Submitted by dangaaaaazone t3_xx8vkt in Pennsylvania
MacDynamite71 t1_irap11p wrote
Ducklegram t1_irap1sp wrote
I’m going to hear what that dead guy has to say. Surely he has the most insight on being RE-Awakened and Reset.
Doctor_Joystick t1_irap24z wrote
Are you telling me Eric Trump, Roger Stone, Pvt Mike Flynn and Mike Lindell are going to be in a place that usually hosts kids sporting events on the weekends? I knew it! The Republican pedo cabal is real and they're coming to PA to drink our children's blood!!!
DogAssss69 t1_irap2pc wrote
Intrigued for Goat Man, fascinated about the actual ghost man.
Doctor_Joystick t1_irapc72 wrote
I just zoomed in on the presenters. Jim Breuer is going to be there. What a turd that guy turned out to be.
Escobarhippo t1_irapdqd wrote
Carnival of Crazy.
BeltfedOne t1_iraq2ys wrote
*Oathbreaker Mike Flynn. FTFY.
Plane_Vanilla_3879 t1_iraqx0y wrote
A threat to democracy
Plane_Vanilla_3879 t1_irar5s4 wrote
Cancel them
LordKaraka12 t1_irar826 wrote
u/LetsPlayCanasta can’t wait for this
Plane_Vanilla_3879 t1_irar9tv wrote
Does Antifa know about this?
axeville t1_irargzg wrote
Give us your money. Alllll your money. To prevent the evil govt from taking it from you. Lol.
Will there be hats and buttons and blankets to purchase ? You bet there will!!! Stock up now Christmas is around the corner. Fight back in the war on Christmas with some genuine Trump is Jesus flags!!! Lmao 🤣. Do we take credit cards? You bet! Why not donate to our legal defense fund while you're at it! We need YOUR money!!!
This is such a naked money grab I can't believe how many people think this is legit politics. A political rally doesn't charge admission fees (you dumbass).
LetsPlayCanasta t1_irarumg wrote
I see I'm living rent free in your head, in other subs no less.
LordKaraka12 t1_iras7lf wrote
I’m sure you’ll enjoy this event like you enjoyed Jan 6th!
BadRabiesJudger t1_iras7o2 wrote
Matt gaetz breathing heavily in the background
BadRabiesJudger t1_irasblx wrote
Mammoth_Ad6110 t1_irasowz wrote
The comedian? I didn't know he got sucked up in the Qult
BigDaddyCaddy68 t1_irasp06 wrote
“Team America.” 🙄 Fuck off
winkytinkytoo t1_iratesp wrote
I see gullibility on multiple levels.
Unethical_GOP t1_iratgp5 wrote
Except Reverend Warnock.
MachoKingMadness t1_iratpc0 wrote
Based on your post history Biden apparently owns the deed to yours.
LetsPlayCanasta t1_iraueuq wrote
Funny...I don't check your post history at all.
knitwell t1_irauf9c wrote
Too late for that.
realhighstonerguy t1_iraufzh wrote
*Traitor Mike Flynn. FTFY
MachoKingMadness t1_iraujoj wrote
CoyoteBalls t1_irauwqq wrote
I could be wrong but shouldn’t it say “Gen Flynn & Team America are coming to Pennsylvania”, not …..“is coming to America”?
The_Wizard_of_Bwamp t1_iraw00h wrote
He's nervous, palms are sweaty. Hoping everyone one just does a forget-y.
Copy3dit0r t1_iraw4f1 wrote
Can we get them all in and build a wall to keep them there?
MikeTV3708 t1_iraxw4b wrote
You know how sometimes a business owner will set his business on fire to collect the insurance money? Yeah, this is pretty much that
kiddestructo t1_irazfci wrote
Menagerie of Morons.
piperonyl t1_irb0arl wrote
I'm not even mad at them. If people are that stupid to give you their money for this gibberish then they deserve it. The sheep should be sheared.
hedgerow_hank t1_irb1s86 wrote
"General" Flynn and "team America"...???
