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Wuz314159 t1_jduo3xz wrote

News on the internet moves like lightning.


Imprettystrong t1_jduunfn wrote

Pretty intense explosion. I’ll be watching this for a cause or reason as to how this happened. But I’m putting my finger on deregulation. Since profits matter way more than anything else in the US, like making sure your facilities don’t explode.


ewyorksockexchange t1_jdux2f4 wrote

My bet is on a dust explosion. Look up Imperial Sugar to see how devastating those kind of explosions can be. The root cause is typically poor housekeeping and process engineering, creating an environment where airborne dust reaches a combustible concentration in a closed space and finds an ignition source.


30686 t1_jduyqa9 wrote

One report I saw, maybe the Reading Eagle, said the Easter production rush was over, most Easter candy essentially having already been shipped to their customers.


30686 t1_jduywky wrote

850 people out of work.


Derpadoooo t1_jduznn4 wrote

If only our country had enough excess wealth to take care of these people so that being able to work isn't their main concern after an explosion killed 7 of their colleagues.


No-Setting9690 t1_jdv1rdv wrote

I'm across street from it. Best view point. So obviously we have news crew in the parking lot this morning.


vrpornisquitegreat t1_jdv4ndz wrote

Why could I swear this exact same thing happened last year? I saw this post and someone else post it yesterday, but swear I saw that video and heard about this months ago. They didn't have it happen twice there right?

Edit: It was most likely an unrelated explosion in Reading last year that I am remembering.


ho_merjpimpson t1_jdv7add wrote

There was news that the co-workers were doing a balloon launch for the victims. I swear to fuck if I die, and people litter in my name I'll come back and haunt every single one of them.


namvet67 t1_jdv92hr wrote

I worked at a distribution center for another company, but l will bet the Easter candy was made 4-5 months ago. Go to any grocery store or national drug chain they have that stuff on the shelves months in advance. I know where l worked they will start shipping “ back to school “ by the end of April or at least have a lot of it picked and staged.


Relax007 t1_jdvc0qv wrote

Yeah, I know it’s out early, I just didn’t know when it stopped being made. Hell, I’ve already seen Mother’s Day flowers and balloons. Which is confusing since they will be long dead and deflated before May.


ho_merjpimpson t1_jdvehpn wrote

I'm only cool with it if it is full window, AND incorporates both deer antlers and angel wings... ideally with some tyle of tribal pattern to tie it all together, but we don't have to nitpick about details.


SaffronsTootsies t1_jdvgw32 wrote

I really wish companies would stop pushing crap out so early for all of the holidays. I feel like it takes away from the anticipation when Halloween stuff is out in August. Plus the rush for Christmas every year just makes me anxious. It’s like they’re threatening you in the commercials. “You know… CHRISTMAS is right around the corner waiting for you!”


shakenbk t1_jdvm971 wrote

The concept of reporting a gas leak and the gas company being like “it’s cool, you can continue to work” is insane. Anyone who has ever reported a gas leak knows the moment you can smell gas they tell you to get the fuck out.


NurseVooDooRN t1_jdvmkcz wrote

The gas company has said that they were not notified of a leak or the smell of gas. It was the Plant management that told employees that it was being handled. How it was being handled is anyone's guess at this point.


pwnedkiller t1_jdvq5di wrote

Wonka’s exploding candy is at it again.


Askarus t1_jdvs68h wrote

wonka's greed got the better of him this time.


FancyRobot t1_jdvwufv wrote

Reading had union chocolate jobs, it was called Ludens... that factory's jobs were exported to China over a decade ago. The only chocolate factory to move out of the city. Woo unions

Edit: We're heading down the Reddit sinkhole, no counter arguments given but the narrative must still persist in all its purity, the down votes have begun to rain down. An entire town and its generational trauma from union jobs leaving simply cannot understand the brilliance of "just unionizing" from people who likely aren't employed. We're just sheeple!


reverendsteveii t1_jdw5ntg wrote

>"R.M. Palmer has been a presence in the community for decades now," West Reading Borough Council Vice President Phil Wert said Saturday, donating candy to Easter egg hunts and giving back to the community. He said it's the first responders' and elected officials' responsibility "to give back to them because they've given to us."

I gotta say that making sure that first responders understand their responsibility to the factory owners is a Fucking. Bold. Take. Doubly so if it's true as-reported that employees told supervisors that they smelled gas and were told to get back to work about it.


jday1959 t1_jdw72qt wrote

Look behind every industrial catastrophe and you will find that government Regulations were weakened or eliminated a few years previously.

It’s as certain as the sun rising in the East.

