690 t1_ja9h2tf wrote

“Right now as we speak there are demonic adults recruiting, brainwashing, and participating in unconscionable behaviors with children, and every one of you know it.”

I think this every time I see Christianity.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_ja9hr69 wrote

Nah, they just don't care about truth or fiction, they'll say whatever gets them what they want.
Jean-Paul Sartre wrote this about a different kind of bigot a lifetime ago, but the meaning still stands:
> Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


They hate gay people, if smearing all gay people as child abusers gets them the outcome they want they'll do it, even though the idea is absurd.


AgentDaxis t1_ja9iv38 wrote

Anyone who spends this much time accusing people of being pedophiles are likely pedophiles themselves.


thediesel26 t1_ja9lda7 wrote

Anytime an org is called XX for Liberty or something you can assume its goals are exactly opposite the definition of liberty. Kind of like how the more references to democracy and ‘the people’ there are in a country’s name, the less democratic they tend to be.

Like, the People’s Republic of China or the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.


bdschuler t1_ja9lj0m wrote

While it is easy and understandable to get angry at these people.. instead feel blessed that it is them and not you. I cannot fathom living even a single moment in the world these people think they live in.

While this could be just people making up bull to get what they want.. I think it is far more likely these people have lost touch with reality and actually believe what they are saying. That must be torture.

So I won't get mad at them.. but instead feel sad for them. I hope they get the help they need.


awuweiday t1_ja9ml21 wrote

Me thinks they doth protest too much


akennelley t1_ja9mlun wrote

I blame those goddam Left Behind books for this shit. Someone should...ban them.


tyrael459 t1_ja9n5i3 wrote

It sucks because, let’s all be honest, yea, there are some deranged adults out there who prey on kids. So that modicum of truth is all these people need to blanket-statement everyone involved in schools or even “the left” as Tromba is quoted in the interview.

I will never speak for God, but I will say that I have a hunch God doesn’t want to be invoked in a flimsy way as justification to hurt people who aren’t like you, let alone cast as “evil” half of the country who doesn’t vote like you do.


RoyOfCon t1_ja9ssdi wrote

“You gotta be ready for battle. So put on the full armor of God. Take a stand against the left’s schemes. Stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around your waist. You will face fire from flaming arrows, but the shield of faith will protect you.”

So they got magic armor kind of like a fantasy character?


IamSauerKraut t1_ja9v9o9 wrote

Are MOL wacked, mentally ill, or just the type that never matured beyond 7th grade?


Randomename65 t1_ja9xrod wrote

Speaking of which, if anyone lives in the West Shore School District I could use some more signatures. While you only need 10, it is recommended you get 3-5 times as many incase they are challenged.

Edit: I need Republican signatures most of all since School Board is one of the few offices you can cross file.


SWPenn t1_ja9y9zs wrote

And yet these people "for liberty" are silent when little kids get their brains blown out in school shootings.


akennelley t1_jaa14gs wrote

I mean yeah, in the sense of it's a small example of a much bigger amalgam of other things that drive people to delusions of demons and angels fighting it out in such a dramatic fashion.

Imo, if such beings exist, I'd imagine these things are dealt with in sternly worded conversations, rather than firey swords and big sweeping Hollywood theatrics.

But yeah, Left Behind was just low hanging fruit for a sarcastic remark.


gentlemenjim72 t1_jaa4zwx wrote

These people are absolutely insane. Seriously deranged. And it because they know how awful they are and how far they would go to force people to submit to their will. They assume everyone is like that. Could you imagine finding not being a dick so challenging you lose your mind?


Empty_Nest_Mom t1_jaa9fpx wrote

Yup, The Crazy is really picking up in CBSD (I live just a few minutes down the road) We're working really hard to make sure our district (that borders CB) doesn't catch it!!!


defusted t1_jaafqg7 wrote

Remember when you used to be able to shit up idiots like this by saying "where's your proof"? Now they fully admit they have no proof but it sounds right.


artful_todger_502 t1_jaagmrk wrote

Everything these radical social avengers do is projection. Every. Single. One.

Every accusation is a confession.