The guy put in prison for treason until trump let him out?
Team America???
It's a good thing republicans are stupid as snail poop else they MIGHT get suspicious that they're being played.
Alfa505 t1_irb1tas wrote
Cancel them just like Martins Potato Rolls, i now only buy bread from California land of the biggest Shapiro donors
BureaucraticHotboi t1_irb1u4a wrote
The venn diagram between graphic designers who make these posters and graphic designers who make posters for club appearances for washed up rappers is a circle
hedgerow_hank t1_irb1y9t wrote
This IS antifa. It's a trap.
hedgerow_hank t1_irb20rb wrote
Ah! I see antifa has set a clever trap!
Of course the attendees will all be scanned for facial recognition and compared against the FBI database for the Jan-6 terrorist attack.
Good thinking antifa - good thinking!
ilikeyoureyes t1_irb2h16 wrote
Hey we can knock Manheim, but last night I was at their farm show parade, and for the first time in the many years I've attended, I heard silence when the republican party float went by, and cheers when the democrat party float went by. I went to a wedding the other weekend and on our trip through rural Lancaster county, the Fetterman/Shapiro yard signs outnumbered the Oz/Mastriano ones significantly, which was another first for me in this area.
beezer210 t1_irb2nrv wrote
Cool, except I’m sure they wouldn’t want me…
JennItalia269 t1_irb34uf wrote
Lol. World’s worst circle jerk.
drakeschaefer t1_irb38fm wrote
He's always been a turd. He just got a lot of goodwill from Chappelle and Half-Baked.
Persephysus t1_irb3kls wrote
Nightmare blunt rotation
Mijbr090490 t1_irb3wsa wrote
Plenty of bakers in PA that don't support insurrectionists.
drakeschaefer t1_irb41em wrote
If it's "Gen Flynn" & "Team America" like 2 subjects, then it's are
If it's "Gen Flynn & Team America", 1 subject, then it would be is
Think of it like musical groups:
Hughie Lewis and The News is coming to town
Megadeth and Slayer are coming to town
EDIT: This is the only bit of educational content you'll get from the event by the way.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_irb45wz wrote
How many times can they move the goalposts before these mentally challenged cult members get it?
The answer is infinity. Remember when Trump was undercover to expose the pedophile ring run by John Podesta? Hillary, Obama and all of the others were going to be arrested? Womb womp.
How many times was Trump going to be reinstated? JFK was coming back to Dallas twice already.
The people who attend these events are the dumbest pieces of shit our country has to offer. I’m half tempted to just become an internet Q celebrity to grift millions from these fucking suckers.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_irb4hy1 wrote
He doesn’t tell jokes anymore. He literally goes on stage and yells and screams like a lunatic about Q conspiracies. It’s wild.
Azr431 t1_irb4hyr wrote
That’s genius on their part. They get some rube pastors in their pockets and they get free advertising to large groups of people.
lauriegia t1_irb4wj2 wrote
Was curious about the who "Dr." Stella Immanuel is.
From Wikipedia:
>Medical and other claims
Immanuel's medical claims are sometimes combined with her spiritual beliefs: she believes many gynecological illnesses are the result of having sex dreams with succubi and incubi, and receiving demon sperm; and that endometriosis, infertility, miscarriage, and sexually transmitted infections are caused by spirit spouses.[5][2] In a 2015 sermon, Immanuel said space alien DNA is used in medical treatments and that "reptilian spirits" and other extraterrestrials run the U.S. government.[2][12] The same year, she also said Illuminati are using witches to destroy the world through abortion, gay marriage, children's toys, and media, including Harry Potter, Pokémon, Wizards of Waverly Place and Hannah Montana. In another 2015 sermon, she said scientists are developing vaccines to stop people from being religious.
Wow, just wow.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_irb4xe5 wrote
The first one never happened so this is the reawakening. They figured out that they can’t keep moving the goalposts so they just rebooted the whole thing.