Wall Street: Regulations kill jobs Real Life: Deregulation kills people


FancyRobot t1_jdw74x4 wrote

Left Reading in 2009, didn't hire a single new person since the early 90s, only temps when they needed it. Please tell me more about Ludens though! Almost my entire family worked there, thus I need a proper education from Reddit on the plant


ronreadingpa t1_jdwavts wrote

Ditto. Balloon releases harm animals and pollutes the landscape. Unless they intend to collect every released balloon and properly dispose of them afterwards. Not likely.

EDIT: Deleted firefighters part, since they're not involved with this.

What's next, flying flaming lanterns, releasing doves, etc. Better they spend money and time on something more productive to help victims.


ronreadingpa t1_jdwfy04 wrote

Which pays about 1/2 of their normal wage. Assuming building 1 can be repaired quickly, might be a minor economic hit for workers. However, it seems inevitable that some workers will be let go.

My view is, the company should purchase the large building (assuming they don't own now) fronting Penn Ave, demolishing it all and build a new facility to replace building 2. It would provide better visibility of their presence (not really important, but a nice plus), more manufacturing capacity, and more jobs.


ronreadingpa t1_jdwh7fr wrote

Not just factories either. The Wyomissing Post Office was destroyed in 1979 by a natural gas explosion. (great site by the way)

While not a fan of places outlawing gas, it does have some benefits. All-electric is safer. For manufacturing, electricity is often a viable replacement, but requires different equipment and processes. So can't fault companies sticking with what they have and know.


Dismal-Radish-7520 t1_jdwhtkj wrote

The local gas places were quoted as saying they had no notices from management about any gas leaks that day. Possibly could be a small bit of misinformation getting passed around in articles, but it did see that often when reading about it.


Dismal-Radish-7520 t1_jdwil2z wrote

People are quoted as saying that people had to go outside from time to time because the smell was so bad. One dude they interviewed (I think Reading Eagle) said he went out to get fresh air and stopped mid-way to where he was walking and the explosion happened in front of him. He said if he kept walking, he may have died. Maybe some dramatic flair for clicks but still completely believable. Absolutely terrifying.


ronreadingpa t1_jdwj1ds wrote

If true, not evacuating is inexcusable. Likewise, with not turning off the gas to building 2. Would have lost some production, but better than the entire structure blowing up plus damaging building 1 too.

WFMZ 69 coverage is decent, but notice they've been disabling comments on some of the related articles. Maybe afraid of ruffling the wrong feathers. That's the issue with small-time news media. Trust WPVI 6 and WGAL 8 coverage more along with posts here on Reddit from people actually involved, but I digress.

In time the truth will come out. Most likely a natural gas leak, but could have been more complicated than that. Maybe a boiler explosion due to some fault releasing gas to atmosphere, which would have similar results.


ronreadingpa t1_jdwjs4p wrote

Doubt it. Takes a lot of dust to explode that violently. Not saying it's not possible, but seems highly unlikely for what they made there. Probably a gas explosion. Either directly from accumulated gas or a boiler that experienced a fault releasing gas that led to explosion.


ronreadingpa t1_jdwlbn4 wrote

Comes across as don't look too hard for the cause. Keep talk of it on the downlow. For a smaller-scale incident, would likely work.

However, this is national news, so the details will come out. West Reading officials have done a decent job overall managing the situation, but are way out of their league if seeking to cover things up. Truth will come out.

As for what the company does, my hunch and hope is they promptly settle with everyone affected with fair payouts, rebuilds building 2 bigger and better (expand out to Penn Ave), and gets back to business with a stronger focus on safety.


blind_wisdom t1_jdwql3d wrote

Ok. Even then, they probably lost friends. Their life is likely going to have a dramatic change, at least to some degree. And they have a fuck ton to be angry about. None of this would have happened if they didn't.

Literally everybody should be 'complaining' right now.


VenomB t1_jdwrmko wrote

>Literally everybody should be 'complaining' right now.

About what?

Because my comment is specifically about people complaining that these people are out of a job with 0 support available, which is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with your feelings or any one else's. Instead of actually looking into the choices they have to move forward, people would rather just complain that there are none while there are. That's the only thing I'm talking about.

So sure, complain. Just don't sound like a moron while ya do it.


T_tessa41 t1_jdwzvxr wrote

Please allow me to clarify. The employees held a fundraiser for the fire department. The fire department did not release any balloons. They were busy dealing with search and rescue. I’m not even sure the ballon portion was with the fundraiser or a separate thing. I personally would have delivered coffee, water, snacks to the firefighters…. But hey, their hearts were in the right place ?!?! Maybe?