ResidentComplaint19 t1_jaan1cs wrote

It’s so weird how I’m like one school district away from this and the parents in my district don’t not show any signs that they’re like this. Maybe central bucks is a little more rural? I just don’t get it.


pa_curious_mom t1_jaasht2 wrote

Nah. I don’t feel sorry for them. Not when they push their hatred into the schools. They defame good teachers and librarians, they malign kids who aren’t their exact image, and they seek to turn public schools into their own publicly funded Christian schools. I don’t care if they never get the help they need quite frankly. That’s not my battle. I just want them to stop targeting our schools and our kids. (Caveat: I am a school board member who has been in the local chapters cross hairs for nearly two years. Fun times)


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_jaawy3o wrote

Odd that only republicans are so obsessed with child sex but consistently do very little to make life better for children.


ktappe t1_jabfi0t wrote

It’s hard to know if they truly believe this. It may well be that they are leveraging this pedophilia angle to simply gain more power. They don’t care who they hurt in the process.


stevez_86 t1_jacg04b wrote

Another take on that is Orwell's thoughts on double speak. Politics of the English Language is excellent for understanding how fascists love doublespeak because they get to speak the truth to their cohort but demand the benefit of the doubt from others.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_jachrf1 wrote

How much does anyone want to bet none of these people voted for the guy who made a living putting pedophiles behind bars?


HeyZuesHChrist t1_jacigf4 wrote

You can't and that's the problem. When people believe their beliefs are divine you cannot reason with them. You cannot even talk to them. No amount of reality will ever trump believing their beliefs come from an infallible god.


drunkmonkey176 t1_jacv192 wrote

Jesus: "You love them, like I loved you. Make sure you take care of them and don't judge them."

Y'all Qauda: "But wat if der gay and wurship otter gods?"

Jesus: "Did I fucking stutter?"


themollusk t1_jacw6pp wrote

>Anytime an org is called XX for Liberty or something you can assume its goals are exactly opposite the definition of liberty.

Same for orgs that include "freedom" and "patriots/patriot/patriotic"

Jamie Barton, a freshman state rep from Schuylkill County, was a board member of the Berks County Patriots group before getting elected last fall. (Who knows, maybe he still is, since conflicts of interest are draws to them!)

It's nothing short of a little homegrown domestic terrorist incubator. They don't stand for anything beyond their neighbors who don't agree with them being the enemy. When Dan Meuser first ran in 2018, he was a guest at one of their meetings and stated that liberals/the left are the greatest threat to national security this nation had ever seen.

They're nothing more than a hate group.

My line of thinking re: this nomenclature extends to business, too. Patriot Gutters, etc? Probably run by Someone who's nationalistic at best, maga at worst.

Anyone who calls themselves a patriot, isn't.


artisanrox t1_jacwgay wrote

We REALLY need to keep neonazis screeching about pedophilia everyhwere they go away from...everything.


drxdrg08 t1_jaczl6u wrote

> Anytime an org is called XX for Liberty or something you can assume its goals are exactly opposite the definition of liberty. Kind of like how the more references to democracy and ‘the people’ there are in a country’s name, the less democratic they tend to be.

Does this observation apply to all the initiatives and ideas that include words like "equity", "equality" and the like?


Zenith2017 t1_jad1cr3 wrote

Pro life but oppose any policy benefitting other poor people

Pro religion but only when it's theirs

Pro gun to protect themselves and their families, nevermind that it directly puts them in more danger

Anti gay because they're all "groomers" but love the church and the boy scouts

Anti public school but they're happy to send their kids to one

The list goes on


RanchAndGreaseFlavor t1_jadaz85 wrote

Boobert! 🤣

I was thinking yesterday, “Man, she’s got some huge tits.” I’m sure she pushes them up as well. She knows exactly what she’s doing.

But that’s classic republican ladies climbing the ladder. Not the boobs so much as basically the best looking they could be and definitely white, because the old white guys that hold the keys to her advancement get their kicks chatting it up girls that remind them of when they were dating a hundred years ago. Big knockers is just a bonus.

It’s in politics and professional school. It also pisses off the rest of the people in professional school, in my case, because these ladies get more of the professor’s extremely limited time, and because he wants to chat her up, he’ll also give her better grades just for existing.

Once we graduate, though, these bimbos probably should just go into politics as a Boobert, because they didn’t learn anything in school.

Brilliant strategy, Booberts of the world! Might wanna have a plan B for when your face falls off. Just an idea.


derycksan71 t1_jadh0ow wrote

Intent? Can you prove this? Unfortunately, public school systems have even higher rates of sexual abuse than private or church communities. Predators seek opportunity to work with children and they're in employment in every sector.


arkol3404 t1_jae07dg wrote

Do these people actually believe this, or is it just something crazy they say to force their agenda through?