WikiSummarizerBot t1_irb4y6k wrote
>Stella Gwandiku-Ambe Immanuel (born 1965) is a Cameroonian-American physician and pastor. In mid-2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a video went viral on social media platforms in which Immanuel said hydroxychloroquine can cure COVID-19, and that public health measures such as social distancing and the wearing of face masks are ineffective and unnecessary. The platforms removed Immanuel's videos and posts, which they said promote misinformation related to the pandemic.
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Boomer70770 t1_irb52yx wrote
The poor man's Michael Winslow.
HeyZuesHChrist t1_irb53e1 wrote
porksoda11 t1_irb53xl wrote
The Q-anon Anonymous guys just did a podcast about this tour, it's worth a listen. It's pretty batshit.
Boomer70770 t1_irb5d95 wrote
Every ticket comes with 5 My Pillows and 1 My Conspiracy Hat.
ThisIsMyPaAccount t1_irb6gx7 wrote
People need to stop giving spooky nook money. They are scumbags even before this.
carrigan_quinn t1_irb6j14 wrote
Fucking Christ this is just straight up embarrassing
ROTLA t1_irb74q7 wrote
*Spouses under 16 get in for free!
-Mr_Rogers_II t1_irb7jzy wrote
Is this real?
BountifulScott t1_irb89a4 wrote
Yeah his set is him yelling about vaccinations. The crowd eats it up.
ramvan t1_irb8k6r wrote
I wonder if that includes Dudeist preachers, ordained ministers of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or pastors of the Universal Life Church?
MrSchaudenfreude t1_irb8r9p wrote
Manheim, totally makes sense
BountifulScott t1_irb8sdi wrote
It's terrifying to think that we share a state, country and planet with a sizable number of people who believe they get daily messages from "God".
What's even worse is the number of people who will vote in lock-step with those people because they might get a tax cut out of it.
"Sure they think women are property, lgbtq people should be murdered and that non-Christians are abominations...but they also want the same middle class tax cut that I do!!"
ramvan t1_irb8wwi wrote
General Flynn and Team America is a terrible band name.
FarmersHusband t1_irb8x8r wrote
Christ. They really have nothing but conspiracy theories. It’s just incoherent screaming at this point.
FarmersHusband t1_irb97hh wrote
We need to start calling these people, “Republican Party Spokesperson”.
Because she is.
freedoomed t1_irb9d4h wrote
They picked some really terrible pictures of these people.
dangaaaaazone OP t1_irb9fji wrote
I was sad oz wasn’t there throwing diet pills:(
GrandMoffFartin t1_irbahh9 wrote
And one of the speakers will apparently be a corpse?
themanchicken t1_irbb2ts wrote
I hope Doug Mastriano and Dr Oz show up. We need everyone to see that this is who they are.
Jef_Wheaton t1_irbc3tf wrote
Im listening to the one about Mastriano right now. I knew he was a nut. I didn't know he's a stark raving lunatic who thinks there are lizard people in government.
felldestroyed t1_irbccfz wrote
She seems like a nice and stable person.
hashtagbob60 t1_irbcgjr wrote
Wow is an understatement!
hashtagbob60 t1_irbcu50 wrote
They should rent a Carnival Cruise ship and then I could use my favorite - "Ship of Fools"
yamethkiryu t1_irbdiem wrote
It’s funny how a lot of you guys really don’t take this serious. These people exist and are voting. Make fun of them all you want but they’re not going away and aren’t dumb. So funny how y’all think you’re better than them. Downvote me all you want but clearly 50% of the nation is dumb to you guys and it’s not the case. You’re all so oblivious and can’t accept people think differently than you.
Doctor_Joystick t1_irbdkzl wrote
This made me chuckle, thank you.
[deleted] t1_irbfmft wrote
char227 t1_irbfn55 wrote
Grumpicake t1_irbget0 wrote
This looks like a graphic gag on the Colbert report.
bakedbacon888 t1_irbhlz2 wrote
Manheim is just a giant used car lot
MoreOfAGrower t1_irbint3 wrote
The Ashley Babbit photo ops will be weird
Edison_Ruggles t1_irbj8f4 wrote
What the heck is this?