SeptasLate t1_jdx15q2 wrote

There's ways to complain about this situation without using the tragedy for people to get on a soapbox about their preferred political issue.

Better workers/unemployment benefits are needed and important but we don't even know what unemployment/benefits the workers will have access to. People are fired up over a hypothetical.


radiowave911 t1_jdxdg3v wrote

This is about coworkers of those that died in the plant. The balloon launch may or may not have been in conjunction with a fundraiser for the firefighters. The firefighters were not involved - other than as the recipient of fundraiser proceeds. They (the firefighters) did not launch balloons.

This is about the coworkers from the factory launching balloons.


radiowave911 t1_jdxe25x wrote

Sometimes that is needed to help with the overall tragedy. Doesn't really bother me, either. Of course, I am not local to Reading (60 - 90 minutes - depending on how I go). This may be seen in a whole different light (dark?) by those closer to West Reading.


BigoofingSad t1_jdxozi5 wrote

That doesn't sound like a union problem. That sounds like a shit company that didn't want anymore union workers, then moved to china for the sake of profits. Unions are great for employees, bad for employers.


ho_merjpimpson t1_jdxsifr wrote

Grieving is not an excuse to litter. It's not like we're chanting it in the middle of them grieving. It's an internet forum where we're allowed to comment on things that we disagree with. In this case, "RedDit gRoUPtHiNK ", is just a popular opinion that progressive young Reddit is sick of seeing old boomers do out of shitty tradition. Sorry, not sorry.


blind_wisdom t1_jdxz6er wrote

Ok. I get your point. It probably wasn't the best time to comment on the survivors' job prospects like op did.

However, I don't think that it's unreasonable to talk about that in other contexts. I'm sure people will look for resources. People don't just give up and go "guess I'll starve, then. But I'm gonna complain about it."

I think people who are complaining probably have experienced (or seen) unfair treatment of workers. They have a right to voice grievances.


Knichols2176 t1_jdxzylh wrote

Why do I feel this is related to rushing production for Easter? I hope I’m wrong and greed didn’t cause this. The company is responsible and should be paying for every related need! Why do the companies get to have socialism but people can’t?


ho_merjpimpson t1_jdy2atp wrote

"blaming" boomers? Lol.

Gender reveals being stupid and/or bad doesn't suddenly excuse balloon releases, and reddit sure as shit doesn't like those either..

Like, do you seriously think I wouldn't have something to say if the source of the littering was from confetti or some shit? And it wouldn't be just as popular of a comment? Know why? Cause littering is bad and your grief(or celebration) doesn't excuse you.

Keep trying though, I guess.


mistreatedlewis t1_jdy3q7j wrote

I was blocks away from this while it was going on. Not going to forget it.


ho_merjpimpson t1_jdyenq3 wrote

>saying boomers blame group think as a shitty tradition

Work on reading comprehension, because that's not what I'm saying.

>following a shitty tradition of blaming boomers.

If blaming boomers for a tradition, that originated in the boomer generation, that boomers refuse to let die, despite knowing it's a harmful tradition... is shitty, then I'm proud to be shitty.


HogwartsKate t1_jdyknbi wrote

I lived in Millmont area when an entire block blew up from a gas leak. No one had gas. It was the degraded underground pipes from heavy truck traffic creating a leak that fill an open space and leaked into basements. Guy comes home from work, inserts key in door, static of metal click or flip of light switch —-boom as he opened the door. Lost his entire family. UGI was called. Didnt find it in time. No boomer released any balloons. Balloons are so 1980s! Boomers taught us how to eat with a fork !


SneedyK t1_jdyqvi7 wrote

Man, I’m starting to get a complex about all these buildings that explode in wyomissing/Reading area.

Would anyone hazard a guess if it’s safe for me to go see my doctors? Or shit, idk. Maybe the hospital’s due for an explosion by this point.

Kinda interested to know if anyone reading along here knows any specialists that perform surgical procedures out on a nice, sunny green lawn! May means it’s time for my colonoscopy/endoscopy checkup again.


namvet67 t1_je07al3 wrote

I know, so many people think you make Easter candy 3 weeks before Easter. I know you guys make it then store it for a while then it goes to a warehouse somewhere then to Giant or Rite Aid then to their back rooms and then on to the shelf.


ho_merjpimpson t1_je5yxpy wrote

Ahh yes. Gen x which started in the early 1980s. I remember when everyone was like. Hey fellow 2 year olds. Lets gather en masse and release garbage into the air. It will be a grand time.

The people starting the trend were the parents, not the toddlers, dumbass.