ActualPopularMonster t1_irbjk34 wrote
Um, excuse me, but his name is Eric Trump.
I thought you meant Roger Stone, but then you would've said "Satan's Asshole" instead.
Dispatcher12 t1_irbjowc wrote
Yep. Makes me real comfortable to be in a town where his sign is on so many yards.
Dispatcher12 t1_irbjs70 wrote
Sometimes I miss Chester County.
ActualPopularMonster t1_irbjvvw wrote
>using witches to destroy the world through abortion, gay marriage, children's toys, and media, including Harry Potter, Pokémon, Wizards of Waverly Place and Hannah Montana.
No we're not! We're using fucking Pinterest and Tic Tok to make witchcraft and paganism look cool! It's how we convert the young'uns.
ActualPopularMonster t1_irbjyr4 wrote
Free Hat!!!
Boxercrew4 t1_irbk8oi wrote
Do you know the date of that episode? I l want to listen and share it with my husband.
ActualPopularMonster t1_irbktkh wrote
Oh shit, really!? I grew up in Manheim, but I live in Lancaster now. If the people of Manheim are done with your shit, you done fucked up BIG time.
My family has often been involved in Farm Show stuff - I remember being in high school, and manning the FFA pizza stand one Wednesday. Good times!
Sandscarab t1_irbkzs5 wrote
3,000 tickets being sold in a town of 5,000 people. LMAO
ActualPopularMonster t1_irbl26b wrote
Sounds like a shitty wresting tag-team, with a flamboyant ringside "manager."
ActualPopularMonster t1_irbl5nx wrote
Circus of Mixed Nuts.
ActualPopularMonster t1_irbldpk wrote
Campers, everywhere.
NutmegsPunchBowl t1_irblf40 wrote
QAnon Anonymous episode #205, featuring Mastriano, was released today.
ramvan t1_irbltcx wrote
Oooooo! I’m picturing them as looking like Macho Man Randy Savage but only in sparkly red white and blue and turned up to 11, with the manager like the sleaziest snake oil salesman you can imagine.
ClemDooresHair t1_irbm5qd wrote
Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.
polgara_buttercup t1_irbmbct wrote
He should not be allowed to use that title anymore.
polgara_buttercup t1_irbmmvg wrote
I know there are several out of state teams who regularly travel to spooky nook for events that are cancelling them after this came out.
polgara_buttercup t1_irbmqdr wrote
Old Tyme is our favorite
polgara_buttercup t1_irbmu72 wrote
He’s just mad he didn’t get a chance to post it first!
porksoda11 t1_irbn357 wrote
Oh man I have to check this new one out. I've really enjoyed how they have all grown as journalists over the years. I naively thought all that Q shit would be gone after Trump lost the election, and boyyyy I was wrong lol.
Wickersaltlamp t1_irbndua wrote
I'd pay just to see the ghost
LordKaraka12 t1_irbnz6m wrote
Lmao so true
kidneycat t1_irbo68j wrote
Free illegal advertising. Churches can lose their tax exempt status by being openly political.
Nymatic t1_irbrzha wrote
I'll take one anti religion vaccine pls.
Silver-Hburg t1_irbt7g8 wrote
Mastriano is the lower right corner pretty sure he’ll be there in Captain Jesus or Confederate soldier cosplay
StyreneAddict1965 t1_irbt933 wrote
Lindell is gonna be fun since the SC killed his appeal.
StyreneAddict1965 t1_irbtl98 wrote
The first did happen, about 200 years ago, and involved real Christian religions. This one, not so much.
Electr_O_Purist t1_irbuvc7 wrote
I see Drinky McDrivo, the former gym owner and disgraced political never-was, is bringing his unique brand of anti-science machismo.
iTardigrade t1_irbv0q5 wrote
Do you think I could possibly receive the 3001st ticket if I proved my righteous orthodoxy to be pure & untainted, but had no funds?
AeAeR t1_irbvyok wrote
The fact that I can’t even get some succubi action is pretty disheartening if this is going on as much as she thinks. I’d even settle for some reptilian spirit action at this point, I ain’t picky.
CrzyDave t1_irbw3w3 wrote
OMG this looks so freakin boring. Who would want to go watch a bunch of hard headed geezers wine about how hard they have it.
Cry me a river bitches.
Sufficient-Lab-5769 t1_irc17id wrote
Toilet Bowl of Turdz
ThisIsMyPaAccount t1_irc35eo wrote
They have hosted trump events there before also they treated the womens field hockey team like complete dogshit. Those are just some off the top of the head things i can think of in 30 seconds too.
[deleted] t1_irc3gt2 wrote
[deleted] t1_irc4des wrote
Boxercrew4 t1_irc6lgb wrote
e22ddie46 t1_irc892f wrote
Quite frankly, they convinced me I'd rather date a witch than a Catholic.
ActualPopularMonster t1_irca733 wrote
The whole "do no harm, but take no shit" philosophy is pretty sexy, I must admit.
SWPenn t1_ircac5x wrote
Well, if you swallow their crap you're either a white nationalist, a white supremacist, an anti-semite, a televangelical, or a nazi who think Trump is a god. My grandfather fought a war against these people who "think differently" and who stood by while people were sent to death camps.
Jef_Wheaton t1_ircf83k wrote
Episode 205, "Q Pilled Midterms featuring Ryan Briggs", released yesterday.
Jef_Wheaton t1_ircfxx0 wrote
I just came back from a work trip to Buffalo, via rural Meadville area. Madtriano signs EVERYWHERE. (It's hilarious that my phone autocorrects to "Madtriano", so I'm leaving it. It corrects "on" to "in" all the time, which I hate.)
amilbarge00 t1_ircghn2 wrote
Dumbest comment I’ve read in ages. Wow.
bandanajack t1_ircguwc wrote
MacMac105 t1_irchkcm wrote
This is the most confusing posters I've ever seen. At first I thought it was all the speaker and notable attendees but then I saw Bill Gates. So, I thought the left was speakers and the right was the people they don't like but it seems loke Mike Lindell is both on the left and right?
Oh and one of the dudes is dead.
sixtoe72 t1_ircik2l wrote
R.I.P. Ass Dan.
IamSauerKraut t1_irck2ak wrote
Shame on the Nook. No wonder the USA Field Hockey team left that venue.
IamSauerKraut t1_ircndoq wrote
The Spooky Nook sports complex is in East Hempfield Township, not any of the Manheims. Closer to Rapho, too; just across the creek.
sx70forlifexx t1_ircnwvl wrote
Professional_Fish250 t1_ircy66h wrote
Yeah but I feel like that never happens, my uncles church is extremely open politically, they would not stop talking about trump during my uncle’s renewing wedding vows, and had anti democratic pamphlets in the back, they’ve even booked tours to DC for anti abortion protests
Old_Moment7914 t1_irczpel wrote
Where are the saudis with jetliners when you really need them?
Old_Moment7914 t1_ird0exn wrote
When God said brains she thought he said grain,no thanks I’m gluten intolerant she replied
hedgerow_hank t1_ird1v5f wrote
That is correct.
scroopynoopersdid911 t1_ird94cf wrote
Dae see Obama?
AlbrechtSchoenheiser t1_irdjdni wrote
That could be the album cover for Sgt. Grifter's Lonely MAGA scam
Soccermom233 t1_irdtmit wrote
Lolol Jim Breuer
AnotherDaveFella t1_ire03ih wrote
Your grandfather fought a war against United States citizens?
You sure he wasn't the nazi?
Avaisraging439 t1_ire5apc wrote
....and other jokes we tell people. Seriously though, nothing will happen to a church especially if it's in a majority conservative place. We can't expect conservative cities, counties, and state supreme court's to actually have integrity.
[deleted] t1_ire77rq wrote
kidneycat t1_ire78jy wrote
They get reported to the IRS, not locally. You just need proof of something explicitly political - them asking you to vote for someone or whatever.
I’m not going to be naïve and say it’s that simple, but yeah, this flyer is definitely leaning on pastors breaking this law and thereby potentially losing their tax exempt status. Good riddance.
Avaisraging439 t1_ire7imp wrote
We'll see if this actually happens though come tax season. A church in Central PA hosted a movie about Doug Mastriano since it got dropped by another movie theater for too much negative press. It was massive too like thousands of people from all over the state.
That would certainly be an example but they'll just argue religious freedom since the overlap of politics and religion is deep and hard to fight IMO
kidneycat t1_ire855y wrote
If it’s a separate group renting the church, I think it’s safe unfortunately, but if the pastor were to say anything explicitly endorsing mastriano, they would potentially have issues if someone recorded and reported. I don’t find myself in churches, but I could see it happening if I knew something like this was going on. In fact, it would make for a really interesting documentary. Most people aren’t aware you can (and should) report churches for doing this.
Avaisraging439 t1_ire8pkb wrote
My exact point, hosting him is a clear endorsement, churches are places of worship and not movie theaters, the movie was not a reenactment of religious texts either (to my knowledge).
kidneycat t1_ire9q7b wrote
Holy shit. You’re right. We have actually gone there. Reality has decided to fold in on itself.
HoratiosGhost t1_irehr7p wrote
Oh! So she is fucking idiot. Got it.
WinterWontStopComing t1_ireifkg wrote
I’ll grab the bricks
WinterWontStopComing t1_ireio5o wrote
Seriously. Is there a united group in the states that help destroy the exemptions of politicized churches? Like we need a network for this if it doesn’t exist already.
kidneycat t1_irenz37 wrote
Not that I know of, in fact, I didn’t know it existed until earlier this year, but tbh, I think it would make an awesome YouTube series or better yet a documentary. It could really have a huge impact on America. So many people rely on church as their source of truth.
WinterWontStopComing t1_ireog1w wrote
No we need a connected coalition to stop this directly at the pulpits, utilizing things like youtube and social media I suppose. Capture every act of inciting violence, every act of hate and every fucking political thing that comes out of their frothing, politically antichristian mouths.
Out every last one
Library-Unique t1_irfctpv wrote
Think they'll sell 3000 tickets?
yamethkiryu t1_irgfaz4 wrote
I’m deadass a Latina women. Dumbass.
yamethkiryu t1_irggj67 wrote
The point is that people follow this and you can’t accept it. People legit follow this, and it’s half the country. So now what?
Speakslinux t1_irsbt1o wrote
The owner of Spooky Nook Sam and Melody Beiler are of course staunch republicans. When it comes to politics he is definitely far right. I've met his daughter. She is a goddess. Holy moly... His wife is also very beautiful. .... Sorry getting off topic, but both are beautiful.
ilikeyoureyes t1_isb21i0 wrote
I guess I was just lucky where I was sitting > > Parade incident: Olivia Knight, a Penn Township resident who was riding on the float, said she moved to Manheim four years ago, and this was the first time she experienced the Farm Show Parade. “I expected some negative feedback, however, I was astounded by the physical acts of violence (candy throwing) from the spectators, not just in one location, but throughout the parade,” she said. Borough resident Donna Hlavacek said she has been one of the riders on the organization’s float in the past, but wasn’t on it this year and wasn’t aware that riders had candy thrown at them until after the parade. “For many years the Democrats have experienced verbal taunts, catcalls, boos, etc. While unpleasant, it is the right of any citizen to express an opinion. This year, the verbal expression elevated into physical acts. The objects were thrown with force, and what was candy this year can easily progress to more harmful objects next year,” she said. She said the organization is asking borough leadership to express their concern to Farm Show leaders and for additional security for next year’s parade. When contacted after the meeting, Knight said committee Chair Joshua Bennett contacted the Manheim Farm Show committee via email Oct. 9 or 10 to alert them about the incident. >
opusupo t1_irao22n wrote
These people are bat shit crazy anti-patriots, noone should be listening to anything they say.